When buying games, do you trust critics or the average joe when it comes to determining if its good or not?
When buying games, do you trust critics or the average joe when it comes to determining if its good or not?
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I just play the game and decide if it is good.
Mostly friends with opinions that are cloe to my own and youtube eceleb shit reviewers who also share similar opinions to mine
I trust neither, I actually read the reviews and make my own opinion based on its content.
Never trust a critic.
..buying games?
These are the same critics who give high scores to run of the mill capeshit, why would I ever trust them?
>Average Joe
Who are you talking about?
I trust a few critics but I mostly tune them out and focus on the gameplay in the background
I trust neither.
>Jaded fucks whos job it is to find flaws
>Actual person who still has endorphins
So is the new Zilla worth watching at the kinoplex laddies?
Pirate it, if it's good enough I'll buy
>retard zoomed thinks that’s an e-celeb
i fucking hate this place
I never trust the audience. Ever since Transformers was well received I think that anyone who watches movies is retarded. I watch reviews just to get a movies plot and if it sounds interesting I might go watch it. I mean there were people who thought Get Out wasn't a complete dogshit movie that I know in real life.
>critics don't like a godzilla movie because it "focuses too much on godzilla" and not humans
>monster movie focusing on monster is now a bad thing
>most of these retards gave glowing reviews to endgame
i'm sure it's a good flick
the average joe creams it's panties over mobile shit and fifa.
I just do this
i trust noone but you, my Yea Forumsros, when deciding whether a vidya is good or not
>Godzilla 2014 is bad because it doesn't have enough Kaiju focus
>Godzilla 2019 is bad because it focuses too much on the Kaiju
Gotta love it.
I trust people who I have an understanding of what their general tastes are and cross reference that with my own tastes are.
It's fucking strange now how japan appreciates godzilla movies in one way and the rest of the world another way. Shin godzilla was well received in japan and it's really just a good movie about japanese bureaucracy reacting to a disaster. This new one is an american movie and it's literally just monsters fighting and the general audience loves it. Thats so fucking strange to me.
The thing is that most critics completely overestimate the general public and what they are looking for, while themselves being plebs. If critics actually had good taste as well, then that would be fine, but most critics have Yea Forums-tier tastes and are pseuds about it on top of it
I wouldn’t agree if that film had a 90% rating by critics, because when compared to cinema as an art-form it doesn’t but it obviously doesn’t reflect what the audience are looking for in that film. I have come to the conclusion that there must be two ratings, one for its standing on cinema as an art-form and the other for fulfilling what the audience want. I would say only use the former for art-films, but they are dead now anyway ;_;
On one hand you have pompous assholes who let their political bias and perception of themself affect their reviews of works.
On the other you have casual masses who'd eat up a turd so long as it was served on an iron man paper plate and they were told to enjoy it.
I'll just pirate it
I trust my intuitions and my friends.
>buying games
>too much Godzilla
Thank you, Jesus.
Word of mouth.
You say that as if 90% of the Godzilla franchise isn't just monsters fighting
I look at gameplay. Speedruns sometimes because that is generally no bullshit straight to the point.
Then if I fell certain I buy and play, otherwise I pirate and make my own opinion. Then I might buy if I am really pleased.
Did you even fucking read what I wrote?
You guys have been my go to because our autistic nature of being able to break down a game and why you should/shouldn't play a game
Don't make me post that review that complained that the kid actress didn't spout Stranger Things references.
the first post in this thread is the best post
Usually i listen to youtube reviews like Angryjoe or delrith.
Neither, but if I have to, I'd pick average Joe even if they are misinformed or don't know how to review it properly. Average Joe aren't in a platform that pushes an agenda, which are nearly all critics.
I trust neither these days. Especially """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""critics"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
company already has your money if it's a shit product
I trust my own judgement.
Neither. Only 3 types of reviews/criteria: is game fun/ how does it compare to its genre/ who is the target demo ( new gamers/ hardcore/ casual/ mix/ ect.)
>>japan appreciates godzilla movies in one way and the rest of the world another way
>90% of the Godzilla franchise is just monsters fighting
>>This new one is an american movie and it's literally just monsters fighting and the general audience loves it.
