Will we see another Monster Hunter on Switch? What are the chances of it, I mean there aren't even any rumors, I'm really worried
Will we see another Monster Hunter on Switch? What are the chances of it, I mean there aren't even any rumors...
Despite what shitposters will tell you, it's almost guaranteed. There's literally never been a generation without any portable instalments and there's no reason to believe that would change now.
not world, but probably a new installment. Nintendo exclusive monster hunter though is never going to be a thing anymore, we'll just see new MH games appear on everything.
if millions of switch owners buy bare-bones ports of the previous 5 monster hunter games at $60 each, then MAAAAYYYBE capcom will think about putting a new monster hunter game on switch
Capcom desperately doesn't want it to happen. My assumption is that they'll just give a late port of World when World 2 has already been announced.
Considering how the Switch is selling, definitely. Will it be World? I sure hope not.
>Capcom desperately doesn't want it to happen
What makes you say that?
>60 fps
>an actual art style
>Styles gone
>moving + gathering
literally all I want.
This, they have no reason to stay exclusively with Nintendo or Handheld but they can now develop for both types of systems.
Their history of Nintendo ports.
They shove late, overpriced ports onto Nintendo consoles until one of them bombs, and then uses that failure to justify why they can't continue supporting Nintendo hardware.
This RE and DMC controversy on Switch is nothing new. They've been doing this since at LEAST the N64 era.
>and there's no reason to believe that would change now.
12 million
Unless switch outsells ps4 and xbox combined, why should capcom waste their time on Nintendo exclusives?
most of the mainline MH games were Nintendo exclusive and sold tremendously well. MH World sold well too without them, but Capcom is 100% aware that they'd be making even more money if they also developed that series on Switch compared to games that previously never had an audience on there like DMC.
Which number triggers tendies worse, 12 or 100 million?
who said it would be exclusive?
That pulled in normies who were suckered in by the marketing blitz. I don't think a follow up will do nearly as well.
2 would sell far worse, so many people had a massive cry about MHW and it being "too hard"
World wouldn't run on Switch. It barely does on PS4 as it is.
Oh boy, here we go again! Tendie collage #423
>1080p and above 30fps at all times on base ps4
Switch is shit, but don't badmouth ps4
The xbox might as well not exist, speaking of MH
No. World can never be ported because the Switch can't run it and they are using that engine exclusively going forward.
Switch has sold well, MHW2 won't do as well as normies got scared off the first one.
Every MonHun has had a portable as well as console and before MHW tricked normie sinto buying it, the portable versions always outsold the console versions
The Switch already bested the PS4 in nipland, which is generally where MH strives, or strived rather. Being also a handheld system, a new MH game there would probably sell around 4M copies. Add the new and continuously growing fanbase in the west, a Switch title could easily reach around 5-8M copies sold on a single platform (they need 3 platforms to reach 12M, mind you). Capcom would just look and feel stupid if they didn't release one.
I guess capcom could make a mobile tier mh and put it on everything
When Iceborne flops Capcom is guaranteed to go running to the Switch. Monster Hunter is best when it's portable.
user, it's true though Capcom marketed the crap out of world and because of that, combined with a much wider net, it sold a lot more. Now the audience has to adjust itself based on the amount of people that tried it and liked it and the people that tried it and didn't like it. World 2 would still sell extremely well, but AS well is where it starts to become questionable.
Monster Hunter sells well because it's Monster Hunter, not because it's on Nintendo's consoles.
>above 30
Best selling Capcom game of all time.
We're coming home at E3 boys!
>mhw will flop, they need Japan sales so switch will save the franchise in the end
ahahaha ohnhonononoNONONONO
I don't see one happening as long as MHW is a thing. Plus Crapcom is Sony's bitch now since they've been pouring money on them
I mean MHGU which came like 3 months after people already bought it on 3DS and a whole year late to the west still sold about a million units
Now if they actually put some god damn money into advertising that’s not just a few tweets
Digital foundry, bitch.
Above? Where? Standard PS4 runs at 25 frames with 1min load times. Switch's battery would run out loading Astera.
So more mh for ps4? Cool.
