Modern WoW is shit

>modern WoW is shit
>classic is cool but it won't have the best expansion with one of the best classes
Anyone else kind of bummed by this? I think the ultimate version of WoW would be vanilla, BC, WotLK and MoP, minus the world changes from Cata. MoP probably had the best class design in the game's history and it itself was a really great experience. The monk class was fucking great

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Other urls found in this thread:

I can only assume people who think MoP was the best started no earlier than Cata because that shit completely fails to compute otherwise

>minus the world changes from Cata.
Why does it fucking matter? No one leaves the cities after max level.

Fuck Monks, Fuck Death Knights, Fuck Pandas, Fuck Blood Elves, and Fuck OP

MoP was unironically good as far as nu-WoW goes

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The Timeless Isle was really good and resembled Vanilla. Which is why they never used the concept again.

Stfu chink.

>muh pandas
yiff in hell

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kill yourself

I never quite understood the "destroying the economy" part of this.

yiff in hell furtard

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mistweaver monk is the most unique healing class and really fun to play

MoP was a small pocket of cool design in the otherwise irredeemable sea of trash that is nu-WoW.

In WoD the economy got fucked to the point of millions of gold being achievable by casual players. The falloff is HC players back in the day sub using gold, and to do that they give their gold to other players. That's over 200k just getting tossed around no effort.

Assitionally this fucked AHs, now that levelling profs is irrelevant as well, end game mats are worth a couple of gold or so, but early game mats (linen) are worth 20-50 gold each since only hard core players level profs.

But what does that have to do with streamers in Classic?

Regardless, I'm curious - how did WoD generate so much gold? Was it the garrisons? What about them was the culprit?

pandaria was shit, and so are you for reminding me of it.

can someone explain why everyone hates pandaren? i mean, disregard furry stuff and just look at the race itself. i think its pretty fucking neat.

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this isnt what they look like in game

Vanilla 9.5/10
TBC 9.3/10
WOTLK 7.6/10
Cata 5.9/10
MOP 6.8/10
WOD 5/10
Legion 5.5/10
BfA 4/10

>i think its pretty fucking neat.
Explain why. To me, they appear to be fucking retarded.

It's not wrong to fuck a Panda

>Was it the garrisons?

>What about them was the culprit?
Spameable follower missions, you just had to build the inn and recruit heroes with epic mount and ofc you could do this with multiple characters.

mop basically solidified the disneyfication of the style in wow/warcraft, and it's most blatantly apparent in the design and animation of the pandas.

I want a Void Elf wife

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WoW is for fucking losers. Why would you want to play an inferior video game?

Vanilla 11/10 for being the GOAT mmo
TBC 0/10 for ruining the GOAT mmo
Wrath 9/10 for dabbing on TBC fags who are still to retarded to realize wrath was to tbc what tbc was to vanilla
Cata and MoP were 5/10. Both were extremely gay and retarded and all I did was play the AH, pick flowers, and ERP

could you imagine if they didn't make them so fat in game

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The pandas were gay as fuck but the rest was good,they should have just left the pandas out and people would have it in the running for best expac.

MoP was good in terms of nu-WoW, sure. If you like nuWoW you're literally a faggot and retarded.

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Monk is the only reason I played as long as I did. Windwalker and Mist are fun. Nothing compares.

Vanilla WoW and nuWoW are both awful. Play Baldurs Gate or something.

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How much gold would each mission bring in?

I'm still operating on WotLK numbers in my head, where I had 200k gold and it was considered a lot.

looks pretty bara bait tier if you ask me

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>mentally ill user reposting the same images

I don't remember exactly but I generated like 3 millions in a few months with 3 characters.

i dont even know what that means i'm assuming you mean furry shit or something
Worgons are far worse in that regard anyways

MoP was surprisingly great but people really jumped on the "WTF pandas" hate wagon. Shitting on MoP (often despite not actually even playing) was an easy way to pretend you had "good taste".

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>But what does that have to do with streamers in Classic?
Instead of people buying and selling shit naturally, their gold will be funnelled into one or two guys who will either give it away randomly, hoard it, or worst case scenario corner the market by buying and reselling things in bulk for a higher markup with a fraction of the effort that would normally take.

>how did WoD generate so much gold? Was it the garrisons? What about them was the culprit?
Lets say you have 10 characters at max level in WoD, pretty fucking easy to do due to all the treasures scatered around along with the +exp potion.
With decent followers there were missions you could take which would net you at least 100-350g within 4-8 hours.
Multiple of these missions could appear.
That's around 1000-3500g every day, for five minutes of clicking and loading screens.
And that shit could be done on an app.
That's without getting into the shit that is your garrisons mine and herb garden or profession buildings, you could literally spend all your time online inside your garrison and make a tidy profit.

She looks very young user.

She's very beautiful, yes.

WoWfags are mentally ill.


Or MoP was shit and you have shit taste.

Why was it shit? No, "pandas are dumb/dont fit" is not a valid answer.

MoP was the best expansion to wow. Assblasted wrathbabies go home.

I can't help that I want an Elf wife to make half-elves with.

I never got the hatred for pandas and saying they don't fit
they were in Warcraft 3 which is basically the start of Warcraft in general

In my opinion, MoP is the only good expansion post Wrath. It stumbled at the beginning with the abundance of dailies, but got better, then stumbled again when it started to center around Orcs. It's my favorite expansion, but I wouldn't say it's the best expansion. It certainly doesn't deserve the majority of the hate just because of Kung fu panda memes when the expansion does have some actual flaws that even I would say is bullshit.


>Instead of people buying and selling shit naturally...
I suppose that could have an effect, but I don't feel like the magnitude is there for something I'd consider "destruction." Still, it'll be best to avoid the servers with the big streamers. I hope people are on top of that shit to let us know what to avoid when the time comes.

>1000-3500g every day, for five minutes of clicking and loading screens.
That's pretty ba-
>And that shit could be done on an app.


Pandaria was the consolidation of the downfall of WoW and its not canon.

Gay furry pandering pandas is what completely killed WOW for me and I knew I would never be back when that released. Yiff in hell

MoP no doubts had the best pvp that's a given
but socially the game was already dead, raids were nice too but that could be said about even WoD.
Also fuck what they did to garrosh "hur dur lets make him hitler because we dont have a clear villain at the start of the expansion" just make add another filler patch and put lei-shen as the final boss or something MoP was clearly a "filler" expansion with not much major going on until the very ending.

Exactly. Plus, why is panda people so much worse than cow people, or walrus people, etc.

SoO patch was meh but before that was great, especially raid wise. MSV was a great raid.

Its always pretty easy to tell who hasn't actually played wow since vanilla/BC, but still pretends like they know what they're talking about because shitting on things makes them feel popular and intelligent.

>Wow classic doesn't have another furry race and pseudodruid

Cute Panda

>why is panda people so much worse than cow people, or walrus people, etc.
ill tell you. theyre furries. same with female worgen. end of story, their design is furry design. the continent was fine, cool even. nice music. but monk class and pandas were trash

>Fall asleep to MadSeasonShow
>YouTube starts autoplaying 1 of Asmongold's 500 channels that he uses to game the algorithm
>Wake up and I've given him 5 hours of watched time
>My YouTube recommendations are completely fucked for weeks
I hate this man so fucking much

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Disable youtube history and you won't get recommendations

Good job proving him right
They're the same shit as the races that existed before

that app thing was introduced in legion not wod.


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tauren and walrus people are not furries. if you dont know the difference between anthropomorphic characters and furries, theres no point in this conversation

So you shit on it because it was "cool" to shit on it, got it.

What exactly is great about MOP's class design? To me, it just seemed like every class was able to do everything.

