
Looking forward to your top 100 outfit Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>playing PVP

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>gay PvP gets cool rewards

I don't see why they do this

>under 30 dungeons away from getting my Tank You mount
>really don't feel like running dailies or any dungeons before ShB
>just want to bum around and grind out DoH/DoL levels
>worried that the conditions for the achievement will change after the expansion
What do I do?

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>borderlands secure night

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Reminder that trannies will never pass.

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How do I get this outfit?

I'm looking forward to actually maining a tank for once, GNB looks fucking fun as hell


I hope you are looking forward to the video game.

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top 100!!

Top 100 what? Is it too late?

Even if DRK is totally braindead on release like everyone is bemoaning it will be, it'll all work out in the end because I get to play Gunbreaker.


to get people to pvp

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I am, yeah.

>You're right, all DPS should have one button called "DAMAGE", all tanks should have a single button called "DAMAGE+ENMITY". After all, there's no functional difference between a rotation and a single button.
wrong analogy you dumb fuck
healers have a shitload heal buttons, but little DPS buttons because that's not their role
DPS have a shitload damage buttons, but one or two (self) healing buttons (and used to have one enmity button), because that's not their role
repeat for tanks


How are SAM and DRG looking?

Hello guys UwU

Do a dungeon a day with a couple double days?

Reminder to do dark knight questline, as it'll be actually relevant to the MSQ

I don't want to pvp, it's like the moogle rewards they have right now, no one wants to do gay low level dungeons

Hell yeah. Glad I was able to get top 100 this season.

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The Tornado Kick rotation was a mistake.

TK was 100% never intended to be used in that manner. It's clunky, it's not fun, it's not some big brain play, and you aren't unique for doing it. If you say otherwise, your just as bad as all these Scholars who think they are 300 IQ geniuses for pressing two dots and a nuke.

Same as they always were, pretty much


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It's a PvP set for the season that just passed, so yeah the chance to get it is gone. If you're lucky, next season will be a recolor.

Who will be the crybabies this expac? Do you expect them to buff them immediately?


here come the MNKs

why would i bother to wintrade or pay for a boost fir this shitty armor

>Healers should have shitload of buttons that are useless 90% of the fight
Jesus christ, you could stop embarassing yourself.

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>keep listening to this part of the video just for the music


release this remix fully now!

>to get people to afk in pvp

Rava or Veena?

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I'm a SMN and I'm either going to be actually happy with my job at the start of an expansion or shit myself and cry for half the expansion again

all healers are pissed. I expect them to do nothing.

I'd rather eat a bowl of nails

SCH is not all healers

It doesn't matter what you think of TK, the fact is MNK was gutted.

you don't know what the fights will look like
fuck off and seethe more.

Veena were a mistake.

why even play viera if you are gonna make them pale? the only choice is that sexy caramel skin

you know nothing

WHMs are ecstatic. WHM won the ShadowBowl.

>to get people to win trade in pvp

>go around and sprinkle this giant white powder ball on the moogles to give them energy

what did soken mean by this
is omega coming back

The usual suspects.


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Can only speak for SAM, the new skills it got are awesome, save for the level 80 one which is a bit underwhelming (but still nice to have to make up for downtime).

>WHMs are ecstatic
>WHMs won't stop crying about still having no party buffs
are we talking about the same game here?

SCH, as always.
I believe the nerfs they recieved were actually part of a long-term plan, Yoshi took all their shit, just so he can give them back a couple things, so they'll end up being happy even though they still got nerfed

WHM still isn't gonna be meta, they bring nothing to the raid
SCH brings stronger heals than them now
AST brings 6 flavors of balance

SAM's the same but gets more stuff to do, Hagakure gives you a flat 50 kenki instead of eating your sens, has an attack tied to Meditate now that tries to replicate Cyan's Bushido from FF6, has an ability that allows you to perform an Iaijutsu twice in a row with the second one being upgraded (ie first Higanbana, then second upgraded Higanbana)

PVP is good...just that faggots like all of you dont want to do it because you're a bunch of pussies. That goes for players in every MMO it's the reason why players in WoW dont PVP either.

when will fermoes be removed from the game

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Besides, by their own admission, SE doesn't know what to do with MNK. Bitching is the only way to have any chance of saving it form what they're doing to it in ShB.

>this is at least the 3rd thread in a row we're gonna have an autistic MNK war
So how's everyone doing? I'm a SAM but GNB looks really fun and it's almost making me want to main it.

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Who gives a shit about meta?

Rava always.

Faster Jump
Only access Mirage Dive from one Jump now
Only need two eyes to activate Life of the Dragon
LOTD is always 30 seconds
Access to a new Jump (Stardiver) in LOTD
True Thrust becomes Raiden Thrust if you hit your positionals
Heavy Thrust gone, Disembowel has its buff in place of Piercing Resist which is also gone
Impulse Drive is gone, both combos start with True Thrust/Raiden Thrust
Some new/changed cooldowns


But we already do know that they will be the same you corporate cocksucker. Encounter difficulty is going to be exactly the same as it was in ARR, HW and SB because SE wouldn't even consider spending a fucking minute rebalancing content.
The only thing you have to back up your worthless idea of role balance is that "SE *might* slightly increase the difficulty of the game" while forgetting that they are dumbing down every job precisely because its still too difficult for dipshits like yourself.

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Just do GC turn-ins and your beast tribe crafting gathering dailies they take like 30 minutes. Then just do your jobs

every single tryhard in party finder
good luck pugging literally anything as WHM

>around 60 seconds to go OOM spamming broil in stormblood and shadowbringers without counting mana regen
>Energy drain removed
>Aetherflow 15 sec longer CD
>Refresh and Mana Shift removed
i-im sure they calculated things correctly so i can dps r-right?

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Or, now hear me out, MMO pvp is shit.

MMO PvP is almost as gay as your dad, but I'd still do it if the rewards didn't require a gorillion wins or being the top 0.1% of spergs frothing at side content

>dumbing down every job
But they aren't, though

>. WHM won the ShadowBowl.
no, PLD did

Today's what they did in SB and it worked. As soon as they saw miasma ii was back they forgot about everything else. I expect biolysis will be split into two dots and everyone will forget everything else ever existed.

NA fags who need other people to inflate their parses.

Meanwhile JP cleared both ultimates with the "suboptimal" DRK.

Why are fem roes always the most fucking retarded players?

Does SAM become more fun?

Didn't work for MCH why would it work for MNK?

>shit out ugly, overdesigned clipdisaster trash by the dozens
>fill in the gaps with recoloured existing sets
>reserve actual good gear designs for the top 100 players of the fuckass PvP mode

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Anything is better than rdm-kun

>If you pretend that all these changes won't actually happen then you'll totally see I'm right!

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because dark colors look shit in FF14 lighting/engine? I'd make her if I could.

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>Didn't work for MCH
But MCH is going to be better than ever?

Can you make throwaway accounts to call this person a piece of trash with no taste?

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Lucid is now 60s cooldown

Play PvP

For starters, MNK isn't nearly as fucked as MCH was.

Alright, break down for me exactly how every single job is getting dumbed down, in as much detail as you can manage

coouldnt help myself bros im bored. i resubbed.

I just need to force myself to get silver in 2 more seasons so I can buy the paladin weapon and be done. I want the war pick.

WAR looks the same with some new toys and I couldn't be happier. Looking forward to playing the tanks in general but my friends want me to heal so I don't know what to do.

