Choose Your Side

Choose Your Side

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'd rather be in the middle.

Hijacking this thread for honest opinions from the fighting girl titty connaisseurs.

Does Morrigan look weird here?

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Was Chun Li supposed to be hot though, in the canon I mean, unlike Mai I though she was just supposed to be a tough chick.


whats with the ugly noses

Whoever wins, we win.

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why does big tits have bigger legs than thigh queen

Chun should be thiccer

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She kinds looks Asian oddly enough, and it looks more realistic than anime

Choose better characters to represent each series then I might decide.

What if it's a bald ugly fat guy that wins?

I'm not a man who says this often, but it's worth saying: FPBP. Who wouldn't want to be sandwiched between those two?

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She was set up to be more 'cute' than hot. It wasn't until SFIII's third iteration with her deformed legs that they started making her more of a sex object.

SFV's DLC outfits for her are deplorable.

I choose to cum inSide

They're the strongest women in the world. It's not a likely outcome.

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Unbelievably and unquestionably BASED

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>muh sex object
>because a woman has strong legs
Lol you feminists are hypocrites

double buttjob


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>this thread
Tits = Hips > Thighs > Ass > Feet

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The flexible one

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Out of those, Mai

Yeah, she does look kind of weird there

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Mai's a bitch


Tits>>>>>>>>>Everything else

>tumblr nose

Chun-li always looks like a freakish abomination in her games, so the other one.

This thread is actually Chinese girls vs Japanese girls

Indeed, that's why I find it difficult to fap to her

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the only woman i've seen with chun li legs was white.
Asian girls lack the discipline to get chun li legs.

First waifu best waifu

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>no cunny just old hags
I'll pass.

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>you can't be on both sides
nah fuck you

Yeah, especialy in SFIV/V

why do comics always have a random word bolded like i get that sometimes it's for emphasis but why emphasis sidewalk?

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Can't a man have both?

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Great hips generally tends to warrant good ass and thighs so you can't just separate them like that.

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I'm a third party voter.

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Which is the zombie side

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That's a cute zombie

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you are underestimating the strength of the fat salaryman

I wish that SF had a tit-centric characterthat isn't an ugly pile of dogshit like Laura

Mai is more flexible.

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Third party never wins, they just split the ticket.

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She's a good girl

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I like Chinese ghouls!

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>being a drawfag
>I make a poll to decide new lewd
>4 options, 4 video game girls
>Mai Shiranui get's no votes
>"I don't know what character is that"

We can come to an agreement of some kind, i'm sure of it.

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How is that surprising? KoFXIV bombed, Mai's DoA crossover was only popular with horny weebs, and normies don't play fighting games in the first place.

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For me, it's Yuri

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Why not draw Mai out of spite?

Holy based. Imagine that

>>I make a poll to decide new lewd
There was your first mistake. Let me guess some shitty meme character from the past 5 years won by a landslide


The true path.

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A man can have those uber sexy lips.

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>smacks her ass and tells you to come here as a taunt

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This guy always draws hot shit but the way he does faces are fucked

Holy fuck that pose is such a turn on.

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>ywn be the one to smack that ass for her

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Too bad she is annoying and has an ugly face

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below their cocks

She's extremely cute

please stop, the pain of living is already almost too much to handle.

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no, not really. shes acceptable

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that one doujin where ryu fucks them both then gets arrested for rape

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Take that back

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The best pose to humiliate women in FG.

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I don't like her either, her face in SFV is really derpy looking


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Both wear leotards (or at least that's what I've always assumed). How am I supposed to choose? Why not both?


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These days, Chun-li wins and it's not even close. She has more thunderous thighs, muscle and her breasts are bigger.

SNK needs to give Mai some torpedo tier soft tits as well as a sixpack if they want her to compete. She shouldn't have a huge butt but it need to have a good shape.

She sounds like Naruto though

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*Bigger than Chun-li's breasts in the past, not Mai's. Either way, current Chun-li >>> current Mai.

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SNK has much hotter ladies than Mai anyways.

