For me, it's the Beastcutter

For me, it's the Beastcutter.

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if only it wasnt one of the shittiest weapons in the game

I only use it for the tricked R2 -> R2 pancake attack

The good thing about having such a small selection of weapons is that every single one is viable.

*holds L2 in your path*

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For me, it's the LS-99-MOONLIGHT, the strongest laser blade

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This thing rapes everything in the game, what the fuck are you talking about?

Why would I use the Beastcutter when the Amygdalan Arm is the same thing but cooler?

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definition of brutal

The unga bunga arm has less tricked range than the beast cutter and the weapons play differently. This is the one from software game where none of the weapons are the same thing.

Cutter is pure blunt, completely serrated and can be converted because it has no innate elemental damage.

I like the idea of rifle spear but it sucks hard. wish it was more like the gunscythe things in sekiro, they had pretty cool looking moves.

>can't be buffed even though the weapon it's based on can
Rifle Spear was robbed.

At least the gun part is strong.

railgun 4 me

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huh? i played bloodborne and get the achievement for al lweapons and NEVER seen this

nah, the rifle spear is good mate. the insane range on the R2 charge alone is enough to cheese the enemy AI.

no it doesn't, it sucks dick

There's a separate achievement for the DLC weapons.

more of a blue laser guy myself

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>buying dlc
hah miss me with that gay shit

None of the weapons in this game suck dick, learn to play around their strengths and weaknesses.
Every single weapon is good if you slot the right gems and level the right stats for them.

it's decent but there are better option, I have to admit that I was a bit disapointed with it
For me it's pic related, nothing is better than crushing everything with your own coagulated blood. Chikage user can go back to giving their queen semen from other hunters

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Should I use the holy moonlight sword or the wheel for a strength/arcane build to complement a kirkhammer?

In Bloodborne all weapons are viable and dare I say actually beat the game with them exclusively (from once you get them)...though some are much harder to work withthan others, like the stake driver...
But of course, Bloodborne actually has probably the fewest weapons in all "soulslike" games. But I'd rather have ~20 weapons that are all good than ~80 where most of them are useless as fuck.

Some weapons are better than others and yours is worse than other weapons. Not that fucking hard to wrap your mind around that. I'm sure if you put 3 top tier gems into a piece of dog shit you'll be able to 1v1 someone. Doesn't mean the weapon you posted doesn't suck dick.

>not the based bloodletter

ludwig's is better than kirkhammer but i prefer kirkhammer because it knockbacks things that ludwigs doesnt
wheel is fun for arcane.

>make a pure BLT build
>literally 2 (two) HALVES of a weapon to choose from as your variety

>that charged R2 to R2 golf sweep

>not reiterpallasch mains
>not blades of mercy mains
y'all niggas are gay


That makes no fucking sense user.

Beastcutter sucks compared to other weapons. Try to read that sentence more than once and see if you can make an honest effort and understand what it's saying.

>Cutter is pure blunt

You mean R2 > L2 right?
I used to bait people hard with that when I would invade. I'd do a bunch of R1 slam spam and make them all time up the same and then when they thought they had an opening to dash in I'd do the swing attack and the follow up poke and delete their health bar.

And yet it rapes everything, how is that hard to understand? Other shit raping harder does not change that fact.
All the weapons absolutely fuck everything.

Rakuyo for me.

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I really like it too and I never see anybody talk about it.

It's incredibly safe in trick mode and pancakes a ton of the big scary guys with r2. Club mode is good for faster enemies. It's probably not objectively great but I'm sure there's much worse.

Where my Kos Parasite/Milkweed Rune niggas at?

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You can still get some decent mileage out of it thanks to that chalice that's all beast type enemies. Just slap on some fire on its slots and you're good to go

It destroys everything in pve while keeping you out of range and I KNOW you aren't trying to talk about the irredeemable shitshow of an afterthought that is bloodborne's pvp system.

>missing out on the best part of the game
Your loss
Should've gotten it when it was basically free

Other weapons are better than beastcutter. Read this sentence several times.

for me it's rakuyo, and yet...
>dlc contains most interesting weapons
>have to finish 90% of the game to get them

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still farming for those runes..

You literally believe you are immune to nuclear bombs because stars exist.