The chances are pretty high considering it's the only portable console left to put the Portable games on, unless they make it mobile like the iOS port of MHFU.
Rent free
Switch will get a scaled down game that reuses World's assets but in a condensed format that can actually run on the Switch's hardware. World itself will never be on Switch.
MT Framework?
Nigger both World and GU use the exact same fucking engine
MH never hit 5ml on 3DS with three times the install base.
Retard here. What does that mean?
This. The Japanese fanbase complained about difficulty
>Cue fake difficulty Arch Tempered and time gated shenanigans
Then the NA playerbase complained, and get told to deal with it. Now that they realize the Capcoq ploy, they won't fall for it again unless it has something to do with fighting in the streets
>Nintendo faggots always BTFO themselves
>bring it up
>r-rent free, we will be right this time!
They had been reusing assets for years at that point.
World would have been more successful if it had been released specifically for Switch.
I doubt any sane fan is ever going to buy a Monhun, or for that matter, any Capcom game for the Switch. Rule of thumb is to buy Capcom games any system other than the Switch. You can support your favorite Capcom games while still showing disapproval of the lazy unoptimized Switch ports.
4U came close, selling 4.2 mil. if you combine 4U and regular 4, then it sold 8.2 million.
What are you implying here?
So the next Portable game? Exactly what everyone was expecting?
>Still can't siege mode in World
MY HBG AUTISM!!!!!!!!!!
>time gated shenanigans
Home console games always had timed events. This is the standard, portables are the exception.
I bought Dragon's Dogma for Switch, at launch.
15th anniversary card teases new entry of classic MonHun based on the represented line of games (MHP and MHX which are presumably Monster Hunter Portable for Vita and Monster Hunter Generations for 3ds signifying potentially another anniversary game in classic style release).
World as it is wouldn't have existed had it been developed for Switch.
>12 million
Across three platforms, with about 5 million being on PC. A new portable entry probably wouldn't have much trouble matching that number seeing as several games in the past have already come close (Portable 3rd especially almost managed 5 million itself despite not even releasing outside of Japan and Korea).
I mean yes, time gated content was even a thing on Tri, but it wasn't something so MANDATORY FOR ENDGAME that if you didn't get it, you'd be ditched and booted in lobbies for not pulling your weight. Or is this a PCheats problem with damage parsers combined with MMO tier babby shit?
actually there's a pretty big reason to believe that could change
I thought that the Switch was getting the real monster hunter games now and the other consoles were going to get the more casual action based ones like world. Did /vg/ lie to me?
That's the director of the portable installments. Put two and two together.
I mean, good for you, but you're better off just buying it on PC. You're still showing support for DD that way.
USF2 sold well enough to get them to port all those old games. I believe the Belt Action Collection has also sold best on Switch.
Literally nothing, just a retard gasping for straws
At least 3ml of the 4U copies are people buying the game a second time.
I bought it there, too.
And MHP2G sold 4m and MHP3 sold 5m. Going by that logic, the Vita exclusive MH will sell... oh wait they switched to 3DS before Vita even came out nvm
Why the fuck would you go for content from MHX -again-!? I can only take fighting Mizutsune but so much. Too tanky for what it does.
Is it to hard for you to stop being this fucking dense for a second? I literally never mentioned MHW was a fucking flop, I only stated a MH would sell very well on the Switch. You're the one who @ me with some meaningless quote, faggot.
Stories 2
Then buy a copy on PC and gift it to a friend but I still believe not buying any Capcom games on the Switch is still a better way to let Capcom know you love DD but don't want any more crappy ports on the Switch.
You mean Fujioka who worked on MH4 which is portable? He's working on Iceborne.
Why do people like to forget that there is literally a dedicated team for making portable Monster Hunter games?
Rhetorical question, we all know why.
what the heck are you even trying to say, yeah that is what happened. those games did sell that amount and a theoretical vita game would've sold well too.
ATs and such are optional stuff for people looking for something to do after clearing the game. iceborne is balanced around Xeno'jiiva / main story.
Why would they go backwards?
Making a new game for the Switch would require them to make a whole bunch of new assets and likely a new engine in order to cope with how underpowered the Switch is compared to the proper consoles.
