We might have some new info on Astral Chain, and maybe Bayonetta 3
Gematsu is interviewing PlatinumGames and Igarashi
Based Sal getting news before anyone else and remaining completely apolitical. Only thing Gematsu needs is to nuke the comments section to clear out autists like Garrett Dylan Drake and that tranny moderator.
>Do our job for us.
Can't anyone do their jobs anymore?
>Only thing Gematsu needs is to nuke the comments section to clear out autists like Garrett Dylan Drake and that tranny moderator.
Redpill me on these people. I never pay attention to the comments section
Don't forget that Mexican King of Dinosaurs Nintendo fanboy
>finding fault in them asking questions that the public actually wants to know
You'd complain either way. If they didn't take question, people would say "they didn't even ask them about _______!"
>google Garret Dylan Drake
>one of the first results is him being doxxed on /pol/
will bayo have a maid or OL outfit
Sal is liberal but doesnt show it.
Also good luck to him with Inaba. I interviewed him two years ago at the same event and he completely stonewalled me on everything
Hi Giussepe
Does he still shill Dualshockers here? He used to crop his screenshots in exactly the same way, so it was always obvious it was him.
I give a fuck about anything except Babylon’s Fall or the unannounced IPs. I already know what Astral Chain is and what Bayo 3 is going to be; show me the new shit.
>Bayo 3
you mean the vaporware?
I'm Cory Arnold. I contribute at Gematsu. Not saying anything negative about Sal at all so I don't get what you're saying.
I'd rather have more Nier
So why haven't you culled all those retards in the comments section yet
That sandn*gger Cage is obnoxious as fuck
>platinum's worst game barring shit like ninja turtles
I'm not a mod, that's just zero. I don't read comments all that much
>platinum's worst game
but he didnt mentioned Bayo 2?
>worst game
Sure, except for Anarchy Reigns and Vanquish and MGR and W101 and Bayo 2 and Korra and Transformers and
>Not that Avatar game
Nice job outing yourself as an ignorant retard.
>shit like Ninja Turtles
Ninja Turtles was shit. But the other “shit like it” was not. Korra was perfectly fine for a $15 game and Transformers Devastation is one of the best action games ever developed.
Automata is mediocre as shit but remember this a company whose catalog includes MadWorld and Star Fox Guard
>worst game
>saved them from being defunct, again
nothing Platinum creates with in-house ideas is any good
Guard was kino tho
bayo 2's combat is still much better than nier's.
Sounds more to me like they don't know how to do their jobs and want other people to think up questions to ask so they don't have to do any real work.
>and remaining completely apolitical.
Why what happened?
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Fun For All Ages and Way Late to the Bandwagon edition?
Reminder that Astral Chain is a Nintendo IP
nothing to pay attention to. Just typical anonymous posters in the comment section. Might as well be scrolling through youtube comments.
We have our own questions that we list but we're not always experts on each game series. For example I have never plqyed Atelier, so Imay not know to ask about certain things fans want to know. We want to.direct questions fron the fans directly to the developers in cases like this.
too bad its about bombastic bimbo dante
Look at this tasteless nigger, lumping TW101, TFD, Vanquish and even MGR in with Max Anarchy.
Hell, Bayo 2 wasn’t even a bad game by any stretch, it only gets shit on because of how inferior it is to Bayo 1. Outside of that comparison it’s a pretty great game.
aka good dante
Why even bother? Capcom BTFO Platinum's entire portfolio with a single game.
pick one
all of those are better than automata.
Not him but I read gematsu as my only non-Yea Forums gaming news source. They dont make dumb opinion political articles like kotaku or polygon and just lay out the facts which is nice.
sounds like contrarian tears
Eh, it’s arguable with Korra.
Enter autistic DMC capcom shill
Oh yeah I thought he was referring to something in particular. After that blog, I forget the name of, that was always up to date with everything closed down I've been using gematsu too
sounds like you don't know what that word means. nier is shallow garbage that only weeaboos and otaku like. terrible RPG mechanics combined with the most watered down platinum combat.
>shallow garbage that only weeaboos and otaku like
so every game from Platinum/Clover?
Definitely a mad as fuck contrarian, sorry Platinum's trash didn't do as well
You get to choose one property to get a Platinum game (Can be anything, anime, a TV show, even another video game series). What is it?
>nier is shallow garbage that only weeaboos and otaku like
sounds like anything they've made
not whatever that stupid shit is
Ready to announce that Microsoft has acquired the studio.
That's your loss
this seriously looks like RWBY level trash
there's nothing contrarian about saying nier is shit with the worst combat of any platinum game.
Definitely a contrarian temper-tantrum
I’ve given this a ton of thought in the past and my answer predates the Fox films:
Melee, guns, ninja moves, flashy for the sake of it, vulgar, full of smart-ass one liners, etc etc.
I’ve wanted that since back when Activision signed Plat to a 3-game deal and they still had the rights to the Deadpool franchise. They took Transformers from High Moon and gave it to P*, why not take Deadpool from High Moon too?
It's nice to have a gaming news website that just reports news and press releases without cringey THIS IS WHY DIVERSITY IS IMPORTANT articles like Polygon and Kotaku or reactionary outrage culture spergouts like Nichegamer and OneAngryIncel.
Kengan Asura
>nierfags only response is u mad
I accept your concession. I would expect nothing less from a weeaboo who probably only bought the game because you can blow her dress off
not him but do you think people bought Bayo because of the high skill gameplay? get real
These concessions? Here you go, mad as fuck contrarian, next time make sure mommy has the tendies in the oven by 5 though
Platinumfags are as delusional as Hideki Kamiya himself
>Inaba will just say "Bayonetta 3 development is going very, very well. We can't show you anything just yet, but it will take your breath away. It's something we've never done before."
Jesus Christ this nigger needs to kill himself. See that Joy-Con? You can shove it up Bayonetta's ass hard because as you try, that hole shrinks and shrinks, and so she splits into two. This fucking abortion of a "game" doesn't exist and Capcom fucking beat them to it with a superior product. Game over, queers. Go make Asstral Chain 2 instead
Based and redpilled
They almost definitely have questions of their own as well retard.
Ninja Slayer
Meme animation aside, the show actually had a cool aesthetic and world. I want a flashy action-adventure game based on it more than Kill la Kill