Recently the World Health Organization recognized gaming addiction as a mental illness. Now...

Recently the World Health Organization recognized gaming addiction as a mental illness. Now, this just doesn't sit right with me, especially because there are so many physical ailments associated with gaming that are much more deserving of recognition.

Plus, what gaming needs to solidify its position as a sport is a physical disease. If you look at real sports, they always have some kind of disease named after 'em. "Athlete's foot"... "swimmer's ear"... I propose we enter into the medical texts the pressing disease known as "Smash player's overwhelming body odor."

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Other urls found in this thread:

You know - the more I learn about this DarkSydePhil fella, the more I don't care for him.

Does this mean gamers can claim NEETbux?



WHO isn't a legitimate organisation.

thanks for explaining it to the folks at home

I have always believed that whatever doesn't kill you makes you weaker, and almost killed.

I have always believed you're a faggot desu

.... Gamergate.

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That's modern medicine for ya

Norm was fired from SNL for literally being unfunny

He was fired for making OJ Simpson jokes.

And then re-hired and promoted.

I thought that was Colin Quinn.

>this was 20 years ago

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ol' chunk a coal

But there's somethin' about his eyes.



I installed extra RAM on my computer and downloaded a RAMdisk software. Now I can slay innocent children on Minecraft with zero loading times!


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>norm thread on v

I really needed this after a long day of working for Gregory Olynovich, thanks guys.

Playing video games is a mental illness but cutting your dick off is socially acceptable.
Honk Honk.

Have you heard about Andy Richter? The Swedish-german?

norm polishes his ol' hunk of coal to anime girls just like the rest of us

how does someone as smart as norm end up being religious his whole life

t. fourteen-year-old

He said in an interview that the existence of God is the most important question a human can ask. And since science as we know it is unable to answer it either way, he spent his life finding an answer for himself. And what he realized is that at the end of the day, to have faith or not is a personal choice whose consequences impact only oneself. So he chose to believe. He's no Kierkegaard, but still pretty insightful.

He also said in a podcast interview that he doesn't have sex because it's dirty and shameful... or something... but he's cool with gambling.

Just seems like one of those people who got his brain drilled too hard as a child.

Playing videogames in any quantity is a disease. Go outside.

do i get something for being addicted to it like heroin addicts?

I don't think you get drugs for videogame addiction

They might try to find a way to get you hooked on xanax I guess

that sounds really fucking stupid and isn't insightful at all

>to have faith or not is a personal choice whose consequences impact only oneself
is this a joke? religion is one of the most virulent, dangerous, violent, backwards, elite-favored things on the planet. in no way does supporting a religion "impact only oneself"

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This Ganon guy sounds like a real jerk!

i'm 28 and that isn't an argument either way. you're identical to those people who just go "IT'S 2019" when their views are challenged

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read your post in norm's voice.

Based Norm.

Why do old gamers love anime games so much?

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Every ol' chunk of coal wants to be young and anime is dripping with themes of youthfulness, from the character design to the story content.

Oh no some edgy faggot is spitting infographics again

This. Hate facts must be stopped

It's less dramatic and edgy than the majority of trash that gets released today and the characters are purposefully cute instead of ugly "Hurr but this is realism!!!" garbage.
Basically, the Japs remember that games are supposed to be fun first and world-changing/preaching/whatever second. Western devs have forgotten that.

reminder that cutting your dick is not a mental illness according to the WHO

She is obviously retarded, so there's that.

How did we go from this


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>She is obviously retarded
What? Where did you get that idea?


>These kids, they're like royalty. They tell you what to call them. ‘You should address me as they/them, because I identify as gender neutral.’ OK, OK, you should address me as ‘there,’ because I identify as a location and the location is your mother’s cunt.


Clearly meant it mentally from your overly literal reaction.

I think you're having an overly littoral reaction because you're crying a literal ocean of Christian bitch tears.

