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>404 page
Well screw you, OP.


op why did you lie, that's just mean

Despite it being fake, Dolphin runs it just fine at 60fps anyways.

If that happens people will realize how mediocre that game is with the same kind of level design as Forces and shitty 2d blocky sections. The only good things in that game were the enviroments and the soundtrack

>Only in 2019 emulators can run Genesis and SNES games at 99% accuracy
>He thinks it won't take another 15 years for Gemacube/Wii games run with at least 70% accuracy

I mean it does run fine though what else do you want

Sony wins again! Thanks for beta testing it for us, Ninten Year Olds!

Fuck you OP

Even before the fake link you could tell it was a fake with that sega logo and the fact they use british "colour" on a NA esrb box




I'm still hoping. The game plays fine under Dolphin, but still.

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Don't play with my emotions like that OP

Sonic Colors wasn't very good though

It's one of the few games that is actually good.


It's not very good but I still love it. It just has a charm to it that the ones after Generations (excluding the Sumo Digital games) lack

Holy fuck it's real!

>being exited for a bad 2D game with 3D graphics and some 3D parts

Why is people UnIronically exited for this shit? The game is boring and the story is cringe

And also the new sonic voice is horrible

You didn't put any effort on that shop whatsoever.

>It just has a charm to it that the ones after Generations (excluding the Sumo Digital games) lack
I don't know, I feel like Colors was the start of the current aesthetic and tone of the series. It was the first 'current gen' sonic title in my mind with all of the same faults. Unleashed started the engine and boost mechanic but the tone and style wasn't as goofy and awkward and humor focused as Sonic has been since Colors

>people unironically want a remaster of a boostshit game with an even shittier gimmick
boost zoomers kill yourselves

>The game is boring

That's why. The game is at worst merely "boring", as opposed to being a dumpster fire like Unleashed's Night stages and '06. They took the least annoying part of Unleashed, distilled it into a Wii game, and added Super Mario-style powerups.


Wow a remaster of the worst sonic game. We should be excited for shitty blocky platforming and boost to win 10 second 3d segments just cuz its hd now?

It was, yes, but I didn't really mind it. It only got bad after 2012 for me

The thing with Unleashed is that the werehog makes up half the game. Now Colors' 2D sections aren't quite as bad as the werehog, but they're still pretty awkward and not fun given there's no interesting physics at all and unlike the werehog takes up a massive 80 some odd percent of the game. Meaning most of the game isn't very good

Honestly the only boost game I've liked is Generations and even that's just okay

one you unlock super sonic it removes all the gimmicks from the levels
it ends up being the best boost game

Is this when the general public realizes the game is shit?

Yeah this is a weird game to try and trick people is being remade. It was kind of shit.

Reminder that Colors was the only great Sonic game to be released between Unleashed and Mania.

Generations is better tho


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Rather have Unleashed PC desu

you're just hurting yourself, sega would never do something this logical.

>only one game
Maybe if it was a called Sonic Boost Collection with Unleashed, Colors, and Generations then I would've considered it.

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32x and sega cd emulation is absolute shit still. Same with FX chip games

Really? I swore Retroarch was pretty good at it.

I'm confused as to why they didn't do DLC for generations

I can't help but think it would have been easy money making modern and classic stages

kega fusion has perfect 32x/sega cd emulation

The only British spelling that is better than the American.

This. I would be on that day one
SEGA hates easy money

Looking back, Colors isn't good. You could've forgiven its flaws if they were unique to that game, but every subsequent game Kishimoto directed afterward has those problems compounded on more problems. It really sours my view of Colors.
The man needs to be stopped.

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I love the game, but yeah, Kishimoto needs to go

>still ignores the whitehead remakes of 1 and 2
you're not wrong, really

All games weren't very good, though

I would have bought all the DLC for Generations, I loved that game
Only reason I can think of why they didn't is that they made DLC for Unleashed and it must not have sold well

You little shit how bout I kick your ass

I thought it was alright. It doesn't deserve 8/10s like it got on release, but I still think it's a decent platformer with very little filler shit you have to slog through compared to most other 3D Sonic games. Also I thought its marathon mode was a great idea and never understood why it didn't return in later games.

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>I don't know, I feel like Colors was the start of the current aesthetic and tone of the series.
But Colors has the best aesthetic out of any 3D Sonic next to Heroes.

I would have too. There was so much potential

Colors has the same shitty issues all 3D Sonic games have, twitchy controls, piss poor level design and gimmicks. It's sad as fuck Sonicfags keep holding this up as some masterpiece.

That's like blaming Resident Evil 4, for the issues Resident Evil 5 & 6 has, even if Resident Evil 4 handled those issues the best and was still better in comparison.

>It's sad as fuck Sonicfags keep holding this up as some masterpiece
But the current narrative is that Colors is bad and was the start of the series' modern "dark era".

>It's sad as fuck Sonicfags keep holding this up as some masterpiece.
Only children and shitposters do that.

>Shitty plain eggbots
>That awful writing and humor


I don't see it that way. If Shinji Mikami made RE5, it could've been better than it was.
I see it more like how David Cage used to have some fans, but as each game came out and had the same flaws along with new ones, everyone looked back on his older games with more scrutiny.

