*makes /sthg/ seethe
*makes /sthg/ seethe
What makes them seethe is people saying this should be the one and only future for the franchise.
Thanks for the tip, going to visit the /sthg/ now.
Everything is bad
Mania was shit
Modern is shit
Just want yuji naka and masato nakamura back
keep it to the general, my man.
more like it just makes Yea Forums seethe in general
try harder
>caring about /sthg/ or their opinions
That place hasn't been worth caring about for like 3 years
Imagine trying to have legitimate discussions on /vg/.
Yea Forums may be horrible but /vg/ can barely even be called a board.
I like /sthg/.
Yea Forums hates all the spinoff boards.
I bet you would shit on /vr/ despite the fact they're far more composed and civil than Yea Forums could ever pray to be.
I like /sthg/'s mascots.
It's not but it's also the only decent sonic game in two and a half gens
I'm all for sonic trying new things but not if it's sonic team working on it
>despite the fact they're far more composed and civil than Yea Forums could ever pray to be.
any one have a download link for this rom hack
Its too gay and has designated shitposters 24/7
I prefer the sonic /trash/ threads now
No, I like /vr/, though it's slowly going to shit for sure
But on /vg/ it's like
>go to FF general
>It's only about the shitty gacha games
>go to FE general
>It's only about the shitty gacha game
>go to KH general
>it's only about the shitty gacha game
>go to any series that doesn;t have a gacha entry
>it's nothing but a discord circle jerk
I've literally not visited a single general that wasn't that. Not a one
They talk about the thing that gets content, how else do you keep a thread bumped?
Gacha is garbage that should be illegal but its always the newest thing and it gets content constantly in the form of events
To be fair most people only played the Gacha game even in Japan
At this point the Gacha game might as well be the entire franchise
Where does Sega typically announce new Sonic projects? It's ostensibly more popular in the US and especially Europe than it is Japan yet they don't seem like the type to use a western venue like E3 or PAX to reveal something related to Sonic (although it also doesn't really fit in with a Japanese show like TGS).
As long as its made by talented fans and isn't touched by Sonic Team we should be okay regardless what style the game is.
Sega would never contract a 3D Sonic game to fans. They have too much pride.
Imagine being so starved for a game that the classic community thought the bloated mess that was Mania was actually good
What do you think should have happened, give up on the whole franchise because it can't stop sucking? That isn't the Sonic fan way.
To be fair most fanmade 3D games are literally one stage
Or you know its their series and they want to do it, pride is not a thing
>What do you think should have happened, give up on the whole franchise because it can't stop sucking?
Accept Mania for what it was. Bad.
please don't eat obvious bait
Yeah. And it's shit because of it. That's the whole point. Generals are a flawed concept
SXSW in March or some special events
You know I could just go to Reddit if you think topical discussion is beneath Yea Forums. Do you want that? Hm? HM?!
t. BlazeHedgehog
You never made a good game, which is why Sega didn't bring you on board. Stop being a jealous faggot and lying that Mania wasn't fucking great.
Well it would provide a nice roadmap that could eventually lead to an attempt at 3D Sonic no longer bogged down by two decades of questionable decisions.
Good. Maybe this shit franchise will just fuck off back to the gacha side of "gaming".
I'm not even sure why he says that while also saying Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best. Not to say it isn't great, but Sonic 3 is a pretty beefy game too, still longer than Mania if you ask me.
Ill grant you that his videos articulated what i was feeling about Mania. I played it and couldn't put my finger on why it wasn't very good
They should remove the dimension split between classic and modern. Just make it an artstyle shift, nothing more.
He admitted himself in his own review that he was jealous of Mrania Tream, why else do you think his review was bloated with forced as fuck complaints? Most of which are non-issues entirely by the way.
/sthg/ hates anything that's not Adventure.
or really. do you have an archive
The only thing I will agree with him on is the continue system being a bit borked. In Sonic 3 using a continue just put you at the last checkpoint while Mania restarts the whole zone, I can see that being offputting to really new newcomers but well... I've never gotten a game over without it being on purpose so who knows, really. Oh and also not being able to choose egg reverie on the save select like Doomsday despite having graphics for it. Odd.
>go to AC general
>It's only about the shitty gacha game
Literally any thread.
i want to have sex with the hard-boiled heavies.
>go to CoD general
>It's all about the shitty gacha game
>forced as fuck complaints
The April Fool's threads... hoo boy. They were shitting on Mania on overdrive.
the only general i frequent has no discord drama and minimal gacha discussion (it's only increased a bit lately because one of its gacha "games" is shutting down).
That's the thing, a lot of people have admitted that it isn't as much of a hatred as one would think, but it might as well be with how much their dedicated shitposters try and force a narrative. There's no breaking past them half the time. Doesn't help that some of them are suspected to use multiple IPs and samefag each other to make things worse.
Some of them are alright. Especially for games with ongoing content. The ones that you generally want to avoid are:
>generals for series
>generals for genre
>generals for a single player game w/o online
I tried to go on the tf2 general and it was like they were speaking in code. They didn't even use the reply function.
Petty shit that doesn't matter to literally anyone, even including him I'm betting.
If you've been fed bowls of shit and urine for twenty years and then someone gives you a hot dog that's edible, you'd look ridiculous for seething because you want a future that isn't just hot dogs.
And that's a good thing. Stagnation at worst, consistent quality of games at best.
No one would CARE about turning Sonic into a strictly dot-art 2D platforming series in 2019. The games would be good but financially unsound and the whole thing would get canceled after awhile.
