I'm fucking tired of western devs and companies using LGBTQ+ agitation to promote their games

I'm fucking tired of western devs and companies using LGBTQ+ agitation to promote their games
What's so special about having 60 different sex orientations anyway?

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Girls kissing is neat

i hate women and minorities

gaming disorder defined

>the absolute STATE of western gaming

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>American raised by shit parents: The user

only when they look good


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Then go enjoy your shitty country's entertainment.

You're exaggerating, there aren't actually 60 different orientations. There are maybe 3 at best. It's not that hard to figure out. Stop being a weak, whiny cunt.

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Your dipshit country is irrelevant.

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>ITT europoors and Indians

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>western gaming


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>lesbians = 60 different sex orientations


for me it's not even the usage of the bazillion sexual orientation and identities itself, it's the usage of them in a way to try and shield themselves from criticism when they make a mediocre or bad game.

They consider lesbianism to be 1 one of 64 different forms of "love" or "sex orientations"

>games from 3rd world countries
>pic related

Attached: games from your country.jpg (1920x1080, 32K)

Same, but there's not much that we can do about it, the world is lost.
Best you can do is just not support them and never stop criticing it. Home school your kids, keep them away from the internet as much as you possibly can, show them classic values.

>ITT people exagerating and hating because they're either disconnected from the world or trolling

Back in the day. We had GTA SA and when CJ finally got 100% with a girl he was dating. They would fuck at her house. But you basically used the controls to fuck the girl. Full on action. Good times Good times.

so europeans and americans?

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every time a Ubisoft game is released next day there is some fake LGBT controversy forcing reddit mods to ban all users criticizing the game itself

Oh no, a girl getting kissed by another girl. Clearly this is a targeted attack on traditional values and your sexuality. Go be a faggot somewhere else

Bishits deserve the bullet.

wow I sure never get tired of the same fag making the same fucking thread all the fucking time WOW VIDEO GAMES WOOOOOW SO AMAZING SUCH WOW MUCH GAME LOOK LESBIANS LOL

I think you're much more likely to end your life with a bullet than your average bishit. You know it to be true.

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>This is the state of Yea Forums in 2019

Your pic is pretty much right except that 2007 games weren't good. We just tolerated them because we didn't know better

Better be irrevalent than cancer

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I'm fine with diversity, so long as the invading peoples are more intelligent than the host country's.

That's natural behavior coming from a male. Of course you fucking want to see this. That's a fetish. It arouses you. You're attracted to it. So you want more, and more.

Unless you're one of those mentally ill lesbian tumblrinas/twitterinas who project their own sexuality on fucking characters that weren't created by them that don't need it. Ellie was already written that way from the beginning so I'm referring to other characters.

>Nintendo poster
Which girl convinced the retard autist to wear a maga hat? Poor guy

Sex shouldn't be in video games at all. It's stupid and has nothing to do with gameplay.

>the current state of western gaming


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Me on the left.

I don't mind it. I just dislike how ugly they made them.

>hets and lesbians, sometimes a token gay hidden in side characters, nothing else ever
Ah yes, 60 different orientations indeed!
Go back to /pol/

All films should be devoid of music. It's stupid and has nothing to do with visual storytelling.

At least we have a constitution

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The fact that it works. Being woke is a double wammy money making strategy that draws in those who want to support whatever it is that is being shown, while simultaneously using whoever is upset as free advertising. If that second part weren't true, this thread literally wouldn't exist. Then there's the massive majority of people who probably don't give a shit, but they'll buy it anyways so whatever.

>american making analogy

Hey user I totally want to see fucking dykes scissoring hard until their pussies frot so hard they become one and they're eternally conjoined through their genitalia. It's cool since it gives us dudes boners and makes stupid cunts happy.

Shoe-horned anything in games is stupid. This generation went hard on political BS, and it looks like Sony and Microsoft want to keep the ball rolling for the next generation too.

Did you ever wonder where hateful elderly people who just don't belong in society anymore and that everyone's embarrassed to be around come from?

That'll be you. Have a nice life.

Follow and spread the word of the Lord.

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>That'll be you. Have a nice life.
Better than be a wagie slave and having to suck jewish progressive cock in order to pay the bills

Oh fug, that guy actually posted a pic of himself on /pol/.

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based and redpilled

Want more /pol/ posters?

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>Yea Forums pretending to not be gay by pretending to be outraged by LGBT characters

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Honestly, there’s no real difference between using sexy shit or gay shit to market your game, they’re both usually just used to get brainlets to buy their game, though they can be tolerable if not pushed in your face, constantly. I’ll take gameplay first any day, though.

>I only enter in pedo threads
Hi pedo

Gay shit is entirely marketed towards white women and men, because the more lesbians and white men turning into trannies, the more you lower birthrates so you can use it as an excuse for more somalian engineers importing. Straight man pandering is nothing but "people like to look at pretty people".
Sorry you had to learn this way.

>because the more lesbians and white men turning into trannies, the more you lower birthrates
You sound like one of those galaxy brain fundementalist christian conservatives that think people can just decide to be gay one day. You don't simply "turn" trans, retard.

Before mass media showing Madonna and other celebs gay kissing no one thought it was cool or fashionable
It's a lot easier to control gay people because gay people have more mental disorders

good thing you'll be squeezed out of the market

name 1 game that has any of that, that is not indieshit

It only became acceptable for gay shit to be in mass media because it turns out that gay men have the perfect combination of poor impulse control, disposable income and a highly consumerist subculture. That's the entire drive of early support of gay rights activism. And even then it's only really permissible to show lesbians despite not being the driving factor.