From Capcom's point of view, it makes no sense to develop a whole new set of assets for a console which is already over halfway through it's lifespan.
They'll wait for whatever Nintendo releases next and port World to that.
That monster is fun to fight though. Gravios on the other hand...
switch nintendo soys are just sad at this point
It won't. Everytime you jump platforms, there will be a huge drop. See MH3G sales here
>likely a new engine in order to cope with how underpowered the Switch
user... world runs on the same engine as monster hunter 4, which was a 3DS game....
>Making a new game for the Switch would require them to make a whole bunch of new assets and likely a new engine
No it wouldn't. Why do you think they ported XX to the Switch?
Would be nice but it didn't sell enough.
Exactly how much do you think the difference in development costs between 4th gen and 5th gen were?
2 milion on PC, 1 million on xbox, 9 million on ps4
Yeah Fujioka's team who made MH4. They worked on World and now Iceborne. Also why are you forgetting their 10 year plan with MHW as the base foundation of MH?
>Gravios on the other hand
IS A BITCH ASS MOTHERFUCKER WHO DIES TO MY SUPER SOAKER LBG LOADOUT He and Rathalos were the original reasons I took up gunning. I have no regrets.
He probably means the director of the PSP games / base X
>why sell 12 million when you can sell...1 million?
>the engine is too advanced!!!!!!!!
>meanwhile MHW's engine is literally a 3DS engine
It's always been theoretically possible, the only difference would be slight graphical downgrades, which nobody really would've cared about but world was made at a time when capcom was fucking lazy, so of course they wouldn't actually go through the trouble.
For you.
Definitely. The Switch won't see anything on the scope of World without some serious wizardry, but it has the market cornered on the portable handheld with the Vita's demise. And if the Japanese love anything in their vidya, it's portability.
Oh, so you don't actually want a new monster hunter. You just keep wanting them to release the same game since the PS2 with like 3-4 more monsters each time?
To be fair 3G's sales were most likely low due to being a rehash of P3rd on a (at the time) low install base platform.
Yeah after the revelation that MHX was also on the same platform as MH4, what would you think will happen after MHW?
Because it looks and plays like a phone game?
World could easily run on the Switch if they remove the pointless volumetric crap.
3DS games run on a version of MT framework specifically adapted for 3DS/mobile
>rehash of P3rd
Yeah and how much would you think a theoretical P3rdG would've sold on PSP (with a possible Vita port at launch) in 2011?
That didn't answer the question or resolve the issue at hand here. The costs of making MHX were easily less than a 10th of the costs of making MHW. Even if Iceborne makes clean sales across the board, they aren't guaranteed to be in the green just yet. Meanwhile making yet another (((classic))) MH title will cost them a shave fraction of their profits from World and make them back tens of millions easily.
> Slight.
Sounds like it's the perfect time for a monhun clone to come in and take the Switch monster hunting market away from Capcom.
Return on investment is higher thanks to higher sales in US/EU, DLC and licensing.
MHW is one of the most delicious BTFO ever of Yea Forums. After MH moved from Sony to Nintendo, there was endless shitposting of what a gem is was after a decade of Yea Forums calling it weeb shit. It was used for ammo against vita and used to shill Nintendo consoles. Then rumors began that MH was going home, like P5 the ninggers swore it was impossible, that it just had to come to Nintendo. Here we are 3 years later and the seethe and prayers have not changed.
MH has two teams
one is working on iceborne
the other, apparently is just twiddling their thumbs doing nothing according to console war fanbabs
>Yeah Fujioka's team who made MH4
No, Ichinose's team who made Freedom, Freedom Unite, Portable 3rd, and Generations. MH4 is portable, but its a mainline title, not part of the specific portable sub-series.
It said right there
>The development costs!!!
See Also they mix and match directors as needed like pulling in Ichihara for Iceborne.
Probably using World's and chink Monster Hunter Online assets to make the next MMO given that's been dwindling for a bit.
MHW 2, dipshit.
>nintendofaggits still uusing the easy downport meme for their super charged ps3
this ist so sad
World is CPU heavy. Every creature in the map follows its routine even if the Hunter isn't around to see it. It's not just a matter of lowering the resolution of textures.
