beta back up in about an hour
Granblue Versus
Other urls found in this thread:
I wonder how many hours were put in perfecting that armpit. I imagine there was someone in charge who told others to work all night making it look that perfect. Someone's job for weeks were committed to this one action
a bit more hair and sweat would be perfect
are these the besr 3d armpit models ever?
Please vote for her
Can't wait, I need to get back to my cute little knight.
On the one hand the armpit spam is annoying but on the other it keeps the whiny normalfags away so eh.
Also I voted for my boy Albert, I don't give a fuck.
What's the general criticisms I should say in my survey
Sorry but I voted for Yuel
Give me 5 facts RIGHT NOW
For the retard that said Ferry's whip doesn't have a hurtbox
vote for Beatrix fags
Finally, a counter
Your Aigis/Naoto/Noel hybrid
5 cute facts about Rosamia:
- She's a girl!
- She's a grape!
- I love her!!!!!
- Rosamia!!!!!!!!!!!
>not black knight
Why yes, I do main Gran "le honest man of honest neutral" Blue Fantasy ™
Better dash/walk speeds. More normals, the ability to link normals together for strings outside of autocombos. Maybe the ability to do advanced combos midscreen as well instead of just in the corner. Whatever else you want, these are the biggest changes I want.
me but Siete.
autocombos being literally the only option for anything, really slow movement speed
nice game granbabs
Is the damage scaling similar to guilty gear? Like would a normal combo do more damage if I started it with a heavy attack?
Super low walk speed
Little to no pushback
No combo options (aka no chain combos)
IMAGINE """""""""""playing""""""""""" gachashit
armpits are nice tho
She also has the best casual outfit and the cutest smile.
Working as intended
I voted for Anila and Shirou.
Katalina kinda reminds me of Agrias Oaks from FFT
>ex tatsu wall bounces
>opens guy up for E fireball and DP
Only reason I use him
bro I already voted...
dash should be faster/faster block after dash
Why is this not a skin and who do I have to fight for it to be made into one?
Me too bro
Good thing I ain't going to ever touch this gacha and just play the spinoff shit instead
My man
Suspenders is good shit
>What ONE character
Clashes are cool
No auto combo, Roman Cancel mechanic.
Link it
Sandalphon is going to have the most votes because every guy is voting for a different girls but fujos will all vote for Sandal
Doesn't M tatsu wallbounce in the corner? I swear I saw that happen with me once
I want Io!
They're not going to make the game anymore advanced. They literally said they wanted to design a game people who only play phone games could enjoy
I think both do
I doubt anyone will truly enjoy what they've put together
fujos don't play fighting games. Cygames did an interest measurement back in winter fest and the women overwhelmingly supported Relink whereas men were split between versus and relink.
But can you combo off the mid-version?
Would this be a good way to get into granboob or should I play the gacha?
They also said they want this to be an esport so they have to choose because right now this game has 0 spectator appeal
I'm enjoying it
I wasn't into armpits until I played Granblue and Shadowverse. What did Cygames do to me?
Nigga they didn't say that at all. They said they wanted to make a game like SF2, and wanted to have mechanics available that would allow the gacha players to be able to play the game as well as the main fighting game community. They also didn't even say they wanted gacha players to be able to compete, just that they could also enjoy the game.
I dunno
have they confirmed a story mode for versus?
I think they're gonna choose the gacha whales bro
gacha shitters might
also it doesn't really matter. if they pump enough money into it and have players like daigo enter then tournaments will still get views and it'll become popular
I'm not sure, I'll try it out whenever I can get into the next two periods
Survey link?
Voted two times, genius.
The gacha has more characters than the fighter will by a lot so
Ah yes I guess all those Ragna X Jin doujins just grew from trees
I voted for Magisa
I don't play Granblue and didn't even get in the beta, but she looks the best and I love big titty witches
>just that they could also enjoy the game
That's what I just said nigger
>he thinks people actually have to play a game to make doujins of it
If doujins represented playerbases then draphs wouldn't be one of the lease popular races.
This guy is just a waifu shitter.
Let's do something real because she is an interesting character for a fighting game:
>Can use Talismans with different effects (boost the gain of Super, lower the defense of the opponent, your next move is armored,...)
