ITT: we talk about why gerudo women are flabulous

ITT: we talk about why gerudo women are flabulous

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Why did that Gerudo woman turn into a Western woman?

>Fat/feeder fetish

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I was playing Crusader Kings 2 and I swear to Christ someone on the dev team has a fetish because if you play as a female ruler you get inundated with fat related events. It's kind of absurd, maybe I'm just biased and see things that aren't there but a couple of these events have a heavy feederism feel to 'em.

Her land finally got together the cash to feed its inhabitants well! She's glowing with health!

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>Sees OP
>Enters anyway just to complain
I don't get you

Cause they hab giant brown ding dongs

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OP, you have to post the first half only so the mods think it's a muscle thread and let it hit bump limit

Such as? I've never heard of or seen this.

I saw a one of those combined with a foot fetish the other day. Peeled my eyes like grapes so they never have to witness such horror again.

Sorry, it's my first time

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First day on Yea Forums?

When's she getting her game, lads?

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Kys fatfag

See, here I wouldn't of batted an eyelid. Unfortunately, it was from a family member's social media posting with the comment "NICE CURVES!"

Well, they always live on the west side of Hyrule

Nigga what


These threads are supposed to be thinly veiled, OP.

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Why isn't she real?

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I see what you did there