Code Vein

Are you playing Io's network test yet, user?

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Other urls found in this thread:

This game is going to be impossible to discuss on Yea Forums, isnt it

God I love IO

Nah. I'm trying to figure the fuck out which style is best.
Also do you get all the weapon drops from pickups and drops from enemies?

Is there a network test for PC?

No. console only.

No, there are some chest scattered around.

no because those fucks at bamco are sending codes to everyone but me

F2p mobile games have better gameplay than this jankfest

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No because I didn't get a code

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This game is FUN!

lets gets this shit over with


>change class to Aset
>buy blast bolt
>entire game becomes a joke

>its a Mia decides to completely blind me with her faggy ice projectiles episode


Attached: kh5mXop.png (750x469, 638K)

>Nioh has always been Dark Souls 2 levels of hated on Yea Forums
>During the past few Code Vein threads we had tons of people praising it out of nowhere to spit on Code Vein
>"Nioh, now that's a good Soulslike, and 2 will be even better'

What do you think?

me on the right

What are the chances they'd let the pc version get modded like Illusion games?

Thats why we discuss it here

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>Finally beat Blade Bearer
well i guess all that's left to do is co-op

or just uninstall

Post your horrible creation and rate others.

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Did you beat the invasion?

After this, and Square telling naysayers to fuck off about censoring Cindy, I think Tifa will be alright.

This game has waifus and shit gameplay, the waifus alone will carry this game because this is all what Yea Forums cares about.

Unironically fucking kill yourself, faggot

Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190531012127.jpg (1920x1080, 153K)

this game fucking sucks

soulsfags are about as autistic as MHfags and GE threads are still pretty good
if people are smart enough to just not reply to shitposters it'll be fine
don't become a discord tranny

big fucking stunlocking zweihander made the game enjoyable for me.

Will buy on sale

I'm stealing pic related as my own

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You idiot, the code is vein

Nioh and Dark Souls 2 are shit, but they're leagues better than this mess.

I think it's p janky but kinda fun. Feel like I screwed up my character but at least I can do a better job with the full game

post bodysuit ass from more angles
I'm worried since the god eater asses are so flat

Kill yourself and stop trying to shove people into your shitty community. Let it breath here.

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Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190531131240.jpg (1920x1080, 281K)

Can you make a deliciously flat chested girl?

This. It’s too good.

Threads have had a pretty nice balance of game discussion and waifufaggotry today. I'm sure it will be fine during the actual release too.

What does Mia's pussy smell like?

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Who /Zweihander Unga Bunga/ here?

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Come and watch the livestream together anons.

We can discuss how bayonets are fucking shit.

>Being this afraid of discord

Finally beat Queens Knight. What an asshole. I swear his trust attack has a fucked up hitbox.

I made the doll from Bloodborne

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No but if you gift murasame stuff she'll let you buy some of her loli blood.

just make a pretty boy, its perfect for fags like you

Have they stopped giving out codes to anyone? I signed up two hours ago

Rate my slut

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>thinking the moment something comes out or has a following that a discord is the only way to rally it or discuss it

Nioh, dark souls 2, and code vein are all great. Fuck you and this contrarian board.

>no body sliders for tits height or ass
>never be an oppai loli
>always be a giant

Feels bad. Hope PC mods them in.

>President of jack shit

I forgot about this but I didn't realize it was gonna be US bamco
who are these fags

she cute

I've played Nioh/Bloodborne and it's only marginally better, having tighter technical controls, but this has good aesthetic, and decent gameplay, now I just want to get into the story, because if it carries the story well enough, it will he at least a good 7 to an 8, and one of those games I would go back to, while Nioh I would have fun with and put down, and Bloodborne was kind of a chore to go through. Talk about the tiddies if you want, but I like a game to have character, CV seems like it has what the latter two lack in just fun.

Io is so cute, anons

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Accidently signed up for a US beta code its for ps4.

>can't even see the character i've created because of the stupid ass mask
>hit feedback is shit, especially on smaller weapons, bayonet is a literal garbage
>dodges are tied to weapons
>level design is an abhorrent ungodly abomination that makes me think about Hellgate London of all things
>bosses have super fast startups on some attacks to compensate for the clumsy ass partner system
>Mia is literally dying from a light breeze
>the game feels like either DS2, LotF or Ashen, there's a consoderable dodge delay probably because of the absolutely garbage tier performance despite the fact game has PS3 tier graphics
Did those faggots blew all their load on character creator and anime tiddies?