>Mask is a power up, but can fall on the ground like Claw in SF
>she is the first character that got a R, then SR and a SSR in the original game
>her background is a tragic one
>more female knights is always a great thing
You misrepresented what was said dumbshit. If it was designed just for gacha players then Kat on special inputs wouldn't have a 117 frame fireball advantage on single button Kat. That "also" is a massive modifier that changes the implied meaning, and you didn't include it.
shut up its a traditional ritual
they have the same voice actress
You're a fucking faggot that doesn't understand fighting game joke culture. I bet you hated Mr.Pringles jokes.
Based anons
Put Fraux in
the Rosamia ritual is an important part of my people's culture
-Empire bow to Rosamia
-In contact with primals
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control phantagrande with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on the moon(Rosagrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities in the Skydom
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Rosamia babies
-said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence in the Skydom has only existed deep in Oarlyegrande monasteries & Estalucia
-Ancient Mephorashan scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon the Skydom and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with her
-She owns Nanobot R&D labs around the Skydom
-You likely have Rosabots inside you right now
-Rosamia is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of the Creator to the Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Dragon Knights high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Dragon Knights leader’s first trip to Alster Island in history literally a few days later to the Rosamia bunker in Irestill land?
-She learned fluent Yugu-speech in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Rosamia. There’s no gold in Sturren Fort, only Ft. Rosamia
-Rosamia is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, she is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know her ultimate plans yet. We hope she's a benevolent being.
Main: Danua
Secondary: Forte
Tertiary: Naru
Go back to /gbfg/ with your "sis", retards.
And considering the people involved in both games, the resemblance is probably intentional.
Did you not read her SSR fate. She can't remove the fucking mask anymore, so no claw gimmick for you.
Fucking source
is granblue where the whole "5 facts about x" thing comes from? I've seen a ton of variants for other things but I've never known the source
Too late.
>thinking that they will go for the SSR when most of the characters are in their original first version
Only on counter hit
>he has the chance to vote for a character
>he didn’t vote for yaia
>he doesn't recognize old ass memes
fuck off, I quit /gbfg/, Rosamiaposting is still way more entertaining than fucking armpit posting
No. It came from /jp/
How much time until the next beta session?
I didn't say it was "just" for gacha players, what the fuck are you talking about. I said they wanted to design a game that people who only play on phones could enjoy. Learn to fucking read
They literally say in the interview "we don't want to alienate beginners" so what we have now in terms of advanced mechanics is probably all we're going to get
50 minutes.
you imply too far
Why does that horse have mustard bagels?
Tomboys and gallant women are Sawashiro's best roles
I dont even know what the five facts thing even means
>still trying to force it
2 months
What would her moveset even be? Standing blowjobs? Command grab paizuri?
I didn't realize I was into armpits until this very thread. Thanks for giving me a new fetish, Yea Forums. At least it's a "normal" one this time.
slutty bitch confirmed in when
>generic and boring self-insert vs cute girl
the only metric that actually matters if you're not a faggot.
Jesus christ I am finna SNIIFFFF Lyria
Can you play versus CPU during the beta?
it says Jun 1: 1 a.m.-6 a.m. for GMT
I am GMT and it's not up right?
Why are timezones always fucked?
The game looks so good
It's not 1am GMT right now
yaia is for headpats only you fucking idiot
Just search for Charlotta Fenia from an artist named Tsuna
>this is a 6 year old
>she already knows about sex and gets coaching from crewmates to romantically confess to you on Valentine’s
nope lol
i have completely failed
I’d pat her head. Specially the back of it to get her to take more of my cock.
Thanks, I will play all the night until morning then, fuck.
People talking about Ferry in the corner but Lancelot putting you in the corner is scarier desu with fireball oki and his mixups using unique action. He dash, short hop and/or wall jump right above you
Is it okay to think about her being fucked hard after losing match against big black guy?
>Is it okay to think about her being fucked hard after losing match
>against big black guy
Only if you're a big guy, otherwise it's cuckshit.
Who voted for Shirou here?
the Ferry players was hit during a move of her own. Nothing wrong here.
I'm glad draphs don't actually exist otherwise I'd end up being a criminal
Mother fucker
Big black guy, I meant to say, big black guy. It's still cuckshit if you're a big guy but you're not black.
I'm surprised Jeanne wasn't in from the very beginning, thought she was really popular.
They’re built for early breeding, as evidenced by the fact that they develop at 6 instead of 12.
