What the fuck did you faggots do to Steam??

What the fuck did you faggots do to Steam??

Attached: 2019-05-31 21_24_14-Steam.png (1449x727, 1.25M)

we filtered the normies with it

wow ive fapped to this game before and i didnt even know it was a game

We've unleashed Sexual Liberation upon it.

Don't get too excited, it's an old game and those are all pre-rendered 2D images. It's no Koikatsu.

we've saved steam.

w-why does she know so much about love-making...?

extensive practical training at meido school

literally gifs

Everyone who uses steam is a normalfag

Bullshit, it's full blown 3DCG, all quality animation too. Next I hope they bring Glass and New Glass and then Sexaloid Girlfriend.

It seems like first game is censored, but the second one is not

This is the "sex-positive" and "pro-sex-worker" "Games Store" liberals wanted, and by God they got it, even if it came at the cost of actual games and Western morality. Is it any wonder that Epic Games and their ilk are taking over? None of the people this appeals to actually buy games anyway, they just want to brag about their degeneracy that will destroy the West.

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>not Lusty Argonian Maid

Fucking plebs.

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gog is myth
epic is a joke
we all pawn controlled by something greater
steam, the dna of the gamers

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is this real

turned it into the anti-Sony

is this the designated american seethe thread?

>Sleeping with the help

You were raised wrong

>there is sequel
Oh boi

nigger if all my help looked like that, I would sleep with them all