Its on sale. Is it good?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wasn't a fan. I beat that giant goliath guy and stopped playing. Just couldn't get into it.

>Nero with no moves
>none of his mechanics unlocked
lmao stick to Fortnite.

It's alright.

It’s pretty fucking great. The V segments are shit though.

pirate it, decide if u like it, then buy it if so


Yeah, negro.

Meh. Depends on the sale. This is crapcom we're talking about, so if the game is $40 or something, fuck no it isn't worth it. If it's maybe $15, then yeah it's probably worth then.

It's still too early for Yea Forums to admit that they liked it, come back in a few years

>It gets better 20 hours in
Go back to Call of Duty, faggot.

This is why I originally refunded it and waited for a sale. How many V missions are there opposed to Dante and Nero?

Everyone says it's good you contrarian retard.

Just cheat your way until you get to mission 17, then true kino starts.

What form of power is this?

No way faggot

good job gatekeeping, I didn't want another dmc anyway

No it gets better literally every single minute you continue. Just because you're a little bitch and quit at the second mission doesn't make the game bad, it means you didn't play it. This isn't a fault of the game it's an admission of guilt that you weren't into the game you disingenuous cocksucker.

there are 4 v missions
the rest are dante and nero

i sperged out hard on DMC3 and DMC4
I fuckin played the shit out of those games
but I couldn't really get into DMCV
It's not a bad game, in fact it's pretty fuckin top tier.

I just didn't really get the desire to master it or play it more than twice.

4 mandatory V missions.

You’ll get over it. Especially since if you give up on the V missions, it means you haven’t gotten to the Dante missions yet, which are unequivocally the best.

yes. its too easy though so you wont get much out of it unless you play for style ranks, im pretty sure you can button mash through the entire game without dying

On Devil Hunter difficulty, maybe. Once you start in on the actual difficulties, you’ll get your shit pushed in playing that way. It isn’t one of the hardest action games ever but it’s hardly brainless.

Son of Sparda is also a joke
DMD is a good difficulty but its still easy compared to DMC1 and 3

>game has a network system
>mission 13 is probably the best since you can meet with other players and kill demons with them plus banter between the characters
>bloody palace comes out
>there's no coop for it
>numer of players fell from 10k to 100 in weeks
>cant meet anyone online now
what a fucking waste of opportunity capcom had in this

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No, it's not good. It's fucking great. Buy it, right now.

I would honestly take the game being in development for another 6 months if it meant co op was available for bp and more missions

Vergil is going to be an uppity, obnoxious thot when he integrates into the real world.

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>Son of Sparda is also a joke

Quit posturing. SoS in 5 feels more like Normal Difficulty of the previous games. It feels like there's a difficulty or two separating it from DMD, which for the most part in this game is absolutely fine and certainly better than 4's DMD with actual punching bag enemies.

Never understood this kind of comment. Dmc is one of the least rewarding mashing games, you actually gotta string together different commands to do anything meaningful unlike say, Bayonetta when you hammer the punch and kick buttons when you want to do damage

Well, Yea Forums?

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Second one

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Vergil is already habbening so I'm content.


Nero boss fight fucking WHEN

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Could that happen in the dlc?

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Dead weight!

Now you really crossed the line

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Right if they have their own campaign

Vergil doesn't have shadow anymore so he uses a scooter now.

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It's in sale because it's not good.

No and it has denuvo aswell. just get DMC 4 & 3.
for your money you'll get way more characters, better bosses, levels, weapons, artstyle & you wont have to play as the worst character in action game history V.

V should've been Nero's twin sister that Moondust captured in her childhood, who now serves him. DMCV should've been all about daddy issues and ptsd.

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I love Dante

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That's hot yo.

but user there'd be so much waifufagging and tranny headcanon fuel

>More kids

try it for yourself. Its really a 9/10 hit or 3/10 miss depending on what players want out of game. What about pirating?

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What tranny headcanon? V-chan isn't a part of Vergil in this scenario. Aside from his sperm.

oh right
the waifufagging would still be annoying though

More kids = more power = more motivation

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And Dante loves dick!

Imagine the sales tho. And doujis

didn't work with the fujos

hands off my post fujo scum

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I would if not for the fact that Crapcom knows dmc brings in the fujo bucks harder. Why do you think V got his own manga?

Damn this is tough. If Vergil Lady and Trish get their own mini campaign I'd click that button, but if not then I would choose BP co-op

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No thanks, Nero is enough and V's gameplay isn't that great to have around.