I did vote for Nicholas but if anything its going to be his dark weeb version since megaton kick was the event unit I think
To anyone who played Gran in the first session: any tips or advice? got a go-to combo yet? mixups?
Surprised she's not in yet
remove fucking autocombos or the game is gonna be dead in less than a year like dbfz
yaia is for headpats and fortnite
How's the game? I missed out on signing up for the beta.
Who are the most fun characters to you?
just wake up dp bro
Kinda lame, honestly
Katalina for me
im liking it, charl
Midscreen you should go for 214B since it has the best corner carry, save your EX for wall bounces because you can basically link all your specials with EX in the corner.
>whiff B or C attack so the second one lands
>you have enough time to mash another light attack
If you have meter hit the super
what character is getting announced after the beta ends
It'll disappear like all anime fighters because the fighting game community can only coalesce around the big games. It's fun though, but I liked P4A for similar reasons.
Hour thirty.
go back to maplestory you fucking casual
I would, but Magisa is my wife.
how are you guys so bad at time zones
It's up in 30 minutes
reminder that it came up 15 minutes early last time
rob import
I hope biribiri oji-san and his wife make it in
>literally 30 second long super animations
>not even a ghost of a chance for best girl to make it
hard fuckin pass
I'm so tired of cinematics in fighting games and this one's are longer than sc6, and that's awful
Oh are they not doing any butthamut characters? That's unfortunate, some of the best ones are from there.
Shes terrible in her original game and her new buff still leaves her entirely useless.
they will be in eventually, cygames routinely recycles their rob characters in every game
>No Orchis
>No Vania
>No Veight
>No Forte
Just play him like a normal shoto
Either do Normal > Fireball or ABC > Tatsu for a combo
I didn't know how to use his drive when I played this morning, but you just charge it and it gives you a damage boost.
Don't get hit by the super and you won't see it
Honestly I've always been able to find games for anime fighters for any game. People exaggerate how quickly games "die"
What does Ferry's second super do?
It's just assumptions, but they'll probably prioritize GBF original characters for the base roster and then put whatever else as dlc.
it's up
Orchis could easily be a Carl Clover clone so that seemed like a real no brainer for ArcSys.
whats the notation for this?
... > 214C > 5B > 236C > ??? > 5D? > ??? > 236236D
>How's the game?
Good, simple and extremely grounded.
During the last hour, I encountered some strong players and every mistake was deadly.
There is no comeback mechanic, you are the first to have your super meter full if you rekt your opponent, it's something I didn't feel for a long time in a fighting game.
Also, Super Meter go back to 0 at each round.
>Who are the most fun characters to you?
The only character I didn't play was Lancelot, all the others are interesting and different.
Gran and Kati are your Ryu/Ken, Ferry is your Dhalsim mixed wth some tools like an Arcsys character and Charlotta is your Blanka with a demonflip and multi attack ala Chun-Li. They really nailed the SF2 refs for their characters but the game actually play like a SNK one.
>don't use supers either
wow hey thanks alright buddy game's fixed
I don't play the gacha, sell me on a slut to use my vote.
*sniff sniff sniff* Mmmm, that's the stuff! *lick lick lick* Yes yes yes! Titty n' pitty I'm ready to diddy! Yum yum yum lick from pit to tum', soft and exposed, defenseless underflesh ripe for the taking, euhehehehehe!
>chibi hub main menu again
Why the fuck do they keep doing this? It looked like shit before and it doesnt look any better now.
The fact that the hand drawn look is generated only by 3D models, maps and shaders is amazing. it looks SO GOOD up close.
not so much zoomed out during gameplay tho & i think the frame rate on attack animations is too low.
I asked for a second Charlotta
He's in!
If you want a slut she's basically already confirmed but vote for her anyway so they reveal her sooner
server's up
Lily because she is a good girl.
>victory screens now count as super animations
The special itself is only like 15 seconds, the rest is just a unique finish.
That LITERALLY isn't 30s though
fucking retard
its up
what lobby are you guys at?
I want Zeta!
This game is really making me want to pick up the gachashit game
Please convince me not to, I was already tempted before this game
Biggest slut in GBF, yet incredibly loyal at the same time.
if you kill someone with the super it takes thirty fuckin seconds for the "move on to the next match" prompt to appear. it's part of the super animation and it takes forever.
I'm going though it for the story, it's pretty nice. cant wait for Re Link to release.
just try and if you don't like it then you'll be done with it, ez
You can literally skip the end screen anytime after the finish prompt you fuckin dork.
