

Attached: die-hardman-death-stranding-84.jpg (210x240, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why does he wear the mask?

Not to be confused with Hard-Boiledman

I love this guy, he takes it from pretentious walking simulator to cool fun game

>Girl eats tardigrade
>Baby inside a human body in all the trailers.

Yep, this shit is going to be 100% Kojima.

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So is he going to be hard to kill or does he himself just find dying hard ?

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Because no one cared who he was before.

Thanks for the post Redditman

Take this down


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I'm stealing this for my game

I preferred Die-Hardman with a Revengeance

Isn't this sort of B-movie schlock part of the appeal of Kojima games?

The Hardman, the.

I unironically love the design of this character


The only "Hardman" that matters

Attached: Hardman.png (350x409, 155K)

You welcome I don't know what are saying but that's ok

Kojima has hard retarded named character in all of his games, why is this a surprise to you?

I find it endearing.

Attached: D7v0UqjXYAAYt7T.jpg (2048x796, 171K)

No! It's outrageous, Kojima-san has never made such silly things. A guy called Ocelot who growled like an ocelot and had a mini orgasm when reloading his weapons was a perfectly normal character, back when Kojima had standards! This is so surprising to see, I never would have expected such sillyness in a game from him.

isn't it actually German for "The Hardman"?

>Hurt freeman

>not played by bruce willis

Gee Kojima, your mom lets you name TWO characters related to death?

I can't read fragile's name without thinking about this. Help me.

Attached: ko-jay-ma.gif (500x281, 300K)

they should all just have "-man" names, like Mega Man characters

The Hard Man

He's Hot-Coldman's brother


my benis is hard man if you know what I mean

>Not waiting for Real hardman to appear.
>Not falling for the ruse

Attached: REAL BADMAN.png (210x240, 56K)

Skull Face
Revolver Ocelot
The Sorrow
The Pain
Big Boss
Liquid Snake
Naked Snake
Solid Snake
Decoy Octopus
Vulcan Raven
Hot Coldman

This isn't even half of the silly names in Kojima games.

is kojimbo just going to recycle stuff with slightly different names? this guy is like hot coldman, will we see an appearance from a bandana wearing stealth legend named Rigid Reptile?

>Big Boss
>Dirty Duck
>Bloody Brad
>Machinegun Kid
>Running Man
>Black Ninja
>Jungle Evil
>Night Fright
>Revolver Ocelot
>Psycho Mantis
>Decoy Octopus
>Naked Snake
>Big Mama
>Screaming Mantis
>Laughing Octopus
>Little John
>Pacifica Ocean
>Hot Coldman
>Punished Venom Snake
>Skull Face
"What the fuck, Die-Hardman is so crazy!"

Hot Coldman is the only name that comes close in terms of being retarded like that though

his name is German for "the hardman'

Attached: timcain.jpg (474x316, 15K)

>constantly crying woman literally named "Fragile"
bravo Kojima

Cock-n-ball Tortureman

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these listed names aren't even that bad, the worst one is hot coldman. They fit the MGS series because everything has a weird name, kojima lazily continuing this weird naming style just seems lazy in a completely different universe

Aren't they all constantly crying?

How is that not his laziest attempt yet? Die Hard (Movie) + Man.

>Dirty Duck
>Running Man
>Night Fright
>Big Mama
>Pacifica Ocean
>"not that bad"

Attached: 1486080453349.jpg (558x529, 161K)

Yeah but she cries the most.


Lets not forget this sweet diddy.

How is it any worse than Temperature + Man? Or ocean girl? Kojima has gotten lazier with each game. He used to stick to themes(animals, emotions, actions), but since PW he just makes random shit up.

Fatman is a bomb joke
And he's a literal fat man in an EOD suit

I'm putting together a team...

its the company she works for, the character is actually credited as "The Woman from Fragile".

So if Die-hardman is a fan of Die Hard movies, then his name will be ok?

yeah they really aren't, are you so stupid that you haven't noticed that they use those as military codenames? a huge portion of the characters are named with that same codename style "(verb/adjective) (noun)" it fits perfectly with the theme

>Not Young Nastyman played by Kyle Gass

Or if he's very hard to kill, yes.

and Die Hardman is this masked mans real name?