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shes voiced by naruto in both JP and english, shes canonically sounds like a male ninja

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i really love leona's jiggle physics in the new KOF

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Mai isn't even the best SNK girl

I'd make mothers of them both.

I don't know if much hotter. But there are definitely better ones.

I'm not saying she is, but the thread was Chun-li vs Mai.

right because she has better feet/thread

i really, really like cammy.

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Well best or not she's still probably their most well known outside of maybe Nakoruru. (In Japan.) Thing is though It seems like a lot of Mai's popularity comes from people who don't realize what a shrill cunt she is.

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I hope you'll pass from this world, disgusting pedo

>die between those legs
>not winning

you might even say i lust her

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Fuck off, cuck


I wish those 2 were in the same series; they'd have a great dynamic.

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xie xie

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like most of her outfits, its designed so you start looking at it from the vagina bones upward.

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the japanese tiddy invasion begins

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>They're the strongest women in the world.
So that makes them what, stronger than maybe 15% of men?
My money is still on the fat guy.

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Lei lei is a underrated girl.

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Compared to her PS2 days, she looks terrible in Soul Calibur 6. I think she also looked better in 4 too. Fucking censorship garbage.

Click on my other vids
That isn't the only time she's taken my bird poop

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Hell no, she and all the other girls looked like a crack addict in SC4. Her jiggle was better in SC2 but that's all.

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Imagine what their shitters smell like

Vanessa is way hotter than Mai, as is pic related.

I'd say they are both hotter and better than Mai

When I first saw Mai's idle animation/cleavage I fapped to her quite a bit, but the more I learned about her and what she's actually like, the less fappable she became

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SC6 is all about Mina and Tira, I'm really pleased with how they turned out

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Too bad she's the best girl and female wrestlers with huge tits and gargantuan asses with flying hip and butt attacks are even more the best.

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Their damaged haircuts are hot as fuck

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Yeah their faces were weird in 4 (I think it was the eyes), but the body proportions were better I believe.

If only it were a universal unique female animation.

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I pledge my loyalty to these feet.

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The official art emphasized the tiddies more and Ivy's outfit I think showed off a bit more, but the ass and tiddies are the same size as far as I can tell

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More of my Korean BAE Seong.

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Wow, that looks really nice actually. Wish her legs were more toned though. KOF 14 really did not have enough muscle in the women. I think it's their engine. Hope they change that in the next game.

I wish SNK would reuse this character also. Such a good design.

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Pretty sure Taki's breasts were smaller in 6. I think Ivy's were as well. Not sure about Sophitia or the others.

What's that hairstyle called? The 50's housewife or something? I fucking love it.

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she looks like she can be ported to taimanin

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The Taimanin character was based on her I think.

KOF XIV was a mixed bag as far as the models go, some were hot and nice while others had iffy-looking faces

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my dick requests more SF girls

Her tits(and Ivy/Sophitia) are the same, Mina and Tira on the other hand got tit upgrades. which was really nice

In Alpha 3 when the character fist debuted, she was actually voiced by Junko Takueuchi, who later would go on and do Naruto's voice. Both her VAs who voice her in SF5 are different actresses, but allegedly they were both instructed to try to sound like Naruto.

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Again I think that's just an effect of the artwork, in-game models have tits about the same size

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Yeah I don't like that Vanessa model.

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give me mommy chun-li!

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In reality I think the strongest women in the world must be stronger than at least 95% of the men in the world, but that's just going by current strength and abilities rather than actual potential. Its that very small group of elite, trained and hardened women versus the majority of men who dont really do much of anything except live average uneventful lives.

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New fag, please. Taki is the OG titty ninja.

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my doujins say otherwise

yeah, and she needs to be crossover to taimanin.

The strongest women are the men that were so weak that they became women.

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As far as characters SF has more consistentcy in terms of quality though KoF's great designs are better when done right, sadly though 75% of their casts are unmemorable.