Fujos are the minority. Actual players care about sexy girls

>Why do you think V got his own manga?
Because it's actually Vergil manga?

Buy it when it's full price again.
It deserves it

>claims to love Dante
>but wouldn't watch him get rawed by massive demon dick

>Fujos are the minority. Actual players care about sexy girls
i wonder why they decided to cater to fujos with V then

Since V-chan isn't a part of Vergil, she's not weak and can be much more interesting to play than Bui.

>dude the game gets good the second time through

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Definitely 2. Vergil is based and Lady was surprising fun to play in 4. Trish was aight, too.

Now we know who Itsuno's favorite is. and he has great taste.

>implying the entire game isnt catered to fujos
honetly though you're a fag if you're straight and dont think any of them are hot

yeah, I love Dante so much that I don't want him to have to live the rest of his days in diapers because sharp spikey demon cock obliterated his innards

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Inb4 V-chan's actual name is Verde

why are DMC threads so infested by fujos and fanfic tier posts
the story has never been good, the gameplay is all there is, i don't get it

Shitty moveset is still a shitty moveset even if you stick a waifu on it.

>because sharp spikey demon cock
Who said anything about a razor dick, you degenerate?

still giving a shit

It's Virgin

>is it good?
No. DMC was never good in general.

Because reddit is now infesting these threads.

I can only assume demon penis to look as fucked up as the rest of the creature, but feel free to prove me wrong
go out and find a demon, bring its dick back to me and I'll pay you in gold this is your quest now

Vitale is such a retarded name and I hate whoever started that shit.

>Virginia Vergildotter

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You're new if you don't think the previous games had any fujo bait.

i never said they didn't
but they had the chance to cater to horny men and still chose the fujo route

right because vergil is cooler than BP

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what ever happened to the user who said he'd make the gang in the sims

>chose the fujo route
because itsuno is a fujo

Just look at all the demons in medieval art. Those chicks loved those demon dicks, there were even some dudes worshiping those demon cocks. And don't tell me dmc isn't based off of medieval biblical shit.


>put DMCV on sale
>Special Edition is announced at E3

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When are they going to add playable Vergil?

Vergil and his gang

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nigger is this even a question?

Admit it, Yea Forums. You'll be disappointed if it's just playable Vergil without any story content.

>announcing a se so soon
sneed poster is dumb

He's hot.. nice bulge too

this makes way too much fucking sense for it to not be their master plan

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this time yeah given that they have the perfect fucking excuse for story content for him

What are qa_tu4_develop and vendor1_develop?

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I just got word that it's happening at TGS, screencap this post

Next Year.

Mundus is out of the question since they could do a full game on that. SOL episodic dlc sounds nice, I just want them to continue with Vergil's new outlook. If they add Dante that would be a bonus, since someone mentioned Itsuno wanted more missions for Dante.

>SE a few months after releasing the original game
>makes too much fucking sense

Wake me up inside

>boogeyman Insider
This isn't smash bud.

For some reason a war between "has_adult_content"-tag-kun and capcom amuses me.

Playable Lucia

Playable Vergil, Lady and Trish. And because I'm a greedy fuck, throw in Divergence mode too.

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The game is literally like 15 hours long.
It would have only taken you like another hour of play to unlock more shit

I purchased the trilogy, 4 remastered, and the remake, which should I play first if I've never played a Devil May Cry game?

>TU4 release check(Denuvoless)
Give me that shit

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I thought this was another wojak at first.

release order
you shouldnt have bought DmC

>and the remake
you don't need to ever play this, also it's a reboot.

>and the remake
Make a refund now.

or 3-1-4-5

And buy 5

play in release order
and yes that includes 2, you can always skip to 3 if you get bored. Lucia is pretty cool, I'd recommend you play her campaign first

You do realize that Goliath is fought in Mission 2, less than an hour into the game? You're given so many new tools in literally the next mission.

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>Luciafag being so desperate

I'm honestly happy the online isn't in the game that much since Mission 13 had some weird lag in it for me on occasion and other players can interrupt combos

Release order. DMC2 is optional. You are not missing on anything other than an exceptional appreciation of how DMC3 undid that mistake.

DmC is also optional, but at this stage it's pointless since the franchise went back to their traditional gameplay post DMC3.

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don't bully, user ;_; I've already accepted best girl's fate

GotY so far.

