What happened to thuggery in fighting games? Poeple used to pop off all the time...

What happened to thuggery in fighting games? Poeple used to pop off all the time, if you beat someone real bad too many times in the arcade there was always the inherent thought that you might be stabbed. But now it's all so sterile and safe. Is it all the fault of esports?

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No its the fault of people who chose to get good at fighting games rather than go to jail for stabbing someone cause they couldn't tech a throw

OP is somebody who watches the FGC on twitch and doesnt even go to a local. Bruh I can tell you about 3 different times were I feared for somebody's life this passed weekend at combo breaker.

Who knew people actually didn’t like getting stabbed

It's all talk. I remember a couple of fistfights over Mahvel but nothing major.

Its not on stream.

Also, holy shit I hate playing against niggers in small locals.

It, like the crime rate everywhere else, went down as the 90s went on. The newgens getting into the games are all just showing up to play bracket and didn't have to go to dingy arcades or garages in the hood to play against other people. It's just changed.

Real thuggery or a handful of jackasses thinking they're the shit because they're good at a fighting game? 99% of "thugs" fit the latter. Back in the time when an arcade cabinet of a fighting game could be found in the back of a bodega, laundromat, pizza place, 7-11, or any seedy venue, there were "thugs". Ghetto losers with short tempers. Knuckleheads. Troublemakers. Bullies, inner city dummies, etc. These same type of people would start a fight or get heated if they lost a basketball game, a round of darts, billiards, bowling, a game of dice, hot dog eating contest, tic tac toe. Sore losers who would intimidate people.

There were also ghetto geeks. Yipes is the most popular example. As the arcade cabinets were removed from smaller places to avoid vandalism, fights, etc, the thugs migrated to other seedy venues. Ghetto geeks, however, continued to move to areas where their favorite game was played and participated in the local scene. What we see nowadays on streams are ghetto geeks and wannabes. People want to be seen as "heels" to boost their viewership or generally hope to be notorious nerds in the FGC. Which is done badly because it ends up being is an excuse to be insufferable and then go "I'm just being da heelz!" when they get called out. There's no point to bad guys if their entire purpose isn't to eventually get their comeuppance, which is where the payoff is. This simple dynamic is so foreign to people these days. You see it all over; video games, movies, television, whatever. People being annoying, obnoxious, terrible, devious, devilish, causing all sorts of problems and never getting any comeuppance or allowing their to be aby payoff. Catwoman will just become a good guy before she suffers. Lupe Fiasco will "retire" and never let the FGC avenge the extreme insult and embarrassment he caused them by "beating" one of their best.

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impressive. who domesticated these wild animals?

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People just get blacker in his presence, it's quite a phenomenon

Kbrad has always and will always sound like he is gargling his own saliva when he talks.
The kind of person who has so much saliva foaming at the corners of his mouth when he talks.. I cannot stand people like that. Black dude from Mad TV last name Spears is another person who does this. I cannot stand it.

and now because of the disaster that is SFV these capcocksuckers are irrelevant

It's the fault of both esports and you for watching too many main game/stream tournaments, shit still happens but it's usually on the

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I didn't even play fightan, I went to the arcades for lightguns. People would punch eachother due to bowling much more often than fightan.


like you said, you didn't even play fightan

you dont know the scene so why are you making assumptions. money matches, rivalries, and generally hoodlumry leads to a lot of shit you dont see behind the make up and cameras of the pasteurized experience on twitch

play tekken

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Because I spent much more time in the arcade and its general vicinity than most people that went there solely for fightan. There was always an air of rivalry that bordered on hostility in the air true, but at the end of the day you settled your shit in the game, if you tried to start shit you'd get laughed out.

You sound like a retard parroting someshit he heard from a Detroit geek on the internet once.

niggers used to act like animals and start fistfights, act like retards, and stab people and /r/kappa likes this since they are pale nerds that want desperately to be black

You spent more time in a privileged white majority arcade clearly dont know shit

arcades were breeding grounds of thuggery because of the low cost of entry and they were fun, raw and real competition

its not like the early 00s but the east coast is still the east coast at east coast events.

I'm not even white lol

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Yeah you are just a streamboar moron. I remember at my local once someone punched a hole through the wall at the venue. I didn't want to go back. People fear for their safety. Getting up in people's face and doing retarded dances is childish. There's a reason fighting games were dead with white people for so long, it's because playing them offline was sometimes actually fearing for your life and fighting games were only played by ethnics from poor backgrounds that were used to violent crime.

Meanwhile Japan the country with a low crime rate has a huge fighting game scene and if you tried to physically intimidate someone or act like a fucking moron and get in someone's face like pokchop you'd get thrown out of the arcade. You kappa faggots don't actually care about FGs or growing the scene, you want to watch a more non-PC version of the WWE on twitch. Fuck you. Getting held at knifepoint for beating someone in mvc isn't based and I'm not going to deal with that shit. You're an 09er that never had to fear for your safety in your life so shut the fuck up.

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It's usually stuff not on stream or in smaller ones.
Last year at combo breaker my boy smacked some dude in the UMVC3 tourney pools and the guy got so mad that he smashed his stick and complained that this was his last game before he was shipped out for military service.
Esports is another reason but thuggery is still there, they just don't want you to see it in more "respected" channels.