Attached: 1556329862501.gif (286x258, 2.51M)

Does it matter? I always assumed Die-Hardman is from the CIA, just like Hot Coldman. I always kinda assumed that in that universe the CIA gave their agents contradictory codenames, to sound cool i guess.

unironically more interesting of a character than any western devs have put out in a long time

Probably not. How the fuck would I know, and what is the relevance of this question?

where is Die Harderman, Die Hardman: with a vengence, and live free or die hardman?


>this is going to be in the game

Pacifica Ocean was Paz's actual name though.

You're saying those names aren't bad because they're code names and I'm simply replying Die Hardman is probably a code name as well.

>gets Guillermo Del Toro for his game just so he can be used as a digital actor for someone named Heartman
>Kojima's Mads obsession and nearly indecipherable ramblings about what the game is
>the everything about the game
So this is Kojima's powerlevel when he gets to do anything he wants. You're pretty allright.

Dont argue with retards.

But user, aren't you looking forward to seeing laughing Mads, crying Mads, happy Mads and so many others?

t. Sideshow Bob

Imagine being such a big fan of a movie it becomes your codename.


Slab Bulkhead

protection from ghost ectoplasm

Attached: white minority.webm (720x480, 2.05M)

don worry you will rike it

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>decoy octopus
>hot coldman

what the fuck lmao

>Hot Coldman
>he was trying to stop the cold war from becoming hot

tell me that's not kino

what if xe's a german transsexual

You sir, you are my nigga now.

>he was trying to stop people from dying by becoming hard

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you're alright, user

Fuck niggers


Next character reveal will be Young Oldman, leader of MSF.

Attached: collage-of-two-portraits-of-the-same-old-man-and-young-man-face-lifting-M4YDY6.jpg (1102x1390, 189K)

I didn't say all code names are inherently good. I'm saying listing 50 decent codenames alongside a handfull of shitty ones and saying they all suck makes for a disingenuous argument

fixed that for you

Attached: file.png (633x874, 258K)

Piss off, you Burnt-Shit Gayface

>Cheese Gromitman


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Seriously fuck these apes, there's a reason god put them in africa along with all the disease and bullshit

you're all fucking stupid zoomers, these codenames are from metal gear days

Jungle Evil
Night Fright
Running Man
Red Blaster
Black Ninja
Dirty Duck
Machinegun Kid
Fire Trooper
Vulcan Raven

>Jungle Evil
whew lad

Solid suggestion.

Attached: aardman.gif (498x374, 2.5M)



And you're fucking slow.

yeah, these are totally the type of specimen we need in the west.

seriously, does anyone truly believe that niggers are intellectually equal to whites? because you'd have to be litereally delusional/retarded to think so.


Thanks for the post, mobile-poster.

He will die

>Dead Aliveman
>Sit Standman
>Run Walkman

goddamn dishonorable savages, I'm 25 and I would absolutely destroy all of those little spider monkey middleschoolers. Take my belt off and give them a taste of their ancestry.

will we get to play as bruce aswell?

Attached: blackmask.jpg (940x1369, 124K)

don't have a cow-man

Only ones that are are the ones who adopt white culture and integrate


not him, but I had a similar thought to what you posted when I read his comment

>I would absolutely destroy all of those little spider monkey middleschoolers
idk why the thought of a grown man betting kids triumphantly is so humorous to me

>death stranding feat. Slipknot

What will his wacky superpower bullshit be in his boss fight?

Because he has the MF DOOMS sickness.

you have to shoot the glass

>captain tenacious

Okay this is epic, I can't wait for my favorite YouTuber to read this in his next video

look, of course culture is a factor in behavior. but for fucks sake, just LOOK at the average african human. everything about its appearance signals primitivity, stupidity, savagery, you name it. isn't that just the first subconscious reaction you get?

He even doubled down on the STICK and CORD

Attached: stick, cord, rope, ladder, BRIDGES.png (520x555, 355K)

because he's from another universe

what is the story here aside from blacks being black


I, too, wanted you to know that you're an alright dude, user.

Its called disciplining at that point


>what is the story here
webm related

Attached: Black immigrants in France hit white girl for not giving number.webm (640x426, 1.69M)



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Fuck niggers

I can't understand anything, fucking Kojima, he should either learn english or at least get someone who knows english to post on his twitter. I don't go around tweeting shit in broken japanese.