>check youtube to see if there's any recent Louis since December
>sort by date
>nothing but reaction videos

fuck the internet

he's been blackballed p hard


I'm more annoyed that all these people think I care about their "reaction". Louie will be fine, probably.


carlos, this doesn't work

Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard

Please refer to me as The Punisher from now on.

>cute and fun

Norm Macdonald may be a dapper fellow, but don't forget, he whacks off to cute 2D girls like the rest of us!

What you don't understand is that faith is different from religion. Norm is referring to the personal choice to hold faith in God. Organized relgion is a disgusting tumor that has attached itself to the original concept of faith, and has nothing to do with Norm's beliefs.

t. atheist.

Well cool, it's just that every time I hear someone talking about "faith" (including Norm) they're always part of one of those tumorous religions you mentioned.

Norm is christian

What church is Norm part of?

>Taking things Norm Macdonald says at face value

he sounds like a real jerk

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>virtue signal
>it turns out your virtue is not virtuous enough and now you are blackballed

oh no

what does norm even do nowadays, does he still do his podcast?

He got a Netflix show last year based on his podcast, but SJWs crashed it because he said Louie CK and Rosanne had it hard with their lives being ruined over their "transgressions." When he was looking to promote the show, all the late night hosts shut him down and wouldn't let him on. I don't know if he's picked up for another season or not.

what a mess, he might as well just make a radio show at this point

>religion bad
>look at all these shithole countries that would still be dangerous shitholes even if everybody there was atheist

I don't really understand your point. Among the first-world countries, the religious ones have extremely garbage quality-of-life and the secular ones have the best quality of life on the planet.

So, at the "macro test" level your argument still doesn't make sense. And it definitely doesn't make sense at the micro scale, examining the religions, seeing who made them, seeing who they benefit, seeing their effects (don't use condoms africans!! its against gods will) etc.

>Among the first-world countries, the religious ones have extremely garbage quality-of-life
Citation needed


I said ya dirty dog!

Wow! Dirty dog again!


>My wife...
>What a Battle Axe!

No no, see you're the homeless "sweet spot" kind of mentally ill, where everyone looks down on you but not enough for anyone to give a solitary shit about you.

I’m a gameaholic. For years I’ve been helplessly addicted to gameahol


Has there ever been a worse time for standup comedy

It's like it's gone extinct as an art form. They literally aren't allowed to say anything that goes against the current popular politics.

Until I met my wife I was incomplete. Now I'm finished!

I was playing my Nintendo Switch earlier when I noticed a disclaimer on the game cartridge. It said: "DO NOT INGEST - CHOKING HAZARD"

Another of life's simple pleasures ruined by meddling bureaucracy.

he based

They killed comedy because it paralleled real life too much.

You can just ignore them.

Ol' Billy redface is still crushing it, though family life has worn the edges a bit. You can really tell that he bounces ideas off Nia on the regular, but that's not too surprising what with them being married. Do miss hard Boston Burr, regardless. He has a great take on it: ignore them. Don't apologize. It's a handful of happy bloggers that forget about transgressions as soon as the next story hits.

nice one user

Are you literally underage? Do you not know how the world works? Try "ignoring" someone who takes your job away.



>He has a great take on it: ignore them. Don't apologize. It's a handful of happy bloggers that forget about transgressions as soon as the next story hits.

That's working really well for Louis, lol. Years and zero commercial ventures.

>ignite them
>clubs stop booking you because they’re afraid of backlash

Norm's the greatest comedian of all time

>I love Goebbels, I love Schacht, I love all those guys... but Adolf Hitler is the greatest man who ever lived.

reminder that norm got away with saying this on stage in a netflix special

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Who's gonna take their job? Stand ups have no bosses, unless you really want to count club owners. 99% of crowds know how to take a joke.

>Stand ups have no bosses,
Yes of course they do. Louis was played at one comedy club and it caused a media meltdown and the club owner's vilification.

Confronting them head on works better, bullies always fold when their victims don't back down.

