Todd Howard officially BTFO

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Doesn't have radiant a.i.

but why

I hope gaming journalists starve on the streets someday

I wonder how many times people need to get burned before they get sick of this shit.


So large open world now equals fun?

This is a good thing.

>See that game? It's never coming out.

Yeah but what's there to do on that mountain


Stand on top of it and show you're a GAMER

Won't happen as long as you dumbfucks keep giving them attention and views.

>empty world sandbox
>AAA actors with hackly writing bullshit
>muh masterpiece
KOJIMAFAGS needs to be erradicated form this pretty world

You climb up to the peak of the mountain and find a naked Mads Mikkelsen

Based retard

So it's gonna be big and empty like MGSV.
okie dokie

It's literally gonna be the entire planet, moon, and mars.

>the path

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Is essentially saying something the same thing as actually saying it?

metaphorically, yes


I will bet (you) the game will have some BS in place to stop the player from actually getting to the top, you'll either die or it will refuse to let you set ladders down

Skyrim had the path to the top of its mountain

neither does skyrim or oblivion, they cut that shit out after it didn't work on consoles, they only have radiant questing in the elder scrolls games and its the same bullshit they had in arena and daggerfall.

So basically you can stroll over a big empty scenario with nothing to do there unless you follow the game directions? Wow!

>See that mountain? you can climb it
>Find way after relase that you cant in fact climb it
>See that mountain? you can climb it
>Find in right in the same trailer that you can actually climb it
Based Kojima-sama
What are you even going about retard you can clearly see Sam getting to the top in the fucking trailer.
There are not "game directions" its very clear from the trailer that you are going to get missions to deliver shit around and then left on your own.
>muh empty map XD
>Muh walking sumulator XDDD
Yes yes, keep crying the salt its delicious-

>I will bet (you) the game will have some BS in place to stop the player from actually getting to the top, you'll either die or it will refuse to let you set ladders down
The game has vehicles, you will drive most way, hit places too steep and then climb on foot.
I assume there will be something at the top since nobody put a mountain as a such landmark with no reason behind it.
You cna block off most path with simple ways, too high angled cliffs, long canyons or slippery snow, and direct players into few pre determined paths that require some light puzzle solving and navigation.
Why wouldnt the game allow you to get to the top? They are not running the game on gamebryo, they can afford insanely large worlds.

It essentially means that Kojima said in other words what I'm writing here. It's a paraphrase.

Basically, yes.

Like, yeah

>You can go to the mountain and the trailer shows it.
I'm ok with this.

who said that schizo?

Mark Cerny is still the technical producer. You still think its coming to PC?

>you see that budget? You can blow it

yeah, but what about beyond the mountain?

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But does it just work?

(can't actually play it)

Kojima retweeted Ape Escape. I'm thinking he's in.

Whats the point of having a big world if its fucking empty as fuck?
The trailers showed ONE base and a lot of ruins.

are there spooky water monsters?

The gates of blashrykh, friend

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Seconding this. HZD had barriers. I don't buy it.


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This game definitely isn't going to pay back that blank check

sorta kinda

well that saves 60 bucks for me. Time to spend it on chaturbate girls who wil say my name

Ah, he's talking about a metaphorical mountain and we need to find athe path.

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You dont want spooky water monsters?

Mgsv made more than its money back on day 1

no i hate anything in the water. Can never play any game with deep water. I even look up if a game has sharks. 2spooky4me

Esentially, quite so.
Thing is, Kojima is taller than Todd, so his declarations have more value.

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I felt this way until I was 30 and then the fear went away for some reason. I get you though.

But its just a video game

im 29. I can fight slaughter fish now. Some ass put a shark in a skyrim monster mod though. Pretty much shit myself


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The first million to get to the top will get a blowjob from Kojima himself




>being a fan of a game that hasn't come out
>talking as if you have played it already
You are retarded user.

The cult of Kojima.

>see that mountain
>who fucking cares

I'm smart enough to know literally everything about the game from the trailers alone and I can already tell you it's gonna be trash and will flop horribly


Time isnt linear nerd bitch. I have already played it.

Would actually sound better if Death Stranding's gameplay didn't look like garbage

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>just a long exposition corridor disguised as a treacherous mountain climb, with one of two scripted encounters

screencap this bitches

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that trailer was so much better

Remember when Kojima teased that the size of MGSV's map was huge?

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They are friends you dumdum

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This is gonna suck really hard, won't it?

who has a biigger hands?

I really doubt you can climb that mountain.
Looks like backdrop.

kojima is friends with everybody

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I'm so god damn fucking tired of that faggot ass aids meme of "SEE THAT MOUNTAIN DERP HERP U CAN CLIMB IT HURRRRRRRRRRRRR DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"

blow it out your ass, get cancer eat shit and die.

Todd Howard of fallout4... lmao that was a low-key burn by Godjima.

mgsv was an unfinished piece of shit anyways

Who cares? Video game toys are not a substitute to actually going trekking or climbing a mountain. In the end it's just a fancy corridor your avatar walks in with pre-scripted outcomes and no real life experience for the player. It's quite literally just wasted time.

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I think you mean best game ever made.

What a fucking load of shit that turned out to be. Not only was it actually only like 1/4 of the size of the image, but 80% of it was just empty. Africa's map being even smaller but just as empty.

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So far, for what's been shown, I don't see how people are so excited about Death Stranding as a game. It sure as hell doesn't seem like one.

kill yourself

Kojima better deliver or else

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this desu, it can work when the music, sound design and everything else is well thought out like Silent Hill, but I have a feeling this will just be empty and boring.

No, rekt.