What makes Lucia so interesting? Her voice is annoying and she doesn't play that great either.

By whom?


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Hi faggot.

hello faggot
wheres faggot

>he still thinks playable vergilio wont be a thing
Gotta wait 4 years for the SE

Right here faggot

release order its ok to skip 1 if you cant get used to it or skip 2 if you dont like it at all And I hope you got the Definitive version of the reboot for ps4/xbone

Move over fag bigger faget is here.

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i want to suck Nero's fat juicy devil trigger!

hey faggot
go away faggot you weren't invited


DMC 2 is the perfect Gunslinger game

i want Vergil's judgement nut!

>its ok to skip 1
It's not

just because vergil likes to occasionally suck cock doesnt make him gay!

i want Yamato's judgement cut end!

Make 'em all live in one house and enable incest.

I think he prefers chicken.


mundus didn't let those dsl go to waste

DMC1 is like playing the N64 version OoT in 2019, no way fag
DMC2 is garbage
DMC3 is great
DMC4 is boring and tedious to play as hell

Honestly the only games worth playing are 3 and 5

Play 4 after 3.

1 isn't optional, but it has a very different tone and somewhat different playstyle than the others so play it whenever you feel like an action horror game, rather than straight up action.

1 is still my favourite tbqh never understood why the camera angles threw people so much

with those camera angles and terribly boring bosses I was pretty tempted. I think its a good game but I can see why some people might pass on it.

>admitting that you're a retarded zoomer with a shit taste
Be gone

what kind of question is that?

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Then we livestream it with a chat. Chat decides who fucks who or even if someone gets killed.


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>Based Itsuno is a girl

What's wrong with Matt's face? He looks like literal Satan

he likes Vergil x Dante art on twitter and liked a picture of V sucking Nero's cock

his face was built for smug, that's all

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No. It's boring as fuck. Dropped it halfway through and never touched it again. Sekiro was way more fun.

>implying OoT isn't still playable in the current year
>implying DMC1 doesn't hold up as a great action game

I'm more of a DMC3&5 fan, but holy fuck you are so fucking wrong.

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Vergil is uncut

Then we make stickers of the simified characters and spam them all over the chat.

1 and 3 are the only games worth playing.
2 is a meme, 4 is half a game and 5 is zoomer linear shit with zero personality

classic Yea Forums, contrarian as ever

sekiro looks boring as fuck and braindead easy like all souls games

But at least DMC5 has hot guys you can check out while you play the braindead easy campaign

>and liked a picture of V sucking Nero's cock
how many times are we going to go over this

nero's dick? i dont know about you but i can talk about it all day!

That's how he smiles

At least let us do a dark souls summon passcode or something so I can run mission 13 with friends. That's all I want.

Itsuno was always best girl.

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Yes, it's very, very good. A real top-tier action game. Ignore the nonsense being spouted in the (You)s.


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>There's been bossfights against every major character but Nero and Trish
I hope they find a way to work it in for DMC6

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Directed by Hideo Kojima

The sfw version was still gay as fuck even without Nero's penis and cum on V


Directed by David Cage


Also, Sekiro is one of the hardest games ever made.

>Sekiro is one of the hardest games ever made.
for you

Directed by Yoko Taro

Like action games?
It's godlike

Dont know if you like action games?
Start somewhere else

Don't know if you like action games but are a zoom zoom and refuse play old games?
Just get it

Directed by Tommy Wiseau

>Nero with no moves
what did he mean by this?

Directed by Sean Cody

Directed by Yea Forums________

The only other game of this genre that I've played is Wonderful 101 and I have to say that game was way better, DMCV felt way too safe for my liking.

Anything but this

i just had a really vivid dream of capcom announcing DMC5 dlc and a godhand hd remaster on all platforms to gage interest this e3

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You're not the only one having DMC5 DLC dreams.

What shit taste lel

I had a dream a couple days ago that I was chilling off to the side watching mission 20 go down

>unlike say, Bayonetta when you hammer the punch and kick buttons when you want to do damage
maybe in easy mode, good luck trying that on anything higher

>no benis - not gay bros!

I never said it wasn't gay
just that it wasn't THAT gay

dying threads make me sad

not much we can do since everything has been discussed to death at this point, ll good things must end user

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I'll always love the times we had boys

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till e3 do us part

first post faggot post.