Thing is that the portable market is way too small now, since they obviously aren't going to release on 3DS anymore.
Switch merged both portable and homeconsole Nintendo markets and it isn't performing nearly as well as it should as a 2-in-1 system. WiiU might've been a worst case scenario, but there was still the 3DS with 80m+ units as a back up.
Obviously MonHun's team stuck to being the laziest possible dev and pushing its old engine as hard as CoD devs for as long as possible on the largest possible market, so the jump from PS2 to PSP made sense, and since Wii was a gen behind and successful they skipped the hard work of making an actual 7th gen homeconsole engine and just slightly revampedP S2 assets all the way to XX on portables and lazy homeconsole ports.
Now however they put the work to actually make a substancial upgrade to their asset base and engine for the first time ever, and it was theri biggest success yet. So you sure as shit can bet they will milk it for as long as possible wtih no deviation for this next decade. If Switch can't handle World's engine then it won't get a game, simple as that. Especially considering its low unit count relative to Xbone+PS4+PC, and 9h gen being 1 year away - obviously they are already in pre-production for "World 2" or "6th gen" whatever you want to call it for PS5/Xbone2/PC.
They MIGHT've planned an old engine spin-off for the Switch before World launched, but I think they are putting all resources into post 5th gen MonHun now since it covers all bases except for the tiny 30-40m Nintendo base. Plenty of X/XX leads working on Iceborne and probably 6th gen MonHun.
Guess you don’t either considering the amount of faggots creaming themselves over getting Devil Jho
World isn't a Sony game though. It's on Xbone and PC too and runs best on PC. Really it's a Microsoft game now.
And the only thing that the picture pointed out was "It is the best selling game so far", which is excellent, but doesn't fix the mountainous costs associated with making and marketing the game as compared to previous titles of theirs, which required a fraction of the investment for ludicrously higher return.
So mainline can be on portable, but the freedom sub-series can't be on consoles. Hmmm...
Do you know why MHX is not called MHP4th btw? Because it's not on Playstation "Portable"
I’ll try that God eater game but if it sucks im going back to MHGU
I think we're a bit past the point of being pleased to see another PS2 rehash.
Persona 5 (very recenntly again infact, lol) and MHW werre the most epics btfo on Yea Forums since a long time, i agree
Also nintendos have a especially pitty way of seething
Shhhh don’t you know Mutiplats are exclusives according to retarded Snoys?
Most likely more due to an existing user base but there would've been a drop due to franchise fatigue, in the same way it happened with X.
It truly is a gift for the ages. What is really funny is how people bring up bayoshit 2 as some ultimate event on Yea Forums when
>no one discusses the game
>no one bought the game
>no one remembers the game
> most importantly no one wants the game
Meanwhile shit like P5, Bloodborne, and MHW never lost momentum.
Well God Eater 3 is coming specifically because fans asked for a mobile version according to the devs.
And it went home to Sony, still.
>probally doesnt even know how game devolpment works
holy shit nintendo coping is best
>They MIGHT've planned an old engine spin-off for the Switch before World launched, but I think they are putting all resources into post 5th gen MonHun now
There was never a case of going back to old gen. Even when they were making MH4, they were also making MHX on the side in parallel. And World too in another parallel.
Yes according to trends, G rank games will always sell less. Exception to the rule is MHP2G which sold a lot because they decided to put MH3 on Wii ironically.
u are right, it exclusively didnt come out for bingtendos, TOPKEK
based and truthpilled
>playing a mh clone
I guess switchies need something, even if it's a watered down port.
Main team is working on MHW2, Ichinose's on Iceborne.
Having XX's director on Iceborne makes it obvious enough. The game got bigger, they can't keep up with two 100 man teams or how many they were before.
>3DS games run on a version of MT framework specifically adapted for 3DS/mobile
MT Framework - best in the fucking business.
>So mainline can be on portable, but the freedom sub-series can't be on consoles
Nobody said this so I don't know what point you're trying to make. P3rd even got a PS3 port.