She's the original latex titty ninja in videogames, Taimanin character designer probably got inspired by her

I think the lips makes her look off

>mfw she shows up in a post-cyberpocaliptic manga and can now 1B people with telekinesis

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Then more best booty babe.

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this guy gets it

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Chunners vs. Mai
Yuri vs. Sakura
Makoto vs. ?
Ibuki vs. ?
Cammy vs. ...King maybe?
? vs. Athena
R. Mika vs. Vice
? vs. Mature

Yuri bestest girl

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the strongest women lift over 250kgs easy. Most guys can't do that


Those new ladies are pretty hot too

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Must be some big ol titties

Absolutely fucking BASED

Makoto vs Hinako
Cammy vs Leona or Vanessa
Menat vs Athena
Rose vs Mature

Luong was definitely the best newcomer, and she is way hotter than Mai

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Cammy because of her asscheeks

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I mean, are we talking strong or fit?
I think I've seen a vid of a women's powerlifter champ getting beaten in an arm wrestle by just some normal-looking dude.

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Maybe in concept art or her mannerisms in general, but she looks terrible in that screenshot.

Makoto Vs. Leona
Ibuki vs. ???
Sakura vs. Athena
Juri vs. Mature

You're goddamn right.

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She iss the mature cocktease woman that KOF needed
The engine at that time sucked
She looks way better in Heroines

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Thats why I kept it at 95%. That would still leave maybe 1 out of 20 guys who could out do them. And those are boys who are specifically trained in the sport, not just Jake the bag boy and his stoner friends or any other average joe.

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whoever thought up this angle is a champion

I appreciate her character design but her face still doesn't look good. I'd like if she was more muscular too though that's just my fetish desu.

This artist is so good, shame he hasn't done a manga chapter or doujin in years.

SF's main cast is memorable because they basically boiled down to most basic of character types. Pretty much all of their new ones have been complete duds. And yes this includes Juri.

Some of the Alpha characters were still good. SF3 had less remarkable characters, but still a few. It went to shit with SF4.

Eh, I like Juri more than many classic characters like T. Hawk or Honda

Her in-game face is definitely not good, but I love her overall design and personality. I also prefer soft girls, so I'm glad she isn't muscular

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Why aren't you playing SFV Yea Forums?

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zombie sluts

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Because I don't feel like it

Because it's shit and I don't give a shit about FGC faggotry enough to support a game that's shit.

>"r/kappa said it's bad so it's bad!"


needs more mommy

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Because the game still sucks.

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>not the game's actual, literal mommy

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Hopefully with their next game (and engine) the models won't look like shit

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I actually meant to post Ivy, who isn't a mommy but everyone wants to be their mommy

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i really hope so
14 was a very ugly game

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But it doesn't. Game is good now. All SF games have been shit at release and later become pretty good.

I'm actually somewhat worried that Luong won't make it into the next game, since the only reason she was in Heroines is likely due to model recycling. Is there any indication that she is popular with the fanbase?

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Why would you worry? They're gonna recycle her models again. SNK is full 3D company now


do you often feel that fpbp is just the OP posting the perfect follow up to their own question?

Also very acceptable.

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I'm sure it happens plenty, but this feels organic. It's a natural reaction.

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>strongest woman in the world
>loses to Juri
pick one

DoA2 still best DoA

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Juri has that stupid magic mary sue engine in her eye. Chun Li fights with her own power.

Oh god that fucking alien hand ruined it for me

Here's a better one then.

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it's canon that Dan fucks the wrestler chicks

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>Juri has that stupid magic mary sue engine in her eye. Chun Li fights with her own power.

This is 100% true, but it's more to the point of Capcom being dogshit at characterization, thus newcomers, like Juri can't simply be characters that stand on their own, Capcom instead has to have the newbies viciously shit on old characters to establish themselves. The did the same shit with C. Viper.

>He gets to bath in with all of them AND get paid for that
At least he won one thing tho

H-how did this happen?