We get it /sthg/, you're mad people like a game you can't play.
stagnation and relying on nostalgia-pandering as a crutch is not good for the longterm quality of a series. just look at nu-pokemon to see an example of what you want to turn sonic into. but it would be even worse with sonic, because sonic doesn't have 15 million paypigs willing to buy even the most rancid shit they release like pokemon does.
That's why it's for the best that Modern and Classic are being turned into their own sub franchises like Classic Mega Man and X. Everyone will get their fix in some capacity.
Does anyone care about Sonic Mania now? No.
Yet you can start up conversations about Sonic Adventure or Sonic Forces even now.
>you need nostalgia to appreciate a quality 2D game
based retarded zoomer
Can we not, please. This gets us nowhere.
>relying on nostalgia
This is where the stagnation comes in. To prevent that, you don't use past zones and you make original ideas. Unless you're implying 2D = nostalgia.
>Can we not, please.
Don't do that. You come off as a passive-aggressive faggot.
>giving a shit about what /vg/ thinks
they aren't, though. classic sonic is shoehorned into every modern game for the sake of more nostalgia-pandering.
half of mania is just recycled zones from old sonic games, but keep telling yourself that it isn't nostalgia-pandering. it's literally no different from how nu-pokemon feels the need to remind players of KANTOOOO every two seconds.
Why play Sonic Mania when you have Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, and CD? Answer me that.
I thought that's what they said they'd do at SXSW 2018
There's still new things...
Is it really gonna take a fully new game to make these kind of arguments stop?
lmao /sthg/ is so defensive about their shit taste.
>Does anyone care about Sonic Mania now?
Yes, plenty of people.
>Mania has returning zones so every future classic style game will too
BASED retard
Please, even I've stopped paying much attention to Sonic Mania. I should mod the game but that's about it for the depth of what I can do with it at this point.
No, I haven't beaten all the Encore Special Stages, shut up.
I can't shake the feeling that there's a crossposter here intentionally trying to start shit with the board because we've had far better threads than this when it wasn't baiting others.
Who the fuck are you?
I'm not saying we have to act super excited over it every single hour of our lives, cause even I'll admit my hype has long calmed down since 2017, but someone claiming literally no one on planet earth cares about it anymore is absurd. Plenty of people still love it. It's just kind of all we can talk about besides the other classics till another game is revealed is all. We actually still have really good threads for it every now and then.
It's really surreal to see people talk about CD as if it was a good game
>implying a Sonic general wouldn't be giant pit of cynicism, vitriol, and shitposting after dealing with retarded bullshit from every facet of the franchise for years on end
i'm a pokemon fan. believe me, i know how cancerous nostalgia-pandering can be to a franchise, especially when it comes with success. every sonic mania game is going to have rehashed zones. these games exist to remind nu-males of their childhood, after all.
>every sonic mania game is going to have rehashed zones.
/tf2g/ is full of literal doscord trannies
They try to shit on other Valve games like Dota 2 and recruit them on their discord so tgey could be the Valve general
Honest question, do we just assume the worst from everything so that the possible day it doesn't happen will feel all the greater?
common sense.
So shit you pulled from your ass, gotcha.
There isn’t enough porn of them
don't come crying to me when mania 2 is just "DUDE, REMEMBER YOUR CHILDHOOD?: part 2." the nostalgia-pandering is why mania was acclaimed, and the hacks at sega will be too scared to deviate from it.
yet you ignore how so many reviews praised the hell out of the new things, I swear people ignore this bit on purpose just to make a point
I won't be mad, especially if they use lesser-known zones.
>Sonic Mania trailer drops for Sonic 25th anniversary
>Think it looks pretty dope and go to Sonic subreddit to talk about it
>everyone panicking because it isn't 3d
Mania saved thisncharacter, shame about the fanbase though.
Mania would be good if it were all original stages and if half of the bosses weren't eggrobos
>the nostalgia-pandering is why mania was acclaimed
No, it was acclaimed because it's a fucking great game, you tasteless pleb. Also the returning zones were literally everyone's number one complaint about the game, so I'm certain even Sega's thick headed executives heard this by now. That's not even mentioning that there's fuck all else left to bring back. AT WORST Mania 2's remixed to brand new zone ratio will be flipped compared to the first one, again, worst case scenario and I'd be willing to bet money on that.
i prefer 4d sonic games.
I'm more of a Donkey Kong, Crash bandicoot kinda. Sonic mania is WAY overrated.
Because Sega approaches everything Sonic at surface level.
>Generations was received well
>Mania was received well
>both had rehashed zones
>therefore rehashed zones = money
>Sonic fans bought up the complete garbage that was forces
They are all as retarded and tasteless garbage eaters as the offical sonic team
See: And don't tell me Sega doesn't hear fan and """professional""" critic's feedback and apply it for future games. Yes they fuck it up more times than not, but literally how would they fuck up "no more old zones only new ones"?
because feedback from Colors and Generations mattered so much to them when they went from those to Lost World
or when they not only allowed Rise of Lyric to happen but fucking sabotaged it themselves not unlike what happened with SONIC 06, showing that they learned absolutely nothing from that experience
or how they went back to boost after everyone clamored for it and proceeded to butcher that by attempting to reverse engineer Sonic Generations into Sonic Lost World's engine
At the end of the day Sega either does what they want or gives everyone a monkey's paw version of what they asked for (TSR applies here as well, I suppose).
>monkey's paw version of what they asked for
That's pretty much what I said, but how would that look for "no more old zones only new ones"? That request is as basic as it can be.
Sonic Mania 2 will be in the Forces engine
3D = gooder grafix