>Do you know why MHX is not called MHP4th btw? Because it's not on Playstation "Portable"
Again, what point are you trying to make? What does this have to do with anything? I'm just using portable here as a catch-all term for the sub-series because that's what most games that are in it are.
>Praises Sony for being Sony
>Yet talks trash about the PS2 and games that emulate the greatest era of vidyas
I never got this
It’s still fucking Sony shouldn’t you be proud of your history?
>theoretically possible
>Ichinose's on Iceborne
MHX was the quickest cashcow possible though, the game consists of breaking recycling records even within the MonHun franchise and that's impressive. It was also just a game to appease investors for some cashflow while MHW and the 2020's decade of MonHun was being planned out.
Indeed I find it hard to believe they'll ever do a pre-World engine game on Switch, especially one with any effort.
>Also PC and Microsoft
> Greatest era in video game.
Uhm, Sweetie, World is on the PC, Xbox and PS4.
This is the greatest era.
It already has MHGU.
Your next line will be "But that's not the latest release in the franchise."
Mechanics change. No one Xfag would want to play a halo as stiff as the original in 2019.
It's a 3ds port, kek. Switch=PORTable console
Ichinose's team*
For now, XX's director.
>I should've spent more time on Yea Forums arguing about video game companies and btfo of the nintendies
To call out your utter retardedness of claiming there has to be a spinoff and it has to be portable. Yes there is very likely to be a 5th gen spinoff after Iceborne, and very most likely it will be on consoles again.
A quick cashcow that they spent 3 years on. Capcom ALWAYS have a MH in development ready for yearly releases.
>Ichinose's team is on Iceborne
I guess it didn't sell well enough for Sony to not give Capcom the finger for MH 3 then.
You know it will be really crazy and funny if one of Nintendo's 1st or 2nd party developers made a Monster Hunter-like game for the Switch, and it did far better than Monster Hunter World in Japan
Tendies make it easy, they basically put the gun in sonybros hands.
>This is the greatest era
I wouldn’t wipe my ass with this console generation.
Kratos isn’t even the angriest god that fucks up giant monster, rips dudes in half then fucks hot chicks in less than 5 minutes
Since they're so close now, maybe Nintendo should hire Cygames to make a monster hunter clone for them. It would be derivative as hell but it would have tons more waifu than your normal monhun game, and I'm sure Cygames would jump at the chance to design hunter/monster waifu's.
>To call out your utter retardedness of claiming there has to be a spinoff and it has to be portable
But I never said either of those things.
Enough for MHP3rd to come home and keep the sales record for years
this is XC2 audience btw.
Honestly just stop
If anything purge from anything HD
Hell just playing MM Battle Network on a Gameboy emulator has gotten me back into video games right as I was gonna quit
See >Why do people like to forget that there is literally a dedicated team for making portable Monster Hunter games?
Crutch claw is the type of casualisation ichy nose would come up with. He's definitely working on Iceborne.
Yes he is memer.
Reminder they are working on ps4 games right now.
>the fox is crying at grapes
Wasn't it the other way around though?
Why do Sonybros always make the best posts?
I don't think I'd ever feel regret for having spent time mocking 26 year old men who still play child's game consoles.
I hope styles return. Alchemy and valor switchaxe were lit.
>Asking why people act like the portable team doesn't exist is saying there has to be a spin-off and that it has to be portable
And no, calling them the portable team doesn't imply that a game from them would have to be portable, I just explained this.
At the time the problem was with development costs and MH didn't sell that much. I wouldn't even say that Sony ever cared about the series, given how they supposedly obstructed a potential P3rd HD localisation (lack of updated ad-hoc and trophy requirement)
>dedicated team for making portable Monster Hunter games
They have literally nothing else to do because they have no games to play.
Nintendo can make almost anything sell so it's not impossible but I doubt the game would be as good as MH.
I think you got MH3 and MHP3rd HD localization mixed up. Anyway MH3G and MH4 were both announced just 4 months after MHP3rd HD was announced
They can play MHW
It's not a dedicated team for portable games, it's the secondary MH team.
>A quick cashcow that they spent 3 years on.