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2P is a miracle

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Right? I remember when Super SF2 showed up and yeah they gave the new comers a lot of focus but it was never at the expense of the old cast. Hell even all the Cammy wank didn't come till after the fact because she actually earned her popularity. But both Viper and Juri where basically paraded around as being so much strongerer and coolerer than the other girls and it was just completely obnoxious. That doesn't endear people.

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I like Chun more than Mai, but I like KoF more than SF.

He beat up all the wrestler girls at a promotion cause they werent getting acknowledged, so the entire women locker room ganged up on him to defeat him. Then they thank him for putting them over with a hot bath, money, and sex.

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I feel like the Dan Sucks joke has really gone past where it stopped being funny. I mean he was a not so subtle jab at Robert Garcia but that seemed like it was all in fun. Now it's all AHAHAHAHAHAHA LAUGH AT DAN BEING TEH SUCK! AREN'T WE ALL HIP AND IN ON THE JOKE!

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I like Viper, though. That's mostly because she's basically just an SNK character, though.

At least they made him somewhat serious (I mean using him) in SFIV

The most close thing to a girl doing it willingly

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>Choose Your Side
Why choose?

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t. Dan

We need a new Capcom vs SNK

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Yeah. She's just Vanessa with a shitty hair cut and uses lame gadgets instead of bodibodibodiuppah. She's stupid and lame and her getting a shitty OVA to show how TEH awrsome she was didn't help.

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>has a problem with their noses
>not the shitty angle of the arms


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Mian is super cool but it makes me sad she doesn't get much art because she's hard to draw.

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lilo is all grown up :'-)

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She started to get more art because her Heroines costumes are more easier to draw

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Jack-O is just a miracle.
If I ever made a fighting game, I'd make one character with a throw specifically designed to dunk and humiliate the female characters in this pose.

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Which on the one hand is great because it's saucy and I like Chinese girls. But on the other hand I really liked how much effort went into her actual suit. Adapting a Bian Lian opera dancer into a fighter is inspired.

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hey, this is just a fighting game girls flavored lewd dump

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so true

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Viper's hairstyle is straight up hideous and kills whatever attractiveness she may have had, Vanessa is definitely way better than her.

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Only one girl for me.

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In Skullgirls did the mating press pose in almost every female characters, that's a good shameful pose, but not as great like the faceplant position.

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2p? more like 2pp

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I want Chinese tits.

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While I definitely appreciate Skullgirls for it, and it comes pretty close, nothing beats the face-down-ass-way-up.

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2B? more like 2Benis :DDD


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Some modder from Twitter made this in DoA 5, nice job.

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I think that's best pose ever.

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It's funny as in Alpha 1 Dan was treated as a fully serious character, his ending even has him approached by Bison as he is interested in Dan's strength after he gets his revenge on Sagat. This was all retconned in Alpha 2 where he became a joke character.

She needs to provide more tit service in the actual games

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Big Chinese tits!

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Is it like a collection of static poses to take photos of, or actually functional in game?
Then we're two of mind.

Attached: 55365872_p0.jpg (3112x2381, 1.01M)

I don't even care for cowtits she's just the cutest Chinese zombie I've ever seen

Attached: 81da188435d824cb8f9e0a49c669b240.png (900x800, 568K)

Source on those titties?


Attached: double_trouble_by_vaetenebris_dd4uy54.jpg (1920x1451, 2.12M)

Jack-O flexible af

Attached: Screenshot 2019-04-24 21.24.37.png (1280x720, 366K)

To be honest I don't know maybe just static poses.

Attached: 124.jpg (5000x2100, 3.13M)

Attached: be8548e5cc0ab595e70b567d694c6efd6b469554.jpg (1024x765, 240K)

The first Vietnamese Fighting Game character

Attached: jam_buster.png (1920x1054, 2.33M)

So is one of you commissioning these or is it more noteworthy than I've realized? It has to have a tag if it is, right?

You should add the "Kappa move" extracting the soul from the anus.

Attached: 1551795591575.jpg (1920x1080, 432K)

Some are commisions but almost all were requests.

IIRC the tag is faceplant or face down ass up.