Vergil. Not a difficult decision at all. I'd pick right even if lady and trish weren't added.

one good thread a day is fine
save the shitposting for e3 threads

If this is true than you didn't even give it a chance.

I love Vergil's eyes.

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Coop segments is the best thing that happened with the series.

I want both, user.

>not THAT gay

His eyebags are hot!

What sort of self care will Vergil try to get rid of those bags under his eyes? I'm thinking cucumber.

all he needs is sleep
he's been a zombie for 15 plus years

Technically we get TRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH in the Nightmare 3 fight

It's not eyebags, he has aegyo sal.

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How will they misled us with the trailer this time?

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>aegyo sal

Nigga, what?

Sleep won't fix those dark circles.

No he doesn't. He has dark circles under his eyes.

It's a Korean term for fat under the eyelid.

why "fix" them, they make him look 40% hotter than he already is

>Sleep won't fix those dark circles.
what about hugs?

literally koreaboo shit

His eyes are fine, don't bully.

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Why hasn't anyone realized I just want a picture of Vergil with cucumbers on his eyes and a towel wrapped around his head in a bathrobe and fuzzy slippers trying to use the earphones Nero gave him to block out Dante from his ears and eyes while also trying to maintain his dewy complexion?

why doesnt he have that caveman brow Unga has? Where did Unga get them from?

his mom

His Mom carried the Unga gene.

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you need to summon a drawfag

We've been trying to tell you that Vergil fucked a random uggo street alley whore just to see what vagina feels like and walked away but you didn't believe us.

Vergil is a classy fellow of course he wouldn't.

I knew Vergil was gay, but i didn't think he was THAT gay

Have you seen V?

That's not gay you dumb faget.

Vergil DLC campaign:
you can choose only ONE
>pre-DMC 5 Vergil story. Tells how he got corrupted by Mundus, went to hell after he was "killed" by Dante in DMC 1 and his escape that ultimately led to Nero's Garage in DMC 5's prologue. Also has a secret ending where it shows a bit of a story of how he met Nero's mother in Fortuna.
>Dante and Vergil in hell post-DMC 5. They kill the remaining demons (some of them are new) and destroy the Qliphoth's main roots. Dante somehow absorbs some of Yamato's power and gets his own Darkslayer style. Final boss is Mundus's ultimate and true form. Secret ending is Dante and Vergil escaping hell using Yamato, Dante retiring as a demon hunter and Vergil stays with him in his office.

no, wait for a sale

but it is on sale

The latter.

Everything about that second scenario sounds like dogshit.
>make Dante more overpowered and Vergil less special in the VERGIL-CENTRIC DLC
>introduce a true final boss that undermines the dramatic tension of the main campaign while not being available to most players, Asura's Wrath style
>further convolute the already baffling ending where hell can only be closed from the inside for no explained reason and no one can come back except I guess they can or whatever
>Dante retiring ever and for no fucking reason when it's still not clear what happened to Sparda

Nero without all the breakers, without enemy step, and without his Devil Bringer is shit

what if

Fuck, man, at that point it's a full-fledged sequel. You know what happens when the most important event in your whole story is DLC only? Asura's Wrath.

XD lulz!! >o

Yes but don’t buy it now since there’ll probably be a special edition in a year with Vergil, turbo, and other QOL changes

>2 weeks till DLC announced
Can't wait.

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Its a great game but if you have to ask you're probably not that interested in the game to begin with. Wait til it has an even bigger sale or when the eventual special edition comes out.

>netflix is there
>reuben is only there because they're just going to advertise the anime
How mad would you be

>20 hours
>Devil May Cry game

This might be the newfaggiest post I've seen since the early 2010s

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You didn't play much then at all. The game allows you to get into it at the pace you want. If I recall, this is literally the second mission after the prologue. At this point, you should have access to a few new moves but your moveset is still very limited. It sounds like you didn't really give it a chance or just didn't understand that you need to play it more to get really into it. It's the fun of combining movesets to make really flashy and satisfying attacks.