>>Thats so fucking strange to me.
Explain to me what I'm not understanding.
That's all I wanted from the first one, might check it out, just not on theaters.
idk i just pirate stuff
>ever being reliable, or honest, or knowledgeable
it's easy to judge games today actually, don't buy right off the back unless you really, REALLY like a series
you can refund on steam
I trust myself. It's not the 90s anymore where I see a screenshot of a game and have to decide based on that and the cover of the game, I can watch usually fucking hours of gameplay before it's even out.
well in this case Moviegoers love eating shit, it's like they love every shitty movie to exist yet hate well made one because it has no action OR muh giant robot/monster movie for the epic lulz
I was told the CGI in the movie apparently looks worse than the trailers do, and all the kaiju fights are constantly being interrupted by the humans doing boring human things. Is this true?
Human stuff happens in some of the fights, but not to the point where it's annoying. You see plenty of the kaiju fighting.
I trust neither reviewer nor the masses. I have come to realize that only I possess the true critical and objective eye to determine the quality of a film or video game. I always pirate to later purchase if the game is worthy of my time and money. There have only been a few video games in the last two decades to have warranted a purchase. Of course I learn much from the failed games I pirate as I continue to work on and code my own masterpiece. So there is merit even in terrible games because there is a lesson to improve upon my own game, which is all that matters.
low review high user is how I know something is actually good. Can't wait to see it later tonight
I feel as though even though I'm there to see the monster fights and Godzilla, that the connective shit between the big CGI fights needs SOMETHING to keep me somewhat enthralled and awake. So if they characters are actually shit, they is unfortunate. It wouldn't sink the movie entirely for me or anything but having a decent plot and characters to carry the film between fights isn't asking too much.
It doesn't have to be only one or the other. But critics are probably being too harsh. Anyway, of all the people to praise it highly, moviebob did.
Here's what I do
>See trailer and see whether I'm interested or not
>Hear Yea Forums complain about some gay shit and how the game is awful
>Buy, play and enjoy the game
>Go on Yea Forums to tell people the game is actually pretty good so that people can still have some fun
Seething contrarian
This has to be pasta
virginzilla vs the CHAD GOLDEN DEMISE
I don't see how it could be any worse than 2014 Godzilla.
Enraged Enrique
>When I heard Millie Bobby Brown was in this, I expected several Stranger Things references, maybe eat some Leggo Waffles. What I got instead, was some boring and overly WWEish monster fights trying too hard to mimic Rugrats Reptar
Critics aren't more qualified than I am to pass judgment on a game.
Seems like no one in this thread has seen the movie, so I'll give my take.
I saw the movie and it just wasn't as amazing as I was hoping for.
There are like 4 monster fights in the whole movie, and there just was way too much human shit about character I just did not give a fuck about.
The monster fights that happened were amazing when they would actually show us the fights. It does the retarded thing Hollywood always does and shows us the faces of people reacting to the monster fights instead of the actual monster fights. There are like whole 30 minute periods in the movie where it's nothing but people talking. I honestly don't know if I can recommend seeing it. Possibly just wait until the fight scenes are all on Youtube.
Legendary Pictures just needs better writers, and I'm really scared for how the Gundam movie is going to turn out.
I just watched it today.
I loved it, Mothra was fucking sick.
They even had the theme and the twins even if they weren't really connected to.Mothra and really tiny.
Something about all these mythical giant creatures being all over the world and the basis of most of our legends is so fucking cool to me.
Do you not remember 1998 Godzilla? It can always be worse.
The 2 min trailer for this was better than the whole of '98 Zilla.
>buying games
I never take anything as gospel, but I do enjoy getting a few opinions on shit before I waste time on a gamefly rental. Then if those opinions end up being super wrong, I buy it.
If you want Kaijus bashing each others heads in, then yes.
If you want anything else, then no. It's the opposite of the 2014 movie, where human interaction was the main focus, while Godzilla was more in the background. Here the humans are more bystanders while the Kaijus duke it out.
Just wait to pirate this so you can skip all the moments without kaiju fights.
