Two gay consoles this gen

>two gay consoles this gen
When is Nintendo competing in the gay market?

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way ahead of you bro

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8.2% of millenialls identify as LGBT, 12% of Gen Z teens described their sexual orientation as something other than heterosexual. The numbers keep rising.

not as bad as this. i told you last thread.

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Nintendo is selling games so they don't need to be woke.

(((They))) are bisexualizing the general population.

>No half-naked fags on floats
>Just a take on their ads from the 90s and their employees in a parade

Unironically what's the problem with this

>but... but.. born this way! it's not a result of abuse and social pressure!

What games?

Lateral cancer parades imagine if you kept your sexuality to your fucking self

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>imagine if you kept your sexuality to your fucking self
if only heteros could do it

>Normal people
Really makes you think

>normal people

Pensacola Phone Poster. How quaint.


the world's getting safer and more accepting, what did you think would happen? get with the times or you'll be left behind


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You serious?
Nintendo is literally the example of degeneracy for generations. Most trannys, most cancerous fanbases of Sonic, Animal Crossing, Pokemon combined, its literally no contest.

Why do you think its all Nintendo speedrunners that become trannies?

you're getting there user, but its the lack of abuse and social pressure is why with each generation goes on more people are comfortable being openly gay. as in, not being afraid of your parents kicking you out or your friends abandoning you, or being able to walk down the street and not having to worry about cletus sneaking up from behind and shooting you in the head because you let slip that you're dating another man and it spread. keep working at it, you'll figure it out

is it possible that more people feel comfortable opening up as gay today because it no longer results in ostracization and murder as much as it used to? As for companies using it to boost profit margins fuck them fuck all corporations I havent "paid" for a game all year fuck you

You can't speedrun a movie, so all speedrunners have to become "Nintendo" speedrunners by default.

>only faggots buy our products
Huh....well i’ll be...

No, mate.

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Good joke. Just because Nintendo can't make anything outside of anime stories with shitty gameplay, doesn't make them better. Most of the new Nintendo shit is barely speedrun past a year. Look at Odyssey, its dead.

>accepting fags is okay

That's how you make a parade for acceptance.
This is fucking ridiculous, not even gay bars have this level of degeneracy.

this dude gets his statistics from pepe memes lmao

>accepting degeneracy is ok when nintendo does it
i didnt expect any less from these "people"

Who the fuck are you to gatekeep how gay people represent themselves?
Sony can't control that either.
Both of those sets of people are volunteers, a sponsor just pays for the float, fucking retard.

They are a company, gay money is good money too.
Those aren't gays, those are faggots.

>pandering to mentally ill people is good as long as nintendo does it

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How did they find these people to do this? What kind of message were they trying to send with this?

Grow up bitch, companies aren't your friends

Kids these days as young as 10 are talking about their sexual orientation.

it's sony california giving a giant fuck you to sony japan. sony japan would never do this because it's inherently against japanese culture. it just shows how shit playstation has become and why i'll avoid the brand like the plague.


not only you're a tranny sympathizer but also a commie, what else, did you vote for hillary?

So i guess this is a fuck to Nintendo of Japan which hurts even more when you consider they are the most conservative of the bunch

Nice assumptions retard. Go be a faggot somewhere else.

So why dont you see modern Sony games being speedrun in big speedrun events?

>not even gay bars have this level of degeneracy
Yes they do, they show gay porn on TVs and have piss nights. What is piss night you ask? Well you go in the restroom, kneel on the tarp, and your fellow gays come in, unsheathe their AIDS blades, and blast you with piss.

i don't see anyone half naked begging to get their cock out in that march.

Xbox surrendered to degeneracy too

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>It's okay when it's Nintendo fags that do it

I've never been to that kind of gay bar, wildest I've seen is strippers dryhumping lesbians.

Do you know this from experience user?

does anyone actually buy xbox stuff anymore?

Iwata is literally spinning in his grave but i guess you have to defend your "people", right?

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except they do homo fascist

every company does this crap for PR purposes, no one actually cares except you /pol/tards

>retard can't understand the difference between the two

don't @ me again until you grow some more brain cells.


i care i don't really want to buy products from these companies.