Sure, a year picking their noses. A year and a half of half-hearted pre-production and half a year of production.
>Capcom ALWAYS have a MH in development ready for yearly releases.
Yeah. Iceborne this year, World 2 next year as a cross-gen PS4/PS5 title (and the equivalent for others)
Was it only 4 months? Feels like it was more. Still, at the time people speculated that P3rd HD didn't come out in the west due to Sony.
You know what? I'll give you a chance to rewrite back your sentence here to fit your new narrative: "Why do people like to forget that there is literally a dedicated team for making portable Monster Hunter games?"
Yeah I could pretty easily see a new portable subseries being made for switch that maintains the old style of gameplay
>The costs of making MHX were easily less than a 10th of the costs of making MHW
Yeah, and it definitely shows
>december 1st 2010
>mhp3rd released
>may 22nd 2011
>mhp3rd hd announced
>august 20th 2011
>talks still going for localization of p3rd hd
>august 25th 2011
>p3rd hd releases in japan
>september 12th 2011
>mh4 announced
>mh3g announced
>december 10th 2011
>mh3g released
Capcom sure work fast when in spite
What makes you think that their whole purpose was making portable games, in a time frame in which even the main series came out on portables? It's like saying that they were the Freedom/Portable team and should've developed P4th on Vita instead of X.
>implying it wont be a gutted world since all theyve been doing is shit anniversary compilation games.
>At the time the problem was with development costs and MH didn't sell that much.
MH went to Nintendo rather than Sony because Sony was pushing some gay shit with trophies or something IIRC. They wanted to force Capcom to do something that they didn't want to do so they went to someone else.
>Yeah, and it definitely shows
That budget means jack shit for making an actually good game? I know right
I wasn't implying they did it out of spite, just that Sony didn't care to begin with
This is what I don't get.
Most switch players are also PC fans. Why not get it on PC.
I got both Gen and World and I love both.
>he says on a video game board of all places
So nothing the Switch can achieve?
Because you said it here
All video games are childish. You're not above anyone here.
In regards to MH3, trophies did not exist yet.
Kinda offtopic from you all arguing but, is Iceborne really the cheapest G rank/Ultimate version of monhun?
They're especially childish when you're playing them on a fisher price tablet.
Cope. Gen was lambasted upon release and that hasn't changed just because world came into existence. You don't have to keep pretending this irrelevant spin-off was actually some hidden gem.
This isnt about games or platform, this is about Nintendo fandom. Most of these people dont even care about the game unless it lands on a Nintendo console. I knew someone who outright refused to buy a PS2 despite loving tons of games on it because "it wasn't his platform"
And now I'm implying that they were developing for 3ds all the while regardless of how p3rd or p3rd hd or 3ds or vita sales turned out. Because in real life, game development doesn't take 6 months, they take 3 years.
Thats not me though
Maybe one platform fags are the people that cry about it and if the cries are too loud then PC+Switch master race is just a meme.
>The PS2 has tons of games
World proved Capcom that they no longer need to develop only for Nintendo, they get more money if they develop for other consoles + PC
> MHW is too graphically demanding.
> Portable assets are ugly as fuck.
What would they use...?
I've kind of lost the flow of the discussion (phoneposting sucks) but I agree.
Then why the fuck are you here?
We gonna take 15-25 minutes to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?
Not him, but Gen X was awful. It was the biggest cash in ever. Redundancy, mat grinds were insane across multiple unrelated monsters, tons of filler quests. I didnt even bother getting half way through G rank despite it being one of the only game on the Switch STILL of its barren ass library.
The game is a fucking mess, but not as bad as Tri though.
I don't even see how the argument came to beong about world and console war shit... heck this whole thread is retarded anyway since there are literal studies showing that most switch users are idorts so who exactly are you guys arguing with on here?
And the Switch selling despite the pisspoor support of Capcom had proven the opposite as well. Nintendo can do just fine with MH.
I only play mature games.
>I’m fucking invincible the game
Fuck yes
Styles should stay if anything should be expanded upon
But nobody is talking about fisher price tablets on Yea Forums.
Yes, It's a $40 expansion instead of a $60 standalone game.