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Is the invasion endless?

Looks bad ass.


Sexy/10 really like the color scheme.

Edgy/10 be careful not to cut yourself!

God I love the doll...

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>not making a male char self insert to fuck Io

Huh, you could make Paul Atreides with that black bodysuit.

I hope so as well!

learn to speak english, not reading a wall of ESL text

Enemies are fast because the game is intended for co-op.

Looks great, I'd probably make the most bimbo Gyaru I could.

Is Nioh really hated, though? Those threads during the demos back in 2016 and during the first month of release were really chill.

The asses are nice and tight looking desu. I'm a fan.

Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190531182028.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>using my picture for esl garbage

wow that's way nicer than I expected
definitely using the bodysuit

>He didn't make a cute Futa

Attached: 1509566512938.jpg (520x442, 65K)

God I hope they censor this game.

Anyone else get dead codes? Tried mine just now and it's saying it's invalid.

>pants ripping from too much firm ass

Finished the dungeon. Now what?

Nioh was an actual game.

>not making yourself as a girl to fuck Io

Thanks user, surprised no one sniped this before I did

anal queen/10

lost to the zone/10

dumb satania poster

most likely to betray you/10

mature and kickass out of 10.
change her hair color to blonde, eyes to whitish blue, and bodysuit to white and you'd have The Boss.

Tony hat/10

Generic but well made/10

Do you want this shit to tank THAT badly?
There's literally nothing else to talk about. Gameplay is shit. Probably the worst out of any souls clone.

Now wait for them to announce the release date for the game and buy it once it comes out in December!

Surely it can't be worse than Lords of the Fallen.

>Generic but well made/10


Yes. The only reason this garbage game is getting any attention is because of the anime. If Sony gets rid of that then people will only look at the merits of the gameplay, which there are none.

> Probably the worst out of any souls clone.
Lords of the Fallen and Sekiro are way worse.

I got to like level 400 missions in nioh and couldn't keep going
it really just felt like I was doing the same thing forever against enemies with increasing amounts of hp
the fact that it expects you to do that through like 5 difficulties is just disrespectful

Nice casual clothes for her, but I feel she could also look great going full dracula.

>change her hair color to blonde, eyes to whitish blue, and bodysuit to white and you'd have The Boss.


DO NOT look behind his eyepatch

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Lords of the Fallen had a few interesting gameplay gimmicks at the very least.
This one feels like a garbage dump of assets and half-assed mechanics so far.

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I wish I could make a cute/cool girl like that

Attached: CV_character.png (457x849, 242K)

rate my thot

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yeah, looks real interesting

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imo, the only thing LotF had going for it was that neat experience banking system. Everything else was absolutely godawful. I went into it thinking Fromdrones were the only ones mouthing off about it, but God, it was actually even worse than everyone said.

Nice bait.

Not enough semen on her to be aradia.

Merits of gameplay:
>you can get mana back by killing things, you never feel like you need to save resources for that one thing like in souls
>companion AI isn't garbage
>quick weapons are fun, although the big weapons are seriously lacking punch

Yeah the closest thing would be the default outfit but I chose this one for the upskirt.

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Only good part of Nioh is its combat, everything else with it is total garbage. Story is so annoying to follow, going through all the menus between missions ruins the immersivness, repetitive stages and mobs, too much dungeon crawling feel to it.
Im not a fan of code vein so far, it looks good and seems to have a bareable story. But something with it doesn't feel right, still miles ahead of Nioh tho.


Probably would have gone with a blue star or pink heart tattoo under her eye for bimbo theme.

looks super interesting

she reminds me of one of those sluts from the latest Valkyria Chronicles.

Attached: Valkyria-2.jpg (1674x1404, 197K)

Can you get me a shot of her when she gets up from the bar stools? That's another upskirt camera angle I think.

what about jap guy #27
that was an awesome boss

wish the skirt was a bit longer desu

where are her eye heart pupils?

>you can get mana back by killing things
Bloodborne had the blood bullet system and a rune that regenerated bullets on visceral attacks.
DS3 has Aldrich Sapphire.
I do agree that CV's casting system looks interesting but so far it's the only interesting thing about the game and it's not even that unique.

How will Sony strike?

>everything else with it is total garbage
Nioh had an individual level design on par with DeS.

>mfw rolling into the boxes

Holy fuck it's worse than Bloodborne.

