Pathologic threads already dead again

>pathologic threads already dead again
what went wrong?

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it's a niche singleplayer game, and a typical playthrough can be completed in a week by normies that work fulltime


The bad translation in the first game ruined it for me, is the translation better in this one?

Yes. Try the demo.

It's great, a little too good if that makes sense
it doesn't

Rubin, I'm trying to find him in the warehouses, where the fuck is he? The map says something about a clue?

Nevermind, I found him. Fighting the steppe cunts is going to be impossible though, I'm at like 20% health and no bandages.

I got stuck again

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Haven't had much time to play it yet, but I'm excited.

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None of you were retarded enough to send Lara a barrel of infected water, right?


Well that didn't take them long...

no but I myself am infected. got it on day 3 when a random fucking black ghost nigger cloud thing woodshed at me with lightspeed through a wall. I will never enter an infected house again. trying to find a leash to trade it for shmowder. anyone knows where I can find a leash?

Use the Menkhu's finger.

>he murdered Lika

I fucking hate autocorrect. wooshed* aka flew at me very fast

You get it from a quest where you help Notkin's group on day one or day two, I think you missed it.

Gotta be more specific.

he poisoned 3 imaginary dogs that's unforgivable

maybe if you disabled autocorrect, you wouldn't have this problem
dumb fellow phoneposter

no I didn't miss it I just sold the fucking thing. or traded it. or dropped it. I don't remember but I don't have it anymore

>doesn't even know what he did with it
Not gonna make it.

Well you're fucked.

Shmowders are in cases that the kids use to play (although I think that's random) and sometimes appear in the dead shop (which it is really fucking easy to get various trash for and trade it). If you're not retarded you'll also stock up on various marbles and nuts to maybe trade with a blonde little girl, they very rarely carry one.

fucking hell. time to start anew. reloading a save with all these permanent debuffs is madness. why did I sell the fucking revolver jesus christ... this game breaks a niggas balls if you're not careful.

>reloading a save with all these permanent debuffs is madness

Why did you buy the revolver? It's dogshit.

>muh debuffs
nigga just alt f4 before it's too late

i died like 6 or 7 times within 20 minutes because of my dire situation

So what the verdict? Is this better then the original?

believe me after the 4th one I tried and it did not work.

Pretty much in every single way.

Well I just checked and it didn't work for me either, since I'm at 2 deaths.


Ah, I thought you meant that loading saves gave you penalties and I got spooked.

this happens in the game right

the problem was that I went in completely blind. haven't touched the first game, didn't watch trailers for the second, didn't read articles.... I didn't expect to achieve anything significant on my first run but I at least expected to survive...

If you do it before your health bar actually reaches zero you should be completely fine

Penalties are backwards applied to saves.

Replayed some of Classic HD yesterday. Yeah, it's better in pretty much every way. Only things I'd change is have the original's style Eva house, Georgiy's house and Ospina's house.

The ending really does not pay off for the effort put in. I saved everyone aside from big vlad and the murderer (because I could kill them). I had to try VERY fucking hard to do this perfectly. Lots of saves, reloads, sometimes a game day would literally take me a day to finish so it was done perfectly.
>I always thought the murderer would be someone you saw before.
>It's some guy you meet on like the 9th day.
It's obviously this guy.
>You just get data dumped on the last two days.
>All of the clues in the first ten days didn't even fucking matter.
>Not open to interpretation.
>Turns out to be carnivorous hippies VS the world.
>I pick the world, fuck them hippies.
>The Last Day
>I wake up on a train. I get to talk to everyone and ask how they feel.
>I talk to 2 people, get disappointed,
>Close game.

some lady showed up at Grace’s to take her to the town hall. should I tell her to fuck off?

I'm not a fan of the added tutorial train section although it looks nice; looting is already tiresome but that's to be expected from Icepick Lodge. Great visuals, fantastic character models and most of all - great writing; perhaps not great for actual genre fiction standards, but anything that's in English and not written by American infused twitterspeak (aka every western game) is a breath of fresh air.

It runs a bit janky on my computer. Can somebody tell me which settings can be lowered down with little effect on the visuals? I already turned off v-sync and depth of field.


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sounds like you played the game wrong
savescumming is scumming for a reason

So because I put in more effort than normal, I should be punished because I played the game wrong?
Are you a retard?
I could have completed the game in a day, otherwise. But I'm Russian and I really like the atmosphere.
Stupid loli shit just reaffirms this game is wildly disappointing.

it runs a bit janky on everyones computers

The original was better.

Dumb phonecuck.

My rig died after completing the first day so now I'm waiting for the consolekek release, and I'm in no grand rush to rebuild. Please have lots of fun threads for me to read in the archives in a year or two from now!

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it checks out
you wasted your own time. the game wasn't designed around saving everyone. sorry you're a bull-headed yagarchin.

There doesn't need to be a thread up 24/7. That's what /vg/ is for.

Is this getting released on consoles?

First night is comfy, feels like Halloween. Feels bad knowing it'll all be ruined.

Attached: 20190531200026_1.jpg (1920x1080, 112K) could this happen to us?

>When you test the panacea and the music kicks in
Felt so good, rushed to tell bachelor and rubin but neither would talk to me, guess ill wait for now

No Bachelor

I remember reading something about it on their official Discord forever ago, but have nothing to back it up after a quick search. Even if there is a console release coming though, I wouldn't expect it for a while

They would have to optimize the game first, but it shouldn't be hard to port since its unity.

Is the 'wrinkled note' you find on your first twyrine trip a hint to something or just filler text?

isn't that Lara?

>Watch reviews on youtube
>In every single one of them, it's clear that they're cheating in AT LEAST the hunger/exhausion system
>Proceed to lash out opinions that further contextualize their cheating, such as saying that travelling is boring, and that, if you want, you can sleep to pass the time if nothing interesting is going on

It's all so tiring.

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the writing

To be fair, the game also says you can sleep to skip time.

They meant it in the sense of "are you bored and nothing is happening? just sleep to skip the time bro" which is the absolute opposite of what you should be doing.

Guys, I'm on day 7 and Rubin is dead. What could I have done to save him?

I'm too busy playing the game

new patch on gog when

be a better friend
>tfw mandatory overtime
j-just 5 hours and i can go home

>seeing isidor's house on day 2 knowing what it means

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Did Seth commission more porn?

fuck off ecelebtard

You could've made a panacea by 7:30 of day 7.

no Im just ripping the models.

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Really? So soon?

Now user, why would you need to rip the models, what could your plans be?

Are you even trying to read the lines?

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I did make the panacea by then

And the night-time questline? Were you a good friend?

I fought off the attackers two nights in a row. The night before he died, I didn't get any quest from him. I guess I'll just have to visit him on my own accord and hopefully unfuck the town, because this goddamn coal miner is useless

do clothes lose durability by merely wearing them like in the original?

If I see a kid with schowder will they drop it if they die? Asking for a friend

Only if you walking in infected zones

you can't murder children

was keeping an eye on mine and I don't think so
walking through plague districts with no lantern (possibly with) and handling infected drawers will though. I also assume getting shot/punched/stabbed/burned does too.

He also died for me, so I'm not entirely certain on this. Basing myself off of what other anons told me:

You gotta do what you did, then visit him at his house, pick the good dialogue choices while he listens, and have the panacea ready by 7:30 of day 7.

But don't reload, it's all good drama.

Yeah, I've been avoiding savescumming, but I intend to do another run and his death is clearly a massive deviation.