WoL facial hair when?

Attached: WoL Beard.png (680x384, 178K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Soon. Their tranny playerbase needs more representation.

>yoshi now stealing from dead mmos
I can't believe yoshi stole aurin from wildstar and put them into his game. Has he no shame?

Attached: aurin.png (649x885, 744K)

More facial hair customization options in general would be a welcome addition

Can he steal their housing system next

But then how would he keep people playing by holding their houses hostage?

Never ever, enjoy your manlet.

Is it worth trying to main GNB in ShB or is it going to waste time getting it to 70 when everyone is already going through the msq and put me behind? Would it be okay if I got it done during the early access then I was ready for the main release date?

>JP tool tip is a buff

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They probably have a newer build with better balancing.

Oh how I wish.

So I just got Botanist to 335, how do I make money with this thing?

Best way to make money with Botanist or Miner is to farm scrips and trade them for whatever sells the most at the moment. As for pure item sales, most mats go for the same price be they level 30 or level 70 because it's all about the time investment rather than the difficulty to farm them.

Unless your trying to get savage done asap you have plenty of time to gear up

Where can I see the jp tooltips?

Yoshi really knows the american audience

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I miss /pizza

>Have to buy an expensive ass physical CD to get the Tsukuyomi minion.
>No one seems to be selling codes either.

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you can just google shb news or new actions or whatever


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>3 WoW classic threads up
>XIV threads get deleted or 404'd

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papa johns is awful

Post your face when your favorite tank isn't in the fucking shed

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>No Pizza chains in Swediztan.
Dodged a bullet?

>decide I'll grind syrcus tower for tomestone and Amons set, kill two birds with one stone
>every party so far has been full of bards as the other dps

is there a cutoff date for when you can preorder and still get into early access?

>XI zone almost looks as "good" as a 2019 XIV zone.

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Yea Papa Johns is bottom of the barrel franchise pizza

It can't be helped, FFXI has a top tier aesthetic.

I'm afraid never. But I can hope.

Also i'm worried that it would be exclusively for midlanders.

It really depends on your area, some franchises are good and some are fucking awful
>tfw moved across town and this one really good pizza place won't deliver to my new place

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As far as major chain pizzas go, it's up there in quality. Certainly better than pizza hut and dominos.

Of course you can still do better, but if you are gonna go for chain pizza...

I seem to recall additional facial options were in the works, but only midlanders would get them first, then with slow rollouts to other races.

Figures. Oh well, as long as others eventually get them.

Though I guess Au Ra will never get beards will they since they got scalebeards.

Nigger just do it now, you really should have done it when pre-orders were announced
If you're a poor fag go donate plasma or something

>leave mnk traits and crit reliance as they are
>bootshine crits now guarantee chakra

There, I fixed mnk

Attached: boop.jpg (276x282, 18K)

>abyssea zones are just preexisting zones but the sky is black

I know this is a shitpost but Aurin were fucking hot. One of the few good things lost with the death of WildStar.

I missed the physical edition and was waiting for the waiting list, should I just buy the digital release? non-poorfag here.

>its real

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That's what I'm going to do. Besides we have a 90% chance of another Raubahn EX do I say holding of on the MSQ will be worth it.

Honestly I kind of digged that for a while, it was like being in a really creepy version of a zone. Especially if you're out there soloing shit. But, in any case, XI has way better looking areas than that.

Why wouldn't it be? This isn't the first time they've done a pizza promo.

I suspect they won't have any solo instances off the bat again. They are probably trying to do what they can to avoid Raubahn ex 2.0.

I mean troubles are inevitable, especially since they are no doubt gonna get DDoS'd into oblivion no matter what they do


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If you really want the physical I would wait, pre-orders go until release, so even if it's June 27th and you can order the physical still then you can just get the non physical and still get early access

I could care less about shed memes. I like DRK's edgelord aesthetic and i'm sticking with it. Blood Weapon really helps the shitty gcd. Plus I'm a sucker for huge swords.

Wow, Yoshi really wants me to play a fucking DPS this expac. DRK is a shittier version of the other tanks and Gunbreaker may as well be hitting the enemies with a pool noodle. Fuck this shit, this game is gay.

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Promotions with food places happen all the time, when Stormblood launched they had a promo with Carl's Jr

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>Blood Weapon really helps the shitty gcd.
Yeah about that

t. war

>Implying that I bothered to level it past 50

>Blood Weapon really helps the shitty gcd.