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What is there to say? I played an alpha build about 2 years ago at some con and the game is just as clunky now as it was back then. Whenever you break boxes the framerate drops to single digit territory, the weapons feel weightless except for maybe the sledgehammer, bayonets are garbage, rolls are weird. I honestly did not enjoy it much but I'll try to use all the blood codes in the next couple days

How do I get into this?

those required backstabs and whatnot.

In CV all forms of aggression give you more resource to use your fun moves, hitting, killing, backstabbing parrying.

PC version is gonna be full of cheaters with hacked equipment/stats and they will invade you with their hack shit.

I wish that backstabs and counters regenerated health

there's no invasions dummy

>ni "door next to shrine cannot be opened from this side" oh
>level design

>Beat Blade Bearer
>Feel empty inside
g-guess i'll play god hand 3

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Alright. The camera goes pretty close when you sit down so it's hard to get a good shot.

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you should get a job at kotaku writing shitty articles of how these games are too hard for you.

Its okay, but it really feels stiff imo, especially with heavy weapons.

Did anyone make Wesker?

Just the usual contrariarism and bait fishing. The game wasnt hated at all.

hope someone drops a code for you.

That's the shittiest way to do this!


then why the fuck does anyone care about this shit game?

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> god hand 3

haha... Did capcom release 2 and 3 without me knowing?

Just played the demo, it was alright, about what I expected.
Made this from a screenshot I took.

Attached: you.jpg (772x1000, 233K)

>pvpfags as obnoxious as always

is the game good

So is there going be romance in this game or nah?

Because you can make your waifu and jack off to the girl with the giant tits.

Imagine Io pressing her tits against your face.

>there's no invasions dummy

Well.. technically.. Lost enemies can invade your game at some random point.

nice, I'm saving it.

>playing a dude

I think you should leave

>Io's jiggly milkies
Namco Bandai defeated Sony again

i'll be using this. thank you.

Attached: thank you.png (622x717, 512K)

Sony will make sure it's censored right before release.

tomorrow is Io's VA's birthday
be sure to thank her for the milk

Someone make her!
From what I've seen, there's even a shoulderless shirt that lets you have the sleeves be one color and the main chest another. It's perfect!


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>Go back to the base every time you get killed by Blade Bearer
Who thought this was a good idea?

So is the best anime CC we've gotten in a game so far? I remember it was Freedom Wars for years, amusingly.

It needs to be red

>want to play with the cuteboy companion
>but the greatswordbro is too good to be replaced

>Went with Big Slow STR weapon build
>Tfw Blade Bearer

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Rest at the mistle in the depths you dummy

user, did you sit at the mistle in the base and not at the one in the depths?

They couldnt touch God Eater 3, Code Vein is pretty much safe.


If only the legs weren't ripped

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Same devs so it only makes sense

Smelly vampire pussy

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Here's mine. please be gentle

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She's gotta gently step on your dick somehow, user.

Weren't Shift the main developers on FW, though? They're in mobile hell now, lmao

I'm confused bros, where do I go next?

I made it to the base but Louis just says talk later and I've already checked all the little stars like the one on the map

God Eater 3 had like one lewd outfit though

I still haven't gotten my email bros
It's coming, right?

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Harajuku Vampire girl simulator/10

>tfw just signed up for it
>tfw not going to get a code in time

How's that any different from NG++++ in souls series? It's the same thing, you can try a bunch of different weapons and styles at any time in Nioh you don't have to stick with one style.

no one has any idea who the devs are for this game and everyone says different shit they've pulled out their ass
most recent behind the scenes/interview or whatever from a couple days ago said they were working with shift though

Have fun bro

God Eater doesn’t feel like reskinned Monster Hunter but Code Vein does feel like a shameless Souls clone which is too bad. I would’ve liked it more if they did something different with the gameplay, ANYTHING.
Also sci fi vampires with melee weapons like fucking unga bunga hammers look fucking ridiculous. Kind of a waste of an interesting setting desu fampai

you might have to interact with the shops and then back to him again

I love this preset so much!

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Well, that settles it. Literally all I needed to know was if the game had boob physics and I'm sold. Thank fucking god.

You're so sweet bro!

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I'm sure Bamco pushed for more dark soulsy features so they could ride that souls hype train as long as possible.

The game would be 3 times cooler if it had light sabers.

Ive tlaked to everyone I think and exhausted their dialogue, unless ther e are people besides the ones ont he main floor

>durhhh pvp

Greatswordbros where are you?