You have to roll the dice on which character to get and then still have to grind for hundreds of hours and your reward is pictures of anime girls and mediocre writting. It ain't worth it, just enjoy the actually good spin-offs.
Not gonna lie. This game looks pretty soulless compared to anything else ArcSys has put out recently.
It's almost like Cygames is holding them at gunpoint just so they can squeeze more sweet whale monies out of the dumb gachashitters that played the mobage.
Is it too late to get into the beta?
gameplay wise maybe but I think visually it's Arc Sys' best looking game
gg is dead bruh, time to move on
How can the spin-offs be "actually good" if the franchise is mediocre?
Metera isnt a slutty bitch you retard
New York 1
What is she then everyone tells me she's the slut character
works for porn
somebody post the controls again
Outsourced to more competent guys and are probably more fun to play than the main thing, at least I assume.
Porn isn't written and directed by the developer
Literally me
>This game looks pretty soulless compared to anything else ArcSys has put out recently.
>Xrd even though to a lesser extent
It's all lowest common denominator SPECTATOR TWITCH HYPE HYPE HYPE bullshit.
The franchise is good, granblue the mobile game just gets boring after a couple hundred of hours.
Really baffling they didn't include a training mode, or CPU. There are some games against people I join and they clearly have the fundamentals and comprehend frame data to an extent, and I'm still learning buttons and motions. Just a complete waste of my time since I can't really learn anything in those fast matches.
this, I still play guilty gear semi regularly but it's always the same people joining my lobbies.
arcsys, where is my sen!?
Wow it's almost like it's by design made for people who play the gacha!
She's the character you want to marry
Gachashit just feels too much like a chore. You have to do a lot of mindless grinding to get to the harder stuff and it just doesn’t feel worth it.
mash any attack button when close and end with a special
There are spin-offs that surpass the franchise all the time. Nanoha for example is an anime franchise that spawned as a spin-off to a visual novel and it's still going on while the VN is largely forgotten. There are plenty of movies that surpass the original books they are based on. This is game is pretty much a completely different genre from the original made by a company that is famous for their fighting games, the only thing coming from Granblue are the character designs and maybe some of the plot, we don't even know that yet. The child needs not to be as mediocre as the father, it's up to ArcSys to deliver now.
will i have to spend money to get characters in this one too
Acts like a slut, but is kinda pure around you
no, this isn't FGO, they give you tons of free shit so you can get a lot of characters and hopefully the ones you want
Relink is not outsourced
How is the franchise good when it's nothing but
>soulless designs
>mediocre writing
>shit gameplay
According to Yea Forums
The plot and direction all comes from Cygames so it's the exact same thing you hate about the original
Yeah but I want to learn, not scrub it up.
Reminder that voting doesn't matter. Your 1 contribution will make no difference.
You mean a fighting game getting paid dlc characters? Most probably yes.
If you mean the main game, only if you have no self control.
Is it too late to get into the beta?
Wait for ReLink. Play through the gacha main story and the homoangel saga of you don't want to be too much of a secondary, but dont even think about getting into the grind, it's pointless and a huge waste of time.
t.former gachashit addict
>Relink is not outsourced
Well, then whatever parts were done with PG then
I don't think this game will have any sort of gacha to suck money from though
In order to get who you want in the gacha game? Absolutely. In the fighting game? Probably.
Fighting game betas almost never have training mode included because they want people to test the servers, not sit in training room and comboboar.
A new GG is getting announced at Arc Revo finals.
Probably just the core mechanics, but if you want PG game mechanics just go play PG game because granblue and cygames are bad.
The art and music are carrying that shit on their back, and both of these are top notch. Also the devs know their shit and want to make their franchise grow out of this kusoge state unlike all other gacha companies.
LLL > Tatsu.
What's the official Yea Forums lobby? I wanna play with you bros.
end combos with quarter back special
why do people like armpits?
that's about as far as combos go in this game outside of wall bounces and supers.
Whether that's a good thing or not is your call.
looking forward to Isuka 2
>need a PS+ membership to play the beta
Are they being fucking serious right now
Can I not just fight CPU offline to test the game out?
They made gacha because it made money.
ghost pitjob
How are the designs soulless though
man box is pretty good
so far I havnt seen a single gran
why the fuck would you make a fg if your intention is ripping off money from people
shit dies so fast
And now theyre reinvesting that money to make real game because...?