Pvp isn't hard to get into at all
you literally need like 30-40% win rate at MINIMUM to make it to top 100, that's how bad people are

>WHMs won't stop crying about still having no party buffs
Implying I give a fuck if I have party buffs or not, that's what AST is for. Nerd

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HW and SB is past content, it does not matter for the current balance you seething SCH faggot, it will be facerolled anyway with the higher level gear.
>dumbing down every job
speak for yourself
also no, SCH DPS and healing wasn't difficult, so it was hardly "dumbed down". get off your high horse.
Fucking healers thinking they're hot shit for spamming 3 buttons. Jesus christ. Now it's gonna be one instead of 3, i.e. the same shit.

I don't mind if the mounts never become available outside the people who earned them, but I really fucking want those armors.

So this is what cancer looks like in written form.

I did
I unironically cannot find any enjoyment in it, even as I began forcing myself to slog through Feast

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Man, some people take the tiniest details way too seriously.
I think it's cool you manifest Fray and the fun lore bits that it means, but fuck if I'm going to care what race/sex he is. Most of the time I'll be too damn busy to notice anyway.

Just because you're based and redpilled doesn't mean the rest of your kind are.

you took the we fall pill

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>I'm going to headcanon that the good storytelling from the DRK questline never happened because I am a stronk wamman
this reminds of the fucking catboy who was complaining about how he hates the story of the DRK questline because his character was a "badass" whose headcanon is that his WoL is too cool for that shit
fucking 14 year olds man

>I'm retarded, please spoonfeed me
Nuh-uh, you are the role balance expert. You should already know these things.
Oh right, you're full of shit and you never had any clue what you were talking about

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Bros.. My really drunk friend told me he gets off to my lala all the time in pretty hefty detail. He's usually a super serious guy and a huge normie. I don't think he remembers telling me. Should I bring it up?

Then why are they still crying?

Generic shit no matter how hard you try autist.

That makes no sense

call him a disgusting pedo and fanta to a non pedo bait race.

>I've never played healer in my life but I'll speak on how complex or difficult the job was anyway
And we are all glad for your contribution.

>why even play viera if you are gonna make them pale?
I have my reasons

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ehhhhhhh. I dunno, a dungeon a day should feel like nothing, I have no idea how I became so lazy all of a sudden.
GC turnins have been bleeding me dry. And I've only just returned to the game recently, and I missed the grind, so I like to go as slow and autistic as possible when I'm done with the daily exp gains.

Now that I read this post, I think there's something wrong with me.

>use skill
>can't use another skill for nearly 5 full seconds
Can someone explain the thought process behind this?

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Well, I know everything that's changed for the jobs I play, and at the absolute worst they've stayed the same, so I really don't know what you're talking about

I just want 1 of each role bros my plan is this right now

Caster-Red or Black Mage
Phys Ranged-Bard

cant decide between red or black mage

Understated taste user

Looks pretty bad, tbqh

If I ever find a party for feast AND learn how to play it, sure.

just play it off and tease him about it

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The only people crying are the 5 autists that actually liked SB MCH and don't want to lose their special snowflake status

Imagine a world without lizards.

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Because you're a bitch ass faggot

i have yet to see a single good pale viera

But i think it's kinda hot that he does it.

I've yet to see a single attractive non-white person.

I prefer it to grinding out shitty glow stick weapons.


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Chug Super-Duper-Ether™ (HQ)
Leave DPS potions to real DPS

AuRa were an enormous mistake. Every single other concept art they showed of them looked leagues better than what we got, what was SE thinking?

OFshitters don't speak for the rest of us.

Welcome to pre-SB WAR

Sadu can stay

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Only underage children like PVP.

Lizards are the best.

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I'm not sure that particular shade of green is working out.

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You'd best hush up with that /pol/ bait before I get banned for dumping black girls.

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It's basically just an improved HW era tornado kick. Which would be fine except Tornado kick has almost no use anymore with the removal of RoW and the PB nerf. You can only use it like every third RoF now.

>dumb horny elf getting himself killed

can someone please post some veena in this thread

what does your lala look like

>the Job with a literal gun
>has the lowest dps out of the tanks
It doesn't make any sense.

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is this a tranny?

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>a world with no au ra
what a wonderful world that would be

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They'll probably adjust the potencies either between now and launch of shortly after launch.

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get naked, put a potato sack on and indulge in consensual sex.

>FFXIV carebears scared of a little PvP
l m a o

There isn't a single potency value that's finalized. All calculations are currently done in 0% downtime scenarios and with incomplete, likely incorrect information. Only way to know for sure will be when the game is released.

Potency values are not final and may very well already be changed

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just pretend that its a girl

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you degenerate, you probably dress your lala like a slut

I hate those pointy-chin weird-ass china doll looking faces and almost all of them use that face. WHY. The fishy-face is at least somewhat cute but you see 10 of the fucked up pointy-chin faces for every semi-cute one.
The only reason anyone would choose to be one of these freaks when you can be a superior cat is to seem "unique" at all costs even if it means having shingles on your face and calciferous growths all over your body.

Scholar was unironically the most complex job in the game, with one of the highest APMs.

>Badmouthing two actually good NPCs
>wah wah wah here's my personal version of the story

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it's about as close as it can get

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quadruple weave ogcds

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but they have the highest strength in the game

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Cats are ugly though

I fucking hate trannies

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cute bunnies

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Varis got it right, the perfect world will have only 1 race. The Midlander race.

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Why would you post something so awful and not even spoiler it?

if the LB generation change isn't too different, this might actually be good. You get extra LB from the critical heal ontop of mitigating lethal damage.

Um, sweaty, you're not going to main DRK, are you? That job is reinforcing misgendering and is problematic.

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Time to cosplay the lalafell racial gear and show him your boypussy

>horny mods
>marked men red ass skin

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lmao we're not gonna have that many when ShB drops.

>Who will be the crybabies this expac?
WAR fags, they never stop crying, MNKeys will also bitch and moan about everything, SMNs will screech because some of them will like the changes and others won't, BRDs will raise a chorus of tears now that they're getting sent to the shed

I don't know, WARs seem to be pretty happy with how they turned out

your friend might be into tomboys user.

also cute lala

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>MNKeys will also bitch and moan about everything
MNK players have every right to be salty.

forbidden chakra, tackle x2, elixir field

i don't even play monk

4.00 WAR was shit and it was only getting fixed in 4.05 along with other jobs.
WHM screeched so hard they got the lilies fixed before early access.

You can tell this fucker didn't even put attention on the first 5 minutes on the first DRK quest

>*joins your FC*

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Which will be more in demand in shadowbringers, decent tanks or decent healers?
>actual drought of healers
>tons of new tank players but all bad
Trying to decide if im gonna tank or heal for savage

I want to play SCH but I have severed performance anxiety and never healed before. what’s the general playstyle for dealing with aoe and single target damage efficiently?

decent dps > decent healers > decent tanks

>instead of weaving your ogcds throughout your rotation, you're just going to blow them all at once
Monk is gonna be so fucking braindead.

Shut up monkey

Decent tanks, healers are gonna talk a bunch of shit about how they're all quitting, but like 90% of them are going to stick around, meanwhile tanks are going to be flooded with shitters because shiny new job

>*plays healer exclusively*

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decent healers
not only will there be a drought, but people who played AST for the buff aspect will swap to the better buff class DNC
That, and the last Live Letter basically said "pure healing is ok sorta" so now a bunch of shitters will feel justified to do their shitty "pure healer" rp.

Healers are going to be in such a huge demand in ShB it's not even funny. No new healer job for them to gush over and a ton of them who don't even like the role to begin with are jumping ship because they can't half afk in dungeons/raids anymore and just DPS.