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killed by baby bearer

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Broadsword niggas rise up

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I killed Blade Bearer!

ahhh I hope blade bearer isn't too far in the main game
big fan of her sword

Is there crossplay?


So I'm almost done creating my character, but I don't see any sliders other than "Overall" to change body size. Is there something I'm missing or is that all I can change at the moment?

I really hope they have binoculars in this game

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oh my... just look at those milkers!

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Weapon rankings
Sword>axe>Hammer>Power gap>Shit>Bayonet

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You have to actually listen to all of their dialogue you dumbass. If you move at all when they talk it resets them. I guarantee that's what you're doing wrong.

Where the hell do the ivy blood veil's parry frames start

Do you have to parry like 2 seconds in advance or something

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I really hope the PC version gets mods if you know what it is that I am saying.

So what now? Not even a "you've beaten the demo, nothing more to see" message?

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zweihander>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>any other weapon

Literally a mystery

Go back to Mordhau, shitter.

Are you dumb? They literally put that message full screen after you beat the first section of the game. The same Screen message where it tells you about fucking around in the depths which is clearly where you are.

The fuck you talking about no demo ending screen when you clearly had to see that exact screen to even get where you are.

I was going to a make a girl character but changed my mind after finding out you can't give her big jiggly tits

Her dying animation amuses me

You already saw the ending, didn't you?

The whole area is just a playground for network testing, so unless you want to play with other folks or grind up weapons you don't get to keep after the test you're done

Code Upskirt

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>not soloing her
what are you, a pussy?

Why can't you? This is important.

that fucking poke

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pls respond

Who is this Blade Bearer people talking about, is she a boss in the Depth?

This Town Depth is kicking my ass

yeah she's a boss of the depths

How do you get 5 flasks?

that fucking triple attack skill with the zwei at the speed of three light sword slashes

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You can, that guy is lying idiot. You can't have huge milkers like Io but your character's tits are certainly nice and you can clearly see them in the default female outfit which has a huge cleavage window.
I can assure you the tits certainly bounce and jiggle as you move.

tight asses are my fetish

Online is weird. Depending on the connection, it seems like sometimes my hits will or won't register, same with dodges.

What did you code name your character, user?

>Depth recommendation: lvl 40
>I'm like lvl 15


Just play like Bitterblack Isle, user

>you can't have huge milkers like Io
Modders better fix this.
>I can assure you the tits certainly bounce and jiggle as you move
You've set my mind at ease. Why would the other user lie about something so important?

How dare you misgender me!

>user doesn't know how ot grind
Come on boy





there was an attempt/10

plain but tight/10


dat blush/10



Attached: wf.jpg (1920x1080, 334K)

More like an imitation

Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190531095240.jpg (1920x1080, 93K)

Any blinding bangs as hair option? God Eater had one as an option

Attached: Shermie.jpg (768x1024, 261K)

>let’s make a Souls like game but make it extremely bad and soulless
>add some anime girls whatever
It’s literally trash

everyone is lying about everything because they're mad that another game would dare to be like souls

>if you hit an enemy too much, they gain a superarmor buff and can kill you when you would've won otherwise.

Attached: yikes.jpg (540x555, 25K)

>You can't have huge milkers like Io

Attached: Merchant.png (193x609, 156K)

How did snoy allow this?

Being the opportunity you needed to learn how to mod.

I'm definitely going to break this thing in half until I get amazing honkers

There seemed to be some that came close but no outright Shermie tier ones. Sucks because that's what I was hoping to make myself.

Allow such a shitty game to exist? Good question

Do Yukikaze

But it's common sense that any game is simply being enhanced with the inclusion of big bouncing tits. Without them, the game is lesser in all areas because there would be no breasts in sight. How is this hard for some people to accept? Perhaps gay? Muslim?

There’s extra hair pieces in the accessories that you can place wherever. So really you can make whatever you like with enough patience

Allow me to post the worst fucking part about this fucking game.

Attached: what is this garbage run cycle.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Attached: Io Jiggle 04.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

the female animations are something else

>tfw male looks fine

Why did you make a character with the downs as a passive trait?

what in the god damn

So you just level up yourself? Everything else from the edgy coat to your blood type are not tied to your level?