>I can beat the game so therefore the weapon is good

"It destroys eveyrthing in pve" doesn't mean fucking jackshit. Fucking unupgraded saw cleaver destroys everything in pve. Fucking waste of flesh undarmed destroys everything in pve. Again, get a real fucking standard. Beastcutter sucks dick and the sooner you find out the better off you'll be.

based retard

Don't know if you trolling now or genuinely this stupid. Well done

Are you guys autistic? Because any normal person can make the connection here.

You think I don't understand the point you were making. I'm telling you your point never mattered and that weapon sucks dick. Turn on your fucking brain.

If a weapon rapes everything it doesn't suck. Learn the meaning of words

How so?
You can get to the DLC area when you beat gascoigne or vicar emilia or whatever right?

Concentrate. Read this sentence one more time. Beastcutter sucks COMPARED TO OTHER WEAPONS.

yeah but how am i meant to go through all those bullshit hunter enemies, and ludwig and maria and 2 sharkfags at level 30ish where they'll all one shot me if i fail one dodge
only way if you're not an autist speedrunner is to get the weapons and start maining them in ng+

And yet that was never the point.

I guess so, I only mamaged to beat ludwig at that time for early HMS, but I hate those sharkfaggots and wished they never existed.

How do I beat the 2 sharkniggers to get Maria's weapon?

So if we already established the fact that you can clear BB unarmed or with an unupgraded fucking cane then why does your (attempt at a) point matter? It doesn't. It doesn't matter if you think beastcutter is good against PVE or PVP. It's not relevant, it's out of the picture.

Hence your claim of it not raping enemies is wrong. Glad you came around user.

lmao what?

>spin to win my way through the first play through
>experiment and use many different weapons through NG+ and ++
>having trouble with cursed amygdala so take the axe out if retirement for a while
>it's still the best
>can't bring myself to but it down again

The fact that ANY weapon "rapes enemies" makes your point void and obviously irrelevant.

you are less interested in actual weapon talk and more interested on holding on to whatever you can to avoid getting BTFO'd. Beastcutter sucks

Keep the first one away from the area underneath where the other is hanging and try to kill it as quickly as possible so you only have to fight the other one on one. Not the easiest thing in practice, but I beat them in just a few tries.

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I used it a lot at one point and it was pretty based. What's your problem with it?

Be consistent please
I was never interested in weapon talk, all my posts are about how it rapes enemies and there being no bad weapons.
Don't create arguments that were never there.

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use shaman bone on the first one when it has mid health, if the other comes to you use a shaman bone on him too
that's how I did it

cheese #1: shaman blade one of them when the other comes down
cheese #2: go towards orphan of kosm, pull them to the ledge, and hit them from there with a long range weapon like the cane

love using Ludwig's big sword and the riple dashy washy

>Be consistent plase
I am. Every weapon "rapes enemies". Therefore pointing out that beastcutter rapes enemies is void of all possible meaning. Beastcutter sucks dick compared to other weapons. Enjoy using a shit weapon and congrats on clearing the game for the first time

Imagine being this retarded

>tfw trying to hit paarl with blade of mercy today
that weapon may be great for quickstepping but it's a good thing i kept upgrading the cane along with it

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>separate them
>separate them again

Rinse and repeat

>farming for runes
But you get it from a quest?

Wise to always have your solid backup weapon equipped with your meme weapon. Saw cleaver is my baby, she can handle everything.

You literally said it doesn't rape enemies, the image is right there. Don't suddenly say it does and then say it doesn't mean anything, what are you even doing?
Be more consistent and try not to add insults to try to make a point, it doesn't help and looks desperate.

How the fuck does it even know/understand that it needs to take off the head?

Why wouldn't it?

>Why yes, I am a Holy Moonlight Sword user, how could you tell?

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by your inhumanely tiny skull

I have been telling you the same fucking thing for 7 posts but you deliberately choose to ignore it. The beastcutter doesn't """rape enemies""" anymore than any other option in the game so talking about how it allows you to beat the fucking game is fucking pointless. Point is the weapon you think is good isn't good and you don't want to admit it and you'll hold on to whatever you can to avoid admitting it.

no u

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LHB is a great weapon.


I like how every weapon in the game is useful, save for the rifle spear, which just needs some decent gems and it's good to go. Last weapon I haven't tried yet is the Kos parasite.

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