>faggots sucking cock on public BAD
>faggots sucking cock on public while holding a Nintendo flag GOOD
tick tock trannies

Still no faggots with their cocks out. Just a bunch of overweight roasties about to hit the wall, self obsessed in identity politics.
Hardly anything to do with the videogames Nintendo produces, which is exactly the opposite from Microsoft and Sony which have a fag agenda blatantly expressed in their videogames.

recent FE allow homo romances

you clearly suck cock every day but i don't care about what you do behind closed doors. a sensible parade isn't anywhere near comparable to a bunch of half naked gay men literally begging to whip out their dick in public at any opportunity. neck yourself sony fag.

They key word is "allow".

>noooo stuff saying mean things about nintendo!
imagine being both a corporate and a fag enabler

>nintendo games having gay shit is ok because its nintendo and everything they do is ok even if its bad when the other do it
also kirby literally kisses his partners to regain health

>noooo stuff saying mean things about sony!
imagine being both a corporate and a fag enabler

>tfw idort
And I will continue sucking cock just to make you seethe even more

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But i never said anything about sony, you should clean the cum from your eyes next time

Kirby is a sexless amorphic character, you massive retard. 2 digit IQ retards can't understand false equivalency.

I'm an idort too, do you think it's an achievement to spend a couple hundred dollars in videogame consoles? Are you 12?

>literally defending sony with your life
>literally comparing two completely different situations as if they're alike to defend sony

only a literal retard or a sony shill (aka you) would claim these two events are identical.

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>is a sexless amorphic character
So Nintendo is vouching for the "more than two genders" meme? Just when you think that company couldnt be more degenerate

but im not defending sony, im just saying you're an hypocrite for claiming one gay parade is ok and the other isnt because of personal bias, either you accept all of them or you dont

>which means no sex
>no sex = 0 sex
>0 sex = more than 2 (according to you)
What a fucking retard lmao
Keep with the false equivalences, really gets to show your lack of basic human logic.

>all these companies marketing for LGBT acceptance
>not a single triple A game company have enough balls to actually have a lead male gay relationship
Fuck this, it's all about wamen power and lesbians that don't even play games in the first place.
Shit's so fucking shallow.
Any company now gets a defence squad to be as scummy and corrupt as they want just through skin deep "virtue" marketing.

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>Normal people

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yeah, one of them has furries and the other doesn't.

This. It's all just calculated corporate moves while Yea Forums and the rest of the normalfags bicker and whine amongst each other.

>shifting the goalposts this hard because he got caught out

simmer down. i didn't claim either of them was ok you clinical retard. i said one is less cancerous than the other and anyone that isn't a sony shill like you can see that.
Sorry user, but you cant bullshit your way out of this


>still screeching about sony when no one has mentioned them
seems like the only faggot here is you

Nice zip code OP

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>no one mentioned sony
>whole discussion is involving sony and

say "fuck sony they're the most cancerous company in the history of gaming" and then we're done here

now you're just angry because sony exists

>A 2017 Gallup poll concluded that 4.5% of adult Americans identified as LGBT with 5.1% of women identifying as LGBT, compared with 3.9% of men.

why won't you say it? i thought you don't care about them? at least you admit you're a sony shill now

lmao I thought you faggots differenciated sex from gender?
If I'm talking about a sexless fictional character, why the fuck do you ground the argument with humans which have a defined sex? You can claim someone is genderless or agender in your retarded leftist dystopia but sex is pretty self explainable and verifiable.
So you literally go false equivalency through false equivalency. Is that how you view life? Must be a pretty sad way to live lmao.
Also, why the fuck do you use a pozzed crowd-sourced (by mentally deranged individuals) site as a source for your arguments?
What a gigantic faggot lmao.

nice job putting your ZIP CODE in the SCREENSHOT you fucking dumbass, now i'm gonna go to your house and slurp on your fat COCK (i'm male by the way)

>genderless, delusional, denies biology
>without genitals

Let me forget.

