Yea Forums suddenly hates modern warfare 2

>Yea Forums suddenly hates modern warfare 2
What the fuck happened?

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Speak for yourself fag, I love it.


one man army pro + noob tubes

>Yea Forums trolls just realized they could use MW2 to bait people harder*


it was the last cod I played, its was trash


85% of Yea Forums are people larping as boomers pretending all games after the year 1998 are bad

well they arent entirely wrong but its still obnoxious

Yea Forums became a bunch of pussies that can't watch civillians being mowed down.


Yes, suddenly. Yea Forums has always loved COD


Prove me wrong, then. Newfaggot

I remember getting my first nuke on April 21, 2010.

My setup:
UMP45, Silencer
Spas12, Grip
Marathon Pro (?)
Stopping Power Pro
Ninja Pro

Attached: 1539040382900.jpg (518x493, 73K)

im playing it right now you FAG

Oh, and my killstreaks were

Nuke, obviously

Never played this or any COD, should I check this out? Do I need to have played the previous ones prior to playing this?

I sadly don't remember my MW2 loadout or loadout when I got a first nuke.
Though I did manage to get a lucky full team kill with a Stealth Bomber killstreak.
I'd suggest trying out COD:WaW alongside MW2.

cod games are console trash. Always been, always will be. Modern warfare solo was a painfully uninteresting scripted mess for mongoloids. The online was passable at best.

Different CODs have different stories, like Final Fantasy games.
COD4, MW2 and MW3 are one.
COD World at War, Black Ops and Black Ops 2 are another (there's Black Ops 3 and 4, but 3's story has almost nothing to do with the previous ones, and BO4 doesn't even have a campaign).

Then there's individual games who weren't succesful enough to become their own subfranchises like Advanced Warfare, Ghosts or Infinite Warfare.

I'd say the ones worth playing are the three MW games, and WaW, Black Ops and Black Ops 2.
Then try the others if you want more.

Fuck off, NPC cuck.

I love MW2 so much.

This is true games are shit

Why do normalfags and children always get so buttblasted about cod?

I guess? It's a run and gun Hollywood series. It's stupid fun and that what makes it fun to play for most.

Why do no other games have that 80-90s action movie feel that these games had?

So I'm gonna get the first MW, should I play the original or the remastered version?

No idea, does the remastered version still require you to have Advanced Warfare or something?

If your PC can handle it, the remaster, it's the same game but with the graphics of the latest COD games.
One of the few good remakes that have been made lately.

Although barely anyone plays the multiplayer.
So, if you are on PC, just pirate them.

It's just originally you could only get it by buying the expensive editions of Infinite Warfare, but is it's own thing, and they started selling it separately lately.

>buttblasted about the most popular and mainstream shooter series prior to fortnite
You're the normalfag you mongoloid.

Alright, I'd just say grab the remaster instead.

Well, I'm seeing torrents for just the remaster so I guess not.

Not just the same game, they have smoother movement mechanics and faster ADS, best displayed when comparing MHC on vanilla and remaster.

I'm pretty sure they're going to be buttblasted on the new MW going off the 2 missions we know of so far in the game.

No custom servers no buy

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As the other guy said, there's different storylines in the games.
Modern Warfare games are all set in contemporary times and are basically Michael Bay movies in FPS form, entertaining in their own way and have simple but kinda engaging stories.
The other two however are much better for me.
World at War is just a regular WWII game, but Black Ops is set in the Cold War, it's tied to WaW due to returning characters, but it's interesting due to how the game is more about the more CIA, MKUltra brainwashing parts of Cold War than say, Vietnam.
And then Black Ops 2 is maybe the best campaign in COD games, it's a direct sequel to BO1 and has both missions in the 80's and in 2025, it has a branching story like in Mass Effect games where you take choices, find stuff and this changes the outcome of future missions and you can get different endings depending on what you do.

Ask any normalfag about CoD and he'll say the usual "CoD BAD".

then who the fuck is buying these games? Even the supposed train wrecks are selling upwards of ten million units

Nobody buys these games anymore, it's a dead franchise mate.

Dead games dont sell upwards of 10 million units