Attached: 63572444_p23_master1200.jpg (1200x675, 361K)

I'd be very impressed if it was the latter. Is there a source for it?
It may have been someone comming them, I'm running pretty low on images myself.

Attached: 53006146_p0.jpg (2381x3112, 1.4M)

are you me?

Attached: 0aed7974f305545d706e6f06da188555.png (600x773, 212K)

Someone did a 2B mod on Sekiro and did this ryona video:

Go to 3:49

I think that's even more niche user.

This is the twitter:

Have I mentioned I rather like Chinese girls? Because I do.

Attached: Jam Fang.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Chinese girls normally are sexy in FGs.

Attached: 106_10.png (320x240, 7K)

Who's the artist?

Post her in the black dress

Thanks user, always glad to have more sources.

Attached: 1491375357760.jpg (788x560, 100K)

me too

Attached: Screenshot 2018-11-05 05.18.25.png (1280x720, 187K)


I did that pic but lost it because changed PC and forgot the name of the game, thanks for this pic.

Attached: 62694908_p0_master1200.jpg (1000x1000, 281K)

They better add Terryko as a separated character

Attached: 73452952_p0.jpg (1358x1693, 166K)

I want the best of all worlds

Attached: poison.png (500x728, 206K)

How about that. No prob.

Attached: 0fbe683543b7b6bc42e05dc34d865f70.png (900x1200, 365K)

Why stop there?

Attached: 1555973372165.jpg (1020x1447, 121K)

Hell Yeah they are



Attached: lei fang jumping for no reason.jpg (1280x1755, 265K)

Attached: black dress.jpg (720x1280, 157K)

wants jam to sit on my face

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-08 13.48.07.png (1280x720, 292K)

Attached: 50364227_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x459, 383K)

Attached: c1168e70242f503d235cb01ebc6e2b17.jpg (1182x1734, 1.16M)

god I love that artist

Attached: 4860296.jpg (771x1000, 179K)

They should have done everything they wanted to do

Attached: 32t23t.jpg (1361x800, 149K)

I wonder how much of it I can in my mouth

Attached: Jam boobs.gif (600x335, 2.32M)

>kyouko was almost the sexiest SNK girl of all time
What a waste

Attached: bb3bb1c8bf3070561b941df10a94d5a2.jpg (1060x1408, 1M)

I actually really miss the DOA outfits and designs

Attached: DOA1LeiFang.jpg (857x2232, 197K)

all if you try hard enough

Attached: Jamidleanimation1.gif (600x335, 2.65M)

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-08 13.49.31.png (1280x720, 312K)

imagine the smell between those tiddies

I'd rather choose this Mai.

Attached: 72922108_p0.jpg (1330x2100, 1.96M)

You'd rather choose a dude.


One has a firm, fit ass, the other one has a flabby, flappy butt.


Attached: jiggle.gif (300x300, 48K)

>Best girls are guys fully transformed into girls
What does it means?

She's a biological woman and has a perfect body.

Attached: 68640040_p0.png (600x848, 392K)

She deserved more bullying

Attached: characters_terry03.png (806x1156, 375K)

Attached: 1536256343908.jpg (1920x1080, 99K)


>SFV has jiggle physics and the biggest boobs in the FGC
bless based capcom

I wish this had gotten scanned:


Have a look here:

Go ahead little boy

Attached: 1506542852296.gif (430x454, 640K)

I'd rather read a doujin about actual Terry fucking femTerry (and there's no futa whatsoever, that's trash)

Attached: 1536176245296.jpg (3840x2160, 901K)

Nothing gay about wanting to see dudes get transformed into sexy girls and then get fucked until they become cockhungry sluts.

I want to be cradled by her and mocked slightly but still encouraged to cum but not until she says so

Marie a shit

yup, in the same way that 18 is stronger than the strongest woman in the world, chi chi.