Literally, this thread is asking for Monster Hunter to be ported to one.
the next mh for switch will use the assets from gen u and the QoL changes/gameplay mechanics of world. Mark my words.
What's going to happen is that Nintendo is going to continue to grow and expand, developing new and interesting titles and studios, while the third party developers that refuse to support them decline and become irrelevant.
Who were the big companies that refused to support Nintendo in the 90's? EA, Konami, Squaresoft. Look at where there are now.
People love shitposting way too much
But you can also go the traditional route of waiting and only pay $60 for the base game + expansion just like old times.
>Wahhh Nintendo exists
Sony literally made the god damn hardware for Nintendo
This thread is a about porting it to the Switch not a Fisher Price tablet. Can't you read?
*also on consoles and pc
Konami's profits have increased YoY in the past few years.
>developing new and interesting titles and studios,
This clearly hasnt been happening since the Switch is just retreading the Wii U release schedule + games.
>Error this picture already exists
Ha! Nice
Is the Fisher Price more powerful...?
That’s because Konami is basically the Yu gi oh company and Japanese Planet Fitness.
Also apparently agriculture
Japan is weird
Have we gotten confirmation on the price of the base game + iceborne bundle? That'll still be possible if it's $60.
This, capcom learned their lesson that exclusives are not worth it anymore and its better to release their games on all platform, pretty based because exclusives are cancer.
Yeah because they've abandoned their unprofitable gaming business.
X was P4th and it was on a portable
Yes. It's $60 for the Master Edition
Master rank sounds so fucking flat compared to G rank
Don't forget the actual gambling. Because they made a fuckton of money from that endeavor.
Is Iceborne being released on disc too? I thought it was going to be DLC.
oh yeah this too probably. Although I could see capcom releasing it for the others later depending on how long they plan to support world but it absolutely won't be a switch exclusive.
There's a $60 disc version that includes both games for those who felt a bit traditional and waited.
NintenSJW literally don't know how to banter and meme. They literally just copy whatever OCs created by Sony-ggers, paste Mario hat on them, and call it a day and feel clever.
Oh yeah the fucking Pachinko machines or whatever the fuck their called.
Digital gambling is cancer and all too easy now a days
>MHXX, MHG and MH4U all run at 60FPS on the 3DS
>MHGU is 30FPS on the switch
If they don't want a lynch mob, then the QoL changes is an absolute must. After MHW, all the previous MH fans pretty much saw through all the bullshit now and will be pissed if they tried to pull any more full price hard mode & deny QoL changes anymore.
>The same company that told trannies to fuck off on multiple occasions like deleting the Trans rights flag, and calling journalists racists for assuming that persona song in smash said Retarded
Why do you feel the need to lie in this age of the internet?
Tri was announced for PS3 and Wii but the PS3 version was mysteriously canceled for some reason. Nothing to see here folks
Then MH3U and MH4 were revealed at Nintendo's TGS conference literally two weeks before P3rd HD dropped in Japan, meaning Capcom had already teamed up with Nintendo while P3rd HD was in development, probably even while P3rd was in development, but still before localization was even on the table. Assuming the alleged adhoc party/trophy drama was even an issue
Nope Tri was first only announced for PS3.
All m.e
user, Nintendies on Yea Forums literally and unironically give their support to Dauntless, out of spite to MHW. Yes, they are that low and desperate. They see Dauntless as their ally thanks to "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality. They would be more than happy if Dauntless could steal some players from MHW, which is why if you go to any Dauntless, you'll see them shilling the game and calling it shit like fun and comfy.
Fucking newfags. People felt like this when they moved from sony to nintendo.
Gen/X and XX were both at 30fps on 3DS you fucking retard
Switch GenU/XX is 60fps.
>>Styles gone
Woah there tiger. You're treading on some dangerous grounds here.
>Support dauntless
I stand corrected
>Getting rid of styles
I don't know why people don't understand that those that want a Monster Hunter on switch just want a MH to go back to pre-World. Because World is shit.
Why do we have to make it a shitty consolewar thing?
It's literally the same for the Vita and its hunting clones. I can sympathize with them as I was in their shoes. But fuck Nintendo though.