If anything the changes make me want to play healer since they're being pushed into their role even more.

no u

post LB macros

Wait, people actually win trade? Why even do pvp if people aren't going to actually pvp?

Now that I think about that explains a lot why when I'm on flames or adder they're retarded as fuck, but now I know they're acting retarded on purpose.

>half afk in dungeons/raids anymore and just DPS.
Nigger what? Most healers just spam cure and watch netflix, what world do you live in where they dps and how can I get there

There's truth in your words

The next season reward IS a recolor, but it's for light party pvp, not solo pvp.

Attached: recolor.jpg (410x600, 80K)

>Put your fairy on obey and use her abilities like you would use other healing spells
>Place your fairy near a tank but not in front of the boss so it doesn't get cleaved
>Use your oGCDs to heal because they are both stronger and quicker than your GCD heals which lets you use your GCDs to deal damage and end encounter faster
>AoE healing is actually the toughest thing you'll have to deal with as you have limited tools for healing in in comparison to WHM or AST, so you'll have to plan the use of your emergency succors, deployed adlos and indoms accordingly
Essencially, always be casting and you'll be better than 90% of healers out there.

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everyone said that and it did not happen
if anything, we got more tanks and healers at 70 in proportion than we've ever had in HW and ARR.

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I'd play feast if it wasn't garbage. Frontlines and rival wings are fun.

People dont wintrade in Frontlines you monkey. They do it in Feast.

I should have known.

pvp is simply not fun in this game, it sure it great going into a mode with 1/3 of your abilities

>user, are you coming to the real life meet up?

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>talking with friends about changes
>main WHM, happy wit hthe changes
>discussing balance
>friend says because WHM doesn't have a DPS buff it is abject garbage and i'm fucked for two years

I get DPS is literally everything right now, but I still think the healers are closer now then they've ever been. Is he right?

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>Still going to be stuck tanking

I know it's a fundamental problem with how these games work, but still. At least GNB(?) looks fun.

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I tried

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There's leve turn ins

How long do you think it will take before the pvp glamours get added to the cash shop?

>why yes I do have fetal alcohol syndrome, how did you know?

>History revisionism
Early SB dps queues were fucking horrible due to tank and healer shortage and you know it, you lying cunt.

He's just another braindead metaslave. WHM has been fine and will continue to be fine.

so why couldn't this be brought back as a combo dot?

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Meh, they're buffing DPS for both DPS and Tank roles to compensate for the lack of Healer DPS going forward so I really don't think it's going to be that big of an issue at all.

Never ever.

depends on how fast the blood lily charges

having a 900 potency instant cast may offset the lack of dps buff if it charges often

I was tanking :^)

He's thinking about things from a meta-obsessed speedkill parser mindset, which is such a tiny minority of the playerbase that it's not worth considering

He's right as far as minmaxing goes.

I appreciate the tips, user. Thanks.

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Scourge was too pure for this world.

Look at this immature faggot

>2 hours waiting for Castrum Abania

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To be fair, lilies were absolute shit. No one wants to ever cast cure 1/2 ideally.

>potency buffs on NIN's stuff is barely enough to make up for the 30% we're losing from Dripping + slash debuff
I guess Bhava spam will make up the difference but FUCK

Not mine but a friend made this for their dragoon:
>/p The inner dragon stirs...
>/p Whatever it takes to prevail!
It's chuuni but I like it
I personally don't use any because some of the time I cancel my LB use to re-position

The healers are close but I personally would have liked if they actually tried to balance to make them all good instead of lazily making them all "bad"
Loss of Arrow and Spear on AST makes the job much less fun/interesting.

Don't do this to me user, klutzy-looking nerdy girls are my strike-zone.

they're pushing DRK as the basic bitch tank for retards, like RDM. The problem with this is that DRK used to be more complex so it shits on old DRK players.

any bros on jenova/aether wanna do something?

I think Yoshi P said potency is going to work slightly different in ShB and that looking at just potency numbers isn't going to give a good idea of actual DPS but I could has misread it.

nu-DRK is more complex than WAR.

Did I do okay?

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WHM looks great, tell your friend to fuck off. Actually considering changing that to my main healer after the AST changes.
Im gonna miss the card variety. Bringing yourself back from the depths of MP hell with an Ewer + Lucid + Collective was pretty great. Also smacking crit on to BRDs and MNKs. But I guess I can try out Dancer for that.

looks alright. I'd roofie her.

to give you guys an idea of how many matches it takes to get top 100 and how easy it is, this winrate and matches was enough to make it to top 30. with a 50% winrate, you could make top 100 with 200~ matches.

Attached: winrate.png (232x183, 36K)

do better textures for the game exist

butcher's block could have stayed and had a fracture dot it applies instead of aggro

About every minute and a half assuming you're using your Afflatus skills to charge the blood lily (30s to passively generate a lily for Afflatus). They're a strictly better Cure 2 or Medica, instant-cast and no MP.

Run dungeons with Squadrons as SCH or come Shadowbringers with trusts and you should he good

Salty PVP cuck.

no. ps4 limitations prease rook forward to it.

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SCHfags forget that the only reason they had so many DPS abilities is because their special snowflake class was built off of a DPS class unlike the other healers. Their kits are finally being aligned with the other two healing classes. But of course anyone who dares to point this out has to be some kind of corporate cocksucker or whatever other meaningless boogeyman these seething SCHfags will use to try and deny reality. And to top it all off SCH's healing kit looks like it's going to be the strongest of all three healers even after the changes, as usual. So seethe more faggots.

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in the 1.0 files

How were the queue times?I tried doing ranked feast a while back and the queues were like an hour.

No fuck you.

Also bring back class-locked crossclass skills, so people stop having insta-swiftacst raises just from playing healer, let thm crossclass raise, and give scholar the ability to cross raging strikes REEEEEEEEEEEEE

how about 30% winrate?

fucking RDM is more complex than WAR
WAR had to be dumbed down hard partway through SB because WARfags found it too hard to play, that's why we have 10s of fell cleave spam, any harder and WARfags won't be able to handle it

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did they change waifufilia's voice actress?

but i like chopping niggas

Different user here, Frontline machinist is super fun. Queues are p

WHM will probably be in a worse position than it already was.

It has no raid DPS contribution so SCH/AST will still be superior for the speed meme.

And now SCH appears to have better healing options with all of its oGCDs, so WHM probably isn't even better for prog anymore.

The only thing WHM will have over SCH and AST is dungeons because of Holy.

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>do you like The Smiths user?

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I play all three and I've always thought the other two should have been brought to to HW SCH levels.

>be whm
>never put fluid aura or repose on my bar
why didnt yoshi just remove these?

I've raided as SCH since Coil and don't mind the changes. Sure it isn't as involved, but until I play the game and see for myself I'm just neutral and apathetic.

I want to have children with the one on the right

>are p
pretty fun

>just found out thancred's voice actor also plays bruno bucciarati
you subfags are alright

fuck you man, WAR was god tier in HW. So much fun to play. Fell Cleave felt special, now it is a meme.

which is currently the best class

You're not spamming on one target all the time faggot that's why they adjusted the buttons to he easier for movement and positionals also.

Mad ugly.

>me make claim
>you find proof
post on the official forums if you're going to be a retard in public. nobody cares about what autistic SCH #69420 has to say about Bane.

Attached: charred bert.jpg (700x437, 46K)


honestly the biggest loss is all the cool animations jobs lose when the cull skills. rip aero 3 animation

>queue for pvp roulette
>8 player team version
>guy on team demands that we attack adders even though they are in last place
>6 people sit in front of the adders base for 5 minutes while the flames get an even bigger lead for free because nobody else goes to the middle for the npc phase
>guy that demanded we attack the adders then spends the rest of the match bitching about how we are retards that dont understand his superior tactics

Is everyone that plays melee dps in pvp the absolute shittiest players?