Not a Devil May Cry fan myself and I had a blast with it. It's probably one of the few games I've played in the past few years that I actively lost sleep because I just didn't want to put it down. The combat felt fluid and while it was fairly limited at the beginning, the skills I unlocked allowed me to expand the way I played and led to me pulling off cool and flashy moves. If you had any interest in trying out a Devil May Cry game, 5 is definitely the best one to start out with. If you aren't hooked and just have a decent time with it, it probably wouldn't be worth the $40. There's no way of telling of course unless you just pirate it and play it for a bit. However, if you end up playing it a lot I'd say it's worth it. I usually try to stick with the rule that it's worth the price listed if I actually get the same amount of hours out of it ($40 = 40 hours played?). It allows me to be a cheap fuck and prevents me from buying games I know I won't play for long.

don't open
its not worth it

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>a new DMC anime with Reuben
Sounds fun, will be even better if we get to see how they would redesign Patty

What the fuck

Its the one they announced in november last year

Can you not read. The op says "Its on sale. Is it good?"

whose asshole is Nero tounging?

you already know deep down

post yfw dlc at e3

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He never chose the thot life the thot life chose him.

Pls stop. We don't deserve this

A know it all!

if this was better drawn this might have actually been pretty hot

is that what he was doing? I couldn't tell.

We didn't see anything of that anime though, we don't even know when does it take place, how many characters or how they'll look and so on
Hopefully it'll have some Tony Redgrave scenes, that would be pretty kino

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>DMC1 is like playing the N64 version OoT in 2019, no way fag
As somebody that started with 4 and didn't play the original until this year, you are so full of shit. DMC1 plays fine just like OoT does to this very day. Is the gameplay and mechanics dated? Yes. Does that make it unplayable? Fuck no by any means.

don't open

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i always wanted to see Nero's tiddies
but not .... actual tiddies


>choose new characters
>they don't get their own maps
where did it all go wrong

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You didn't even get to V or Dante and the deeper mechanics of the game. You can literally just quickly grind out the first couple of missions, get the orbs and unlock the entire moveset just fine and get into the actual style and combat.

Every DMC has been like this and everyone has had better gameplay than the last barring DmC. In short: gitgud.
V plays fantastically though.

1 and 3 are easy too, I replayed them recently, they aren't as hard as you actually remember.

V is unwieldy as fuck on default controls, and his playstyle doesn't mesh with people who just unga triangle'd and dark souls rolled through Goliath.

The game's onboarding isn't great in terms of things like telling you that jump is your best dodge or that repeated attacks do less damage

1st one. I was 200% amped for co-op BP, Lady and Trish are whatever, and I want to spite Vergilfags who won't admit that he was handled poorly in DMC5

I hope they they keep the dark under his eyes going foward. It makes him look cute

>V plays fantastically though.
No. Fuck you.

He'll get the tired dad look next game

I thought V played alright

Stop trying to fuck my nephew


you nephew has tits Dante were you aware of this

You should unironically play DMC5 at least twice, if you play it once you get maybe 25% of the fun the game has to offer.

The game is designed around replayablity, the final mission even serves as a tutorial for a brand new mechanic. If you're the kind of person who only wants to play it once to see the story DMC is not for you, unless you're one of those weird DMC fans who doesn't care about the gameplay and only the story.

How can you afford the internet when you’re always broke, Dante? Are you mooching off of Lady’s WiFi again?

It's incredibly bad. Every part of it.

Wasn't that the exact thing he said in his original post? You know, people are allowed to not like a game that you like

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>Wasn't that the exact thing he said in his original post?
not really, not him btw.
what he said was that the game is bad the whole way till you reach a certain point, while that user is saying that the game gets better and better the more you go on. plus that dude didn't even play half the game not even a quarter how can you form your opinion of a game as whole if you haven't really experienced all what it could offer or at the least half of what it could.
but yeah everyone is entitled to their own opinion as you said

Nah, you're just a brainlet who can't control 3 simple movesets at a time. Beat HAH, DMD and BP with him and then talk shit

You don’t really have to control them if you use Devil Trigger.

>dlc motorbike has an exclusive attack
>can't use it on bloody palace
>it's actually one of the dankest moves


With a braindead moveset.

This was my first dmc game. I seriously suggest you give this game another shot user. There's a lot of depth in the combat mechanics of this game unlike the batman inspired press Y to counter genre.

Vergil. BP would be hard to coop with all the levels, suspend option and playerbase unless you want out of your way to find someone on a forum/discord to start a new run at the same time. Maybe if it was there on launch then perhaps it could maintain a niche but sustainable coop playerbase for a few months, but not now.

How the fuck do you use the lock on system? Why can you only fucking cycle through enemies by clicking the stick? Why can't you toggle lock on?
I want to love this game but this just feels so uncomfortable and unintuitive.
I'm only on the second boss and I'm stuck, there's all these enemies all over the screen firing projectiles and stuff at me, and I can't lock on to the enemies I want to lock onto in order to kill them.
How the fuck do I git gud, Yea Forums? I've never played a cuhrayzee game before, I want to love them like my friends do.