Not quite but there hairstyles just like that but don't cover your eyes, and you can add extra hair in the accessories. You can full customize all of your accessories from placement to angle to size so you can probably pick hair like that then add extra bangs in accessories and just make them bigger and move them down your face to replicate that.

at least the ass is fat, the hips are wide, and the tits are big

Welp, that was a fun demo. I'll probably buy the game once it goes on sale for $30 and the online is dead.

wonder how censored the Sony version is going to be. Or will they just censor both?

when did the network demo start? did i miss a lot of threads? i casually opened streamlink gui and found someone was streaming code vein, checked the category and maanged to find the scamco stream

those two remaining brain cells rubbed together with all their might and still couldn't produce an original thought

Pretty much.
More health and stamina are completely useless when your defense is low as fuck.

>Go to redeem code
>The prepaid card is not available in this region.

Attached: 1485431539846.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

make an account from the other region you dumbass

>Male looks fine
Lol no it doesn't, it looks just as retarded

can you change the color of the coat armor?

What does mating press with Io feel like?

It looks better than that shit nigger

Soft and plump.

The sensation you get when a plate of cracker barrel chicken and dumplings is being placed on the table in front of you.

Is this worth buying for the multiplayer? If it's only for the thots, it would be better to pirate it.

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I signed up for the code the second it opened but I haven't received any mail about it. Am I fucked? Do I just need to go to some page?

>Mia has been defeated

If you like souls multiplayer. I personally hate souls multiplayer since I went in too used to God Eater coop, but I'm having great fun with the game itself.

she looks like she's in the wrong anime

Yes because you're dumb and tried to sign up for a code AFTER it went live which is too late. You were supposed to sign up before it went up you had like 2 months brah.

How to play online with people?

please respond

yo DO revive her, right?

Pirate and purchase during a sale it is then

That's what I meant.

I steal her hat and desecrate her corpse

Character creator already got nerfed. Sony strikes again.

Sounds about right.

I think some are dye-able? In the store you can see a tiny little color icon at the top so I'm assuming some you can color.

Yea I was going for someone pure and innocent being put into a world that will corrupt them

where's the boob slider

Default expression seems a bit bland, how does she appear in cutscenes?

On PC when modders get their hands on it, and reenable it through the config file I bet.

>Character creator already got nerfed.

Attached: 1552691722108.png (463x492, 179K)

when is this game fucking coming out?

It might? This is a test phase.

I'm just gonna keep replying myself to fake outrage at things that never happened

they actually fucking removed it? why the fuck is sony meddling in all the good shit

>Sign up for a chance to join the development process and participate in the CODE VEIN Network Test for Xbox One and PlayStation®4. Spaces are limited.
>for a CHANCE
This shit is fucking retarded.

Good old rule 43






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wish i could make the clothes dirtier so she'll really look like a dirty slumdog

Attached: dirt.jpg (1920x1080, 109K)

Fucking shoot yourself
Hope you get a 2 day for this

Creator is toned down from previous builds. Doesn't go nearly as low or high as it used to. Here's a comparison link:


Attached: Quite the view.jpg (1200x675, 119K)


the bottom one looks fucking retarded tho

It makes me pretty fucking mad that they nerfed the tits but that lower screenshot also has some man shoulders at max setting. They should really just add a boob slider

this, is it or nor?

Fucking snoy

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Enemies stop respawning after the tall cat lady. You are rewarded an item that gives you 10k Souls and a chance to get something else

Who the hell gives thier demo post-game content?


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Eh, but at least we had the option to look stupid in the previous build.
I hope they'll add the option before release. Don't see why more customization options would be an issue to anybody.

Pretty basic, but I think she's cute.

Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190531180546.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

Is there no chance of getting a code if I didn't sign up before now? I'm in NA

>even lewding her
I still can't tell if this is meant to be aradia or not

Yeah, I'm pretty pissed at Sony, it's pretty obvious to all the weebs that Sony doesn't give a shit about us anymore.

She's made for mating press creampies.

I don't even know who that is. I was just making a character I thought was cute.

I would.

Played 10 hours of it today, tried soloing the network test mission, I suck at this game.

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Io ahegao

I didn't get in. Did the thing where your armor determines a part of your moveset make it through? I thought that shit sucked because I'm doomed to like armor with shitty moves.

I'm giving up bros...The Depth is too hard...

Attached: Ingrid.gif (640x360, 3.2M)

Blood Veils are your armor. They each have different drain attacks and parry timing, in addition to modifying stats. The weapons themselves are generally unaffected by which Blood Veil you are using.
Keep on trying, user! I managed to beat the whole thing at level 40, so don't be afraid to just level up in a network test.