You need at least a 44.4% winrate to make it to diamond. You might be able to make a 40% winrate work, but only if you went on a huge winstreak at the end.

They were decent, just get gold in the first two weeks and queue during prime time (7 pm est to 2 am est) and you'll be fine

I love the animation switching into Deliverance stance. Fuck this game.

>I wrote about you in my dream journal
How about this one

Attached: 1556996171373.jpg (1080x1350, 442K)

Dia has the animation, it's safe. Well, the spinning, i mean.

Too polish.

>MCH's Grenado Shot is still gone

Attached: 1496291456280.png (508x369, 210K)

because they're holdovers from when crowd-control actually meant crowd-CONTROL in arr, and not dps

Tell me how much a boost costs to get this set guaranteed. I don't want to do PvP.

>Is everyone that plays melee dps in pvp the absolute shittiest players?
Yes, the fact that they play melee dps in pvp is proof enough of that

They'll be gone by 6.0.

Just out of curiosity, which healer(s) do you play?

doubtful, repose being made a role action implies it'll actually work worth a pinch of shit this expac instead of everything being immune to sleep for no reason like stormblood

that's what I mean, WAR used to be fun, then they dumbed in down mid SB because retards couldn't handle it, now fell cleave feels like piss because you just fucking spam it

Different user - SCH was always a pretty clunky healer imo. Autistic and APMy as fuck, but as a healer? Clunky as shit.

I actually switched to maining scholar around second coil era, used to run WHM before then.

MNK isn't that bad off like MCH were
They're exaggerating how "bad" things are. MCH literally didn't work at all and had a fucked up class identity priority(The gun). MNKs WORK as intended now, but it's just not how they want them to work so they're screaming like children. MNKs managed to become SMN-tier in the span of a single night.

>floppy ears

repose is actually necessary for baldesion arsenal, and fluid aura/ repose can be useful for potd, so i doubt they'll remove them outright

Is it worth leveling a job right now? I wanted to get everything to 70 but should I even bother when it'll all mean nothing in a month?

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I do not doubt that SCH will be the strongest healer by a large margin. It might actually still be outright broken.

Doesn't seem very fun to play though. If it's not fun, what's the point?

>Picking generic upright ears

Remember before DPS stance was a thing, and fell cleave didn't exist?

I sure as fuck do. It was still fun then.

Attached: 1534201465391.gif (720x400, 1.39M)

Still need to hit 70 to hit 80, user.

it won't mean nothing, you'll just be even further behind AND have 70+ content to do

>Power Slash
>Dancing Edge
>Wide Volley
>Grenado Shot
press F to pay your respects

>instead of making the other two healers more involved SCH DPS deserved to be as braindead as AST


it'll take a while if you don't have MSQ, especially a DPS. If it bothers you or you want to use it in early ShB, go for it.

It gets you a good head start for ShB if you're interested in a job. Sure it'll play different by the time it comes out but the levels are still there.

Not bad.

holy cringe

>Imagine a world without lizards.

Attached: rxBziGprllFfrOjgrnOPJi9EETGwmiYsjwlS_ENbC9M.jpg (708x540, 57K)

You've probably already boosted all you can, so why not. Anywhere from 20 to 60 less levels to grind out.

Some job quests are really good. I would HIGHLY recommend leveling DRK all the way to 70, because it literally has the best questline in the game.

why is eyths so based

>remember when fell cleave wasn't the sole part of WAR's identity
sure do...
I also remember when it was fucking shit with a capital S, but at least they fixed that rather quickly

scaleless au'ras the are the best

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The faces are still issues.

Imagine a world without every race except Elezen

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>I'll cut my wrists if I don't get that item drop I swear

Attached: 1559227317184.jpg (1080x1165, 186K)

It's honestly what I don't understand with those faggots. Instead of wanting something better for themselves, they are fine if everyone are made worse.

I want other races so I can look down on them and fill my superiority complex

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Modern war doesn't have enough self-healing, desu. Lost a lot of it. It used to be about huge HP + shit base mitigation + lots of rehealing and giving scholars the fits.

It really was the thing that was making it fun, too.
It was most of the time stronger than WHM but you had to work for it.
We will never get to play as a stance-dancing SCH with 6 dots again,

Attached: sadness2.png (1440x1080, 16K)

What's wrong with Yugiri and Sadu?

Were you playing as Flames?

Just play hyur, you tasteless cocksuckers.

>implying virgin manlet midlanders are superior to the chad highlander

>au ra without scales
then fucking play hyur you tasteless weeb piece of shit

c-could such a beautiful and pure world truly exist?
is that what Varis wants to create? if so, sign me the fuck up

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*Rolls 99 need*

Why do I have a want to impress Yea Forums with my viera by making her dark skinned, instead of satisfying my own preferences? help

>not picking the aerodynamic backswept ears
It's like you want to loose to the turtle

>The only thing WHM will have over SCH and AST is dungeons because of Holy.
Holy might have a stun, but Scholar still has prepull Adlo and Excog plus the fairy to ignore healing tank and spam Art of War, which funnily enough has higher potency than Holy (150 vs 130). The mind fucking boggles how Holy is now worse than SCH's AoE farts. And Gravity is worse than both, probably.

Why doesn't Black Mage, the superior of all mages, simply Fire IV the other inferior mages into dust?

>Superior to anything
>Need help of chad midlanders to save their homeland

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Opposite for me. I started as CNJ in 2.0, got to somewhere in the mid 40s and almost quit the game out of boredom. Loved SCH as soon as I unlocked it and mained it through HW. Although I leveled each healer to cap each expac I can't say SCH or even healing in general is my main after what they did to the role in SB. Ended up playing the tanks more than anything.

Because you're fucking retarded. You should probably kill yourself soon.

you guys are the designated refugee race, eyebrowlet faggots deserved the imperial yoke

Make one that satisfies your own preferences.

Tan Viera will always be superior to anyone with taste though.

The people who make them literally chocolate brown are weird though. Really doesn't work with XIVs lighting in most areas.

Because they got nerfed this expansion because Arrow is gone

Wasn't it 140 potency for Holy on the Gamerescape tooltip? That plus a stun edges Holy out I think

Some people only play one job in a role and have some kind of weird allegiance to it where they feel spite for anyone that plays the other jobs.

Are we bored enough to start posting our Shednig hotkeys yet. G600 reportan.

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>The fishy-face is at least somewhat cute

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Because they can't fluff anyone else's parses so speedrunners don't care about it.

>his own preferences doesn't involve making a dark skinned viera
pathetic, I bet you are going to set the height slider to 0, aren't you fag?


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>wanting generic brown

Attached: 1555134397026.jpg (467x659, 124K)

Those pants look like ugly fuccboi streetware shit. The upper half is 9/10 but those baggy sneaker gucci faggot shit bring it down to 3/10.

Yea 140 for Holy, 130 is Gravity. I wish I was joking. WHM still has Assize though.

Are Viera ears going to move at all in the game? They look like shitty accessories.

I aint lackin eyebrows tho myself.

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Does Dancer have any haste buffs? It'd be a great tool to fuck with autistic SMN mains.

>a DPS is more complex than a tank

I have two main hotbars, and two hotbars acting as a buffer, with macros copying from buffer hotbars to real hotbars.

Lets me flip from DPS to Healing and lets me access the other side if I need it.