None of the standup comics we're talking about rely on standup to make money. It's all about media, and we both know who controls media.

It's... those fuckin' Puerto Ricans and Dominicans...

norm has good taste

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>So I says to Jorgen, I says, "Hey, musclehead, can the children wish for gay porn?". And Jorgen, he, well you know how Jorgen is. Very strict, very, uh, well I don't know what the German version of being Catholic would be, but it would be that. Camp counselor maybe? (audience boos) Heh, ehhhh, what do yall know?. Anyway, uh, back to Jorgen. So he looks at his book of rules, which, by the way, they spell it "Da Rules" like, what kind of phonics were they hooked on right? I mean, not only would I hate to see their dictionary, but its probably a hell of a "Dasaurus" as well right? Ehhh, I'm digressing. Anyway, after like an hour, Jorgen looks at me, he's Austrian by the way, I said German earlier, that was dumb of me. The joke still works. Uh, uh, anyway, Jorgen looks at me and says there's, can you believe this, there's no rules about porn at all. I says "There's no rules about porn AT ALL? In all the years of magical wish-granting creatures being given to disgusting, puberty-stricken midgets, not once has the topic of porn come up?" Jorgen starts getting angry with me, you know how he does, wants to leave the conversation, pounds me into their little cloud ground with his apartment-sized fist, but now I'm, you know, I'm invigorated. Its absurd that it never came up! So I go to this kid, Timmy Turner. Real piece of work that Timmy Turner, you wanna force Jorgen to make a rule, that's the little bucktooth scumbag you go to. Kid's got teeth like shovel, you know, just, make a beaver jealous that's what it is. I get straight to the point, I says to him, "Hey, you should wish for gay porn."

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>There's like a five minute rigamarole where he says he'll never trust anything I say, and the pink one backs him up and the green one has already made some trumpet that shoots hay, I don't know, its weird. But in the end, kid makes the wish, and wouldn't ya know it, he gets real into it. Obsessed even, he, uhhhhh, goes power mad about it. Wishes everything had gay porn. Your TV? Gay porn. Your car radio? Man-on-man moans. Your toaster? Well, hey, if you can see Jesus on your toast, you can damn well see a twink getting spitroasted. Its crazy. So I go back to Jorgen, and I says to him "Hey, you need to do something about this now, don't ya?". Jorgen doesn't even hear me, can't take his eyes of his toaster, know what I mean? Cause I mean he's watching the gay porn, in case you didn't, uh, didn't get it. And its not just him, everyone up there is just entranced with it, like they've never seen anything like it. I'm dumbfounded, is what I am. So I go, I hit up a magical bar, gotta get a drink after all this. Every TV in the bar had gay porn going on, all the little winged idiots had their own phones, watching gay porn, its absolutely crazy, but the barman, he's a Pixie. Real stuck up, boring kinda guy, he's not into all this at all. He asks me "What'll you have?" and I just say "Anything that'll take me away from all of this." And the barman, he looks at me, and, gosh he had such a cold fury in his eyes I tell you. In this bar, full of the sounds of men yelling and screaming in ecstasy, screens full of nothing but cock, balls, and semen, he looks at me and says.

>"I'm so sick of these fucking fairies."

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>You're thinking like Albert Fish now!

Bill has only been allowed to survive because he massively scaled back all of his "offensive" comedy and he is constantly self-censoring. Every time he displays a glimmer of independent thought you can see fear in his eyes and he quickly tempers it with "U-uh, what do I know, I'm just an idiot haha, please don't deplatform me..."

Well Sora you might think a gummi ship is pretty valuable, or a pirate ship full of gold, or a merchant ship. But you know what the most valuable ship you can have is? Friendship!

A few months ago I accidentally watched Mark Normand's standup on Conan because I misread him as Norm Macdonald, and the guy is pretty funny. His jokes about sexes and races are somewhat similar to Yea Forums's, except he doesn't say niggerfaggot in every other sentence.