Considering how cursed the fanart gets some times, are there any bad/cursed fanfics?

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>unless you're one of those weird DMC fans who doesn't care about the gameplay and only the story.
fucking lorefags

iirc there was that one Nero and Vergil incest made by a tumblrfag, never bothered looking at it

Some attacks require you to be locked on and some require you to not be locked on, so a toggleable lock-on just wouldn't work for DMC. And you're talking about Artemis, the boss who flies around, right? The laser-shooting enemies she summons are easily killed with just a couple Color Up shots, they shouldn't present a real problem on any of the lower difficulties. Their projectiles don't even do that much damage, plus you can just dodge them by jumping through them.

there was one about Vergil getting his red wings

I felt the same way until i realized there is more to him than just 3 movesets. You have royal fork setups, round robin setups, double check setups, you can cancel any animation with DT, poetry kiting and many more crowd control tools. I bet you haven't used skewer more than 3 times or anything other from griffon than bullets and blockade. Fuck off, you fucking bigot, you don't even like the game, you just shit on it after sucking massive cocks. Lol at you

Are you referring to one with Sparda and kid Vergil

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It's pretty much confirmed he died, right?

Attached: file.png (633x394, 373K)

wait what

Stay seething that no one likes your shit character. He's never coming back anyways.

the news is that he killed himself after some of his family died

Too late for coop BP, the game is dead already, so it's not really a choice.

Sparda and vergil.

>he doesn’t know

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>game is dead

>the game is dead already
can you explain to me how does one know if a single player game is dead?

I thought he disappeared due to his father being sick or whatever. I hope he's doing okay. He organized something magical

don't tease me you fuck

yes I love the highly realistic details on the characters

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I fucking knew Matt Walker was Nero's real face scan

There was a post some other user pointed out and it basically said he was going to an hero because another family member was dying or something.

why is Vergil's seed such an unga


unga me want hit you on head with stick unga too weak want more power unga bunga

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>come across a V named "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
>forgot to take a screencap
god fucking damnit

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Beowulf mod is cool

Attached: beo.jpg (1920x1080, 710K)

heres every DMC related tag used in a fanfic ever
pick a favorite

Attached: 24638462426.png (1278x607, 113K)

>Dante fucks a slice of pizza

Attached: D62CkK2VsAA5RD5.jpg (2048x1776, 161K)

>egg (Nero)

Attached: 2526484623264753.jpg (297x545, 38K)

That many
>v is his his own person tags

Attached: D7vPCetUYAIpWex.jpg (2048x1152, 299K)

>Kyrie is an actual person

Nero when he was still in his mother’s ovaries?

>Vergil gets his red wings

Attached: 8267375426.png (1281x170, 23K)

nero laid an egg

that would explain the demon pussy tag

you need to never post that shit here ever again

Wait you have to buy Enemy Step AGAIN? Fucking why?

the fic associated with that tag has 2 chapters
I can't breathe

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Nero, did you lay this egg?

Because arm gone.

Next-gen DMC5SE has the potential to be insane.

>Playable Vergil
>Turbo mode
>Divergence and Bloody Palace Co-op

Attached: 1494789507572.png (438x500, 21K)

>Only way to do decent combos and cancels
Same dumb bullshit that they did to pad DMC4.

>instant SSD loading times

>Turbo mode
Not with this gen. They barely maintain 60fps as it is.

I would also like it if they added Must Style mode from DmC:DE, and playable Lady and Trish

Well next gen is around the corner. You know it will be re-released.

If you beat that guy, you would have skipped to the end of the game, so of course you stopped playing. Nice work, user.

Divergence mode better be co-op. I wanna ruin people's S ranks with Vergil.


Both things that should have been in the base game. most of the work was already done, they were just too lazy and stupid to put in in.

Must Style is probably one of the only good thing from the reboot.

>grind 20k
You get a 100k bonus w/ Deluxe Edition, as well as 30k for having a demo save file. Besides, you can easily grind for 20k in a single mission

Attached: 1555764802069.jpg (540x674, 61K)

>most of the work was already done

Absolutely not. Just because co-op existed in like 2 missions doesn't mean that it would work properly in all missions. Especially against Boss Fights which would require the AI to be altered and tweaked to handle multiple players.

