Anyone else just really not excited for e3 at all?
Anyone else just really not excited for e3 at all?
why should I
current videogame state is absolutely awful
bland AAA games or cheap trash
lies, delays and bullshots
show respect for the old dog
we're all gonna get old some day
also I'll add, no respect in company competition, everyone is angry about what piece of trash will run at more FPS and what game will have bigger textures
I live out in the countryside now so streaming it might not be possible. That will be a pain, although I've always found it annoying trying to keep up with both the stream and the threads at the same time.
I've given up on getting hyped about videogames until I play through my backlo- Oh SHIT Cyber Punk 2077 looks amazing!!!! Sorry guys I only lasted 10 minutes without hype.
man, are you so brainwashed by those cucks that you hate the entire videogame industry?
That's what they do, infiltrate stuff guys like and try to ruin it for them.
The only thing I'm slightly excited for is a possible fable sequel, but other than that, not really
who are "those cucks"
I'm excited to watch the cringe.
>Bethesda sucks
>All of Ubisoft’s titles have been revealed or leaked
>Sony isn’t even attending
>EA has literally nothing and it’s been announced that Need for Speed won’t even be at E3
>All we have to rely on is Microsoft which says it has 14 exclusives to show, which isn’t believable and they’d probably be shit anyway
Yeah this E3 isn’t very exciting. Possibly they’ll talk about next gen consoles.
Well I like the reveals and such but the excitement always came from seeing someone fuck up and with Sony not being there this year the chances are slim.
Yeah master Sony not being there ruins it.
At least the cucks of Microsoft will probably show some games everyone will play on PS4 anyways.
what the fuck are you talking about?
I'm 31yo and I've been playing videogames since the MSX
call me a boomer if you feel like it but I miss more creative games and a bigger selection of them
nowadays it's just remakes, remasters, the next entry in the same AAA brown filter saga, a good game that gets some bullshots, gets delayed and ends being fucking shit
don't get me wrong, I enjoy modern videogames (at least some of them) but it's rare for some developers to actually deliver a videogame that is worth its price
in fact I'm learning programming to try to develop my own videogames
This. Actually excited to see what microsoft will show off, they will steal the show this year
Nah, but I think I might be working during it anyway. There's potential game announcements later in the year I look forward to, but I don't see E3 offering anything that interests me and it doesn't even feel like it'll be as fun as a shitshow without Sony around.
Squeenix will show off the Avengers game and Dying Light 2. I kind of look forward to that, and Cyberpunk 2077 footage.
based, salty snoy circlejerk thread
the only good thing about E3 is that nintendo is last so I can quit watching early without missing anything
Of course we are salty when the only ones worth watching wont be there.
Sony always wins btw
kill yourself console warrior cretin
Doge is 13 years old now. Shiba Inus have a lifespan of 13-15 years. Fucking sad, man.
Just ignore him he's a corporate shill
Yeah. I haven't been excited for it since I heard Sony wasn't having a conference this year.
It's not that I'm a big fan of Sony or anything, it's just that it's not the same without them there. There's was always one of the biggest conferences and it feels like tradition is being trampled on with them being absent.
I am actually the corporate shill. corporate shill of your moms vagina
Not really hype, but I've taken the week off anyway so that I can stay up all night and watch it.
Nigga E3 is always fun and comfy to watch live with all the cringe and corporate fuck ups
Video games are fucking gay, I'm only here for /an/ threads.
>DMCV and Sekiro out
>Death Stranding trailer released before
yeah I don't really give a fuck anymore, at least if something good pops out I'll be surprised instead.
Do you happen to be a member of the blue faction?
tfw havent been excited for e3 since probably 2012
People still care about e3?
I just want a new good switch game
Also am excited for silksong!
I'm not, I'm more excited for the shitstorm(s) it causes on Yea Forums
take vitamin D my guy
>I just want a new good switch game
That would be a first
Browsing E3 with Yea Forums and seeing reactions is the best. Probably because I don't have any real friends to do it with instead.
>Probably because I don't have any real friends to do it with instead.
I'm going in with low expectations so maybe anything decent will surprise me.
I just wanna see From's game the most and maybe a few next gen details. I feel like there won't be many surprises this year but I could be wrong.
>Metroid Prime 4
>New Zelda game for switch
>Smash characters
>Pokemon Sword/Shield
>Cyberpunk 2077 info
>VTMB2 info
>New From Game with GRRM
>Sekiro DLC
>Animal Crossing Switch
>Death Stranding info
idk, sounds like this e3 is going to be pretty based.
I’m beyond hyped for Rocksteady to show up, it’s about fucking time.