That is literally untrue. There was a new version in legion but it was pretty much the same thing.

if you think introducing a race that was in Warcraft 3 as a main race when that's an obvious nobrainer was just furry bait in a year that furries weren't even a thing

your just a retarded boomer/kid trying to fit in that jumped on the hate wagon and need to chill the fuck out

Modern wow is pretty good I don't see the problem

>tauren and walrus people are not furries.
They literally are.

>if you dont know the difference between anthropomorphic characters and furries, theres no point in this conversation
That's right, you shouldn't be talking then. They're both fucking furries.

kek I love whoever makes this shit

the fact that youre outing yourself as a furry doesnt help your case. why are you arguing just to argue? if you had any reading comprehension you would understand that im talking about the specific design of the pandaren race in wow being furry in style. i should have specified it was the female thats the issue. the male, like the male worgen looks more bestial. but of course they had to make the female "cute" like the worgen. you can't tell me the one single warcraft 3 panda shares design philosophy with a world of warcraft female pandaren with a pink hairdo.

>in a year that furries weren't even a thing

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>the fact that you're outing yourself as a furry
Literally never said that
>specific design of the pandaren race in wow being furry in style
Furries didn't really exist then, so what style?

they just made pandas standing up just like cow people standing up
they also made female tuaren more cute
You can't leave tuaren alone and shit on pandas
that just means your a mad little kid wanting to shit on one of the better xpac cause muh streamers told you too

Man, you're really desperate to be "accepted" aren't you? I get it, attention feels good, but there are better, longer lasting ways than just jumping on with whatever bandwagon you think is "cool".

obviously they were retard but not even a decade ago furries were far far far far far far more obscure dumb-ass these fucking zoomers literally can't remember 7 years ago
its kind of sad, really

>Cata and MoP were 5/10. Both were extremely gay and retarded and all I did was play the AH, pick flowers, and ERP
>pick flowers, and ERP
Sounds less like Cata and MoP was gay and retarded, and more like you were gay and retarded

?? tauren are gay too, bro. if you arent a human or dwarf, you belong on the list

>obviously they were retard
Thanks for admitting you were wrong!

>pandas are furry bait
>taurens are too then
>Lol those don't count cause their gay

yikes these kids, man.

how can it hurt your feelings so much that someone might not like female pandas? i dont give a fuck if you fap to them

>MOP had the best class design
Top meme

MOP is when class design was thrown out the window and everyone was made the same, talents were stripped out and replaced by force cookie cutter specializations and talents that you just swapped on the fly for the boss/dungeon you were doing

There was no class design in MOP, just minigames and rep grinds

Would you a Panda?

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to be fair, it's not asmon who cuts shit out of his stream and reuploads it for easy views

im so sick of this furry boogyman
they are a NEW thing, you fucking retards and i missed the days when media used cute animals as mascots/charaters without needing to be called furry bait
Its pathetic that you faggots care so much that some loser jerks off to 2d drawings of animal people

well tauren arent really an issue. they arent as furry as panda and worgen females. sorry you jack to furry porn and cant see past it

are you fucking joking user, MoP was peak class design, classes were well balanced and at the height of their complexity before the "pruning" meme took off in WoD

It's literally a single mentally ill gay furry from /wowg/ samefagging to try to force this meme.

>anthropomorphic panda girls with tits are furry

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because your pic has nothing to do with the game.
Pandas/Pandaren were an easter egg, silly joke in warcraft.
Making a huge installment of the game based of 1 joke is not a good idea user.
specially after cata, which was nothing but jokes and shat on the game harder than TBC, its mixed bag of tons of bad shit that is too long to list really. its just "I hate pandas" thats just one of the probably hundreds of reasons and not even the main one.

they're really big, she's like 7 feet tall or something

which is fine by me

I don't know what to tell you user, furries have been around since the early 90s and beyond
You are simply wrong

The in-game models don't look anywhere near as tolerable as the illustration you just posted

Also "A race of pandas with chinese/asian motifs" is creatively lazy. Possibly lazier than ripping off warhammer. But maybe I'm dead fucking wrong because tauren is so close to that.

show me a female tauren with an hourglass figure and pink ponytail.

I miss old pandaren when they were elemental samurai who liked to drink

Then china got mad and banned WC3 from china because pandaren used japanese themes so they reworked pandaren to be china friendly rather then a homoginization of the best parts of all asian cultures.

why are you so fucking mad
like you say stupid shit
and are in full denial mode
chill out already
if pandas are furrybait and that ruined wow, than tuarens did first


they really haven't unless were talking about like 3 dudes on a fourm
which come the fuck on
at that point than they existed since 5000 bc when some random caveman thought goat woman would be hot
but thats retarded

Yeah, giving everyone every 3 different buttons each for mobility defensives and offensives and making CC easily spamable was fantastic game design

Forcing everyone into RNG proc based rotations was also peak game design.

this much cope lmao
minotaurs are deeply rooted archetypes of villains in classical cultures throughout the world
panda people is just some gay furry larp shit

Don't worry, neither does the left and that's why they push for inflationary policies.
Money serves as both a good and a medium of exchange. It can be any good, not just what we know of money. It has value because everyone or at least most people want it(aka you can exchange it for anything with anyone) and because it's scarce. IRL gold has a finite supply and has been successfully used as money over the course of history because of this. In capitalism, the supply of goods and services grow faster than the supply of gold, thus the price of goods tend to fall in respect to gold(this happened mostly in the XIX century usa). But when you use meme money like wow gold and paper bills(of any kind), the same rules apply, but now you don't have a supply of money defined by the existence of a shiny rock on the surface of the planet. This meme money can be created by the whim of those who control it and it can be created infinitely with no cost whatsoever. So, now the supply of money can grow faster than the supply of goods, thus setting in motion the inverse process of the lowering of prizes, which is inflation. Inflation doesn't really mean that the prices go up, but rather that the value of money diminishes. As you see with wow gold, it's purely the devs fault that they made the supply of gold grow so much that it broke the economy.

Vanilla 7/10
TBC 9/10
WotLK 3/10

"there only furry when i say so"

yike snaon x3000
and lets talk about female worgon

face it you faggots are mad because mop was asian inspired, and that upsets you
it has nothing to do with fucking pandas

IIT: we pretend we played MoP

Yeah they're around that height

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>like 3 dudes on a forum
user there were furry conventions in the 90s
Quit while you're ahead, you are objectively wrong here

China banned Warcraft 3 because it is illegal to have movies and games where pandas are killed, even anthro ones, because they are threatened as a specie.

I think gnomes are stupid as a whole but I still know they aren't out of place in the setting. Pandaranss are just as viable as as tauren or tuskarr, but since I'm not thirsty for literally anyones approval I'm not pretending like I know what I'm talking about despite the opposite being painfully obvious to everyone else.

female worgen are also furry. arguably the first step in that direction.

ever notice that female tauren are one of the least used race/gender combos? now look around at the female worgen and pandas running around. furry bait

The pruning meme took off in Cata, but I imagine that was before your time.

>people are unironically defending pruning now
jesus christ, you didn't even play during MoP did you?

But you are okay with wolf men, cow men, fish men, green little men, walrus men, crab men, ox men, 10 different types of elves? But panda men is too cartoonish?