Yes all video games are a waste of time.

wow it's like you didn't even play oblivion

Finishing the game wouldn't have magically made the maps any less shitty and empty.

Wait kojimbles is nippon born and bread, how fucking tall is todd howard? Was he slouching/squatting or somethin like that?

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it probably would've also, there probably would've been less bullshit side ops like extract random faggot 05, and destroy the armored vehicle 900

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extend your ladder.

Not really. They can be pretty stimulating when it's a strategy or reflex based game such as an FPS or a RTS, as with many other actually mentally challenging games. But having a game where you simply walk and see things and rarely mentally interact with the 3d environment is ultimately just completely wasted time.

Todd is like 4 foot even.

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wow its like you're just baiting me at this point

>finish the game
>by taking out game
Wouldnt have run well on ps3 if they added more stuff

yes, taking out shit that artificially bloats up the game, and adding meaningful content. MGSV's side-ops, and even main-ops are fucking garbage, even fucking GZ had better ops.

It's an optical illusion. Todd is actually standing a couple of meters behind Kojima.

Anyone who brings up GZ as being better has no sense. It's the same game.


Just hoping it doesn't have open world in the same style as MGSV where it was just one long path with tons of "mountains" that were really just walls keeping you from diverging off the main path

I feel sorry for anyone who started with the Phantom Pain.

How does any of that translate into a fulfilling life? Beyond some fleeting entertainment for a couple of hours. Video games are waste of time hit the gym. Read a book. Meet a girl.


I want the open world meme to end.

>even fucking GZ
Ground Zeroes was great and a full game like it would've been better than TPP
Every side op (except the rescue Kojima one) had zero background to it. The assassination mission was essentially the same as TPP's, but had backstory, unique dialogue, and unique characters. Not a lot, but some personality.
Along with the map being more detailed than any other base in MGSV.

Will it be possible to fall down?

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hold on let me ask kojima

fall up

>>Find way after relase that you cant in fact climb it
never understood that, climbing mountains for a dragon altar is a part of the game and he was referring to high hogarth which you are supposed to climb

lets see if Kojima wouldnt repeat spoiling his name on every single portion of the game

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Shut up, Hideo.

>have to tilt the controller around to keep balance

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How can Kojima make so many friends?

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stay mad.
kojimbo deliver gameplay, this has never been in doubt.

>preorders game now

seething europoor spotted

>a hideo kojima production
>also these actors kojima hangs out with instead of working
>no mention of any of the employees who actually made the game
Fuck kojinigger and his drones.

You need climbing gear to climb mountains, walking up mountains isn't fucking possible

What an ugly game.

pointy elbows

*unzips ladder*

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>Trailer analysis and reactions
Why would anyone watch this worthless garbage

I hate this meme so much,
Give me a corridor map that has actual level design and thought put into each room over an pointlessly large open world any day.

But you can do both, video games being a way more cheaper option. Also, in the real world you won't fight weird eldritch shit with super technology, and you aren't Sam, just a worthless fat fuck

that's a lot of blowjobs

it just have to be balanced with an analog Stick aswell otherwise have fun man, no one's gonna make it lmao


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>See that Mountain? You can climb it.
So? Far Cry 4 has fucking mountains you can fucking climb. Alot of Games have literal fucking mountains you can climb. It's like they didn't even commit to RDR2's fucking mountains. Who gives a shit at this stage. Jesus. Come back when I can drop from space on to the ground.....OH WAIT No mans Sky does that...terribly.....but yeah this. Isn't news or new shit.

Im not talking about it like i played it, im literally just describing what you see on the trailer and im not a """bigfan""" im looking to play it yes and since i really enjoyed all mgs games and PT hyped for it.
What its really retarded is to strawman people based on what they like, thats the way of ignorant people, congratulations retard-kun.
>I'm smart enough to know literally everything about the game from the trailers alone and I can already tell you it's gonna be trash and will flop horribly
Making your mind based on nothing but a 10 minutes trailer that showed really basic gameplay mechanics, is exactly the opisite to being smart.

Is so fcuking funny to see reatrds like you both assblasted about people looking after a game, and pretending you have nothign on a guy that even if you like it or not its already part of Video games history. Fucking hilarious.
>The cult of Kojima.
Inflamatory language is for retards, you also should probably stop using words you dont understand the meaning of because you clearly dont understand what Cult means. Moron.

todd doesnt look very happy though

do you guys think bethesda is capable of implementing ladder mechanics and climbing in next TES?

top kek

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>not riding your armored horse up the side of the mountain

This guy's English obviously isn't good so pretty sure he doesn't exactly mean what you think it means.

>i-ts a-an e-empty o-open w-world!! XDD
>t-thats c-clearly a s-scripted corridor
You fags are pathetic.

challenge accepted

Holy shit Imagine being smaller than a Nip my fucking sides. KEK

Isnt the ps4 controller gyro shit?

>Paid horse armor

Seriously. I mean sure it's nice to get to any location within the game world but for what purpose? As long as there's a reason to go bumfuck anywhere in the game then that's fine.

>do you guys think bethesda is capable of implementing ladder mechanics and climbing in next TES?
Dude is shit you not ES6 will literally be Build this and repair this and help these villagers build this shit for like 90% of the game. I shit you not at this point. Todd will do it swear to god. Why do you think he added that shit in DLC of Skyrim. Not Fo4/76. Fucking Skyrim. Before that Obvlion they just gave you that shit for dlc. Like here have a fucking castle, a fucking wizard tower, a fucking crypt oh and a fucking pirate ship. FUK YOU enjoy our game. Building shit has caused irreparable damage.

I suppose?

It does have gyros unless he goes for the until dawn way and uses the light thing.

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