>except he doesn't say niggerfaggot in every other sentence.
Ah, he was sounding interesting until this. It's a real shame.

>There is no problem big enough that a big black cock cannot fix it.

What did Norm Macdonald mean by this?

What's funny is he had the game figured out years ago (don't do anything big they can't take it away from you) but now he has to kiss up to Netflix.

I don't remember which podcast it was, but one of them had him ragging on Adam for being into cuckold porn the entire time.

>Gaming isn't a mental illness

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He says nigger and faggot on his podcast all the time. He's a weird autist who can't look people into their eyes.

Norm is a brainlet. He talked about down syndrome and fucked his Netflix show. He's an idiot. You can pretend that he plays 15D chess at all times. It's fine your his fan and as dumb as him.

>ww2 jokes
Can get any more hack.

Can someone tell me how Norm Mcdonald is related to videogames? Has he done voice acting or soemthing?


Ok retard

They mean excessive playing... like 16 hour sessions, where you only play games and nothing else, where you do nothing but that.

Get ready for this thread to bounce. Someone's doing it for free.


Only chinks do this and we all know chinks aren't human.

thats what i do when ever i get a new game though

The problem isn't religion itself, considering that some of the worst atrocities in human history were conducted by pretty explicit anti-theist regimes.

There's an undercurrent of good comedians out there, you just have to keep your ear to the ground. The problem is that there are probably more stand-ups than there's ever been, and the vast majority of them suck.

Tell me about your favorites. I found Dusty Slay recently, he's pretty good.

>So I was playing this game, well I say playing, its really more of a chore. Like, you don't really do anything, you just, uh, you just, you know, you click your mouse until the story gets interesting. Its always just around the corner, right? Its like jogging, you know, well I suppose its like jogging, I don't really jog, I can't get behind it. But its like jogging, see, you tell yourself just to get to the next tree, right? Then you get to that tree and you pick another tree to get to, and you know, so on and so forth, whatever. Like that, except its you clicking your mouse. Anyway, I was playing this clickathon, called Doki Doki Literature Club. Now, this game is a real piece of work. You start off thinking you're gonna be scoring with these young, nubile high school girls, you know, like God intended. You read books with them, write poems, well you don't write poems, you pick words off the screen, so really you just pretend you have tourettes and the girls go wild for it. Man, if only it was that easy, man. If my sexual success depended purely on word count, I'd be drowning in it.

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>Where was I? Oh yeah the suicide. So this girl that's your friend, well, okay I might have skipped ahead a bit. Woops, guess the cat's out of the bag now. Anyway, this girl, she's, uh, super depressed, I guess. Couldn't take sharing one cock with three of her friends, so she just hangs herself in her room. We've all been there, we get it. Still, I couldn't believe it when it happened, and, get this, the game couldn't either. Starts breaking down, and at first I'm like, whoa, you know, what's going on here? I didn't realize I could click the game to death. But its like planned, get it, like its supposed to do this. So you click through all the shit again, but there's some, you know, some horror stuff thrown in now. And one girl, jesus, this one girl gets real interested in you. I mean, absolutely off her rocker for it. I'd make jokes but they'd really be selling it short. Really messed with my jacking off, I'll tell you that. And by that I mean I came right then and there, god, it was so hot. But then, my god, then she had to go and off herself as well! Just my luck right, I, uh, I finally get four girls my age, and by that of course I mean their ages add up to mine, and two of 'em go and drop themselves. Game really goes off the rails there. You're just stuck there looking at this dead girl's body for what feel's like ages. And I already came so I can't even enjoy it. Then the other two discover you there, and one gets deleted and one eats a cupcake and then I think we're in space? Listen, I don't know. All I know is right now at home there's a ponytailed minor on my computer trying to tell me things and you know, I'm still clicking, cause you know. Its right around the corner right? Its like jogging.

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Is internet addiction already classified? Because I might spend my entire damn life in front of a monitor, but only like a quarter of that time if even is spent actually playing games.

Based normposter