Do they actually have no idea what Godzilla is supposed to be?
>When I heard Millie Bobby Brown was in this, I expected several Stranger Things references, maybe eat some Leggo Waffles
I do wonder how those people get their jobs.
It's Angry Joe's more even-tempered brother.
That you're talking to a retard user, that much is obvious
>2014 movie good because people talk to each other
>2019 bad because monsters hit each other
No, they really don't.
Ghidorah's a poser that's just obsessed with Gojira. The Big G is the real chad, and Brodan's his best friend. Godzilla also fucks Mothra hard every Friday night and Ghidorah's a virgin cuck lord.
Sounds like a normal Godzilla movie to me
someone should start a website that "reviews" movie and video game "journalists"
rotten tomatoes would give doom one of the lowest scores they have ever given cause it doesn't have a "good story"
you might legitimately be killed over something like that, "they" don't want anyone starting to question them
Haven't watched Godzilla in over a decade. Which films should I start with other than Gorjira?
Is it fine for me to watch this new film without watching the 2014 one?
ok wil this be i0n theaters about 2 weeks from now?
People are so retarded these days hoping the thing they like is good, whenever criticism comes of it they assume its bullshit. If matrix reloaded came out today people would think critics are insane because it HAS to be good.
it's out right now nigga
I read bad reviews to see what they complain about. If they complain about systems I don't mind or even enjoy, then I'll probably like it.
That movie is over under rated. 2014, Kong, so I assume this are way worse.
This or I watch a friend or some yourube footage of it to get a feel of if I'll want it
i know im broke this pay period though so need to go during the next in two weeks
There's more cumguzzling in game journalism than there is in the porn industry.
>Audience: I like popular shit
>Critics: I like pretentious shit
I just play the game and make a judgement myself.
I investigate the game, play the demo if there is one, watch some gameplay vids (without commentary) and make my own opinion.
If you like bureaucratic drama, evangelion and/or new features for Godzilla go watch Shin Gojira.
It really did it for me, awesome flick. 10/10 ending.
Not really. Most of the complaints was that the human parts sucked and that the Godzilla fight scenes was too much style over substances with them firing their lasers too much.
the first hour is fucking awful as it's all about this boring guy you don't care about and his family that you don't care about. Then ghidorah shows up and reminds the movie that it's about kaiju and it's kino from there on out. I think critics are far too harsh on it because once it gets going it gets going and is everything you want from godzilla movie, hence the audience scores. But this is the age of pretension so because godzilla didn't give commentary on trump or race relations or some shit like that then all critics saw was "boring first half then the rest is monsters hitting each other. 0/10 didn't validate me."
Joe vargas but slim
>wah wah muh endgame
oh my god will you man children let it go.
By watching some footage. Not that hard to decide if the game is worth or not
I dont care about reviewers at all, since they are biased as fuck these days. When videogame magazines were a thing, sure, I could trust in some of them
Refund on steam my dude
>all the heads had different personalities.
movie was fucking great.
post yfw Mecha Ghidorah tease
DESU if you can't tell if a game is good from a few screenshots and maybe a short video you're an absolute brainlet and don't really know what you like
AVGN hates the movie. Pack it up contrarian brainlets.
More excited for the possibility of Destroyah myself. Bit miffed they wasted Godzilla's super meltdown form in this movie though.
I read the opinions of people interested. For example, I would not consider some faggot who has played every weeaboo game released in the past 10 years an "average joe," but they are probably not a professional reviewer, however I will read their review to help form my opinion when buying something.
Meh. Godzilla isn't cemented as a franchise yet (as far as modern mouthbreathers go) so I don't really blame them trying to pull out all the fancy CGI guns a bit early to make the ball roll.
1:trust fan reviews. Mad max was better than just cause 3
2: Just saw the movie and it is a great homage to all godzilla movies. Human aren't useless, story is B movie level but is good enough to see King motherfucking Ghidorah fight Godzilla, mothra vs rodan. Introduce aliens and ancient civilizations in the universe. It is a b movie, but a badass one.