I can't see this shit on the ps store.
how I get it?

What does cum taste like?


Yeah I dunno the bottom looks...weird. I wouldn't say it needed to be removed altogether but adjusted so you can have the top image along with the bottom. I'm still happy with what we got because I like it more than the previous build.

You need to register for a code on bandai namco's website

heterochromia is one of the worst character creator sins. right up there with face tattoos.

How about you taste your own and find out. Hope you weren't eating anything too salty recently.

not that bad, only tasted mine tho

mine always smells and tastes extremely sweet

You were supposed to sign up for the beta ages ago before it went live. Sucks for you.

Are her tits made of jello?

For those of you who beat the Depth and Blade Bearer

What was your main weapon / blood code?

Attached: 74183056_p0.png (787x1025, 800K)

her tits are filled with the dreams of hundreds of men

I want to fuck the dreams of hundreds of men

I beat her with the sunset halberd and the Apet code. The four lightning balls and Blazing Roar do a lot of damage.

you must have a good diet

Attached: 1543420847600.png (549x575, 687K)

Queenslayer blade, the kat one, and a mixed Thoth that had blast bolt from Aset and blood shot. The fucking teleports behind them skill has ass for range and I needed something better to hit at the milk maid

no they're made of bloody milk

I don't

I bear her with the Lost Zwei. At +4 it does like 800 damage per swing without a buff.

Am I understanding the upgrade system correctly??
When I upgrade Blood Veil only the drain damage is boosted. That seems bad.

I don't know why I went with it, was just testing things out, most likely will just use purple when the game releases.

welp guess your dick has lucky cum then. thats all i can think of

Attached: 1491617021747.png (1050x903, 1.01M)

diabetes, look it up

How would you rank the companions so far?
Where will Io be once she becomes a companion?

Attached: If you find.png (236x595, 267K)

So anyone co-oping Depths?

Do you need to be a matching level or does thing thing just not work?

Attached: 1506045102316.png (312x278, 141K)

I used heavy axe mostly, and switched to the queenslayer sword for queen's knight and blade bearer

Just dodge and swing until it's dead

I think it's okay to have a blind eye if they have a scarred face.

god reviewfags are the lowest caliber of humanity.

So when you do a parry does your mask... come off during the process and you grow a new one, then your normal mask comes back?
Also why are all the special animations lacking impact.

Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190531203654.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

reminder that Mia wears pink

All the animations for big hits and big weapons are lacking. I can't bear to use the big weapons in this game because of it.

Why don't you rate them then?


Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190601025612.jpg (1920x1080, 134K)

how do you parry...

there's level downscaling so you can match with whoever but can't get carried by someone super overleveled

left or right?
did i do good, or are they too plain?

Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190531203546 - Copy.jpg (1646x1075, 263K)

Hit the parry button or do a backstab, stupid ellipses poster

Right is cuter

It's because you're going nuclear when you parry/backstab. Best breath in all that mist.

>tfw enemies always turn around before I backstab them


zwei berserker

left looks too much like a boy unless that's what you want so right


Anyone wants a code? I have no use for it, my PS4 got broken recently.

would fuck right



Why is Io so short?

Attached: Small and concerned Io.png (282x444, 270K)

You retract your mask to breath in the miasma, it turns your eyes red and you go berserk and become strengthened for your attack. The mask quickly reforms so that you don't suffer permanent damage.

Please. I didn't realize there was going to be a network test

I'm playing right now

shit that makes some sense actually

Optimal height for paizuring

>tfw Oliver saved me from being cucked
goodnight, sweet prince

She's not that short, though

Attached: Look at this photograph.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

Go make the aradia tits, you sunnuvabitch.


Attached: PS_Messages_20190601_025524.jpg (1920x1080, 88K)

I don't care how flat she is, Murasame is the cutest.

Also why does she wear the mask even inside?

Does anyone think that someone will mod the character creator to give us more height and body options on PC? The clothing and accessories are top-notch, but the body stuff is lacking.

>get GXH Assault to +2
>get the Thoth passive that boosts charge drains
>impale assholes from maximum range for 1200 damage for basically nothing and get free ichor out of it

Now if only it came in colors besides camo print

Attached: 1550002389282.jpg (818x827, 43K)

is this...