"if i keep saying the other side is just coping while i have a mental break down. i win."
was the monkey king a furry then user?
Were ancient asain tales of spirit animals guiding people
is that furry shit than user?

and lol blizzard making female tureen cute isn't to get people horny. that's just a Minotaur aesthetic
your so fucking pathetic dude

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we get it. you love female pandaren. give it up

Holy shit I haven't heard of this retarded meme in literally over a decade. And no, no such Chinese law exist. Feel free to google it.

no one fucking plays pandas or worgons you retard
Literally the most popular races are fuckings elves and humans
Literally what are you goin about
On top of that even if tuaren arnt popular(like pandas) how does that make that less furryshit then pandas
actually explain that too me

stop fucking coping

MoP was unironically one of, if not the best expansion for PVPfags


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Im literally just saying you can't get mad at pandas while leaving tuaren alone
You fucking kids deny so god damn much

that is not canon design, that is a tauren drawn by a furry. you need to get out into the real world user. youre broken. you literally dont know what constitutes furry. old disney movies with animal characters arent furry. the web comics you jerk off to every night are furry

please direct me to examples of this pruning. In cataclysm, each class got three new spells between 80 and 85. In MoP, each class got one new spell on the way to 90. It wasn't until WoD that they scrapped adding in new spells in expansions and started gutting existing classes.

oh's retarded...

sorry but there arent cross cultural references to panda people in antiquity
thus anime panda people are a poor fit for a classical western fantasy setting relative to minotaurs
cope harder and go whack off to more furry shit, yiff in hell dawg

Too bad Pandaren girls don't look this cute in game

The design philosophies of Classic and Nu WoW were entirely different but MoP was great in its own right.

Furry = anthropomorphic animals. Nothing more, nothing less. Anthropomorphic animals are nothing new for Warcraft and you're a fucking idiot.

Yikes full cope denial mode
Mop-hating bandwagners are literal children that just get mad because people tell them too

They look pretty close to that dude if the models weren't shit
its clearly what blizzard was aiming for or the femlaes would have more muscle like the males

Yea I quit wow after tbc came out. It was awful at the time. Hell closed beta vanilla was great until they let almost everyone in. Pets started to lag behind your character and they started dumbing down everything even further. Gimme that closed beta vanilla version a year before release.

>getting THIS fucking assblasted that someone called you out on your child-level grammar
>continuing to fuck up basic grammar in the next post

Coping this hard to the point of thinking pandas are more popular than fucking elves in wow
Lol dude I can't you people anymore

"its only furry bait when i say so because if i had to set the rules to everything i would look retarded"
user cow girls are the same thing as panda girls
get over it dude

You know pruning started in MOP

Try fucking playing a mage and getting interrupted, its fucking cancer that you can't cast a frostfire bolt or fireball if your frostbolt gets kicked

Or are we also going to just ignore that affliction locks couldn't use immolate anymore?

Giving everyone a billion PVP utilities also didn't make them better, it made them bad, there was no counter play, MOP was litterally the expansion where "first team to blow their CDs loses" the expansion, and thats after you get your fucking PVP power items because without those you were fucked.

There is a reason why WOD pruned all of the CDs and PVP stats, because MOP was really really fucking bad, like worse then HOTS balance bad.

Divine Intervention is the first thing that comes to mind.

I used to shit on MoP a bunch because of pandas but when i actually played through it when i resubbed for WoD i've gotta admit it was pretty legit. Great world and the quality of assets was really high. The visuals were top tier Then again i didn't have to deal with all the dailies or the raid grind so i probably missed out on the worst part

So what about goat people (draenai), bear people (furbolgs), deer people (dryads), wolf people (worgen), dragon people (drakonids), goat people (sayters), hyena people (gnolls), bird people (harpies), fish people (murlocs), etc?
I'm sure those are fine and dont count because they were there when you played, right?

>being so retarded you derail the convo the second you lose
that's called actual cope user

this is pointless. youre having an argument in your head a this point. its honestly pathetic. go re-read my post. who said anything about elves? god damn youre stupid

>disambiguating the definition of furry this much to defend your lameass point

orcs and humans and elves are the same btw because they both are furless hominids btw

so much cope

I'm not the guy you're arguing with you absolute retard
Don't you have homework to do? Elementary school kiddies still have a few weeks left

you have no idea what youre talking about. do yourself a favor and just google "furry" or "furries"

sorry which of those were playable races i forgot.
oh yeah thats right none
yiff in hell pandafucker

Are you actually incapable of making your point without resorting to middle school tier responses?

ever notice that female tauren are one of the least used race/gender combos? now look around at the female worgen and pandas running around. furry bait

This puts across the idea that pandas and worgans are only popular because of furry bait, while tuarens are not because their not popular

I stated all of them are unpopular compared to elves and humans so there clearly not furry bait

you started losing your fucking mind and went into cope mode

>disambiguating the definition of furry this much to defend your lameass point
Yeah, you really need to stop doing that.
Making up your own definitions for a well established thing just proves yourself wrong.

Take your own advice moron
The definition you'll find everywhere is "anthropomorphic animal" and "person who likes anthropomorphic animals"
You can't pick and choose here, if you cry about pandaren being furry you're also crying about tauren being furry

Why does being playable change how they fit in the setting? Because that was the original issue. I'm sure you just "misunderstood" and you're not moving the goalposts so blatantly, right?

Draenei are demon people not goat people. Goat people would be satyrs. Out of the rest of the ones you mentioned, the only ones intentionally drawn to be aesthetically attractive are dryads, and it was the humanoid half of them, they were half humanoid half animal, not traditionally furry.

can we admit the monk class was cool as shit

windwalker monk: one of the most fun DPS classes
brewaster: one of the most unique tank classers
mistweaver: a really fun and compelling healer class with beautiful mist and an interesting model of keeping the mist active

you're actually just stupid. im done

anyone playing MoP on TauriWOW or however the fuck its called?

Reminder Chris Metzen wanted a Naga race in vanilla wow.

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>Fuck Blood Elves
I wish

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Jump into the convo to keep derailing
get told off
"your just a kid"

Dude this board is fucking retarded man. they spout stupid shit and go into cope mode every fucking time
if you gotta resort to "your not using grammer" on a fucking ANONYMOUS board
you already lost
give up and go to sleep

Concession accepted! Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

How does normal races being popular among normal people who vastly outnumber furries disprove the fact that furry races are popular among furry subhumans?

Look like goats
Not furry cause muh demons
People hate pandas cause furries
he stated a bunch of furry shit that existed before pandas
but that's fine?

4/10, good job getting two replies out of me

society will never accept you, Furry. Yiff in Hell. if you won't make an argument in good faith, im out.

btw, this was fun. MoP was actually a pretty cool expac, furries and monks aside.

Because NPCs are non actors and thus immutable by the intentions and story telling purposes of Blizzard

Playable races on the other hand gives furfags fursuits to run around gaying shit up by LARPing as a fucking promiscuous panda

They are by nature lore breaking and become thematically driven by the actors inhabiting them which are 99% insufferable furhomos

windwalker was pretty shitty design wise IIRC, there was no depth to spec at all


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No, why would anyone play that garbage expansion? Furries already unlocked their pandas so they're happily enjoying them in Goldshire.

>anyone who plays WoW
also everyone who posts on Yea Forums is mentally ill you faggot

How does this not apply to the Tuaren
the main part of this discussion?

>damage controlling this hard

Please post pandas

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seethe harder faggot

they just needed to not focus so much on the brewmaster theme of the class from wc3
and made it a vanilla monk

They look like demons except they're blue. Their only goat features are their legs and arguably horns, both of which are demonic features in mythology. Compare them with actual goat people, satyrs.

Mistweaver is the BEST healing class of all. prove me wrong

there just goat people
yeah demons sure
but there goat people
lets be real for a second

Ok, so they only count if you personally decide it counts, got it.

honestly this is all the argument thats needed. other "pre-existing furries" are nothing like this, bar female worgen

open your eyes

Tauren were not drawn to be furrybait the way pandaren and Cata worgen were.

fucking lol dude
this isnt furry bait, but muh pandas are?

Attached: femTauren02.jpg (920x592, 208K)

Do they make goat sounds? Do they have goat fur? What non-demonic goat features do they have?

agreed. it says something when this degeneracy wasnt around before cata and mop

>being so illiterate that you just hotswap the argument for your own retarded interpretation

anyway stop touching yourself to cartoon animals its why your brain is rot


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The vanilla model clearly isn't.

horns and hooves
just like pandas would just be walking bears if it wasnt for the fur
dude everyone agrees their just goat people
like I don't even know why your trying to argue this so hard

... user.... those were designed by the current wow team that made pandas and worgen you god damn fool. jesus christ, can you think?