It does offset a lot of damage that tank would be taking thanks to 10 seconds worth of stun but its still weird that SCH gets to have the strongest spammable AoE nuke out of all healers

> he thinks Rava will be the generic ones

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Highlanders existed before the sixth umbral calamity.

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>pink hair

Nope, just pure damage boost for party, damage boost and crit+dhit for itself and partner.

>generic pink haired slut
pink hair and tan skin is the true patrician combo though

When do we get the time skip arc?

Attached: miqittens.jpg (850x935, 253K)

>what is power creep

Not an actual human, just a machine that generates refuse on snapchat.

IDK, when I heal I'm mellow, when I tank I mostly hate everybody unless the healer is good, when I dps I give no fucks about anything, I just want to see big dick numbers.

New Gravity is worse than old gravity unless there is more than 7 mobs.

I think it's going to be close. WHM still has Assize, they now have Misery for if they do have to GCD heal, and Holy stun mitigation all together might be worth more than SCHs godlike oGCD weaving. Either way we can all agree AST is so far in the dungeon cucksed they can't even see the way out anymore.


>completely irrelevant during 5th astral era
>Allagan(midlander) slaves before that
Yeah, about that.

>SCHfags forget
How do I forget something that attracted me into playing SCH in the first place? In Heavensward, when I started playing, I was promised a unique healing job that branched off a DPS one and had a kit befitting exactly that, plus a pet. People are praising Machinist changes because everyone wanted the job to change. Nobody with any sense in their heads wanted Scholar to change, they wanted the other healers (specifically WHM) to be able to compete.

So a year after ShB releases, how many do you think will have stuck with Viera?

Will cats still reign?

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Delete the game, and replace it with 1.23b-based rework.

Forgot to link the hotbar site.


the darker the better

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Do you even know what power creep is?

>sacrifice fun for balance
it's a game. games are supposed to be fun.

fuck jannies

>DNC doesnt even have haste buffs
im not even an xifag but this is just pathetic

It's pretty pointless. The only reason PvP even exists in this game is because of a loud minority begging for it incessantly during the gap between 1.x and 2.0. It was never anything but an afterthought, and every moment spent adding anything to it is wasted resources.

best bun in the thread gj

Viera look "good enough" and have the new-race novelty, though they'll be extremely odd for glamours until Square gets their shit together and enables all headgear for them and hrothgar.

>user that's not nice, we share in our group

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ooga booga where the white lalafell at?

>People are praising Machinist changes

Not anymore they're not.

The Balance spergs came out of the woodworks today and told us that MCH is going to be significantly worse now than it ever was if you don't have less than 30 ping.

They're pretty much all mad again, except for the 5% of mouthbreathers who think you need to eat shit to see whether or not it tastes good.

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I would drop kick their fucking face for this post only

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>In heavensward
Oh you sweet summer child.
My ass.

Scholar is more focused now, and we've had freakouts about scholar DPS every motherfucking expansion, and possibly patch whenever shit touches SCH.

Bring back motherfucking flat 1/3rd hp lustrates.

HW Scholar was the most enjoyable healing this game as has ever seen. Anyone would seethe if they saw something that enjoyable get slowly gutted two expacs in a row.
Instead of focusing on bringing WHM up to the level of engagement the other two required, they're dumbing them down to WHM's level. It's that fucking simple, you lala-posting retard.

Is clear demimateria useful for anything or should I just vendor it?

>pink hair
>pale skin
>probably has height slider at 0
oh no no no no

Knife yourself.

I didn't say make them do more damage, retard, I said make their kits more involved. Give the other two healers a way to make a choice to deal damage or to heal. Give them more than a single AoE damage option. Give them two DoTs to manage instead of one with their instant being on a shorter duration for more weaving.

Are Khloes silver commendations worth it or should I just take 6 crafting vi materia?

HW scholar was trash compared to 2.x sch.

I kinda like MCH the way it was, and I'll probably like it post expansion.

No idea where you got the idea that they were slaves.

>A-user that's how my dad killed himself, I was 3 when it happened

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>Implying WHMkeks can see reason after spending 6 years in the shed
The spite defines them, there's a reason why they always begged SE for nerfs to everyone rather than buffs for them.

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Yeah, when you just keep buffing shit constantly with no regards for how it will impact anything because you're scared to death of giving anything any sort of nerf and upsetting anybody.

Who cares what The Balance thinks

I'm so tired of these shit coast servers, only fags, spics and trannis can play the game.

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I can see it being very popular. They might not be more popular than miqo'te, but it'll still be pretty high up there. But it depends on how quickly they make head gear equipable and how most gear will look.

Just check the silver rewards with khloe.

I don't play MCH but you can tell just by reading the tooltips that they barely reworked the job at all. Discordfags didn't have to tell you that.

Take the knife, press it against your breast, don't stop pressing untill you see the light.

I heard drg was good in pvp though.

Balance spergs never touched the new changes. The one person that has loves the change. I'm going to trust the person that has actually played the new job over someone that has only autistically crunched numbers of an outdated build.

>except for the 5% of mouthbreathers who think you need to eat shit to see whether or not it tastes good.

Normally I'd agree with you, but for how often everyone has been wrong before they have a point.

tranny MtF au ra and white knight miqo'te will always be the most popular, they'll spend mommy's credit card to go to the most generic viera you can think of for 2 weeks then switch back

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I'd be delighted to make and spam big-ass ethers if they'd reduce the shitty cooldown and increase effectiveness. Well, I mean, I do use them anyway, but they could be better. That could actually be a silver lining to the MP cap, ether scaling might be far better now.

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who is the person?

>just like my favorite character Bebil!

Attached: Final-Fantasy-XIV-Heavensward-Au-Ra-Dark-Knight-image-2.jpg (1920x1080, 1.06M)

It was the same shit minus percentage lustrate which was busted with the existence of cleric stance.

>the guy that played it at 1 ping liked it
you don't say

fuck off ankha you dumb slut

>literally wasting tank cd's because lmao muh stack timer
>god tier

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rofldrg from Gamerscape.

Melee DPS are only ever worth it if you are in a premade with a pocket healer. Otherwise you die too fast before you get any decent damage done. It's like fighting for scraps while the brd/mch in the back is just casually racking up kills.

Yeah no, 2.X sch was more healing focused, HW broke that fucking balance by tossing a shitton of dots at the job that nobody really asked for.

SB reigned it in a little bit, but fucked up by removing AOE dots.

We're finally going back to 2.X era ish playstyle for sch and I can't be more excitebike.

>that attitude is why youre an incel

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hope everyone here got the free 4 seater mount before the event ended! it would be embarrassing to not have it!

>Affected by cleric stance
>How the fuck do I math

Then you're not very smart, because we are already in a powercreep logic since we are getting higher potency spells. You also completely misunderstand what people want, they just want something a bit more interesting than "keep dot up, spam 1". Not only is it not correlated to powercreep, it might prevent it because that you have more choices to adjust potencies if unbalance arise.

It's time to accept that Mhach was a highlander civilization, and that both Hyur clans sprouted from Allagans breeding with Meracydians.

But SCH had the most dots in ARR, you silly stormbaby.
It started losing dots with the arrival of HW.

>that neck

Attached: 1555699426705.jpg (400x411, 33K)

Ground that shit out in like three days.

Roadtripping around Eorzea with that silly coiuntry music is fun.

I love my out-of-place car. youtube.com/watch?v=yuGFhEQGYK0

>they just want something a bit more interesting than "keep dot up, spam 1"

that's where healing and buffs come in

the same guy who thought you can dragoon tether yourself?

SCH didn't get any new dots in HW what are you even talking about
>can toss out lustrates for full potency without leaving cleric
>not busted
That shit had to be nerfed.