It's basically a server stress test, so they need people playing against one another. It is totally bullshit about PS+ though, hoping this gets a PC release since I really don't care to pay ten bucks a month.
It's a network test, not a beta
that's why you can't play offline whenever you want
That's not my opinion, you need to ask Yea Forums.
I'm just asking why do the people who hate everything about the original want to play spin-offs based on it.
Because they want to expand their market, not "grow out".
>main story requires grind after a while
I hate you secondary pieces of shit
because making people in other communities aware of your gacha gets them to play the gacha and spend more money
Tell us your fetishes first
>No practice mode
>Join game
>Get combo'd to death
I'll stick to my shitty mobile game
because that's what they've always wanted to do
they started with gacha games so they'd have enough money to make the games they really wanted
>why the fuck would you make a fg if your intention is ripping off money from people
To get money from intial sales, duh
I'm gonna watch the anime, play this, and play Relink
and there's nothing you can do to make me play your shitty browser game
so there is no link just auto combo?
lol. Licensed games usually work both ways, they're not spending nearly as much money on this as you think.
Anyone who can look at Monkigate and say "this company has the consumers at heart" is lying to themselves.
what compels the gachashitter to spend money on low res anime jpegs
if you're going to piss away large amounts of your income then why not do it like a semi-respectable human being by either gambling or investing in stocks/cryptocurrency
>needing to lab for combos this simple
Can't disagree with that, but you can't deny that it's a good use of kusoge money
Oh, okay.
>used up my free trial way back when I first got my PS4
Welp, there goes any hope of me purchasing this game without a test. Maybe I’ll luck out and a friend will buy it so I can try it. Hope you bros are having fun with Ferry.
This is the last Sony console I buy, I’m serious, this is bullshit. Not even Microsoft is this Jewish, and they fuckin’ started it this paid online practice.
Cygames is a cancer company and I seriously hope none of you plan on buying this or relink
>already had a wildly successful gacha game before Granblue
>decided to make Granblue
>still don't know what character to say I want added
There's so many and it's hard to choose
investments are dumb and not cute
>Try to get in a match in the beta
>you need psn plus to do it
is this serious?
but I already bought them both.
Not if someone gives you a code.
And look at how successful GBF has been
They've got the money to make any game they want now, in an established universe with a fanbase and decent setting
lmao they will break even with all their 50 sales they will get at this rate
It's pretty much the same thing as gambling in terms of what it triggers in your brain
Also some people just like supporting things they enjoy with money. Or bragging rights against other whales
>they've got the money to make any game they want now
They did before they made GBF, that's the point.
The setting is awful
Fighting games that are too smooth don’t work out too well gameplay wise. It may not be great visually but gameplay should always be number one for a fighting game.
I hope you aren't implying that Rage of Bahamut is by any means "successful". Not like it's bad thing though. Because hey, they got TWO successful series in their hands.
Whatever Cygames intentions are I'm still happy they're reaching outside the gacha sphere because I love grubs art but fucking hate mobile ""games"". I'd guess many people feel the same about it.
Why? I see nothing wrong with using idiots to fund actual games
mexico is apparently pretty good for NA users
imagine if this werwe on pc we could mod hair to that
These "actual games" will be shit. Just look at this mess being tested right now.
RoB flopped hard. There's a reason why GBF and Shadowverse has refugee characters. The only reason RoB is still supported is because they can due to granblue money
This game sucks
Literally gambling. Games like Granblue, iM@S, PaD, whatever, are all designed the same way gambling machines are
>They did before they made GBF, that's the point.
Well now they got even more money and GBF is their baby, then now want to see the series reach it's full potential.
>finish off Ferry with Gran's super
>they outright acknowledge it was overkill
This is some 10/10 shit.
>RoB flopped hard
Rage of Bahamut used to be gigantic. It's just ancient now.
oh so you can still plug in this game
RoB didn't flop even if it's nothing compared to GBF, it's just from a past mobile generation that wasn't as huge as the current one.
It didn't flop, it was The top gacha game for years. But now it's just an outdated relic, just as grindblue will be in a couple years.
>Not a Guilty Gear 3
It's gonna be a JRPG this time.
>Rage quitting in a beta test?
B-but why?
They aren't pulling anything like that again.
I really don't think i'd mind that.
Your picture is so soulless that they had to infuse both a soul and a primal in it.