>patches provided heaps of content, lots of patches that were planned from the start were mostly implemented (seen from blizzcon planning presentation)
>each patch was filled to the brim with daily quests to access said content (launch, 5.1 story arcs, isle of thunder, timeless isle)

>epitome of ghostcrawlers "bring the player, not the class" mentality, giving classes access to a bunch of new spells and abilities making pvp/pve great and mostly the player's fault more than anything else
>was the epitome of "bring the player, not the class", causing a lot of classes to start being reliant of procs, or simple build and expell playstyles, which could come down to bullshit luck via trinket procs and such to win

>brings back full raids starting with one of the best they made, ToT. bosses were actually some of the most fun and well designed fights, with a few exceptions
>some healer intensive fights were breaking the game, due ot the large amount of numbers from 25 heroic raids spamming aoe heals and cooldowns for fights like Megaera which could cause delays upto 5 seconds to register all the number mess

Look at the left side of the image you absolute retard
It's the same design

yes it does?
at this point user theirs no convincing you
you dug in and won't see reason
like stop coping dude
if pandas are furries
so are tuaren

Tauren have horns and hooves too. Are they goat people?

>retconning the past with the future to make your to make your argument


yeah, im done. youre 12 or a fucking moron. pick one

Me too user, me too

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This is bait

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legitimately autistic

no but we call them cow people because of it? which just helps my point desu
again why you even trying to argue that draina are not goat people

>no argument
>ad hominem
Concession accepted! Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

legitimately wrong and has no argument

>ever notice that female tauren are one of the least used race/gender combos?

It's not really an outlier

Tauren are 6% of players, which is really close to classic horde races like orcs, trolls, undead. Add draenei to that. There are actually less worgen or pandaren players. Rarer races are goblins, dwarves, and gnomes. I don't know what the fuck happened there.

But the part of your post that is true is 17% of tauren are female. That's actually pretty low as far as male/female ratios goes.

>Ignoring all the transformations items in vanilla and BC
>Thinking furries/ERPers give a fuck what the character actually looks like in game
But convincing yourself you're right is easier when you don't actually care what the facts are and can just make things up, right?

Imagine being in denial this hard
the new and old design are both furries if pandas are
I mean ffs the old model barely even wears panties and bras big enough covers there shit up

>blatant non arguments
>fur is fur!
>what is history?
>what is agency?

yeah fuck you nigga im out, enjoy the chafing to anime animals gayboi

just because people call them space goats doesnt mean you could show a picture of one to a normie and say "this is an anthropomorphic goat"

Because they were literally designed with the intention of being Warcraft's tiefling ripoff and everything about them since TBC reveal screamed "good demons". Calling them goatgirls is just a retarded fanbase meme, like calling them futas.

I remember when MoP dropped and everyone in Yea Forums lost their minds in rage

nobody wants to play a short person, and furries mostly wanna fuck dudes more than woman
there mega gay

How many times over the years have you made this thread? Do you think you have ever managed to convince a single soul? Why even bother? It's genuinely creepy, even for a furry.

>pandas are furries
>wow already had furries
>Doesn't count cause i say so
and you think your the smart one here, user?
fuck yeah they will Lol
Them being goat people are the biggest thing people know about them

>looks like goat woman
>Not goat woman??

add onto that drainia porn is far far far far far far far far far far more common than pandas

Thanks for admitting defeat!

No anthro race in wow has been as sexualized by furries as pandas and you can see just how much they love it by how much they shill for that shit expansion. Now fuck off.

>that 50/50 split of paladins between horde and alliance
god, classic cant come soon enough

expect dranina and worgans

you are the only person even able to see the original version on the left in a sexual manner. this is what this is now about and why you cant get through your head what we're saying. youre too far gone

So if you can do every quest in the game and still not reach 60, then that means you could easily spend a month playing a single character and exploring the world. Can someone explain to me the mechanics of hunter? I hear you gotta craft your own arrows.

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>Slim humonoid in a race of big animals that barely wears panties and bras big enough to cover them isn't sexual
who are you trying to convince here?

draenai arent classically "furry". thats like saying a succubus is furry

Draenei's aren't furries and Worgens were the furry bait race until Pandas took over big time.

MoP was a shit expansion that gutted the talent system, introduced a garbage theme, had shitty zones and shitty dungeons, and maybe the longest content drought in WoW history.

Nobody actually sees old model tauren as furries. Its just furfag deflection. Classic wont have furries flocking to tauren, theyll all be playing futanari night elf druids.

Yeah I just perceive that I see dwarves all the time so that's a strange statistic. Gnomes weren't so rare either, but it's more believable.

It's funny to see which races are the "many men only roleplaying as girls". That would be night elves, blood elves, draenei, lightforged, void elves, and nightborne. And those races that require unlocking see an even higher proportion of female characters than their non-locked counterparts. So it seems that the deeper into the game the players go, the more likely they are to roleplay as girls.

youll have either a bullet pouch or a quiver for ammo. you can buy normal "good enough" shit from vendors. or you can get stuff from engineers/the auction house


literally no one thinks that when they see an OG female tauren without armor on. youre twisted if you are able to sexualize that

And nobody thinks that about Pandaren either unless they're a furry. What's your point?

>draenei arent furries
C'mon now
you've gone too far in this denial

that's irrevlevant
Their ugly if they were a bit thinner people would wanna fuck them. Period
The whole argument is if pandas are furry
so are cow people

I don't even think zoomers play BFA. It seems to me it's mostly the same kind of boomers and normies that play mobile games.

youll be using your pet to tank aggro and ice traps to hold adds

im hoping there wont be furries playing, period

That sounds dope as shit. I'll probably go night elf hunter or dwarf hunter. Not sure which.

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>win by being an insufferable depraved etarded rather than making cogent points

yeah real victory there furfag

Are the Asari from Mass Effect furries by your standards?

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>I'm so scared of being labeled a furry that I will engage in mental gymnastics so strong even "traps arent gay"fags are impressed: the thread

>stylistically comparing monstrous bull people to chibi anime stylized pandas

false equivalence in premise
your entire argument is fur is fur entirely devoid of context
kys senpai

People want to play big strong tall men with slim shoulders and a bit of a roughish feel about them instead blizzard makes hunchbacks and manlets
if they changed the orc model to be basically just cata thralls, orcs would for sure be the most popular race
I don't blame trannies for preferring the female characters in wow desu even tho i only play male for the sole purpose of having to justif it to my friends if i played a girl

>C'mon now
Are you this new?

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>I have legitimate autism and just like my inability to understand other people I cannot notice differences in styles and must take things are the most basic face value

ok, i dont like pandas, but i really love the monk class. is that something people can accept? not a furry, i just love the mechanics of monk. i just want it preserved in some form

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I'm hoping we can go back to shitting on furries once the tranny menace is dealt with.

>goat woman are furries
>Oh so are non goat woman furries?
user theirs no hope for you

>still no argument
You are still wrong user

Have fun stopping to feed your pet every 10 mins. And a 0-button rotation unless you wanna stop and drink, too, even more often while leveling. Honestly I hate my hunter.

hunter was my first main. youll catch a lot of flack due to the fact that you can make good use of a lot of weapons. people will hate you for rolling on melee weapons just for their stats. but you should try for a nice two hander in order to get big raptor strikes off when melee guys get too close.

hunter is comfy too. pets have unique stats and you can go around hunting for what you want, including certain rare spawns. but you have to feed them too or theyll run away or do less damage. just dont try to specialize in melee. its not a thing

what class would you say is the most enjoyable to play?

what the fuck are you on about
The argument is if panda people are furries than fucking cow people are too
Your the one just spewing random shit out without actually proving anything
stop moving the goalposts so far back

>presented compare an apple to a banana
>t-theyre both fruits!

understand context retardo


>humanoid features
>no fur on the majority of body
This user posted the objective guide to what is and is not a furry. Draeneis fall under the 10% category and thus are not furries.