>a very gay nigger
>Buying anything in 2019
I kind of see what both are saying about a game. And then if I am able to pirate it to try it first I will do that or if I'm really sold after seeing reviews/gameplays/average joe opinions I will get it
I wait to see how much Yea Forums complains about it and decide form there
>I feel as though even though I'm there to see the monster fights and Godzilla, that the connective shit between the big CGI fights needs SOMETHING to keep me somewhat enthralled and awake.
I like most Godzilla movies and even I realize this. The people spouting "DUURR I SHOW UP FOR DA FIGHTS" are actual mongoloids because they dont realise how boring the spectacle would get if it was just monsters fighting for 2 hours straight.
I would say stop posting this obvious bait but seeing as there are anons who actually fall for it, carry on
popular majority for me
Shin godzilla did it well with you seeing how the government reacts to the attacks. The new godzilla movie is alright because they cause the shit to happen. Best one was Final wars cuz that shit was all over the place with mutants vs aliens, and the most badass leader ever.
I think these people either forgot, choose not to remember, or are too normalfag to realize Godzilla has always devoted a huge chunk of each movie to the human scenes. That's part of what makes the movies what they are.
I don't read game reviews. I will watch youtube vids and twitch streams to see if a game is something I might like, and if it is I'll buy it and try it for myself.
For movies I just read my local newspaper critic's reviews and then see whatever he thinks is bad or mediocre and ignore whatever he rates highly.
>no Wario 4
i call bullshit
>if you want Kaijus bashing each others heads in, then yes.
based who the fuck would want anything other than that in a monsters movie
I would argue both are good ways to make a monster movie.
War of the monsters did it right. A monster fucks up an area. Military comes in "we have created a monster to fight this" and it is a mecha monster. Then that fails and scientists go "we have engineered a creature to surpass the monster" and they fight.
>everyone just getting mad at the critics
The movie probably is really bad outside of the Godzilla fights. Im sure it deserves this score, the trailer looked dumb. They aren't always completely off base.
I don't buy anything
>found the anally annihilated critic
>Rotten Tomatoes gives scores
this is your brain on shitposting
So how the fuck is Kong a thread he's like 40 feet tall what's he gonna do to Godzilla?
Cool fights can't save you if your characters suck and your plot is utter garbage. See Pacific Rim 2 for details
The only thing I want to know right now: is the top-notch cinematography, sound design, and atmosphere kept intact, or did they throw the baby out with the bathwater? Say what you want about the first film not having enough Godzilla and teasing the fights, they went for buildup and payoff, and the payoff was fucking kino as fuck.
Pacific rim 2 didn't even have good fights. The jaegers lost all the slow momentum and mass they had in the first one because the moron director and lead actor thought that was 'boring'.
This is the most retarded response to this question.
You can't try every single game in the world even if you pirate it all. You have to have a way to decide which ones to try.
Neither, journos are dishonest and incompetent, average joes are biased.
I just watch gameplay without commentary to decide.
>our boy cr1tikal gave it a 30% rating
What did he mean by this?
There are two times when critic reviews really matter:
>Extremely hyped up and marketed game gets absolute shit reviews
>Some low budget and/or indie title with no discernible social/political statement gets really solid reviews
Everything else is business as usual. "Cinematic" Sony games will get good reviews, mainline Nintendo games will get good reviews, secondary Nintendo games will get mediocre reviews, FotM games will get good reviews. One of the shittiest things about the whole social movement garbage with video games and movies is that now audience scores are up to question with review padding or bombing for whatever reason.
>>our boy
Do us a favor and stick your dick in a pencil sharpener.
Godzilla and Kaiju films are films for boys who were smart enough to figure out that wrestling is soap operas for boys.
>pic fucking related
If I wanted to watch a 2deep4u movie with its head up its own ass about the story I'd watch it. That's not why I watch Godzilla movies. It's the same thing with retards who bitch about Pacific Rim being a shallow movie, that's not why people watch it.
Trusting the garbage sjw nigger filed american journalism sure.......
if a game looks good and reviews confirm it, I'll get it.