Not even close.
Europeans also have multiple versions of "the" and Die wouldn't be used here, Der would.


What's the context?
>inb4 nigs gonna nig

Big Strongman
Nice Guyman

White dude starts winning and 3 niggers jump on his back. One white dude sorta helps him. We need to start looking after our own man.


>Coon Niggerman

Jesus Christ Kojima this isn't acceptable in the west.

Thee Bart, thee!

Attached: heats flamesman.jpg (2000x2000, 163K)

Go get some real women
t. Slightly Bruised Faceman


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Burnt-Faceman look, I think you dropped your gay card.

nobody not even leftists believe they are equal

they just pity niggers and virtue signal to feed their messiah complex, because they are pathetic low IQ losers

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t. tourist

Lmao fucking nerd ass bitch getting owned like the little cuck he is. Faggot deserved it for sitting around like a dumbass in the middle of everybody.

>an entire company of crying women

I finally understand why america got a school shooting problem.
When is it going to happen in Europe?

What is it that you understand?

When niggers invade, so never

Mortis-Coarseman's design is interesting

holy shit fuck niggers
he won the fight and the rest jumped him
fucking monkeys

Say what you will about the game but people will remember Die Hardman.


>die hard man

Attached: Bruce.jpg (214x317, 13K)

>that long-haired absolute unit just carrying that nigger off by the neck
There's hope yet, lads.

Attached: 1536458782838.jpg (484x750, 59K)

Sonny Walkman

>an entire company of crying women
The Beauty and the Beast Corporation again?

Attached: 1559214557417.png (1080x1284, 937K)

nice bait, no human is this dumb

thats is xboxman

>13% is just a mem-

>no bruce willis
i fuckin going to kill Kojima


Funny thing, he isn't the only character named after a movie.

maybe it's german?

What? Are you afraid of white people coming together?

>Die Hardman
>Red Dawnman
>Breakfast Clubman
>Foot Looseman
>Dirty Dancingman
>Pretty Womanman
>Weird Scienceman
>Total Recallman

t. increasingly nervous jew

If this fuck doesn't die super hard i'm getting a refund.

Attached: Die Hard.png (495x358, 209K)

i'm hard man

Games Snoyman

>Red Octoberman
>Point Breakman
>Jacobs Ladderman
>Shindler's Listman
>Apocalypse Nowman

is MAMA an actual mother? or just some code name like Eva from MGS3?

Attached: feelsguilty.png (646x595, 324K)


Only Hot Coldman sounds bad. The other codenames are pretty interesting and have potential, or portray characters that fit their codename pretty well. Hot Coldman is just some uncool old man that no one cares about. Die-Hardman is walking a fine line, but that might also have something to do with sharing his name with a series of popular movies, if I'm being completely honest. It's hard to avoid.

None of these are bad. They're simple, but not bad names. They fit an NES game, it was just a simpler time.

Probably in charge of the jar babies.

>Star Warsman
>Space Ballsman
>Air Planeman
>Hot Shotsman
>Naked Gunman
>Top Secretman

>that big boy just carrying the nig off like a bag of groceries

>naked gunman
mgs3 much user

A challenger approaches

Attached: 8675F108-72A5-4BA0-B1AE-C67B9DA12E04.jpg (710x809, 242K)

>Naked Gunman
That's close to possible.

Starring Hideo Kojima as Gayman

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Those names are all obviously movies. Kojima probably got the idea from it, even though it's a comedy.

The real question is, why don't more people wear masks?

>God Fatherman
>Twelve Angryman
>Baby Driverman

>you will never see Kojima make the legendary character known only as Jack-and-Jillman

Hollywood Cuckman


>white guy starts winning
>nigger calls for backup

>the niggers start ORAORAing him like they saw in their animes

>Police Academyman
>National Lampoonman

That's actually a very effective method of beating somebody up quickly

>rapid-fire punches with no clear aim or intent
You're just as stupid as those niggers.

But they are aiming at the guy's ribs with the intent on making him stop. Are you blind or dumb?