And the playable Vergil in the code is obviously unfinished.

halfway through making this abomination of an image I realized I'm using pictures of them as adults

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1200x800, 160K)

Capcom again gave the team a limited budget, but then they spent thousands of shekels for Dante's jacket.

>Pay an extra $20 to deal with our shit game design
Hard pass.

Tbf I don't think Must Style would be great addition. Enemies are already enough of damage sponges on DMD, no need to take it up to 11

You can literally play the demo for free and get Enemy Step right away in the full game, retard

If you enjoyed the previous games (3 and 4 in particular) you'll almost certainly enjoy 5. But if not I can't see it winning you over, and if you've not played them I'd recommend starting with them to get a taste of the series at a cheaper price. I played through 1-4 for the first time after seeing all the hype after E3 and had a great time with them, apart from 2.

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>DL the demo and grind out a basic function to get it on release.
Nothing you say is appealing. There's absolutely no reason to gate Enemy Step behind orbs, especially since you have to buy fucking everything in these games.

>There's absolutely no reason to gate Enemy Step behind orbs
Same thing could be said about any other move

The bosses don't need to change. if the bosses are coded properly then they track the player with a "target" variable like the enemies. before the boss does an attack they just need to set the target to whoever's closest or shit it could even be random. or just target the first player and people will still be fine with it. there's no excuse not to include co op when even a DMC4 & 3 mod did it.

99% of vergils animations needed for DMC5 were already done in DMC4 the bone data just needs to be converted. super easy compared to most anything else in 3d animation.
that playable vergil was literally only made to plan out how vergils boss fight would behave they never even planned on using it that's how easy it would have been for them to just make him playable.

Should’ve used "I won’t lose to you, little brother." for Vergil’s quote.


true, but it should still be a natural ability desu

and they were quotes as saying i want DMC 5 to look like call of duty or the last of us.
this fucking game was a mistake.

I like his eyebags. And he always had them. At this point there is not a lot he could if he want to erase them.

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Devil May Cry 5 is a fantastic, but it's a game that deliberately goes against a lot of modern game design conventions and therefore it won't be loved by everyone.

Regular non-RPG action games are sort of a dying genre, and Itsuno said he wanted DMC5 to be the game that showed that action games still matter. DMC5 is basically the exact opposite of what God of War tried to do last year, while GoW tried to appeal to a broader audience by having a heavy story focus, RPG elements and exploration. DMC5 is very much action at the very core, the game has set pieces, cutscenes and an upgrade system; but none of these really feel more than window dressing. DMC5 is a game where you run through corridors and just beat the shit out of demons from beginning to end, that's the game. It's focused, it's distilled, it's pure.

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link me your review

"Devil May Cry 5 is a fantastic, but it's a game that deliberately goes against a lot of modern game design conventions and therefore it won't be loved by everyone.

Regular non-RPG action games are sort of a dying genre, and Itsuno said he wanted DMC5 to be the game that showed that action games still matter. DMC5 is basically the exact opposite of what God of War tried to do last year, while GoW tried to appeal to a broader audience by having a heavy story focus, RPG elements and exploration. DMC5 is very much action at the very core, the game has set pieces, cutscenes and an upgrade system; but none of these really feel more than window dressing. DMC5 is a game where you run through corridors and just beat the shit out of demons from beginning to end, that's the game. It's focused, it's distilled, it's pure."

>demon's mating season

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Why are you shitposting over enemy step of all things?

I want Nico to peg Nero in front of Kyrie while he screams KYRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>what he said was that the game is bad the whole way till you reach a certain point, while that user is saying that the game gets better and better the more you go on
It's almost as if you're too fucking stupid top realize what you just wrote yourself.

Nuro is so fucking sexy

user, I don't need to explain the same thing all over again, either way it doesn't matter since us arguing would be pointless

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legitimately good game, actually worth full price

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no u

He actually looks better like that.

That’s because it’s his DLC costume of DMC 3 Dante, but in all black and facial hair.

First one but with ex color as dmc5 vergil

Muh nigga

1st one 100%, Coop in DMC would be a game changer

Based, V's playstyle is underrated.

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>3 months after release
hahahaha no

>Lady regrets everything
>Dante is magnificent little shit
>DNA (destroy nero's ass)
>it's only rated T because griffon swears

Attached: 1553046643624.jpg (447x460, 17K)

Lady always regrets everything.