I STILL can't believe that a game's localization was completely finished, Sony suddenly blocked the game from being released, and all that work was wasted, and people have already forgotten it happened and it's been over a year since it happened and nothing has come of it.
I STILL can't believe that a game's localization was completely finished...
Does this matter in 2019 where the Switch has taken the Vita's role in the market almost completely?
I'm still mad and always will be mad.
I'd be less mad if there was a new game with good art (omega labyrinth life is a major downgrade in that area), but it's still total bullshit for the guys who spent time and money localizing OLZ.
isn't it still getting released?
Who cares. Engrish version confirmed for Switch
I liked the Vita as much as the next weeb, but time to move on
Life is a completely different game you HOT HEADED FOOL.
Meh, it's close enough for my dick
Is the game actually good?
If things had gone to plan you would have gotten two games. TWO dicks. Instead you only get one dick.
Yes it's actually quite a well made roguelike by Matrix Software which is a talented game developer with a great history of quality games that aren't necessarily fanservice packed. The breast expansion is just a welcome bonus.
At this point, why not just play gatcha? Is it pride?
Oh, I play gacha too.
Fuck off gachanigger. We're talking about an actual game here.
Not him but waifu fanservice arent MUCH of a step up from gacha
That's OL1, OLZ is much improved and was the one that got jewed
That is one of the most fucked up backstabbing ever. And it really hurts for small niche companies like PQube after they spent all the money already on it.
Fuck Sony for that bullshit. And I still haven't forgotten Lik-Sang.com. Fuck Sony for that too.
Also, what game is this?
remove the lewd from omega labyrinth and you still have a decent dungeon crawler
remove the lewd from gacha and you just have a daily cookie clicker
>censored in the west
>Needing more than 1 dick
Fuck off tentacle fag
You're probably the biggest imbecile I've seen all month.
Destiny Child
You can replace every character model with either uncensored or completely stripped versions in a couple of minutes.
What is with all the people bitching about Life's art but liking the original's art. It's all the same bug-eyed crap.
I know but it's the intent that count.
Easy modding is actually harmful since it tell devs that it is okay to censor when it shouldn't be censored in the first place.
The eyes are just one of many things the old artist did better
Nah, it's fine. They're selling more frisky skins for ridiculous amount of pesos and at least top 100 players in pvp and raid buy them regularly.
There should be a copy, somewhere around D3 that is translated but will never see the light
>Nah, it's fine
But it isn't, the game is still censored if you don't mod it.
>No argument
Good job proving you're part of the lowest possible denominator
The phrase is actually "lowest common denominator."
We're currently having DoA event and all three girls came out unharmed.
What the actual fuck is this random-ass Korean game that has the sway to do a collab with DoA of all things.
He's obviously aware by now with the number of time he made this exact thread, it add potential reply like yours.
And you're the lowest possible one. Congrats
Good for them.
What about those who were censored?
Overrated artist, Im glad he got replaced
Never say never. We thought we'd never see Star Fox 2 and now all these years later we have done so. Or as a British person would say, we have done.
I'm still mad and baffled by it. Censoring things in the west is already bad enough, but forcing them to censor in Japan and making them communicate in English is just plain cruel. To pull this shit on smaller developer studios when their game is nearly complete is intentionally devastating. I can't wrap my head around the decisions Sony is making here.
Censoring is not good but that doesn't make modding HARMFUL. People can complain while still happily modding the game to fix the censoring.
I've seen this posted muliple times but it looks like shit desu.
Kill the competition so they can afford to release the same game every year.
See how FIFA/CoD do? They want to do the same but for the whole industry and they need to eliminate the smaller competition for that to happen.
Bigger devs either share the same mindset or are bullied into complying.
What? Who am I? Who the fuck are you? WHO IN FACE ARE YOU?
Yeah I don't like these anime art styles that draw the lips and nose like that. It misses the point and just makes it look like a normal 3D woman. No thanks, that's not what I'm here for.
Context, friend.
If a censored game sell because of mods, then mods become harmful because it tells the suit that censorship will make a game sell more.
I'm not shitting on modding, I'm saying that modding is a short term solution to a long term issue.
I woke up in a Soho doorway when policeman knew my name!
I suppose that's a fair point, but I don't think anyone who is modding the game is paying for it. Or at least, not anyone with a brain. If I mod the game I am already dissatisfied with it and it's not getting my money.
>TFW there is no reason to own a PS4 outside of Death Stranding and P5R.
Bloodborne, but otherwise yeah.
Forget the clothing, what the fuck is up with her eye?
>but I don't think anyone who is modding the game is paying for it
>If I mod the game I am already dissatisfied with it and it's not getting my money.
Steam is filled with retards who will put blind brand loyalty before anything else, including anime tiddies.
I still think the ball is in PQube's court here. They know Sony cannot be trusted and they have plenty of experience with PC ports. There's no reason for them not to try their hardest to get it on PC, especially considering it's a finished game and people really want to play it.
>There's no reason for them not to try their hardest to get it on PC
The game was made for PS4/Vita but Snoy cucked them and they are now sitting on thousands of copies of a game they can't even give away for free.
It was a net loss for them.
The PC version doesn't exist, they have to do a port first which cost money.
The cost of making a port is surely miniscule compared to the cost of localizing it.
I don't know about that, making a port probably requires lots of coding work whereas localizing is more about jap->english translation.
I never forget these things user.
Well the thing is the infrastructure is already in place with Vita ports so it's more a matter of licensing.
The two biggest hurdle to overcome when translating a game are:
And 99% of the time, the lack of people with skills in coding is the reason why a lot of game fantranslation are dead.
Aroduc (RIP) was one of the most prominent game translator because he could do both and he still sometime needed help for the coding part.
It’s weird. Maat was censored but then got an uncensored version of her costume
It matters when the game isn't on Switch.
Those things, they take time...
The moment I decided not to buy any Sony product, unless it's used. That's way too much of a bitch move, it unironically makes me angry to think that a big company would just stab a dev in the back like that.
Unfortunately while Aroduc knew Japanese he was not that good at the actual translating part and his translations ended up being remarkably stiff and boring to read. Just goes to show that even if you fancy yourself a jack of all trades you can't do everything alone.
You reminded me how ironic it is that Gabe showed up on that little trailer for CLANG to crack a joke about HL3 and then CLANG ended up being a scam that never came to fruition so HL3 could still plausibly be released first.
Yup and Sony did nothing but double down on its censorship since then. A good lesson for both gamers and devs to abandon Sony like a sinking ship and never look back.
At least post the right game
That's your opinion, I was fine with his translation.
>Just goes to show that even if you fancy yourself a jack of all trades you can't do everything alone.
It was the reason why he was one of the most accomplished game fan translator.
Too many times, you have one of the key member of your team suddenly disappear and work can't progress without him.
You're also doing this for free so there's no incentive for people to truly work hard on these kind of project.
Yes I played the Jap release recently. Pirated ofc.
It's actually a really good game.
I have not bought a single Sony product since the cancellation.
Fuck Snoy.
I really wanted to play this since I love Dungeon crawlers and BE.
Played the first one with a translation patch and I actually had trouble clearing some dungeons
Then again I am a retard in almost every game
Is it possible to play the Japanese version without knowing Japanese?
Well, there is an English patch.
I said this last night but I find it vexing they can straight up veto a physical release. They can be free to host shit on their own servers sure, but why can't the physical game release?
>dungeon crawler
Doesn't that usually refer to wizardry style games? Isn't there a different name for this one?
I meant of Z, sorry. Unless the first game has this girl?
Mystery dungeon?