All me

I dont care about sony but i wont feed your hate boner for them just because they exist

Shit user.
This whole time I thought I was me.
But now I know.
Guess I'll kill myself now

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say it then if you don't care

simmer down and drink your you onionlent

Are you sure the only you is you?

why would i say something i dont believe just to appease to your fanboy tantrum?

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Showing gay porn at a gay bar would make no sense when half the people there are lesbians. And that second thing sounds like something you just made up.

>most transgender suicides are also white men

Basic passive agressive response by a faggot who can't use basic logic.
No wonder you can't differenciate a pussy from a shithole.

Lesbian porn is also gay porn, you donut.

why are you so defensive about sony? say it if you don't care. go on. the longer you keep damage controlling the more you're outing yourself as a shill.

so what are people who were born withOUT genitals?

Imagine getting your speedruns from GDQ. Sonic and Pokemon are not Nintendo and Animal Crossing has a 70% female audience
Have sex before you pretend to be a functioning member of society (Not "high" functioning).

im not being defensive, if anything you're just proving you just hate a thing because sony is doing it, seems like you have a personal vendetta against them which is kinda sad if you think about it

One of my coworkers is constantly talking about her boyfriend, and another was talking about how she got married recently. Straights absolutely do not keep their sexuality to themselves.


Sexless? They have failed to have a sex. They aren't a new sex, they cannot reproduce in novel ways, they are outside the sexual binary because they have no relation to sex as a concept.


yet i own a ps4 and haven't bought a nintendo console in my life. you're the one equating to completely different situations to make sony look less cancerous. go on and say it then, shill. i know it's killing you inside to criticise your beloved sony.

It's called intersex, actually.

They're sexless, not agender. They are less than 0.00000001% of the world's population and have no sex drive. They're not a standarized sex, they're a malfunction in the biological sense.

You keep thinking 0 = something. Subhumans can't comprehend what 0 means lmao.

i feel neutral about them so why would i say something like that?

What can ya do?
A lot of that are homeless veterans too, breh.
It's a country of sucking non-white dick.

if you're neutral why are you defending sony so much, sony shill?

Gays and trannies live inside Yea Forums's head rent-free. Yea Forums literally CANNOT stop thinking about gays and trannies.

Intersex is a spook, we can discard the term because they aren't actually between sexes, they are just malformed. XXYY is sexless, X is sexless, XXXXXY is also sexless.

none of that is sexuality you fucking idiot. Just people being normal you autistic faggot.
They aren't literally making out in front of you or engaging in sexual provocation like homos.

You have probably met gay people and didn't even realize it. I see straight couples making out in public all the fucking time, but I have NEVER seen a gay couple do that.

I remember my last straight pride parade. Walking around with my dick out and grinding on women the entire time.

but i didnt defend them, i just pointed out people defending nintendo gay parades and how somehow they are less harmful than sony's which gay parades in it of itself are all bad

Tis' cause of those damn niggers bullying the white kids and converting the poor white kids into niggers so they convince more white kids to kill themselves

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Yeah i also use public transportation

Maybe because men find it repulsive and reasonably so. Pushing dykes is not cutting edge, because most men fetishize it, with gay men it's not the same shit.

Sounds like this needs to be legal.

What public transport do you go on? Sounds fun.

>still pretending he doesn't know what the original argument was

no one was talking about harmful or non harmful retard and everyone reading this thread can see that. one is clearly worse than the other in every single way imaginable yet you've been sweating on the keyboard so hard to pretend sony's cancerous event is somehow equivalent to what the nintendo event was. i couldn't give a shit if it was nintendo or fucking google. it's in no way imaginable worse than what sony did.

say "fuck sony they're the most cancerous company in the history of gaming" and then we're done here. still waiting.

i don't care stop shoving your sex in peoples lives. You are quite literally saying normal human interaction is wrong you are mentally insane.

I refuse to buy any future Sony or playstation products because of this. Sony are fucking up again and again. First this, the crossplay fiasco, censorship etc.

Making out is not equivalent with sucking dicks in public, retard. Your mind must really be deranged if you compare an act of a couple kissing with an actual sexual act.

