Baldurs gate 3 confirmed
From the guys who made divinity
How do i know
Well before it was changed yesterday
Baldurs gate 3 confirmed
From the guys who made divinity
How do i know
Well before it was changed yesterday
how dare they put their filthy SJW hands on our sacred BG
Pillars was supposed to be BG3 and look how godawful it was.
Larian is SJW now? When did that happen?
Larian is the best possible dev and isn't SJW
no thanks, you can keep it.
people think having gay romance options and main female characters is sjw shit now.
I hope someone reins in their lolsofunny humor. It was okay in Divinity 2, dunno what happened since then.
sure looks like divinity 3 to me
I never had a problem with their humor. Also, Baldur's Gate was chock full of similar humor, anyone. People that claim only Minsc was like that obviously never played through with Edwin or Jan (or better yet--all three in the same party).
>main female characters
I never had a problem with this. You'd have to be autistic to care that a woman is a main character.
>gay romance options
Unnecessary (I've always through vidya romances are lame in general) but not SJW> This stuff has been going on since the early Ultima games.
>I never had a problem with their humor.
I don't know how anyone could say Larian is too jokey when the 2 games they usually praise so much aren't that far off.
Fallout 2 is generally silly
Baldur's Gate 2 had Le Epic Space Hamster and Minsc's lolrandom shenanigans
There needs to be a happy medium. OS is what skyrocketed Larian to being a financially sound indie studio, so lets use that as a base over Divinity 1 and 2.
>turn based combat without mana, huge co-op focus, tons of interactability in the environment to the point you use it in combat, people can be doing whatever the fuck they want across the map and different quests could be going on at the same time with people teleporting around while the fourth guy is afk making food and nothing is impeded
>setting, story, and how everything is present is funny, whimsical, light hearted, colorful
Now Baldur's Gate
>RTwP combat based on D&D with cooldowns and mana costs
>co-op exists but is very shit and was never really used because its limitations
>darker setting, darker tone story
If they just copy paste the setting, character building and ruleset of BG it might be good but I think one way or the other people will be mad its not closer to OS or BG.
bg3 already exists it's called throne of bhaal
The BG thing would be a nice troll, but I do hope its a continuation of Divine/Beyond Divinity and not OS3.
I don't think BG needs a sequel, though. The story is done. What else is there to be told?
it was a new story set in the dalelands
Real Time vs Turn Based is the only big question or concern I have about this project. I like games on both sides but Larian has one of the best turn based systems around, it even gets better in co-op, and it would be a shame for them to not use something of that sort in BG3.
As long as best girl Viconia is in I'm happy
I think Larian know co-op and easy to understand turn-based is why OS took off. There is zero chance they risk the studio having financial trouble again by messing up a sure thing.
Now making the superior character building from BG or Pathfinder and making it easy for people to get into would be a nice challenge because character building in OS is meh
Pillars 1 was great you fucking noob
she's dead
buff monk
Monk's strong though?
>tfw no unarmed fighting tree in D:OS2
The question is are they using the same combat from D:OS2 modified for DnD or something closer to the original Baldur's Gate, I'd be okay with something based on 5e
In BG1 hell no
In BG2, pure fighter outperforms it all the way through
BG2 TOB, alright they're getting alright.
For me personally late bloomer classes are ''eh'' and they don't EXPLODE enough in order to make up for that. I would literally rather play a pure Kensai
What is the best class in BG2, anyway?
Pretty subjective but anything with arcane casting is pretty top notch
but the general consensus is that either a sorcerer or a fighter dualed to mage is the strongest