The fact they're basically deleting something as unique and interesting as the AST card mechanic makes me sad. It's like when someone buys up a priceless art piece and puts it in their attic.
Gonna miss those random situations when the utility cards actually saved the group more than just the unga bunga damage ones would've.

Attached: 1456096719313.jpg (1920x960, 1.04M)

It's a very ugly mount that doesn't feel at all like a car and clips through everything. I will continue to use the best mount in the game, the True Griffin.

Attached: Will Stormblood save FFXIV.... All right, well how about Shadowbringers.webm (852x480, 2.92M)

Let me help you out.
Cleric Stance used to be an actual stance, and it made all of your heals weaker than a SMN Physick until you turned it back off (by literally swapping your INT and MND stats). The only exception was Lustrate, since it healed based on percentage rather than scaling off MND.

>m-muh ping
Fuck off. If ping was your issue, it'b be a issue on half the jobs.

i don't get this argument. every mount clips through everything. even the chocobo clips through walls and tables.

It's breaks all the lore in the game.
If the Iron Works had access to Noctis' car, that would be a technical revolution and give the Alliance a footing against the Makitek of the Empire.

Then where are the buffs

rava really are best

and your ears ARE set to max length, right? it's the cutest.

Attached: reddag.png (1203x900, 1.44M)

It's useful for helping the late starters to eureka.

Attached: ffxiv_05212019_220723_443.png (1920x1080, 3.04M)


If I recall correctly it was the same amount as SMN, so Bio, Bio II, Miasma, Miasma II, and Shadow Flare. We lost what, one to skill squish and gained potency? Not autistic enough to remember all the patchnotes.

We still had toolkit to compete with benedictions - heck, we couldn't even heal through blayflox hard runs back in the day, WHM was literally required before everybody geared up.

Without the gear, that DPS was bretty bad.

Yoshi won't force more healing because casuals would get perfectly trounced by it and there's only so much buffs you can provide without making AST feel out of place and without anything to differentiate itself from the other healers..

Can't be helped. AST is too good. Same with SCH. You can't fit in a 4th healer in yoshida's WoWclone formula with pre 5.0 AST and SCH.

>Going from delicious brown highlander girl to delicious brown bunny girl
I still have my fantasia from veteran rewards on my main character, never changed her until now.

Attached: nice.jpg (1000x563, 58K)

There's a silver lining atleast:
>Now that cards no longer exist, the only reason why Chemist couldn't be added isn't valid anymore
>6.0 will have CHM which works as a spin on AST and NIN using mixing to create buffs and heals

Attached: Imagine.gif (390x219, 1.93M)

Is that enhanced Army's Peaon trait at 78 worth it or is it still switch to Ballad as soon as it is up for you brd mains out there?

Is that the L for loser?

You forgot aero and thunder.

and grass? Bushes? At least it makes sense for other mounts to be able to walk through those things. Everything about regalia just feels off. The only good thing about it is the music and the four seat utility if I ever need that, but I would hope the scenarios that call for it are very slim in my future.

6.0 will add chemist and it will be a dps.

3x Lustrate = 1 Benediction, which, conveniently, was also not affected by clerics stance, Stormtoddler.

You're forgetting Aero.


Is Eureka worth getting into now?

It's not necessarily more advanced than anything else in the setting, there's already other personal-carrier vehicles and the Garlean Empire regularly employs mechanized war-machines against the nations they conquer which ARR informs us is a complicated enough device that it requires a simple AI to handle most of its motions. It'd mostly be because it's pure machinery rather than the magitek the world regularly employs, and even then the tooltip tells you it was almost certainly a profuse amount of reverse-engineering, head-scratching and wrench waving to build a replica of the car.

When the hell was "misgendering" in the DRK quests.

considering we already know eureka 2 is coming you may as well just embrace it bro. And yes, when your chocobo stands on a bush, the bush clips through its legs, same with grass blades.

Huh, so I am. It wasn't baneable though so who gave a shit, unless you were trying to push on extreme primals from what I remember, though I might be wrong. Shit 2.0 was too long ago.

>not included in the lizard collage

Now this is a good liz.

Attached: 2019-06-01 01-06-19 CyanePrism.png (1920x1017, 2.57M)

I don't give a fuck about chemist, I want ast

>The Balance spergs came out of the woodworks today and told us that MCH is going to be significantly worse now than it ever was if you don't have less than 30 ping.
That only applies if you're a sperg that starts shrieking uncontrollably and has be put on suicide watch if for some reason you're unable to double-weave. If you're playing normally and only sticking one oGCD between GCDs, it's not an issue in the slightest.

>still have to go from level 1 - 60

The more characters I see being created the more I'm liking Hrothgar better than Viera

If you're JUST now starting you may as well forget it. Unless you're doing it night and day I don't think you'll be able to catch up in time to fully complete a weapon. Especially with how dead Anemos and Pagos are.

>we finally get CHM
>but it's the dumbed down shitty pseudo-WHM clone that every healer is now post 5.0
Thanks, monkey's paw.

Attached: 1553331774415.jpg (800x640, 100K)

Well that's too bad, yoshida-san says you can't have AST anymore.

ugly inferior race

They're the ones who make your rotation faggot

What is your goal?
To see all the quests? Hell yeah jump on in, do your challenge log with a party every week.
To get a weapon? You can do this, but it may be a bit more challenging, and will require time. You will need to hop aboard the NM train a few times a week to grind a bit in each stage.

It doesn't matter because the WHM artifact weapon looks super cool and that trumps anything else.

I was told for years that NIN was unplayable at a top tier level without being within 100 miles or some shit of the DC. I have seen europeans on NA servers post Commiefornia move get orange parses.

Something about how Fray, being your darkside, is a male, which in turn makes the WoL more masculine despite the female character? Only someone who is really insecure about being called male would complain about that.
Even though that's fucking retarded and just wrong cause Fray's gender is depending on the WoL's gender. It's just the physique doesn't change behind Fray's armor.

>Make your rotation

I make my own goddamn rotation. Read tooltip, hit button.

>5.0 tanks now all generate enmity the same and mitigate mostly the same with their damage kit being their differentiating factor
>looking to be the most balanced they've ever been
>instead of applying this same philosophy to healers they're going in the complete opposite direction and making healer balance worse
There will never be a 4th healer at this rate.

Theory crafters are saying to max smn damage we need 3 min prepull for max damage

Hell no, I follow tooltip information and natural progression of skillchains and figure out what works best from there.

It's a fuckin mmo lad not quake. You don't need 20 ping

Parsing is cancer, but people are also autistic shits who can't into gameplay.

the only way i'll accept biochemist is if it requires alchemist level 50 to unlock

You will clip during your RF window

Attached: ChH8M.jpg (687x334, 75K)

Actually, it's shit. No MMORPG has ever had good PvP, unless the game was built solely around it, in which case it's really not an MMORPG.

we're going back to HW where you had to wait between pulls for HG to be back up

Yeah the tool tips told you how to do this right? No it doesn't. This is why these autist exist

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Midlander bros...

Attached: ffxiv_05312019_225147_477.png (1920x1080, 1.59M)

This will never be a thing ever since 2.0 came out.

what does ast have to do with chemist not being a thing

>we already know eureka 2 is coming
Oh. Great.

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>Californians will be the only ones able to play the gun job

Attached: 1553311529540.png (179x177, 79K)

Is waiting 3 minutes going to shave 4 minutes off how long the fight takes

Hmmm. Guess I will never be orange as I am not gonna buy potions to use every fight.

I'm not a monkey so I have no idea what the fuck you're on about.

