Game is hard because its badly coded

>game is hard because its badly coded

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Other urls found in this thread:

>game is hard because it's slow and clunky

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>game is hard because it's hard

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>badly coded

This image is infuriating me.

because the player is retarded and missed an obvious question?

Is this the first question?

no, it's because someone thought BuzzFeed is worth a question

It's called trivia for a reason

Which one was the correct answer?

Yeah it was the first question lol

The answer was Ikea and he guessed Rome right?

What the fucking hell

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lmao he got fucking dabbed on

This nigga retarded

Sucka dick.

Spaghetti with meatballs is an american invention. No serious italian restaurant in Europe serves this.

Didn't the first question always have D as a clearly wrong joke answer?
What happened?

Question creep

>meatballs and kitchens you can't afford
>hurr must be rome!!!
Has this retard never been to IKEA?

its not always D

>Game is hard because you can hear your parents yelling downstairs

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>This is an acceptable trivia question in 2019

The guy is retarded but i can't wait for this word to go out in flames

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Wait a minute ikea sells food? I thought they just sold furniture and stuff

I don't have any Ikea's anywhere close to me.

its some pretty gud food desu

But Ikea is supposed to be cheap and disposable as opposed to handcrafted or massive wood furniture?

The meatballs are pretty alright. I recommend that you try it next time you're at IKEA.

I haven't. Why would a furniture store sell meatballs? Also what kind of prick would take pictures of kitchens they can't afford? Is it just meatballs in a paper tray? Do they let you walk around with them? Seems like trouble, especially for americans in those motorized scooters.

Yeah, but their kitchens are still fucking expensive. If you've ever been to an IKEA, you would have noticed the price difference.

They have a pretty good little food court. It’s worth a visit

Even ignoring the buzzfeed shit, "meatballs" and "kitchens" should fucking tell you the answer

BuzzFeed should be all you need to see to know it would be a quirky place and not somewhere worth taking pictures

I just came back from it and finished assembling a desk. Yeah kitchen are expensive by nature shit's crazy, almost as bad as having to clean up after cooking. Never knew it was a joke in the USA though, maybe just an inside bf joke.

I’ve never done that shit on any trip to IKEA.

>go on a trivia gameshow to test your worldy trivia knowledge
>instantly met with memetastic garbage that barely qualifies as trivia

I'm honestly surprised this show is even still running.

what the fuck is buzzfeed

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Italy was invented by America to trick people into eating pasta.

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ikea and meatballs is trivia

Kitchens are probably the most expensive thing you can rebuild in a house. Not just the shelving/cupboard units but also all the appliances.

It's an extremely easy question and qualifies as modern trivia. Ikea sells meatballs but not everyone is aware of it despite them being received well. The BuzzFeed mention is the questionable part.

>kitchen is sometimes used as a synonym for restaurant
>never been to an Ikea

I would have gotten it wrong

>go on trivia show
>don't know basic trivia
His own fault.

I don't even know what the fuck ikea is. I thought it was tech support or something.

Reading Buzzfeed shouldnt be a trivia requirement. If anything thats an ad for the viewers to go find out what buzzfeed is disguised as a question. Who wants to be a millionaire back when Regis was hosting it used to have questions about movies, science, television, basic knowledge of the world, but not news sites. It wasnt like "in 2016 CNN started a propganda campaign against THIS _____ former TV host

If you can't associate Kitchens & Meatballs with Ikea you have absolutely no place being on a gameshow. The first couple of questions before the $5k mark are easy as fuck.

I'll be honest, when I first saw that image I thought he was a dumbass by picking Ikea when the right answer was Rome. They're usage of the word "trip" is just weird. I don't go on an adventure to get to the local Ikea.

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you seem to be misunderstand what the word trivia means

Part of the skill of a gameshow is parsing the question though.

>tfw when you push common sense out of your brain to absorb more useless trivia about historical events and geographical locations

>What the fuck why is Jeopardy asking a question about a television show