"heartman" aka nicolas refn is the villain. he's the CEO of bridges. he has humanity hooked up to the bridge network like immortal prisoners, essentially a man-made afterlife meant to immitate the egyptian concept of the afterlife. the isolated cities reedus has to reconnect are actually found in various parallel dimensions that became isolated when the bridge network fell. he is cut off from the network, so he uses the bridges control center to transport himself between them like a teleporter. the dimensions are artificial, held on computer servers. the real world, which is where the white house is located, is a relative ghost town as everybody is on the network. the president uploads herself to the bridge network to achieve immortality, which is what the black cables are for.

the ending has humanity unhooked from the network so they can die as a community instead of living alone for eternity.

Attached: D7xXArzW4AAYePk[1].jpg (1080x609, 66K)

You can't possibly be so far up your own ass that you believe that we can see which part of his torso is getting punched, you provocateur faggot.

So you are blind. Go get some new glasses

Epic. You're going to get fucking flattened once the white race fully awakens. Count your days.

Rigg a do do rigg a do do

Is sex a gender too? Or how about paper, is that a type of tree?

>main charcters have names, Sam, Higgs, Cliff and Amelie
>supporting cast has code name, Fragile, Mama Heartman, Hardman, Deadman

So i guess Amelie and Sam are the main characters? And Higgs and Cliff are main villains?

Keep crying, rabbi. Your time is coming.

tfw she is LITERALLY stealing babies from their mothers to put them into containers for bridge's own benefit
this is a metaphor for how corporations aim at young children via youtube and phone games to get them addicted before their even old enough to talk, cutting them off from society before they even had a chance
bravo kojima, bravo

Attached: DzW5o[1].png (1274x675, 409K)

That sounds stupid

Maybe I'm retarded, but I think he's some kind of combination between dead man and heart man. Like dead heart man -> die hard man.

But DS is indeed a game, shitposter-kun. Death Stranding's gameplay isreminiscent of games like Grand Theft Auto, but the series is also set in an alternate reality where technology allows people to be fully autonomous, and it seems like some people are using this technology to make a very interesting game. On a deeper level, the game is very much in the spirit of Assassin's Creed, in that you play as a lone wolf and are tasked with protecting the people of Zanzibar from hordes of humans — including a band of mercenaries that is known for raiding places and blowing up anything that isn't a helicopter. There's even a multiplayer mode that pits your team against another group of players on a grid. But that's the real promise of this game: There's not a single mission or story line that's completely off-page. The real magic lies in these levels, where the level design creates some wonderfully weird, almost psychedelic gameplay, one that I really loved playing. A few of the missions are designed to be pretty standard, like getting rid of a bandit by shooting, jumping on a fire source, and then shooting and flying through a small gap where a large bird flies out of the sky. Even that can feel more or less familiar if you've played previous games because the player will usually be trying not to get killed by flying swords coming down from the sky, the kind of flying swords you've probably seen in some weeb game.

his name is his job. his job is to cremate the bodies of the dead so that they can't be reincarnated

>Mads's character is called Cliff because he went too far and ended up going over the edge and dooming humanity

Screencap this.

Corp was not short for corporation

Reminder that without Fukushima, Kojima is just a dumb westaboo faggot who might as well be writing capeshit for Marvel. Nothing has ever touched MGS2's ending, and that wasn't even Kojima's work. He's a hack, and no one should buy his worthless movie game.

Escape from LAman
rambo firstbloodman

Kojimbo’s really beyond parody at this point.

>tfw he was a former military man-turned-scientist who helped develop the concept of the homo ludens, a superior artificially designed human who can twist reality
>tfw he lived to see bridges steal his technology and use it as a literal tool
>tfw he's out to destroy bridges and anyone who gets in his way including youuntil you find common ground and work together

8 legs!

Its pro life allegory you retard
kojimbo is trying to weight in on the heartbeat abortion law and show that only fucked up leftist monsters are willing to kill babies

Nobody who speaks German could be evil.

>muh epic Hitler was evil
Kill yourself, jew.

Introducing NO-GAMESMAN

Attached: images.jpg (225x224, 9K)

>Say my name

Attached: Trends-Walter-White.png (423x393, 295K)

Do you thinks Mads or Cliff or whatever can top Ocelot as Kojima’s best villain?

Attached: D5D7D964-6E9B-4077-B660-B4CB563292A7.png (180x346, 85K)

>stealing babies so you can kill them in your stead when attacked

introducing NO STATESMAN

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We Matrix now?

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Kojima WTF???

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Real creative and distinct names here.