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You wait 3 minutes for 4 ruin 4 procs you can store which is 100 potency more than ruin 3

Who will play the abortion job?

>implying I play TK MNK while fucking around drunk on Saturday night and queuing for Sigmascape 4.0 instead of Alphascape 4.0 like I wanted
Job design's good enough in this game that I can be off my shits and still perform acceptably with most jobs. Most players wouldn't ever arrive at Tornado Kick on their own to begin with

oh no no no

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>time dilation is gone and celestial opposition lost its buff extender
>hastes no longer exist on any job

AST's buffs are now boring garbage that barely change much, so it makes it easier to add another buff-centric healer that can do the same thing.

The only thing you can't figure out about the monk opener is the second Tornado Kick and if you're not a retard you'd eventually come to the conclusion of using it after testing it out a bit and realizing it was a DPS gain if the TK crits, neutral if it doesn't crit, and that it delayed your GCD just enough for you to not clip your demolishes.
Tornado kick is pretty obviously a gain to use in Riddle of Fire


>your ears ARE set to max length, right? it's the cutest.
You're alright in my book.

Chemist supposedly was originally planned to be the Heavensward healer but they couldn't figure it out so they rolled with AST and card gimmick instead. Since two would have incredibly similar playstyle, existance of card mechanic denies existance of CHM in ffxiv.

Gotta let them play out their second amendment somewhere now that all of their rights have been stripped.

So did NA? JP didn't even win UWU either, because the NA scene thought UCOB was going to be a one to two day sprint like savage and didn't prepare for it. They came prepared for UWU and blew the nipponese steel into smithereens. Try again, DRK cuck.

But is that going to end the fight 4 minutes sooner, because that is the only way to justify sitting around doing nothing for several minutes

>feather foot
Now there was a useless skill
*sips potion*

Mine are set to length 50 because anything higher makes them looked stretched out sadly. I wish the length slider made them bigger, not just taller.

Nigger you must spend 0 time in pagos, its just as busy as hydatos most days cause cassie and other weapons. Eureka takes 2 weeks at most if you push it.

>all of the identical dark skinned Viera dancers and samurai I'll have to watch flail about with their repugnant weeb names while I fall asleep doing the new dumbed down tank rotations
Holy fuck, what a disaster these changes are going to be.

According to theorycrafting, even if a WHM spends every lily on a GCD heal immediately, AND casts two medica IIs throughout a rotation, they still do more DPS than AST even factoring in AST's card RNG giving them 3 seals every time, and that's assuming the AST spends 0 GCDs on healing. Yoshi fucked up if they don't buff AST's potencies or their cards before the expac releases.

Unless you're in the middle of some raw-ass world 1st jousting, if the group you're raiding with ever seriously suggests you waste any number of minutes for "pre-pull" it's time to find a better group, or kick the idiot bleating about it.

But can anyone explain why Fray still even exists when he was revealed to be literally you at the end of the ARR questline, and even transformed into literally you?

The game doesn't tell you to use shit like riddle of wind to get that GL and save PB for later. The game pretty much makes you think you should use pb first. Case in point this was the common opener until 4.2 when the balance found out how much of a gain tk opener was

Attached: mnk old opener.png (880x131, 80K)

It's okay I'll just be a repugnant au ra tranny flailing about with my latin name while you fall asleep spamming Dark Arts. Oh wait I mean Edge of Darkness

is this true

>Yoshi fucked up
That seems to be the general theme this expansion.

How are the tank rotations dumbed down when they're complex than before. lol

I can read tooltips and hit a fucking striking dummy too duder. Don't need the fucking theorycraft autists for their shit. Coming up with rotations is REALLY not that hard.

>dumbed down tank rotations

They are literally the same except for your opener, which wasn't even hard anyway because you didn't pull on PLD, DRK literally just did 1 DA Power Slash and WAR was identical to its DPS stance opener minus an Equilbrium in Defiance.

Yes, momo-sama actually made a video on all the healer changes. He pretty much confirmed ast is in the shed

AST and SCH shields stack.

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I do, because I finished all 3 of my weapons that I was going for.

Are you still a free use cumbank, lyn?

they're also removing elemental spells from WHM. People are thinking GEO will be next healer.

>Bump limit in 2 hours

Fuck these threads move.

Faggot for as long as there are games with polygons and shit EVERYTHING WILL CLIP.

Let me know when your ultra realism fantasy kicks in faggot

And your rotation will not yield optimaldps because that is all those autist care about

>more complex than before
hello grey parser

Ah but you're forgetting WHM doesn't pad anyone's parses

Just stop responding, he's a monkey who thinks that doing 5k on a MNK is acceptable because because hE cAn ReAd ToOlTiPs and don't need no optimization for his rotation.

>The game doesn't tell you to use shit like riddle of wind to get that GL
> Case in point this was the common opener until 4.2 when the balance found out how much of a gain tk opener was
That was the common opener until 4.2 because Riddle of Wind didn't give you a stack until 4.2 you colossal retard. Everyone in 4.2 used the RoW opener.

Attached: row.png (442x412, 111K)

get fucked retard

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If they wanted to make Tornado Kick's application in regards to incorporating it to your rotation more obvious they'd probably give it to you a lot earlier on in Heavensward since you get Perfect Balance at 50. At 60, like, I *get* that its intention is to be a "gamechanger" skill in the vein of Black Mage getting Fire IV at 60, but there's no incentive to use it besides optimization since you can still perform acceptably while ignoring it, and the little blinky hotbar markers don't call for it at any point. Everything you've learned from MNK beforehand goes out the window if you adopt the TK rotation since it begins focusing on leading up to a TK burst and rebuilding your GL instead of just keeping up GL and oraoraora.

What I'm saying is that if they wanted people to use it all that much they should've put a blinker on its hotbar icon when conditions for using it were optimal.

This one's been going slow, they were hitting bump limit in an hour last week and up until the embargo lifted

Why can't we do it

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Haven't played since SB first released. Got a couple classes up to 70 but I'm lost now. What the fuck are some things I should do before ShB?

They aren't more complex like that user said but they're basically the same. After you pull all tanks only use their dps combo. They never use aggro combo

lyn why did u never let me penetrate that lizard?

Nice projection cope, completely untrue, but hey if it makes you feel better while spouting unsubstantiated drivel then go ahead.

>AST and SCH shields stack.
Only Seraph's shield and WHM's benis stack

Tooltips say they don't.

Yeah but some clip worse than others.
And then you have Regalia, which is its own league. I don't care about realism. It just looks shitty whenever it's not in the air. I hope you didn't grind too much for it. That would be embarassing!

>all viera posted here using the same hair
the year Yea Forums showed to have the same mentality as roasties

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Objectively less buttons, absolutely zero decision making in terms of stance changing though they already did that with Stormblood because having risk in your DPS stance was too hard for the casuals, all effects are trimmed down and slapped on a mode you build a fucking meter for to get the old shit like self healing for Warriors. Tank stance was a completely worthless addition because you have literally zero reason to turn it off after the initial pull. Instead of filling out potentially unique niches for tanks with their stances, they got rid of it to streamline tank mitigation and remove all uniqueness from the different jobs to appease shitters. It's a pathetic fucking day when even WoW has better tank design than you do.

Not me, because I have a shit computer so I can't take advantage of the ping even though I live in commifornia.

And guess what, their optimal rotations only matter for world first progression, and maybe ultimate coil and shit.

Doesn't matter for shit on regular or savage content. A lot of pubbies are fucking mouthbreathers though when it comes to this shit, so meh.

To disband EB and get rid of the ring you need to go to the NPC you start an EB from in East Shroud.