If wanting to cum on sexy Kyouko tummy makes you a fag then I've sucked every cock in the world

have sex with those two. fpbp

Your in for some pain

Attached: 9sJlVxj.gif (636x364, 32K)

Booki gang rise up

Attached: D6S30gbUcAA6nUP.jpg (850x1200, 262K)

If you don't find her hot then I'm afraid I have some bad news...

Attached: 62239035_p0.png (708x1000, 786K)

Nice whore.

post more titty witch

Attached: zhRQMiD.png (1600x1726, 2.19M)

thanks for teaching me about faceplant fetish Yea Forums

Capcom vs SNK: Gals Edition when?

came here to post exactly this


Attached: 1556749185715.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Attached: 1505884457411.jpg (1200x1600, 1.18M)

cute corpse

Imagine cuddling with her until her body temperature is the same as yours

Attached: 79e2bd198d376f69f1844df9660ca5e4.jpg (830x1000, 156K)

I want an chinese zombie gf so bad

Attached: cici.png (948x1387, 654K)

So, uh, how's the body heat?

mai is 10/10
chun-li is 6/10

Jesus Christ my dick can't handle this image.

Chun Li is actually super cool
Mai is a stupid bimbo who will do nothing but shit talk around you and probably get your ass beat when she mouths off the wrong person.

doesn't matter, high amount of friction will generate a lot of heat

Attached: Cici5.png (505x885, 652K)

Id be a zombie for her

Attached: e9932f06d9c9edf2ac06bec503400310.jpg (492x600, 275K)

I had no idea Yea Forums liked Hsien-ko so much

I bet it's a couple of dudes talking back and forth.

What's not to love? Honestly though


Attached: 148ffcc98e6d5aa618bcb0d36f10102b.jpg (1536x958, 470K)

She's not unpopular though I confess to having posted a not small percentage of these

Don't apologize for good taste.

Attached: 59a9163f9f7e4d9008e59f69571bb77e.jpg (600x775, 133K)

Other girls are nice too, I'm just in a cute jiangshi kind of mood

Attached: f3295748bc2cb7fffde368230cbba4cb.jpg (896x716, 146K)

And I just like Chinese girls.

Attached: lynn 33.jpg (900x1000, 295K)

Lynn has a nice meaty vulva.

Attached: c4TTFaf.jpg (934x213, 16K)

Very respectable opinion.

Attached: 42eebf4a033d646b747ccd31547d001d.jpg (834x1222, 796K)

Lyn is for cute only!

Attached: lynn Hsienko.jpg (800x800, 188K)

mika desu

Attached: mika.jpg (600x848, 336K)

Attached: king.jpg (1116x1600, 353K)

Attached: king2.jpg (1116x1600, 261K)

Attached: king3.jpg (1280x1805, 350K)

for me, it's kolin

Attached: 62940282_p0.jpg (1600x1142, 901K)

Attached: asuka.jpg (1051x1600, 253K)

>Who should we make for SFV

Seriously what the fuck was that game and blonds.

This artist's Asuka may very well be the most erotic thing I have ever seen in my life

Attached: d757dec0b5d1044df624ecfc8f693179.jpg (763x1080, 132K)


Attached: mai chun.jpg (472x668, 72K)

Based tits man doesn't demand that you join him, he merely informs you of your situation and respects your free will. No surprise that the guy with the superior taste is the most reasonable one.

it's really good. i wish he'd do more.

Yuri seriously acts like she has some form of mental retardation.

Fine. Fine. Stop begging. It's so unmanly.

Attached: asuka underboob.jpg (1200x1400, 120K)

SnK really wants us to ignore the fact that she should be as old if not older than Mai.


Attached: felicia.jpg (1482x1106, 198K)

I just want to ruffle her hair

I love Kasumi Todoh!

Attached: Kasumi3.jpg (580x435, 28K)

Capcom vs Snk

jesus christ lads, i don't know what would i do in a world without tiddies

Attached: franknockers.gif (500x269, 1.94M)

Attached: morrigan.png (999x1496, 871K)

Starve to death

Attached: cd84992d116409077c57e98e87f483dc.jpg (900x1306, 181K)

They really went into a weird direction with the whole CLONE Bison story

don't kinkshame the man

Attached: stop.jpg (540x291, 27K)

Attached: mai.jpg (1000x1414, 590K)

am i dreaming or was there a piece of fanart going around about r. mika sitting on another gal and having her bikini top in hand?