If it looks good and reviews say it's bad, i'll look up gameplay or play at a friend's house and see if I like it
If it looks bad but reviews say it's good, I might give it a try after researching it on my own
As for Godzilla, you won't be able to stop me from throwing money at it. Fuck the critics that shit looks amazing.
The American King Kong is about 20 feet or so depending on the movie. Toho's version from 1962 was the same size as Godzilla. Monsterverse Kong was about 100 feet tall in Skull Island, but he wasn't full size yet. So he'll probably be comparable in size if not a bit smaller than Godzilla
it still suffers the "muh family" plot but compared to 2014, it isn't as long since it happens while kaijus fight and have more screentime of the kaijus. they took a step on the right direction but hooefully if they release a third movie, they tone down tenfold the human interaction
Pissed Pablo
both critics and consumers are retarded, just look at capeshit ratings
Well, if you want to get a good general idea of how decent something will be you grab opinions from people you know of who have greater bodies of critique you agree with or atleast understand their rational (not just one or some stupid rotten tomato score). Then you figure out what YOU want from the game (or movie) and decide to purchase it. I went to go see Godzilla not expecting the plot, or human parts, etc to be of any interest, and they weren't. It was filled with a lot of characters doing a lot of stupid things but I watched it to see the giant monster fights. Could you remove an hour or more of human interactions from the film and condense it down to be enjoyable, atleast for what I wanted from it? Probably. I don't think to the actual critical movie viewer it's a good film because most of it is shit and kind of boring/unfunny. It's almost like watching a Fast and the Furious film. They're not very smart, there's no greater element to it, but if you like that form of action you know what you are seeing it for. Honestly why are you looking for someone to validate your expectations honestly? It's the same crew working on it, if you liked the 2014 one this is probably up your alley.
>it's the opposite of the 2014 movie
The fuck are you talking about? There was tons of human shitplot that made the movie ridiculously boring and tedious. It basically was the same as the previous. Else than a few scenes of the army and such fighting the monsters, I would say the monsters generally have as much screen time, especially in regards to fighting eachother. There's probably more action but not to an outstanding degree.
kaijus and wrestling are both fake, we all know that but you still watch them because is one of those form of entertainment you just simply enjoy seeing without needing some high IQ or be some high profile movie critic to understand it. just sit there and watch the spectacle
I only trust Yea Forums - The Video Gaming Image Board
No, because it's 90% talking about human relationships with the pretense that it's leading up to a fight between two juggernauts.
Dude, that game was fantastic. Why wasn’t it more successful?
I usually just look at some reviews from reviewers I trust, watch some gameplay to form my own judgment, and then pirate it
Watch a bit on youtube by somebody who knows what they're doing.
We don't need games journalists.
Critics are upset that the movie is mindless kaiju on kaiju violence and that the kaiju arent trans woman of colour.
There is not a single professional critic I trust in the modern world. They have all been subverted and their entire profession has been exposed to rot for too long.
>Which films should I start with other than Gorjira?
Legit, Gojira is the ONLY one you need to start with. After that, you should just pick films at random. Most of them are only loosely connected to each other, lots of reboots, lots of implied sequels, etc. The only thing is that ALL of the movies assume that Gojira (1954) happened first at some point.
I don't need reviews, critics, or opinions to know if a game is good or not. All that matters if it's a game I want to play, then I'll play it.
Left is from Actual Gamers, Right is from Paid Journalists. You tell me which one you find the most trustworthy
he also watched it in a crack den theater apparently
Left is better
>playing video games
Movies nowadays are 2 hour thrill rides. You can't expect to get deep themes or heavy character exploration in just 2 hours. That's what TV series are for.
Modern critics are judging movies expecting to find deep shit when people just go to the movies for fun action scenes or something that makes them laugh.
Seething critic go away
I wonder if Legendary will renew the licenses if this and godzilla vs kong do well, it's weird as hell that westerners are somehow pulling off good godzilla movies
Because Westerners have been brainwashed to only care about movies if they star and focus on quipy A list celebrities.
Nobody like a good solid monster beatdown anymore.
If you want to buy a game based on its flaws, go Yea Forums.
If you want to buy a game based on everything else, go other places.