>Thumbs Up for Gay Crab

What did Kojimodo meant by this?

>hornyposting over a blurry silhouette of a woman


It’s a surname not an occupation, so it’s pronounced “Diehardmun”

Hot Frogman

>female character

Attached: 1536241189922.jpg (648x592, 128K)

So what does the oil represent?


is kojimer still aping escape from new york or is making something unique now? The absolute state of these character names seems like he still has no creative flair still.

Del taco dosnt seam to be his only favorite director, must be big fan of Raimi

No, that was his final hurrah. And it wasn't even written by him.


How far do you have to travel in-game to find the Easywomen Clan? Do they require a shipment of lube?

Underrated, was going to post this.


Wears a skull on his crotch
You're welcome Kojima

cope seethman

>muh (((Simpsons)))
Kill yourself.


You have to be at least 18 to post here

>resetera seething over fragile
>muh quiet 2.0
Based kojima.

So this is just burned man/hanged man Joshua rip off?

Yea Forums will defend this game after the always-online requirement is revealed, yes or no?

Yea Forums won't even play this shitpile, you double digit IQ journo. Kill yourself.

well well well, assuming genders, are we?

stagnation. when organic matter is left to sit for millenia it turns into oil. with timefall, time passes so fast oil accumulates aggressively.

I'd wager that oil has something to do with the Middle East.

i sell rhymes like dimes

Attached: 1541192501134.jpg (740x740, 122K)

actually the game is going to have no online requirements at all, almost all of the online requirements are going to be done offline. some puzzles will require real life collaboration.


this is actually pretty clever desu

Haha, goyim. See how many epic funny play-on-words you can make with our propaganda films that were designed to destroy you. Be sure to label it with #GoyimMovie so you can get a dollar off your next Taco Bell meal.

Return to Reddit

t. jew that needs to pretend that anti-semitism is 'Reddit' for some reason

Go back

The name of the bomb was itself a joke, since the bomb was the smaller of the two. Making one joke than reverses the irony of another joke doesn't add humor, it cancels it out.

>no argument
>p-please, leave me alone

real talk: no one can mix scifi and supernatural better than kojimbles

You’re literally retarded

those actually sounds pretty good alongside some of the others

The people that made the original Ghostbusters seem to have pulled it off pretty well.

Judging from the first trailer I thought this game would be more horror
Kinda lame it's just a 3rd person walking sim with shooting mechanics

nobody cared who he was until...

>Introducing Virgin Man
>they show a mirror

W-Wait a minute Kojima.

Decoy Octopus is a 10/10 name

>real talk
Nice try, you mass psychology faggot. The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

>Insert Bane quips

What the fuck is with Kojima and his obsession with tacticool carbon fiber with small labels/print on it

>Christopher Poole

Look Burnt Face Man, a chicken flavored cereal bar!

>Naked Gunman
Literally Drebin in MGS4.


he meant MOOT.

personally, i thought he was referring to this hackerman.


Kojima has been listening to MF Doom?

Attached: 220px-Madvillainy_cover.png (220x220, 46K)

Why is this already a great cast? Heartman is clearly just Otacon again but Sam basically looks iconic already

it fits!

What's so special about Del toro?

not very diverse to be honest. Im feeling pretty Jewish right now


Attached: Ryan-Gosling-Blog-Image-1080x675.png (1080x675, 310K)

Whats iconic about him it's literally just normal Reedus

>game about taking away immortality that's actually been achieved, for everyone.
Fuck that shit.


Attached: untitled.jpg (800x450, 64K)

Only one of those is true.

your gov doesn't want you

Hot Coldman
Gay Straightman
Lame Coolman
Man Woman
Dumb Smartman
Fat Thinman
Eat Shitman
Fart Burpman
Cum Squirtman
Based Cringeman
Cat Dogman
Kind Rudeman
White Blackman
Chad Cuckman
Cunt Cockman
Hard Softman
Nuts Saneman
Kick Punchman
Filth Cleanman.

I hate that creatura on the top right

>Skeleton Man

Because it's a mouthful. If his name was just "die hard" it would be equivalent to those.


Attached: hardman.jpg (540x960, 59K)


What's in the bag


Attached: john freeman saver of humens.jpg (879x1056, 429K)

Gwyneth Paltrow's head.
