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Other urls found in this thread:


I love you too, cute anime girl.

i don't you herpes ridden slut

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Have sex femcel.

I wonder what that sounds like.

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m-me too thanks

If she's a femcel and cute, I'd fuck her.

I love Fuuka!

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dont come near me, you dick sucking slut

I don’t know

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But user, how are you going to have a girl suck your cock if you're telling women to not suck your cock?

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It's okay user. I don't love myself either.


H-how much??

I don't

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Sorry but I love your friend Mio

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dilate tranny

Is this movie good to watch if you're depressed and lonely?

It's a good movie to watch period.

it's making me tear up just imagining this happening to me

>even tho im a doll i love you user

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I love myself also. *dabs* *I do a triple backflip into my Maserati and drive home*



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y=you too

Everybody loves cats.

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D-Do blank OP's mean it was posted by a mod or jannie???

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Shut up baby I know it

Can all you people shut up, she was talking to me.

OP is not blank

me too, but I...

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Sorry I already have a wife.

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I love you user!

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How it feels being loved by a cute girl?

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Sorry, I would rather have Sachiko's love

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Ahh, I want to smell the lingering scent of her hair on my pillow. I want to see that smile that she only shows me. I want to support her in the things that she does and be the man that deserves that kind of support back from her. I want to smell her perfume evaporated on her warm skin. I want to walk arm in arm with her. I want to run my fingers up and down her back and feel her warmth through her clothes. I want to care for her when she's sick. I want to watch her breathe and burp and snore and murmur while she sleeps.
I want to look in her eyes and know that I mean as much to her as she does to me.

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user, just get a cat.

no no one does

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Accept your suffering, it'll never get better.

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Nobody cares if you're lonely. Stop whining about it on Yea Forums.

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i love you too but we are from different dimensions so the first time we will actually meet is in the afterlife, until then i'll jave to make do with a 3D roastie i have no other choice i'm sure you will understand

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Then why didn't you show up in my rolls?

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Nice prank.

I've got nothing to do this weekend r any weekend really, should I watch bladerunner 2049?



Let me guess, I'm a very important friend or whatever.

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suicide victims feel a burst of euphoric happiness in the days and moments just before they do it.

today, i smiled. tomorrow i won't have to, anymore.

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>tfw no GFD gf

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>he isn't willing to wait for custom sexbots to come out to fuck him senseless/cuddle him

I want COCKS

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Either it's a lie or it means nothing if it's not coming from immediate family. The last bitch who constantly told me she loved me casually tossed me to the side one day.

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Torture. Absolute hell day after day.

butt y tho?


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>mfw i have shot down girls coming onto me by being incredibly autistic on purpose
lmao i still wonder what the fuck was i thinking

>you will never have a girlfriend who does any of that for you

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I can't.

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This is true

Jackie looking like this depresses me more than anything.

Read and follow, immediately.

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To an abused dog even headpats feel like torture.

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A lot of people hate me

Well, this hurts.

oh, dear friend. if words and literature helped wounds heal, my mind would not bleed profusely.

Two more days and I'll finally be a wizard.

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I was with a girl for a long while who would do this type of stuff with me. We never had sex, but this cuddling was more than enough to keep me emotionally satisfied.

Pretty weird stuff. I guess I must be more damaged than I thought.

When will it end

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Just convinced my sister to let me use her boobs as a pillow, thanks for the idea user

>tfw no Komi-san gf

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what is your wish going to be?

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Not going to argue with you. Either have freely-given life or forever regret that you rejected it.

I wouldn't know what to do, honest. Specially since I think I have the dark triad traits.

I actually find this thing kind of hot, does it have an onahole port?

Like heroine

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maybe my perspective would be different if i had choice in the matter. after all, you can't fault a goldfish for being scared after it's dropped into the deep ocean by itself.


>tfw being loved is literally the abnormal
What has happened

I am pretty sure it is a screenshot

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>Could've became a magical girl if I waited long enough
>Instead I had to fall for a girl who wants more kids than we can afford
Don't make the same mistake anons

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you look like you fuck black guys

I love Emilia.

It's not hard, user. Just carefully read and sincerely follow what the pic says. You will be very glad you did.

Please do not kill yourself. Why do you want to commit suicise? If this thread 404's, please start a thread on /adv/.

Even under all the makeup, he's already up there in age.

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How come married people are so damn miserable?
You'd think with having companionship it would be less loneliness in life but almost all couples I've seen tie the knot end up getting divorced or stuck in marriages they can't leave out of shame, responsibility or whatever


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How does it feel to hold the hand of someone who loves you?

If you're stuck with someone long enough you'll begin to notice their subtle ticks and quirks that annoy you to no end.

this is me


For the world to have one less dimension.

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He knows how to hide it though. he still looks like he could punch through a stone

That's one compact looking gamer



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with incels interlinked

I love you too

Because when you marry someone you are always with them, which means you have to deal with them in their entirety all the time (including their flaws) and not just the good side they want to show you

Same shit why some couples and even some friends go sour when they live together

5'8 is average height

>Shoot down the scant few girls who have been disappointed in me so that they don't have to be disappointed in me and I don't have to be disappointed in myself
It's not that deep.

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Because you hate yourself and know that you could never give them the happiness they deserve.

So conditioned by self-deprecating remarks that I read it as "Who's a worthless and volatile human"
guys when will it end

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Where do I find a legal loli gf?

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Thanks. But I have to decline. I already have a GF right here

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Some people find pain pleasurable. How dare you call their preferences wrong.

Also, reality isn't based on your desired feelings. Denying God makes him no less real. Hopefully you will kiss him while you can before he judges you in his well-deserved anger.

Your GF eats crows from electrical poles.



thanks but i'm still a 33 year old virgin

I do want to start a family one day, but am worried about making the same mistake.
Would living together long term with your gf before actually getting married help? If you notice any compatibility issues or things you just can't agree on that bother you atleast you can seperate without all the complications of a divorce.

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>Asuka only plays Sega Saturn

wtf was her problem?

forgive me

>you go to the 2d world after you're kill
I'm okay with that.

>Would living together long term with your gf before actually getting married help?
That would probably help.

>If you notice any compatibility issues or things you just can't agree on that bother you atleast you can seperate without all the complications of a divorce.
That or you eventually get used to them.

6 times this happened to me. Fuck.

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