Thanks a lot
>Rage of Bahamut used to be gigantic
>46k followers vs. gbf's 832k followers
>what is used to be
wow great job
RoB was literally the top mobage for years, jackass.
Fuck it, I'm voting for a titcow. They still need a representative
sonicfox is in the lobby I'm in. and I thought I was getting my ass kicked
>on a sony console
Potato is the most fun
Overture 2 baybeeeee
>Need PS Plus to play during a closed beta
>Faggots postin trans rights on the message board
It's fuckin dead
It's actually going to be a visual novel
>need ps+ to play a network stress test
who woulda thunk it
How is this? I started playing the browser game recently and its quite a bit of fun honestly.
>RoB was literally the top mobage for years, jackass.
Then it should've been able to retain their followers even after its decline.
>he didn't vote for Djeeta
I would, and I like the world and lore of Guilty Gear.
But yet im still in the hub world
does anyone have ferry and kat version of this?
What are Grea's chances of getting in? She's originally from a different game so I feel like they're slim
Seems decent, but this won't make me suddenly like fighting games or buy one
>getting errors to log on psn
>no way to play the game
Maybe tomorrow
Reminder that Dragon Ball had a free online network test twice.
Not him, but I just wanted to try the game out, because I got fucking swindled on Dragon Ball and it turned out to be one of the worst pieces of shit I ever played. I wanted to see what could come out of an ArcSys game that had more than a quarter-circle motion for once.
>The game exceeded three million players outside Japan on August 7, 2012. The game had over 10 million players worldwide as of December 2012.[1] Rage of Bahamut was launched worldwide in February 2012 and topped the Top Grossing Chart on US Google Play for over 16 weeks starting in April. The game had a monthly revenue of ¥400 million ($5.01 million) in 2012.[2] It topped the Top Grossing Chart of the US App Store as of June 12, 2012 and remained popular there, until DeNA pulled out of the World/US market in February, 2016, shutting down the English version servers.
nigger it's on the website
It didn't, because it declined hard, especially after Shadowverse literally reused all of its assets and they ported basically every popular RoB character (with a few exceptions) to Granblue. It still topped Google Play charts and was estimated to make 2.6mUSD a month.
There’s a lot of shitposting on the message board
if this game sell well and last long time
she might make it as DLC
I hope this doesn't get removed
>5m monthly
>60m a year
>apparently they just didn't have the money to do anything but make Granblue a mobage
Fucking hell, how long are you supposed to hold a button for a charge?
Xenoverse, FighterZ, Code Vein, etc. all have free network tests. The purpose is to test the network with as many people as possible, not bar people from playing. The game even lets you into the hubworld as well without PS+.
No reason for betas to bar people these days, just as there is no reason to charge for online (other than people are still for some reason willing to pay it).
how many alt colors are in the beta? where can I see them all?
>fucking guaranteed
I need to see pits
What the fuck is this, I didn't know this was a thing
FGO earns a one billion each year and hasn't done half as much
just one other color
So whats the deal with Katalinas Lightwall parry move. That shit sucks compared to charlottas. If it could take atleast more than 1 hit
Or maybe it was just that Granblue was THE game cygames wanted to turn into full fledged franchise...
The same amount of time as every other fighting game.
give me a code please
wait so heavy normal attack isnt an optimal punish?
So does pad or stick work best for this?
I'm liking this game a lot
It's simple enough, but also complex enough
You can cancel it with a dash and combo after it. Or use it to "parry" a projectile/ferry normal then dash cancel.
You can dash cancel it before and after the strike and it looks like the dash is faster than 6E (evade)
I didn't find a use for it but will keep trying
Something like 5H > 5D66, might be a way to move forward while poking
If anything, Rage of Bahamut is the franchise they care about more considering literally everything they've made has eventually gotten RoB imports, including GBF.
If they wanted GBF to be a fully fledged franchise, they had the resources to start with something that wasn't a mobage.
Post the cutest girls you hope make it in or as DLC.
How do you make one?
Wait how do you access this?
You're going to main the best character right?
ree stop skipping intros, I still haven't seen them all yet
We're not talking about Delightworks and Aniplex, we're talking about CyGames and CyberAgent.
Mirin would be nice too.
>create thread
drop another code you fucks
how do I connect 5b after 214c in the corner with Charlotte?
Some people are just shitters by instinct.
