The French knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they made her

The French knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they made her.

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Japanese > French > Everything Else

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the holy trinity of France, animation, and being horny

I love the French

Wakfu has some godtier women


What's the third item?

France, homeland of the horny frogs

post more and fairies


Why weren't these sluts in rayman legends?

Anetta Fish was the best out of them.

the gateway to my pig latin fetish

Let's not forget Dofus

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You mean when they redesigned her. She didn't used to be this slutty.

the french always know what they're doing with their cartoons

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Let's not forget Les Kassos

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Lou does things to my dick.

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The same goes for all the fairies.

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We need more. She definitely gives off Isabelle vibes

Those hairy caterpillars just ruin the whole thing tbqh.

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holy fucking based

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>being this gay

I would call you a fag but I'll let it slide since you have an exquisite taste in 2D.

What the actual fuck

Fuck. I already knew about Wakfu and Rayman and how the girls in that made me diamond but this shit has permanently redpilled me on French animation

I think you mean ouibeau

Based and HONpilled


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>tfw no panda gf

no wonder the Japanese love France, fuckers were MADE for each other

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based French

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>tfw new art of them popping up every now and then

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How did we go from THIS

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A rubber duck