You fail.

I think you're confused user because that's my point too



>But there were already apples
This is you


>food analogies that don't prove anything

Risk of Rain 2 huntress, but the game gets boring after about 30-40 hours imo

Mop awesome, pretty boring until 5.2, but after that it was so fucking fun, we would run around half hill fucking with horde all day with my monk/rogue friend, and wiping raid finder on immersius all day

Your in "its not a furry cause i say so" Territory user
If someone jerks off to something with hooves and a tail
that's a furry
would you not agree?

then bird and lizard furshit isnt furry, which isnt true

Draenei is a furry race, elves are a furry race, pandaren are a furry race and worgen are a furry race. This is supported by the fact that those are the primary choices of furries

Eh I don't know, I'm not as familiar with vanilla classes but this pserver hunter I'm playing is just annoying. On retail I plan to roll a lock or a warrior. Thinking of trying warrior on pserver for the next week to see if I like it compared to my Cata warrior experience. But I can at least say I admire warrior kill speed from the warriors I've seen leveling alongside me lately while I played my hunter.

>being so autistic you cant understand the effect context has on an object
>two objects share a commnality therefore all attributes and applications are the same

room temperature iq desu

more like
>this banana has a peel, i hate fruit with peels!
>apples have skin
>only the banana has a peel
>peel is like a skin, so apples have peels
>u wot
>aha, you have no argument, tut tut!

thats this whole fucking thread

>Draenei is a furry race
You're just plain wrong
>elves are a furry race
Nigger you just went full retarded

I will never forget the launch of MoP
>everyone rolling a new monk
>old world filled with new alts
>testing my kung-fu against countless opponents
>fight the same monks zone after zone while we're leveling up
>people rarely interfered in 1v1s

I was skeptical of all the panda shit, but MoP was the last time I truly enjoyed WoW.


>posting the same irrelevant damage control shit over and over again because you're wrong and you have no argument

You didn't say "fruit with peels" though, you said "fruit." Tauren are just as furry as pandas.

>people will hate you for rolling on melee weapons just for their stats.

I wouldn't do this, everyone knows you get less utilization out of it than melee. Though I speak from an easier position. It's common for a ranged weapon to drop in an dungeon where we didn't bring a hunter. I don't think there's a lot of dungeon runs without melee.

>Say a stupid analogy that doesn't prove anything or add anything
>your retarded user
>no u

that's you unironically

>not forcing your kid to get the keys for everything himself
shitty boomer dad

So basically anything that isn't a 100% human is a furry by your retarded standards. So putting some cat ears on an anime girl is a furry according to you?

Probably the first time you played wow too you underage faggot.

>if im too low iq to comprehend something ill just say its not an argument to sound intelligent

top kek does it hurt to be that stupid? it must.

anyway this fag is right
the fact is i hate peels and youre fruit apologists so no amount of arguing makes you understand the context of properties

l8r homos

t. furfag in denial. You dont see furries flocking to orcs or gnomes.

Yes user?
wanting to fuck a girl with cat ears sound pretty fucking furry shit to me

"im mad so im going to pretend im laughing and leave quickly"

>i still cant wrap my pea brain around the argument so ill just project what i would have done

lmao like clockwork

>tfw you'll never get to play MoP warlock again

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"Im still going to pretend im laughing bcause no one bought my stupid fucking non argument"

>l8r homos
>still no valid rebuttal
Thanks for admitting you were wrong!

Its fun watching the two retards argue about what constitutes "furry."
Just go look for fur porn of tauren. If you can find it, then there you go. They are officially furry. Hell all you need to do is find someone with a cow fursona to establish precedent.

>doesnt refute the fundamental fact that objects can share a defining characteristic but vary widely in their overall definition based on the supporting context of additional properties


theres porn of everything thats a retarded argument.

thank you

You just said "l8r," why are you still here spouting the same debunked invalid argument?

You seem to be missing the point. I understand that with the lack of a dedicated anthro character a furry will gravitate towards more aesthetically beautiful humanlike races but that still doesn't explain how you equate a fox-man furry with an Elf.

Well in that case if there's porn of an anthropomorphic cow man I'd say that's furry porn. Wouldn't you agree?

I would absolutely love to play a version of demon hunters or death knights made with classic's gameplay design. I loved them in Warcraft 3 and was desperately wanting to play them ever since I first started.playing WoW. However, it's not worth the absolute havoc that expanding the level cap causes to obtain even a fragment of that. It's a shame because I really want to tank but I don't like how warriors play in PVP.

theres actually a lot more tuaren porn than i thought their would be

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Sounds to me like you're being really autistic and gay.

go study for your grammar test on monday you fucking child

sounds to me you people don't like pandas because your closet furries and don't want to be associated with them
if pandas are furries
then so are tuaren

Because to have actually debunked something you need to say more than not an argument

That and its fun to watch you room temp IQs fire off boilerplate burns instead of wrapping your fried brains around a pretty simple premise of contextual variables and providing a definition of why they are fundamentally of the same class


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>lalala I can't hear you your arguments don't count because I'm ignoring them
This isn't an argument user. Furry is furry, you can't pick and choose to support your points.

yikes imagine trying this hard Yea Forums
>muh pandas are furry
>but muh tuarens arnt cause i say so
How this an argument you fucking retard

cope harder faggot

I hate just about everything about MoP, not just the pandas. The only slightly redeemable part of that entire shitshow expansion was the Timeless Isle.

sure, furry porn of taurens exists. Furry porn of regular cats exists as well, cats arent suddenly furry

>lack of a dedicated anthro character
but there were tauren from the start. They just weren't furry enough for furfags.

show me the number of tauren to panda hentais on a popular wow jackoff forum and ill admit defeat

>furry porn
>its not because i say so

>two objects must be of the same class because they share a property

yikes dawg imagine being this simple

>Furry porn of regular cats exists as well
That's bestiality user, not furry.

If it's Cat PEOPLE, then it's furry porn. Just like if its Cow PEOPLE, its furry porn.

>cope harder faggot
Keep on projecting your insecurity about being underage


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Read user, it's not hard.

Nigger I could jack off to your mom and Im an outlier
If a bunch of people beat off to your mom shes probably forreal a whore and its a thing that is understood as a commomality

This. Fuck MoP.

MoP is the exact moment WoW died.
I literally thought for the first month or two that it was some sort of joke expansion, but then, it truly set in and i thought i was in some bizarro world for a moment. "We are actually getting a literal kung-fu panda expansion.." i just sat there for a few moments. When it came out and i saw the gundam pvp armor i fucking laughed hard, and then i uninstalled

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so, when are based vulpera going to be playable?

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Isn't half of that of tauren males fucking human/elf females though?

Keep denying simple facts cause you can't accept pandas weren't that bad and your just a band-wagoner little kid

he kinda walked into that one, not realizing the amount of male tauren rape fantasy going around

It's not. Blizzard probably changed them because Samwise and Metzen finally got bashful about ripping off so many other IPs. First Warhammer, then Usagi Yojimbo.

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horse and car are same class got it
class was fast people mover
no other variables taken
horse must be machine therefore

how hard is it really

Dont move the goal post even further dude
Lets not hit the
>its not furry porn cause its just animal dick instead of animal pussy
yikes imagine being a little kid larping this hard, Wraith was the downfall that added in the shit that killed wow retard

user I'm telling you that pandaren and worgen and tauren are all the same shit
Keep up

shit yeah i forgot homos wuz bulls n shit

alright niggers you win gg
horse is machine because ox cock

The point is you're taking things of the same type and pretending they're only different on the surface
They're both fucking furry and you can't complain about pandaren being in the game if you thought tauren were fine

Nobody can be this stupid

Modern WoW could be good if they actually did something with the good races.