Only the best little qt
that doesn't help me considering I've never played a charge character
Fuck I forgot about Mirin, kind of wish I voted for her now
Name a better birthday event
you can't
You retards are blind
Navy and Red are always a good combination
My wife!
No dashblock is really fucking annoying.
This made me realize how much I suck at fighting games
Yeah I just found it.
You expected too much from gachatards
God Lancelot is a pain in the ass
I actually am legally blind thanks.
Jesus Christ Lyria's twintails are god tier.
What do I do as Ferry if the opponent is blocking low? I literally can't hurt them
Aksys should have made a FGO fighting game instead.
why is Charlotta so not nimble? feels like there's a giant anchor attached
I think I hate this game just for the fact that chip kills exist
that's everyone in this game
I thought you retards told me this wasnt anime. I'm still getting locked down by retarded oki setups
Some dudes just get too salty and I wish they'd understand you're always going to run into someone that's one step ahead. Or maybe you're feeling off or tripping yourself up. The best thing you can do is befriend that asshole that beat you, train, get better and build rivalries as you help build other players up too. One of my buddies was dogshit in fightan but now he regularly hands out beat-downs when we play in GG or BB and I'm happy to see his improvement.
She's the May/Akuma function
The crown is heavier than she is.
Homo knight is fun bros, am I turning gay?
I'm convinced this is a shitposter now, considering you """think""" Aksys is who makes these games.
whiff punish
No idea how you expect a translation company to make a fighting game.
>Finally decided to try someone that isn't Box
any tips for Gran?
>don't like dumb potatoes
>like playing Charlotta the most
Lancelot moves around way faster
Can you grab crouching characters? I've been trying but maybe I was messing it up somehow
Isn't the game supposed to auto give you one of the 5-6 SSR characters rather than say like Walder and shit with your 10 free draws?
What the fuck is this series even about
gran is so fucking unga, i love it
>If anything, Rage of Bahamut is the franchise they care about more considering literally everything they've made has eventually gotten RoB imports, including GBF.
Don't forgetting about Knight of Glory, a gacha game cygames had to cancelled.
>If they wanted GBF to be a fully fledged franchise, they had the resources to start with something that wasn't a mobage.
You say it like it's easy to make an modern jrpg. Probably would've turned out as generic jrpg if they hadn't to gacha. Honestly, I'm glad they started gbf out as a gacha. Because we probably wouldn't even know many of the characters or the world if it was just a standard console jrpg.
Nasu is too busy buying a new ferrari with your gacha money
Forgot to drop my other code at some point.
This Katalina and I just went like 10 games, pretty back and forth. I should try Kat she seems quite good.
Sky War with Astral Gods and Primal Gods, also cute girls with huge titties.
I voted for my wife and I hope she'll make it!
He's too busy working 24/7 like all Japanese business men and slowly drinking and smoking himself to death
Are you shitting me? She seems like she can get in people's faces faster than anyone.
She's way too recent.
Also a whore and a slut.
Think like Ryu
Tutorial draw is rigged, the 10 draw you're thinking about is after you link mobage accounts and complete the tutorial.
thanks man
I know fuck all about GBF but once I saw she was charge I had to pick her. She's growing on me.
Dude some people don't know there are cabinets on the upper level of the ship, they run down the big floor with all the cabinets and either afk or move lobbies
>business men
he's not a business men, though
writer has an easier life
Fireball fireball dp
Also Beatrix, Aliza, Almeida, and Predator, pls
Link me senpai
>buying Ferraris
get your fucking stories straight
Takeuchi is the one who buys the cars, Nasu just plays Monster Hunter and may actually be Maaya Sakamoto
How is Granblue as far as Gatchas go?
Is it generous with its gatcha currency?
For reference, I played Digimon Linkz before. In that game you got about 50 stones per week, and a 10 capture for Digimon costs 200 stones, and to actually participate in the events that happened every week you need to spend a bare minimum of 100 stones, so it was a real struggle to be F2P.
Wait so is it me or that all the cat eared people in this game wear barebacks?
i like you
so I dont get but why sometime auto combo come out
and some other time it doesnt?
is it depend on whatever you get Counter hit?
Ferry's overhead sucks ass
>tfw stuck in the corner against a Ferry or Lancelot
fuck them both honestly
All japanese men are business men, they work themselves to death slowly while their gfs/wives go off to get cuddled by caring men (basically glorified maid services) just so they can get emotions and attention out, or they fuck foreign tourists.