Not like viera have a lot of options, user.

Tooltips don't tell you everything.

Attached: 18e5822536.png (197x96, 40K)

>there have never been situations where you ever actually had to manage aggro with shitter groups because of retards that don't use their aggro tools
DRK is literally more braindead now than it was before. Try reading some of your tooltips floorlicker.

more than 2

He didn't. 6% buff to one person for only 15 seconds. Remember cards use to last 30 and you could spread them to everyone. You will not see ast unless you see one player specifically fed crds for 100 percentile

I'm not an ERP slut.....

Go dilate somewhere else elezen tranny.

So AST cards all have the same DPS effect, and grant stacks for the lv80 move now?

They barely have any hair options. There's like 4 or 5 that come in bangs/no bangs flavors.

Most of them aren't that good.

Go check out Eureka, you can get a cool Ozma mount if you play it until the end and beat the 80-man dungeon.
Maybe make an old relic weapon. The ones from ARR are easily soloable, the ones from HW are mostly soloable.
Fuck around in the Golden Saucer, all kinds of glamour and mounts and shit you can unlock there.
Level 1 Crafter/1Gatherer to 70 in prep for ShB so you can wear the sweet equips and help with the Ishgard Restoration (pic is Armorsmith AF gear for ShB)

Attached: Gp9tGxL.png (900x740, 1.25M)

>And guess what, their optimal rotations only matter for world first progression, and maybe ultimate coil and shit.

but I've ERP'd with you...

Well there's a whopping 6 options to choose from, with the other half just hiding bangs. We work with what we got.

Attached: bunbun7.jpg (2560x1440, 718K)

>If they wanted to make Tornado Kick's application in regards to incorporating it to your rotation more obvious they'd probably give it to you a lot earlier on in Heavensward
No they wouldn't because they literally didn't give a shit about moving around low level skills in SB. PLD still spammed Goring Blade over and over from 52 to 60, DRK didn't get their lynchpin skill and main mitigation tool UNTIL LEVEL FUCKING 70, the IR change rendered Berserk absolutely fucking useless for WAR until 70, DRK and AST still both didn't get their AOE skills until 56 and 52 respectively, etc. You know what made TK's use more obvious? Them cutting the cooldown for it by 75% and adding a free stack of GL to Riddle of Wind.
>Everything you've learned from MNK beforehand goes out the window if you adopt the TK rotation since it begins focusing on leading up to a TK burst and rebuilding your GL instead of just keeping up GL and oraoraora.
You spend literally two GCDs in GL2 instead of GL3. That's the only difference between the TK rotation and the regular rotation. Meanwhile it also lets you reapply demolish optimally, which you literally cannot do if you just "ora ora ora" unless you break your combo flow to do a raptor bootshine or stand there pelvic thrusting to delay it.

Sorry girl didn't mean to offend you. Hope you're keeping your hair the same as everyone else in your menstruation group

Is this supposed to imply they'll stack only in neutral sect?

What a fucking moron

Look if the dps doesn't want to diversion then he can die. You aren't responsible for him

WAR actually is more complex than in SB because of Infuriate management being important to line up with raid buffs now and you never want to use it inside IR. But otherwise PLD is the same but with Atonement x3 instead of a second RA combo and Confiteor after 4x HS, DRK seems to be a lot less complex other than being more punishing and having stricter damage windows, and GNB is just PLD minus the Holy Spirit phase.

It's a pure flavor thing; the earlier spells aren't going anywhere. Instead of getting Aero IV and Stone V, they're getting Dia and Glare. Same shit, different particle effect.

dont lie. nonsluts dont post the things you do

pld is more braindead with instant cast holy spirits now

So anyone got tooltips from the more recent jp build?

Thats just neutral sect. Both are AST from the same AST.

10 seconds of scrolling, 7 different hairstyles

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rent free

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Exactly, I don't get why fucking morons have an issue with the car when we are in a fucking game with FUCKING AIRSHIPS


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Probably because they're vastly different in technology and aesthetic you fucking mongoloid.

rent free because you sperged out about the trannies totally unprompted?

I guess that's true, though it does mean being in melee range when you're in your Holy Spirit phase is more important since you'll get guaranteed auto attacks in now.

The percentage of the buff is based on wether the target is melee or ranged with half of the cards going to each. They're all just damage up though.

>if you're playing normally and only sticking one oGCD between GCDs
Do Americans really get latency so bad that they're unable to double weave? I'm Europoor and never had any issues doing that.

>/vg/ faggots out from their containment zone
fuck off you niggers, back to your garbage threads


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Which XIV community wins at the meme game

candy ass

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W-what do?

Attached: 453453453543453.jpg (1086x676, 135K)


Also if you are wanting to level up DNC/GBR you'll want to get some gear to push you from 60-70, with the augmented gear at 70, which will last you until probably 74/75.


>risking crotch rot on some thots
No thanks

I'm sorry i genuinely thought this was xivg. lol
I'm too sleepy..

>tranny not included

>No they wouldn't because they literally didn't give a shit about moving around low level skills in SB.
Well that and their severe stymieing of the TK rotation for 5.0 suggests they didn't actually want you to play MNK that way in hindsight.
>You know what made TK's use more obvious? Them cutting the cooldown for it by 75% and adding a free stack of GL to Riddle of Wind.
The average player's gonna see that as "a free stack of GL to Riddle of Wind" at its most literal since they were aware the playerbase hated losing GL, and they were probably already ignoring TK.
>That's the only difference between the TK rotation and the regular rotation. Meanwhile it also lets you reapply demolish optimally,
You've already gone over the head of most MNKs who don't care about anything beyond "keep all damaging oGCDs on cooldown (except TK, the devil incarnate, unless the boss is phase-changing and I'll lose GL3 anyways)" and "never move from FoF for any reason". When I say make it obvious they want you to use it I mean make it OBVIOUS.

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burgers are too fat to hit buttons quickly.

Part and parcel with "dilate"

Because cars are boring IRL shit and airships are awesome magi-tech fantasy shit. Also, this car comes from the FF game that's not only the absolute worst in the series, it's also fruitier than Toucan Sam's diarrhea. You'd probably see a fucking pride flag painted down the hood if the car could be put under a blacklight. There's a panel of James Bond gadget buttons on the thing, and they're all made to do shit like launch poz loads into the asses of the driver and passengers.

I'm an East coast burger and I was able to up until they moved our data centers out to commiefornia.



>Well that and their severe stymieing of the TK rotation for 5.0 suggests they didn't actually want you to play MNK that way in hindsight.
Then they wouldn't have lowered TK cooldown, lowered PB cooldown, and added a free stack to Riddle of Wind.
>The average player's gonna see that as "a free stack of GL to Riddle of Wind" at its most literal since they were aware the playerbase hated losing GL, and they were probably already ignoring TK.
And anyone with a brain is going to realize that using RoW to open with GL2 so you can immediately use RoF without wasting PB to do so is better than burning PB on your opener just to gain 6% more damage on your shoulder tackle.
>You've already gone over the head of most MNKs who don't care about anything beyond "keep all damaging oGCDs on cooldown (except TK, the devil incarnate, unless the boss is phase-changing and I'll lose GL3 anyways)" and "never move from FoF for any reason". When I say make it obvious they want you to use it I mean make it OBVIOUS.
With that logic, nobody should know to use Fire 4 because it doesn't make the button glow when it's available.

sounds right up your alley

Where does "Rent Free" fit in to this?

So when these die out, what will be the next buzzwords those 12 year old discord kids force on us?

How do I fix the mecha hotbar to show up on my main bar instead of the petbar in Rival Wings?