Is my PS4 supposed to go into maximum WHIRR during this game


that's pretty good

Bad teeth
Later. I'm busy today

Damn, seeing Mia in such slutty attire makes me want to steal her hat even more

because she's a big girl

Queenslayer Greatsword +6
Blood Veil Night Claw +6
Prometheus Code
Level 78

What’s the level cap in this shit, I still get 2 levels and change per clear.
Is anyone else not able to turn on Old-world Materials?
Invasion can be beaten, it rewards Pure Blood and Loss Crystal (5000 haze)
Inhibit doesn’t apply to bosses(only tested on Queen’s Guard.

Does anyone know what the fifth reward is for multiplayer, the Cognitive Zeal?

My launch version PS4 always does that in a game

>Later. I'm busy today

Attached: 1557402294257.jpg (212x291, 83K)

fuck tf2 soldier

Can you actually play with players? Havent seen the option yet

I'm enjoying it for the most part. If they fix the framedrops when you break boxes and other performance issues I'll probably get it on release.

Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190531213204.jpg (1920x1080, 98K)

missed it :(

it's on the bar with your stats/inventory/etc. icons when you hit start

ah shit, sorry man

God that suit looks good in black

I pray every night, Jeanne

Attached: La Pucelle.jpg (850x510, 96K)

Is i og psy, slim or pro? I have a pro and didnt hear any WHIIIIRRR

Tight shiny black clothing is 10/10 boner fuel every time.

Attached: Capture10005489789456.png (859x1289, 1.69M)

Perfect for cuddling with.

Gran has the best mirror match quote

Rushing through to the depths and getting all the chests at low level is adrenaline filling. Plus you get to look baller early on in the demo.

Wrong thread, user

Attached: Chew.png (951x1250, 1.04M)

They need to add an option to unequipped body armor and shoes, other then that games alright

Attached: Oni.jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

What do you get for it? Clothes? Post pictures.

On top of my mind, there's two Blood Veils; Night Claw and GHX Assault-whatever, there's also Zweihänder as a weapon.

Generic as fuck. Where are the monster girls abd cuties?

No shirtless option no buy.


Attached: Screenshot_5.jpg (1920x1080, 199K)

just beat queen's knight
he was fun as hell, what kind of pussy niggers are the people complaining about him?

How is the rubber slime lady on the left not counting?

Attached: Buff male MC.png (303x548, 312K)

I haven't played yet but I like my girl.

Attached: RNFetchBlobTmp_x5ieenjoj3ygbvadsikz.jpg (1920x1080, 87K)

Why is this soundtrack so amazing?

>get raped by the Queen's Knight multiple times
>alright I'll go get my haze back, let him kill me near the door and keep grinding
>defeat him

It probably has been asked already, I apologize in advance, but to the tester bros, how is combat? Is it still as floaty and weightless as God Eater? Does it feel satisfying at all? from 0 to 10 how would you rate it as it is right now?

They don't have colorful skin beyond normal tones so no devils, goblins, and the like


Cute. Would fuck.

Attached: 1552955332624.png (390x390, 209K)


Attached: weightfags.jpg (645x680, 132K)

The memory theme is also extremely nice, though it's just the tutorial theme without the vocals

How long is the demo?

It doesn't feel satisfying enough with the slashes and oomphs, but its still addictive to me even as it as.

would play in coop/10

oh nice finally someone got it
just realized it has english lyrics

I have a Pro and I got high WHIIIRRR at times. I should probably clean the dust out of it

A shortish area and a boss fight. Then a "Thanks for playing screen" and a longer high level multiplayer area opens with another boss fight.

What kind of game is it, anyways? Just weeb dark souls?

The executioner is so fucking cute. Can't wait to fight her.

Attached: executioner.png (2192x2200, 1.86M)

I liked it a lot, but I generally played as a caster with a halberd. The lighter weapons are lacking, but the big weapons are satisfying to me.

>nothing to hook the camera on to get a good look at murasame's chest

Dark Souls was already weeb.

Can you make shotas and lolis in this game?


>being a pedophile

you can't change height and the flattest you can go is like C

so is this no longer exclusive?

The music gets very Nier-esque sometimes

>Pay $200 for a special edition
No thanks

Attached: Pole dancing executioner.png (448x534, 320K)

My vamp

Attached: D78S24GWkAUOS5_.jpg (1920x1080, 118K)

I know user, these are waifu games Males were never meant to get attention. Not even a tease. Shameful.

Attached: based.jpg (1920x1080, 82K)

Attached: Lick.webm (480x270, 188K)

I don't think it ever was?

What is the best Blood Code?

What is the best [your playstyle]?

Big titty goddess Io.