>one is clearly worse than the other
the bottom line is that the concept of pride parades is worthless, it doesnt matter which one does it worst/best

>stop shoving your sex in peoples lives
>You are quite literally saying normal human interaction is wrong you are mentally insane
The irony here is fucking blowing my mind. Do you legitimately not realize that you're contradicting yourself? Is public affection shoving sex into people's lives or is it normal human interaction? Which one is it, user?

nintendo started it by harbouring trannies

say "fuck sony they're the most cancerous company in the history of gaming" and then we're done here. still waiting.

Everytime I do stuff like this it's considered spam.
Fuck you.

Name one (1) instance of someone sucking dick in public. You're just making shit up at this point.

now you're just being petty, i made my point clear

You'd be thrown is prison in prison on prison for PDA in places where it matter. Inshallah!

user you are low iq and gay and extemely biased.
There are laws that prevent people from engaging in sexual displays in public.
If people have sex in public they get thrown in a paddy wagon. If they streak or go nude, paddy wagon.
Even obnoxiously being crude to strangers is a crime.
The real issue is the double standard with gays your politics has seemingly allowed gaysto bypass laws.

that is corruption.

You are the one contradicting people duscussing their personal shit that doesn't involve you isn't your business.

No one is having sex in public, even at pride parades. You've been brainwashed by anti-gay propaganda if you actually think that people fuck in public at pride parades.

fucking lmao just a quick search on the term "pride parade" will show you thousands of results of faggots exposing their sexual urges to society, even kids.
cope harder degenerate faggot

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According to my countries laws gay parades should be illegal yet they get a pass.
Which is proof of systematic corruption.

its not just sex you disingenous faggot.
ANY sexual displays is illegal in most developed nations.
Yet fags get a pass because of insane corrupt liberal politicians

must be a coincidence that most trannies are also white men on birth certificates

But you don't own the statistics, we do.

Do you complain when women take their shirts off at Mardi Gras parades? Anyone can just show up to a parade and do whatever they want.

Considering the law how is this right? Why do fag parades seemingly ignore all laws?

microsoft sells pins now?

any cool merch at the store

They get a pass because the objective of pride parades is not actual gay empowerment but to expose degenerate lifestyles to easily impressionable kids

No matter how hard you try to normalize your degenerate faggotry you will never be able to do so. You might have corrupt politicians trying helping you but you're being disingeneous if you actually believe that any form of sexual display is allowed (except for faggots in their special faggot day, of course).
Also, men being attracted to boobs is normal and a mardi gras parade is marketed as adult festivals and don't have kids being bussed from their schools to partake in the festival. Cope harder, anormal faggot.

>doesn't want to seize every possible business opportunity
Keep being a poorfag, you commie fuck

"It's ok when Nintendo does it


I hate how the rainbow became the flag for faggots.
They took a spectactle of nature and claimed it for their selfish need to be recognized

Still 4 times higher rate than normal people

>implying it wasn't made on purpose
They took reflacted light and made it so no one's safe from seeing it without thinking about homos.

yes, you've made it very clear you won't ever criticise sony

Seething /pol/fags mostly. Literally nothing wrong with a civil display like that.

>allow is the same as "promoting"
Lie to yourself until you believe it. Nintendo banned the trans flags on Smash.

Trannies KO'd

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t. pozzed out cosmopolitan urbanite

Same. Recently though it has become very popular to basically take random color palettes online and claim they're a pride flag for x gender/sexuality though so I hope this eventually weakens the power of pride flags overtime to everyone.

don't worry the everything is nazis meme is essentially the push back.
Identty Progs try to claim everything is theirs.

Really hate this. They try to make everything about lgbt politics. Even colours.
Similar thing is how dumb nogs think the word black is always about them.

In all fairness there's nothing heterosexual about rainbows.

How do you know that Iwata disapproves pride parades? Source?

>play it proud
fags ruin everything

The sad thing is that children in the beginning totally think it's retards acting like their favorite cartoons. They have no idea what's coming next.

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fake stat. suicide actually goes up after they cut off their junk.