They could take a page from Spires of Arak being the only good part of WoD and make a Dark Crystal expansion better than Dark Crystal.

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MoP's final patch was the most fun iteration of WoW gameplay-wise. I can notice reading through this thread that nobody actually brought up genuine criticism for the gameplay itself, which is the only thing that truly matters in a video game.

Class design was great and everybody was fun to play. There was no single garbage class because you could do ridiculous shit with all of them.

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I said MoP killed it, retard, i never said the other ones didnt help, but MoP was the one that *actually* killed it

So they just rip-off Chinese culture wholesale instead?

Well in my naivity I didnt think people could sexualize minotaur women but inversely didnt consider the property of Big Bull Cock which has appeal to the size fetish/homosexual communities

therefore tauren are furry
horse is machine because ox cock

Right that's because Taurens aren't what furries typically like to self-insert or masturbate to. Worgens were somewhat closer than Taurens but Pandas was really the step up. On one hand the males appeal to bara loving homosexual furries and the females to chubby chasing bisexual furries.

Frankly I frighten myself that I understand furry degenerate mentality to this degree and now I need to reevaluate my priorities.

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So now you're admitting you were wrong since the beginning?
Weird, but sure

Theyre right senpai, ox cocks, gg we fought well

and swallow that you are wrong

>taurens arent what furries like
furries like furshit. If furries don't like it then its not furshit.

Mop definitely did not kill it. Mop was a complete sky rocket in quality from the shit cata caused. Cata WOD and bfa will remain the shit stains on the underpants of wow

Ret pallies sucked. Inquisition was trash gameplay, and the class was greatly improved in WoD.

>t. Ret pally

>cow people
>puts a horse cock on it
Furries are retarded

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>additional context provides new insight by providing a perspective i hadnt considered
>namely in my heteronormative perspective the idea of giant ox cock as a means of fulfilling the furry premise was a cogent argument
>not that any of you made it other than

A reference to Asmongold and his followers.

sometimes we dont think it be like that, but it do

You almost never see someone own up to being wrong like this
You're alright user

Players wanted them too. They've been a much requested race since the game's earliest days.
And they never happened because they didn't want to figure out how to deal with the fact that Naga don't have legs.
Good shit, Blizzard.

>Right that's because Taurens aren't what furries typically like to self-insert or masturbate to.

Spend some time on WoW's erp servers. There's always been plenty of tauren erp.

yeah i kind of just wish i hadnt saw this to its conclusion because now tauren will never be the same for me

MoP sucked and you're a fag for liking it

so were all in agreement now?
If pandas are furries then so are tuarens
on top of that MOP didn't kill wow and is one of the better xpac
anyone who says otherwise is either a little kid subscribed to asmongold, or a boomer uncomfortable with the Asian theme

>Spend some time on WoW's erp servers
No sorry, i'm not gay.

>Thread is about MoP as an expansion in terms of its gameplay, zones and its unique class
>Over half the thread is arguing about whether pandas are furbait or not

holy FUCK who cares, there's two other playable "furry" races in the game and nobody bitches about that
this is the WHOLE reason MoP got overlooked despite having surprisingly good design and content for a nu-WoW expansion, people can't look past the fact that the continent is asia themed and is populated by fat bear people
fuck you all, you deserved WoD and BfA

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somi suppose in conclusion the shared property that truly defines them ipas the same class objects is not merely the fur, but rather the hypersexualizatioj matrix, with the values of thicc panda and big ox cock respectively

gg boys c u

MoP was fucking shit and the only reason it gets any praise at all is because it came after Cata which almost everyone hates.

I can't even lie, there was some sick enjoyment I got out of all the Boomer fags and horde fags coming back post mop just to get the worst xpac in existence and missing one of the best just because they made stupid assumptions.

i still disagree with the forcing the eastern culture into a western derived fantasy but the bigger objection was it being the furry floodgate so i guess you can accept the reaching out to other cultures to steal ideas from as the eventuality of running out of your own shit

for me it tipped the scales too far furry always but it cannot be considered the original furry sin

I'm glad to know that i'll be going home and you will never get your garbage furbait experience back faggot.

Yiff in hell.

Actually the debate was whether Tauren were furry or not. Everyone knows Pandas are. Just look at their females.

fuck you
Some of the best raids
a really class
one of the better races added since vanilla(fucking worgans)
a new breath of fresh air
fun zones
miles better than wod, bfa, legion, and cata

I hope every single warcraftfag dies.


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It has two great raids, and none are egregiously bad (HoF comes close). Which is actually a pretty good track record. Most expansions are lucky to have one.

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I'm 23 and I remember furries being a huge meme when I was a kid, they were like the equivalent of trannies today.

How would you design "classic monk?"

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this is a tier list i can get behind
I'm not arguing pandas is the best cause its not but its far fucking better than the bottom 4 and can go above or lower than wraith just fine

I liked ToT

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im 22 and the first time i heard about furries was like 7 years ago max

just a normal monk archetype without it being tied with pandas or alcohol

MoP made every caster fun to play. I will never forgive blizzard for deciding that mobile ranged DPS should exclusively be a hunter thing. Still especially mad about Gust of Wind being removed.

>monk class was great
Not really.
Blizz had no fucking idea what they were doing.
Tank was trash.
DPS was broken and had mastery changed 3 times.
Heal was fun and unique, but OP in last tier so had to be nerfed.

As someone who's been maining monk since MoP - monk was peak in WoD.

>Some of the best raids
Yeah SoO was pretty alright for like 2 months out of 14
>a really (gay) class
I agree
>one of the better races added since vanilla(fucking worgans)
Easter egg asspull furry race that makes no sense in the lore. looks like shit, and is on both factions.
>a new breath of fresh air
??? more like a smell of rotten garbage
>fun zones
Absolute worst zones of any expansion, even Cata zones were better. I dread getting an alt to lvl 80 because i know i'm going to have to go through some of the worst leveling zones and dungeons in the fucking game.
>miles better than wod, bfa, legion, and cata
Better than WoD and BFA i'll grant you but legion and Cata are still better.

>Im a raging newfag
I didnt ask for your blog

WoD did a lot of good
it just didn't have content or we would be singing its praise

>Mop was a complete sky rocket in quality


>elfshitter cant read
>immediately tries to deflect to tauren, classic furfag defennse
>thinks that MoP had any redeeming qualities when it stipped bare the remaining social parts of WoW, introduced a welfare legendary, phased farm, outright fucked dungeons to death to push LFR, ruined the memory of world bosses and had utterly retarded player power spikes

Keep being mad. more people agree with me than with you

>Easter egg character
>no backstory
>very clear drunken master reference
If you thought this one character was any basis for an entire expansion and a whole fucking continent that nobody in the world knew about appearing out of thin air then you are a hopeless brainlet.

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>If you thought this one character was any basis for an entire expansion and a whole fucking continent that nobody in the world knew about appearing out of thin air then you are a hopeless brainlet.

What exactly is wrong with that? Do you have some objective reason why Blizzard can't create an entire expansion based around one race? Or is it just
>I don't like panda

the guy makes one of the most common grammar mistakes ,that even adult native speakers make, on a bangladeshi kite testing forum instead of addressing the main point. Are you autistic?

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If so many people liked it and it was such a good expansion then why did the pop count continue to drop?

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Keep being mad faggot pandas are tied with wow forever and theirs nothing you can do
>immediately tries to deflect to tauren, classic furfag defense
"why do these people keep pointing to the first furry race when i shit on a new one for just being furry

Hmmmn this requires a big think

I'm not saying WoD was good, it wasnt.
I'm only saying the monk design was peak during WoD. Hell, even WW had variety in the form of two distinct ways you prioritized your stats.