>Nioh has always been Dark Souls 2 levels of hated on Yea Forums
That's not true in the slightest. Back when Nioh had it's Alpha and even when it came out, everyone loved it, except for a few shitposters, but that's normal on Yea Forums. It's only when Sekiro was announced that everyone started hating on Nioh.

can you make a loli with the character creator though?

Attached: More nervous Io.png (1178x1634, 1008K)

>that face

I was finding the game trash but after leveling up a bit and exploring the dephts it's actually fun

Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190531014258.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

Not with the current available settings. Modding will probably have something to say after PC release.

Shit luck for console peasants tho'

No you can't, Biden.

There isn't much Io art.

Attached: Amber colored girl.jpg (1000x1200, 680K)

Why do vampire girls make my dick hard?
They're not even real. And if they were I would want to stay away from them.

this needs to change ASAP

It's entirely up to you. It seems pretty well balanced for the most part, especially since you can inherit abilities from other codes.

Personally, I found Berserker to be my best. I can stomp bosses pretty easily with it and a thick hammer. But non-boss enemies are a joke with Aset and I had the most fun with that one.

Depth tore my ass up at first but around lvl 20 it started getting easy except the boss fights, my dumbass self still can't beat them at 46

Just take any art of the witch and shop her hair white.

Attached: Code Vein.png (1101x1525, 448K)

Attached: Dex+is+for+p+u+s+s+i+e+s+_4c59d90b327cb6a7453bd12c7cc101ed.jpg (900x716, 146K)

Their hairstyles are different, though.

Attached: Io shirt.png (1126x1211, 377K)


Use Precision, stagger the fuck out of her and knock her out of basically all her threatening attacks and learn to block.

So if by this moment I don't have my code I'm fucked right?

Well you're doing it right now, aren't you?

Attached: Shirt Aradia.png (1126x1211, 453K)

have you looked in your veins?

pretty much

I beat the two fat ones and the duo knights, the Queen's night is tough

So I've got the magic build and I've been using the Sunset Rifle.
I found that my charged Rifle shot does the same dmg as a blood shot, except blood shot comes out faster and had less recovery.
This invalidated the rifle for me.
What are some weapons that go well with a magic build?

I want to make a custom waifu but holy fuck bros I don't wanna lose her when the network test is over. WHEN IS THIS GAME GONNA FUCKING RELEASE


>The Boss

Attached: 1492225875215.jpg (350x350, 13K)

Play it like any Souls boss. The trickiest thing is just timing the roll for his zooming stab attack.
Rifles are garbage at the moment. I used a halberd.

is it just me or does this at about 1:30 sound really similar to the last part of the title screen music


Godspeed user

as far as I know it seems like everyone who signed up for a code got one. check spam folder... promotions folder... bamco account maybe

Attached: SIP.png (692x922, 384K)

Who is bigger, Io or Tifa?

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I think Classic Tifa is larger.

Attached: Are you okay.jpg (176x378, 51K)

She isn't? She's only a bit smaller than the male MC who's pretty tall.

>the MC of a Souls-like is finally not a manlet

Io's Ios!

Yeah, now he's a twink.

and that's a good thing

Already finished it played like 8 hours straight and didn't even notice. The game has promise but during effect heavy boss fight the fps dips down to 10-15 fps even on ps4pro it was a nightmare during blade bearer second phase. And the online is literally russian roulette just with 3 bullet half the time your character doesn't cast the spell, or the effect cones from the wall or some shit or your dodge start from somewhere else and you are teleported left and right

there is a flask extender hidden in the area directly in front of your spawn in the depths. Its further along and guarded by someone.

online netcode is, amazingly, worse than Bloodborne.
I haven't faced an effect heavy boss yet however.
My dodges didn't work during online, I would dodge left but it would dodge me in an arc around and back.

Ah, I was wondering if my Internet was just that shit. I'd try dodging left, but I'd suddenly teleport to the right and then perform the dodge, ending up exactly where I was trying to leave and getting hit.


Lost bayonet +2
Magic build is kino, but the magic "weapon" is a trash but the lost bayonet is better than the sun because you can spam your light attack while the sun at the 5th attack does a jump back

Yeah, that's definitely just your internet then. I have had zero issues with the online.

last thread of the day

+6 Hammer with attack/precision buffs doing 4k+ damage with skills dude died within seconds

It would depend on the host for me.
Some would be fine, some were fucked.

fremen outfit was brown you swine.