>a feminist
where did you even get that notion from, hes obviously right

Attached: 1549496377606.png (588x581, 434K)

Attached: 1466811533220.jpg (3028x1581, 2.47M)

Morrigan looks weird in general. They keep changing her face with every game.

Attached: 73.jpg (1280x960, 136K)

top is leagues above bottom. From the outside looking in

Of all the stupid shit to focus on I think people bitching about hair color is probably the dumbest.


Attached: 1552932124435.jpg (414x414, 18K)

this art is either an intentional joke or absolutely horrible

down syndrome


They are sisters. And there's two of them.

Attached: 31882718_p14_master1200.jpg (750x750, 164K)

Attached: 17b27dc5b848d2f3901e171f61d4ea5f.png (1093x1920, 666K)

But can I marry both of them?

Attached: ecebb39aaa7ab2e2cf7474e99ca83847.jpg (700x827, 261K)

They come connected

Attached: f2ceab880c911c43fdd5d562070002f7.jpg (750x750, 135K)

I just want to take a second and thank all the based Mai posters.

secretary chun?

What a nice thread.

Attached: __lei_lei_vampire_game_drawn_by_kumo_kumo8159__f0c0880da8c472b637394f28babed5fc.png (900x900, 217K)

Attached: chunli.jpg (1152x2048, 231K)

big chun

Attached: chunners.png (1200x1735, 540K)

The superior Japanese over the ching chong anyday

4 me

Attached: chunners2.png (1200x1748, 577K)

how is a woman a sex object for having strong legs?


what in the holy fuck

What repulsive art style. Some education on aesthetics and the human body would prove fruitful to this individual.

she isn't really wearing formal clothing...

When the first post is the best post, all posts below it are better off for it.

Attached: 1545120229439.jpg (766x427, 162K)

>thread still up

Attached: 1538124515710.jpg (1073x1400, 643K)

>bumping dead threads
Very unbased

don't worry, I didn't kill any threads that deserved to live, I checked

Attached: 1533491035591.jpg (672x990, 205K)

Natsu needs more love

Attached: b273012b5fc2079af031928c09846192c6f65e3f.jpg (957x1450, 436K)



Attached: 1489419280821.jpg (800x771, 891K)

post your work

lmao bird poop

Attached: ayane.jpg (603x868, 222K)

Attached: chunli2.jpg (576x1024, 57K)

Attached: doa.jpg (1280x1852, 512K)

Attached: doa2.jpg (3840x2160, 881K)

Attached: 1557043656757.jpg (1280x720, 45K)


Attached: 1401028807041.jpg (548x575, 83K)

Attached: doa3.jpg (2160x3840, 973K)

This is the only choice that ACTUALLY matters.

Attached: 41b2035174b764aeccac790e1cf86be1[1].jpg (427x299, 39K)

Attached: doa4.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

THis is why we need Scott Steiner in our life

i want to ____ rainbow mika

Attached: fe3767c21b5f4722494ce88c326fc98fdcbea55b.png (828x1163, 1.54M)

>objective: survive

Attached: hybridtsushin22_011.jpg (1280x1803, 497K)


What now?

Attached: 43ab890c8e473331ac98cd3b01c0480b[1].jpg (571x800, 90K)


>I think I've seen a vid of a women's powerlifter champ getting beaten in an arm wrestle by just some normal-looking dude.
Power lifting does not translate to arm wrestling, also muscle density is a big thing.


Wholesome image

I'm sad there isn;t more art of the Rival Schools girls who aren't called Sakura.

RS actually has a good bit, especially for a series that hasn't seen a game in like 20 years. And Sakura is a street fighter character who still appears in modern games so of course she's getting an unproportional amount. Besides if anyone's getting an unfair share it's Tiffany.