Because it's retarded. Dunno what to tell you user.

The truth is MoP wasn't good until like halfway in. The first six moths were garbage.

the real reason is people were done with MMO's around cata, we can keep pointing our fingers at expansions but everything dies friend. were having a bit of a revival now

>pandas are tied with wow forever
and when Classic kills off retail they will be left as a furfag footnote

So it's just your opinion then. Thanks for the valuable input.

Pandas have been in Warcraft since before classic you fucking retard

Well I don't think its retarded

your still stuck with tuarn retard

They did it and look how that turned out. The story was fucking trash that was only marginally better than Cata's but still hot garbage.

Like seriously dude the main villain is some nebulous force that feeds on anger? Come the fuck on.

I've already given up on modern WoW. Classic is where I intend to go now but go ahead and keep coping furfag.

> this one character was any basis for an entire expansion and a whole fucking continent that nobody in the world knew about appearing out of thin air
Literally what's happening in BfA right now lmao.

Epic technicality you autist. I've already explained to you why the easter egg character is a bullshit basis for a whole expac.

good thing tauren arent furry

WoW peaked in population with Cata though. What really happened is that the changes Cata made were a bridge too far for most people, so they started bleeding subs.
The game could never recover in Pandas, because MoP is ultimately a continuation of Cata at it's core. The questing is generally the same, the game-play is the same, and the systems are the same.

yikes lets not start this again
Alright? So you admit defeat i guess

Exactly, it was shit back then and it's shit now. MoP furfags are just in denial.

cata was riding hype from wraith
people were just done with the genre and was geared to go try out this new game league or cod instead
If pandas came out a different time i honestly do belive ti would of been much beloved

"Everyone gets free herbs & ore, fuck the people that leveled professions!"


> the main villain is some nebulous force that feeds on anger
So you havent even played it?
The main "villain" is the heart of Y'shaarj sealed under Valley of Eternal Blossoms, and all the Sha on Pandaria are just remnants leaking out of it.

user, the story has always been fucking trash. The thing about MoP though is that it allowed them to make new something new instead of resorting to fucking up old lore like they've been doing pretty much every expansion.

You're really not saying why anything with Pandas is bad. You're just saying
>I don't like it, so no one else should either.
Nor are you providing some objective examples of why the story is bad. The obvious example is Garrosh's mangled character management, but other than that there is nothing bad about MoP's lore aside it from being literal Chinese culture.

>imagine thinking a genre of game will somehow still be just as popular forever and ever with no one getting sick of it

>anyone who says otherwise is either a little kid subscribed to asmongold, or a boomer uncomfortable with the Asian theme

Why are you larping as a 4channer on Yea Forums. Only zoomers think wow was good past BC and you're just making it obvious.

And the new thing was really really bad

Kul'Tiras has been around since WC2 and Zandalar since Classic so I really don't know what the fuck you're talking about?


>Over half the thread is arguing about whether pandas are furbait or not

There is no argument. We're telling you they are furbait because they are, as a courtesy you faggot

Honestly who cares what comes next because all other expansions sucked ass

No user you retard
Half of the thread is arguing is TAUREN Furbait

Azshara, you dumb fuck.
The one who orchestrated everything with N'zoth's guidance.
Dont open your dumb mouth if you havent been following the story.

This was Kul'tiras. They turned this island off the coast of the Eastern Kingdoms continent into a huge island in the middle of the Ocean.

Attached: War2.jpg (490x616, 61K)

>he thinks Wrath is good

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Here for comparison

Also how the fuck did Zandalar not find Pandaria at any point? That makes no sense.

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Azshara has been around forever. She's even appeared in the game before BFA.
Don't blame Blizzard for you being a retard who doesn't know the story your criticizing.

Attached: Queen-azshara.jpg (693x843, 173K)

>"furry" races

There's not even a furry *race*. It's entirely the artwork and its about how much they furfagged it up.

Attached: MGWorgen.jpg (1764x1255, 250K)

Wow that's fucking lame. I admit I don't know the intricacies of the stupid lore because I tapped out of that shitty expac before SoO.

>MoP was unironically one of, if not the best expansion for PVPfags
yeah it was great but I had better memories of world pvp in TBC

It's not actually that big. That's just so it's easy to click on the game map. Here is it's canon size.

Also are you just ignoring how everything about the map has radically changed since WC2? Khaz Modan is literally three times as big as it is here.

Attached: 2q9rxxxfcrk01.png (1600x1066, 2.95M)

Both of those are anthropomorphic animal races. Both of those are furry. "Traditionally attractive by my outsider normalfag standards" is not the definition of furry, it's like you think people are drawing porn of the males or something.

World pvp died with flying mounts retard

Pandaria could have been cool if there were actually some pandas on it

>He is a vanilla sheep like 90℅ of the people that are hyped for that trash heap

>Both of those are furry.
The one on the left was illustrated as a horror monster. The one on the right was illustrated by and for faggots. Your false equivalence is not going to work faggot.

>"Traditionally attractive by my outsider normalfag standards"
Neither are attractive. The left gives me a prey response to red eyes and big teeth, and the right disturbs me and makes me ponder the perspective of mental illness.

Sorry user, you can't just rewrite definitions.
Furry is furry.

>If everything is furry, you have to accept me

yiff in hell

Why are the Panda and Tauren women? Yea Forums stop being useless and post content.

>Shadowbringers guts FFXIV healing
>GW2/ESO have terrible to non existent healing
>WoW is the last bastion of interesting healing with things like Disc Priest and MW Monk
>It's still modern day WoW
What the fuck happened to make healing become as much of a boring slog as it is in 90% of online games? Is this just the final stage of the dumbass healslut meme that now the entire role needs to be the easiest and most boring shit on the planet?

Humans are just shaved apes. Draenei are just blue goats. Gnomes are just fucking the worst.


>why are you so mad
>starts a new line with every sentence fragment


Squid women.

Panda butts.
Panda rumps.
Panda posteriors.

How does this make you feel Yea Forums?
she had to shapeshift into it at least once by now

Attached: alexstrasza_the_life_binder__pandaren_form__by_planktonheretic-d8sbp37.jpg (839x936, 490K)

this is now a thread to only post cute pandas

Attached: a5249f1ba8c8ce4cc68ea36575797833.jpg (706x705, 60K)

>Yea Forums being this thirsty for panda booty

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Concession accepted!

Life without a blood elf gf is suffering.

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glad I'm not the only one to think this. I see so much praise with MoP and it felt worse than Cata for me.

Vanilla 8/10
TBC 9.5/10
WOTLK 9/10
Cata 6/10
MOP 8.5/10
WOD 4/10
Legion 3/10
BfA 2/10

she looks like a CrackWhore

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t. 10yo

agree, it was a fucking shithouse expac

I would like MoP servers simply because I could play as worgen over there.
They are the most cool race to me in WOW. Somehow playing anyone else but worgen feels wrong to me.

Attached: Night_Howler_concept_art_2.jpg (1036x978, 227K)

MoP was an easter egg turned into a giant fucking 2 year year expansion with the worst possible lore in the franchise in all aspects

Insect cunts

fuck that expansion, it was worse than WoD

They look nothing like this in game and are actually for fur fags in design.

KIND CHINAMEN TROPE, designed entirley to appeal to the chinese market. Mogu are even modelled on the Japanese/Koreans to make it more appealing

When in truth China has the most evil regime in human history

Every single expansion has had its ups and downs and I have thoroughly enjoyed playing every single one on launch.

Attached: durotan young.jpg (1920x1080, 468K)

>Insect cunts
That was made it to be one of the best expansions though. It was fucking cool and brought a fresh air to the Warcraft.