It's a sad life.
You get hundreds of free rolls every year. You get a few hundred just completing the current story content alone.
Used goods
Pretty generous. They give out free rolls depend on the season/holidays. Roll 300 times and you're guaranteed to get one character of choice in that banner. You can also pay 30$ to get a character of choice and a 10 roll from surprise ticket.
is it just me or the lobby is so ass?
trying to get into a match each time is an ordeal
Thank you user.
It's like Galaxy of Heroes, you can play just fine, but you'll hit a wall the further you go unless you're a whale.
Why does this game still not have a fucking release date?
I've been on this same fucking arcade machine for like 5 minutes and the game won't start
It's pretty generous. It's common for people to save up 300 rolls (takes like 4-6 months depending on freebies). If you roll 300 times on 1 banner you get to pick one character in addition to everything you rolled, which makes it the best gacha imo
Dear lord, I fucking suck at fighting games.
My Wife is extremely cute and strong.
One of these please.
>Maximum Unga
So Kat is the highest IQ pick so far right?
That's Ferry.
It's actually very generous, you can almost RNG proof yourself with the gacha having a "soft cap", and power is largely in grinding so F2P is highly viable.
A little bit of money DOES go a long way but you hit diminishing returns extremely fast with cash, so whaling is very stupid in this game since it gets you almost nothing over a light spender and not much more over full F2P.
Nobody is using dodge to its potential yet, so many blockstrings are fake once you start using it
I had weird issues when staying on, sometimes when I'd send a preset message right after it would just refuse to accept anything but back. Maybe try hopping off and on.
No that's potato
It's a cultural thing.
Granblue Post Office.
>just button mashing
You're welcome my friend
There's only one character without a projectile and it certainly isn't kat
How I get good at fighting games?
im having alot of fun with this game, almost makes me want to get back into the mobile game
when's the next roulette?
Really the only wall you can hit is Luci Hard which came out last month. Everything else can be done by F2P, provided you have a decent grid.
is there really no other strings than abc
Is that Nier?
Seriously, I'm tired of using my EX moves with O when I want to use my fucking Super move.
I'm the only one in this case?
I fucking forgot it existed until a few games earlier. Really handy.
Probably Summer.
Is there any reason not to use R1 for your super?
Yeah, but most people don't have the patience to save up 300 rolls or to do things properly, most just wanna spend and try to progress as quickly as possible which causes walls and problems for them over time.
Most I've seen despite being told this seem to still try to rush it and it screws them over.
How does one get into Granblue?
You're not the only one i lost a couple game cause i did the same
>Playing gachashit
What's her chances looking like bros?
Goddamn this game is SLOW.
Someone pls tell me how to do that dodge/roll thing
Zero, if you aren't voting for Grea you're doing it wrong.
bros how do i get people off of me with ferry people keep unga bungaing me and stuffing my dp
Tell them to speed it up or add a turbo mode
>both 1 HP
>he reversal dps
>die to chip
Fun game
More reasonable than some others since she's a pretty early character IIRC. Though I guess people saying it's going to only be characters from the first couple of years of the game is wrong now since Katalina literally has a spoiler for something we don't even have in the original game yet.
I actually really like the slow pace
Play the browser version on your phone, starting preferably on either the middle of the month or the end so you take advantage of doubled SSR rates for your daily first week free 10 draws.
Charlotte moves like a brick. Like she's tiny.
I really like the rapier girl
That's your own fault, you should be aware of chip damage and playing accordingly, especially at 1hp.
Cute dyke is second only to Sandalphon in terms of who I want in the game.
You get enough free rolls to get a decent team of SSRs for every element. You don't need to save 300 rolls unless you want to get a specific character. At this point the only thing you can't pub is LuciHL.
Characters don't matter as much as your grid.
>no flyover state servers
backward/forward and guard
R2 if you didn't change your inputs
have cooldowns ever fucked you over? got screwed once so far because I wasn't paying attention
Noa best boy, Nezha #2
we already knew Katalina was going to have a stand and iirc the design was revealed a couple of years ago, it just never got implemented
You can't move fast enough to get away from that shit.
there's is something very off about this artist's attempt at anatomy
Yes, I used an EX DP in a combo and then tried using one to anti air and died
Nah, git gud
Only a couple of times after using ex specials, mainly fireball or Gran's tatsu.