He said aesthetic, and I thought the game looked pretty good for a Wii game.
Also I love the Egg Pawns having world specific weapons and attire, that was charming as fuck

>You could've forgiven its flaws if they were unique to that game, but every subsequent game Kishimoto directed afterward has those problems compounded on more problems. It really sours my view of Colors.
I don't understand how every game after Colors being progressively worse makes Colors itself worse in the long run. If anything Colors should maintain its status as being "just alright" and should be seen as nothing more than a fluke compared to every other Sonic game Kishimoto has directed.

70% of the game is grey 2D cubes

None of those things have anything to do with the game's aesthetics. Also
>Shitty plain eggbots
Colors had a bunch of returning classic badniks and had Eggpawns dress up in outfits based on the area's theme. There was nothing plain about them.

Except that's wrong.


>That awful writing and humor
It was fine in Colors, because it was the first time we had seen it. It can be grating in hindsight after an additional 3 or 4 games full of that shit and the entire Boom spinoff series, but at the time it was a breath of fresh air after 06 and the storybook games.

There's literally worlds made up of candy and neon lights in the game


spinball is shit

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>Sonic Colors is 9 years old

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>Unleashed started the engine and boost mechanic but the tone and style wasn't as goofy and awkward and humor focused as Sonic has been since Colors
The only "goofy" mainline Sonic games I can think of are Colors and Lost World. Generations barely had a story at all, and I'm not really sure what Forces was trying to be.

I guess Boom was humor-focused but the show as actually funny at times, so I don't really see the issue there.

Remastered is already on PC.
Its called emulation.

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>Colors remaster
>adds in the special stages and Extra Boss from the DS version since apparently Mother Wisp is canon
>turns Terminal Velocity into a proper final world instead of just a hallway and a boss

tune in next time for more "things that won't happen"

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Lost World was more try hard edgy like Forces but with jokes and hamfisted character arcs thrown in, so it's also one I would deem "doesn't know what it wants to be"

Boom had good writers.
Colors and all games after it are plagued by the shitty writing of Pontaff.

>he couldn't beat Spinball

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>Boom had good writers.
>Colors and all games after it are plagued by the shitty writing of Pontaff.
What's funny is that Pontaff wrote a few episodes of the show as well. I don't really remember if their plots featured the same boring, predictable sense of humor the games suffer from, though.

Just a heads up, but you can already play most (all?) of Unleashed and Colors stages as mods for Generations on the PC.


>thinks i didn't beat that piss easy game
only stage that was remotely hard was the last one and that's only because it's bullshit rng

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Never even heard of this. Wii and DS release is probably why. Handheld is a pass, so is jerking around a "controller". Might give it a shot on pc when it comes out.

>click on image
>looks at thread, genuine thoughts and opinions
Big, if true.

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>implying I care about sonic anything that's not Adventure remake/3

Has the 60fps patch been fixed?
Last I saw it was a buggy mess most of the time.

>Colors and all games after it are plagued by the shitty writing of Pontaff.
Mostly true, except 90% of Forces' story was done by Sonic Team. Pontaff just localized it. From what I remember about the earlier version of Forces' Japanese script that leaked some of it was actually worse than anything Pontaff have ever come up with, specifically Eggman planning a public execution of Sonic on the Death Egg and Tails thinking he'll meet Sonic in the afterlife if he lets Chaos 0 attack him.

I played through Colors a couple years ago with the 60fps patch and don't remember having any issues.

One episode, and it was forgettable.

Is this actually good or people are just glad to have a Sonic game that is average?

It's obviously fake, but it gives an opportunity to air your grievances about Colors.

Is English not your first language? He's saying you could have easily been playing the game on pc already through an emulator. The handheld version of Colors is also fun (it's essentially Sonic Rush 3) and easy to emulate.

It's alright. Nothing mind blowing but it's not a bad way to spend 2-3 hours either.

I'd rather have a "Best of Unleashed" collection where I can play all the daytime levels and a Generations port than Colors.

That was as obvious as what I was saying. But I'll explain for you. DS emulation is ok, but I wouldn't even compare it to a pc release, especially with such a low resolution. Also, I never played a wii game that doesn't force you to swing the controller around like a special needs kid. This was all implied.

>I never played a wii game that doesn't force you to swing the controller around like a special needs kid
Colors never forced that, though. You could play through it with a gamecube controller if you wanted.

Older consoles are hard to get right, though. N64 emulation I feel will never be perfected.

Dolphin is more accurate than most Genesis/SNES emulators. You're effectively just playing the games in HD. I played Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 with no hiccups at all.

You literally already can:

IMO the best way to play Unleashed.

The FX chip games run exactly as shitty as they ran on real hardware, take your cum goggles off.

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Sonic Colors was pretty shit anyways. Too many of the stages were almost entirely 2D Sidescrolling, while others felt more like they played themselves than ever before. Areas like Sweet Mountain and Planet Wisp were especially terrible slogs to play through. Guess it should've been clear that was going to be a problem though, considering they said they were planning to target younger audiences and had to build the game for the friggen Wii.

I didn't really like the constant switching between 3D and 2D gameplay in Unleashed/Colors/Generations. I wish it was just straight up 3D like in Adventures.

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