>MoP was unironically one of, if not the best expansion for PVPfags

Attached: 1546564561520.png (1144x772, 267K)

>it was worse than WoD

Not even yourself would believe in that statement. If you're saying that "Fuck what happened in WC3 with Grom, he's alive lmao now he's fucking a space goat. Oh and Shipyards, Garrisons and the Human only PVP meta where the racial was on top of every other race"

Not to mention

>All the build up they did with the Orcs and other characters in the Lords of War shorts
>Lmao Kargath for no reason returns to where he was being enslaved and he's the first boss that dies in the raid
>Lmao Maraad, one of the best Draeneis out there sacrifices himself for a literal who that then turns into Mary Sue
>Lmao Grom is the guy in the cover of the whole expansion, gets a big of pre focus before the expansion starts
>Suddenly you realize you never interact with him whatsoever, nor fight him or do something for him. All you do with him Pseudo directly is save him from Zakuun and he takes the credit of that fight

The only thing I can think of from WoD that was great was the entirety of BRF

Attached: 345468.jpg (320x320, 19K)

Retards who wanted to ironically play the game for shits and giggles hopped on and got hooked and then the irony was no longer irony.

What emotion is this face trying to convey?

Attached: screenshot_308.png (1566x829, 726K)

pandaria is trash but because its sandwiched between cata and wod, the undisputed duo of garbage, it somehow gets praise. throne of thunder was cool but aside from that its the same nuwow garbage as any post cata expac.

Getting dicked by a human

Why everyone hates WoD?

only people who started in wod or after would ask that question.

>Implying legion isnt garbage

Crippling autism

The reason people praise MoP as a return to form is because not enough people from Vanilla or BC stayed on long enough to play it and contradict it.

It's his unpaid interns, you're naive if you think that's not a revenue stream

Is that Asmongold?

Vanilla WoW was bad.

There is nothing wrong with pandas, now kiss this butt loser humies!

Attached: screenshot_732.png (1566x829, 195K)

Can a human impregnate a Pandaren?


True in my case. I quit after Wrath, but even disregarding the mechanical changes, the very idea of Pandaria existing is retarded. The entire thing is based off of a fucking Jackie Chan reference Easter egg.

I said the same thing but so many people rushed to defend it when MoP was released

Oh God it's true!

And yet the expansion based on an Easter Egg was better then the one before it and each one that has came after so far, and given Blizzards current track record, I don't see it losing to anything they'll release going forward

>tfw I loved the thought of being a badass Werewolf
>rolled a Worgen
>everyone thinks I'm a furry faggot
>didn't even know what a "furry" was back then
>mfw I realise there are people out there that unironically want to fuck animals
>now I can never roll cool animal races in a game ever again

Attached: 1545263351386.gif (308x175, 2.86M)

>Expansion is called Mists of Pandaria
>"Just leave out the pandas bro"

I just want more lore exploration.

Why was mop class design good? The funnest expansion was wrath by a mile. Everything since then was not good. Mop seems to constantly get overrated by autists for some reason

It’s overrated because it’s literally the only decent nu-WoW expansion.

I just want more love exploration.

In the form of a Draenei wife for me.

>best raid
>best class design
>came with both new race and class
>didn't shit on old lore since it was entirely built on self contained stories
>best class quest
>timeless isle
MoP was better than Vanilla in a ton of aspects, the only real thing you could shit on were dailies. And that's only if you're so goddamn autistic that you can't help but do every single one every single day.

Attached: How Samwise pictures panderan..jpg (835x1200, 241K)

MoP would have been a 10/10 expansion if it never became about Orcs to set up a filler expansion for Legion

If they made more Pandaria raids to put between ToT and launch tier Lei Shen could have been the final boss of a solid expansion.

Just give us Classic+ with DK and Monk in patches later on. No Memeon Hunter though.

It was just fun as fuck. A lot of buttons, every class had several defensive's and a heal. MoP pvp was the modern warfare 2 of WoW PvP, everything was broken and fun.

SoO could've worked as a mid-tier raid, with the last patch being the Alliance and Horde uniting after dealing with Garrosh to take on Lei Shen together. That way it wouldn't be so fucking jarring to go from at each other's throats to "FOR THE AZEROTH"

But they're repeating the same issue in BfA where the faction war is being set up as somehow a bigger deal then the fuckers trying to destroy/ conquer the world.
Garrosh was never as big a threat as the Thunder King or even the damn sha, and Sylvanas can never be as big a threat as Azshara or even the damn void.

I started in BC and only want a BC server. Classic has neat stuff but BC is home for me. Farming flying mount rep so your mount would be unique instead of the default wyvern, having two sets of gear for PvP and PvE, but it was still at a point in time where resistance gear and crafted gear had a place in the game even into late endgame territory. Farming elementals at elemental plateau and getting into massive pvp orgies. Going into arena as double resto shaman just to ruin someones day.

Was a fun time and I have played a TBC blizz like servers years ago and enjoyed it the same amount, but with less of the magical feeling. I don't know if it'd be the same a third time.

The Alliance has Void Elf wives now, how can the void be a threat to them?

zoom zooms these days

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mop brewmaster was the most fun I ever had in the game fuck blizz for what they did to it in wod and beyond

If I cared about good gameplay I wouldn't be playing an mmo

There's a reason why a pandaren based wow game would be DOA

All these things are wrong

5.4.8 survival Hunter was the best the class has ever been

Your entire post is wrong.

All pre cata expansions had lots of buttons. Your second point is literally a negative, homogenization is bad. Broken and and fun was wrath, not mop

Elf fags are the worst and they're much worse than furries. Furries in WoW maybe autistic but they only contribute to a small % of the populaton, meanwhile elves make up like 50% of WoW population and we just keep getting more of them and elffags just keep eating this shit up

Attached: Dark Iron.jpg (1162x688, 139K)

>Only really have fun playing Demon Hunter anymore
>Every other class is pretty much just kinda the same, so at least DH has hyper mobility
>BFA is so god awful I just gave up playing
I just want a new class at this point, I gave up hope for pretty much all the old ones and if a class that's based around machines that's supposedly getting slightly hinted at gets announced I definitely will play them

I found ret pally to be very satisfying, having the massive ''fuck you'' button on popping AW and Guardian and see everybody run away or you sky rocket in dps meters was a great feeling imo

Timeless isle was comfy for farming. Some of the music there was pretty good, too.
Remember gearing up a couple of characters running around for a little finding treasure chests and engaging in the occasional pvp.
MoP was pretty comfy and not that shit desu

Don't forget Admiral Taylor, I will never forgive Blizzard for offing him like that and it was the moment I officially stopped caring about story in WoW

One of the main reasons I want to play classic is to have wow back without the stupid pandas that don't fit the setting at all.

MoP was peak nu-WoW. Take BfA, revert all the classes back to MoP, replace all the gear with MoP gear, and I would unironically be hyped for 8.2 and beyond.

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Reminder that Pandaren were the Alliance race in TBC before they decided to retcon Draenei instead.

1. Keep rolling but only 1 charge, 2nd charge is a 21 point talent in WW.
2. MW is built from the ground-up to be a fistweaver. Watch out for cleave.
3. BM is a meme spec but you have to spec into it for pvp.
4. ABM & MW have mana issues so whatever tier set gives you more mana tea is BiS.
5. No real builder/spender for MW.
6. FSK is broken but the forums won't nerf you because at least you're not a druid.

Proto-Zoomer here who plays BFA, Most of the active players are in their 20's and started playing around WoTLK, with a few 30-somes sprinkled in here and there.

Who gives a shit what somebody else think?
Just roll whoever you like. It is not like you owe someone an explanation why you chose worgen to play as.
I play as them and imagine that my character is a sort of Van Hellsing like werewolf who travels around the world and solve people's problems with undeads and other monsters