No they weren't
Monster Hunter 1+2 on ps2
Freedom 1+2, and unite, and portable 3rd on psp.
A remake of unite on ps3 in japan
7 games
monster hunter tri, monster hunter 3 ultimate, 4, 4 ultimate, and generations.
So 7 games vs 4 games
>Switch GenU/XX is 60fps.
nope try again
Soul Sacrifice port when
Dauntless was was a thing before World was even announced. It originally garnered support because it was supposed to be the Monster Hunter killer for PC. Really, it just seems to show up where the demand for Monster Hunter is greatest, only to have it stripped when an actual Monster Hunter gets announced.
I doubt that. I think it's the other way around actually. Many PChads own a Switch but not many Nintendies own a PC. I consider myself a PChad but I also bought a Switch just for MHGU; owning a Switch doesn't automatically turn me into a Nintenbabby. Most toddlers are probably like pic related; if a game is not on a Nintendo platform, then they won't buy it. That's why they are so excited when ancient multiplat ports like Skyrim and Saints Row 3 are announced for Switch, because they never get to play those games during WiiU generation.
Not Nintendo’s fault Sony ended support for the vita by year 2
The real question is if we will ever get a good MonHun game again, or are we stuck with piss easy Sony-tier experience games? I just want a good MonHun game to play with my PC friends...
>4 games
>listed 5
Also, GU makes it 6.
MH (PS2)
MH2 (PS2)
MHG (Wii)
MH3 (Wii)
MH3G (3DS)
MH3G HD (Wii U)
MH4 (3DS)
MH4G (3DS)
MHXX Switch (Switch)
MHW (PS4, Xbone, PC)
MHWI (PS4, Xbone, PC)
Sony - 10
Nintendo - 9
nintendies cant catch a break
>dude what if MonHun was Bayonetta
you die
bing bing!
If World's success isn't enough to convince you how out of touch Yea Forums is with everything then you need to kys. I mean this is a board that shits on Nintendo's competitors yet doesn't even have any idea what games are on them or how the console even works.
>shitting on other plattforms/games while not knowing what games is on yours
i swear nintendo fans are special, even for Yea Forums
Capcom could have that huge western money from MH:W
Capcom could have big Japanese money from classic style monster hunters on the Switch.
or Capcom can have all that fucking money by doing both.
Of course we are getting more MonHun on the Switch. Both the World and Classic monster hunters are was more profitable than any other game Capcom does.
And if we count spinoffs, the gap gets even bigger.
>classic style
everyone needs to realize right now that old MH is never coming back. EVER. World is a main series title, it's changes are permanent. Capcom never stepped backwards in gameplay cause it's hurr durr muh classic. They only thing you might get back from yesteryear is a more colorful monster hunter like old because the switch can't handle world tier graphics and there's already a ton of easily reusable assets from XX
What makes you think that Capcom has enough ideas floating around to make 2 games? They're already scrapping the bottom of the barrel with mantles and clutch claw. They can't even come up with any new species besides crap like Leshen. The Switch isn't getting anything new unless it's more Frontier crap like GenU.
That’s retarded
If even the laziest that is GU can sell a millions of copies best believe those PS2 assets ain’t going anywhere
Hell if anything classic hunter is how they’ll train newbies
Where's the console port for GU?
Is this a hypothetical question or are you just stupid?
you're getting a reused GU asset game with world mechanics that'll be released on everything and you'll fucking like it nintendie.
That sounds fucking perfect to me. GU monsters, rooms, transmog, and aesthetic with world's lack of in-hunt loading screens and weapon movesets would be great.
I wouldn't mind a game with World's mechanics but with colorful graphics that aren't washed out and actual content. If it goes back to gathering halls instead of World's shitty online then it'd be perfect.
I really hope we can get Monster Hunter 5th gen soon, all these spinoffs are giving me bad vibes
World's sales numbers guarantee the series will never return to portable exclusivity
Saying this like it's a bad thing
MHXX for switch was supposed to run at 60 fps but they locked it with 3ds crossplay in mind; don't know why they didn't unlock it for MHGU.
>Not being an idort