Bros....someone tell him...

Don't do me like this. Please don't do me like this.

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Reminder that healer and tank cucks need to stop doing damage and play DPS instead

Fuck off. There's no way you don't already know.

Potencies aside, what do you personally think people will bring for tanks this time around?

Then you get healers who dont DPS and the runs take forever.

Haven't capped a caster DPS yet. What do you guys recommend?


Im sensing either WAR/PLD or DRK/PLD.

>bigot johns
Is yoshi secretly our guy?

>runs take FOREVER!

>Wasting all this time calculating DPS on an unfinished build


I would like to know what fairy land you live in. Even Little Caesar's is better than Papa John's here.

>What's Pizza Hut, Dominos and Pizzabakaren
Consider leaving your basement.

Odds are good that they'll bring any of the following:
But that's just my guess.

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red mage if you dont have anything above or close to 50

What is a good free macro program for crafting?

You must have a really shitty papa johns to say that. As with all chains, quality varies from location to location. Maybe you just got a really crappy one.

I'm not claiming that PJ's is anything close to gourmet, but it's the best chain delivery pizza around here IMO.

MNK user, is this proper execution?

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Supposedly, Yoshida declared his support for trannies and is making the wedding outfits gender-agnostic.

Any word on other sets/items? Specifically the High Summoner's boots. I just want to good, dyeable knee-high boots, damnit!

The game needs to be reworked so tanks actually need to tank 90% of the time and healers need to heal 90% of the time

That's the operative word user, the US is a big place and acting like whatever shit hole town you come from represents the whole country is retarded

Just play another fucking MMO if you want that. There's others out there besides xiv and wow you know.

>yoshida love trannies but hates niggers

I fucking love Elezen!

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Is it bad to use macros for certain skills/buffs?
Or is there too much delay vs actually pressing them yourself

>tanks actually need to tank
What does that even mean

My brother of refined taste.

Got SMN at 59 and BLM at 52.

>tfw no Elezen GF

I thought the optimal way to use DK is to use wind tackle with PB and resume regular rotation until PB is up

It's almost like the math isn't final and you people are fucking stupid for believing any of these autismos.

finish summoner, you at least get scholar as well if you ever want to heal for some reason

I want to FUCK Scholar-chan in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation!

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don't you know? they're supposed to sit there and spam a single aggro button while weaving in some damage reduction abilities whenever they come off cooldown.

VS Code


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Tanks need short term mitigation. Not this "Press this one big cooldown per pack" and thats it. They need mitigation skills that are like 4-5 seconds long but can have 100% upkeep, or can be stacked. You should be pressing more mitigation and self healing buttons than generic damage buttons.

I wanna rub necks with the first Elezen slut I see.

what does the fairy do while this happens

>Fighting for
>Dying for

hyur cunny is alright, but for me it's miqote cunny


I guess the spamming 1 2 3 and pressing defense CDs that tanks are getting turned into is still to hard for the wowfugees and not "real" tanking

Not even a ninja, just a rogue.

She looks older though, is she gonna actually be a child during the story or what?

Schlicks in the corner.

I got minor goosebumps from this

I absolutely hate the "press the tanking button" design in WoW.
It's unsatisfying busywork, doing damage is much more rewarding

>Midcore idiots in the FC arguing about the removal of tank stances again

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The chanting always sounded like "Our guiding hope" or "Light will fall".


One hand on the Elezen titty. Other hand finger-fucking the fairy.

If only they looked that good in-game and didn't have disgusting man-shoulders and giraffe necks.

Go play WoW instead faggot.

That sounds retarded, you would lose aggro just playing defense and cancels out the idea that healers need to heal
>b-but just increase mob damage so without constant healing everyone would die and the tank would be instagibbed without all those defense buffs
It's a good thing you aren't a game designer

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I capped White Mage.

Why not both?

How exactly is Tank supposed to tank harder? You either have agro or you don't. It's binary. If you do have agro, congrats, you are successfuly tanking. Do DPS and don't lose agro. And use some cooldowns so you don't die.

What else are you wanting exactly?

or you could play wow lol

>guys minfilia isn't popular, how do we get players to like her
>make her a kid lol!

This but unironically

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well then it comes down to what you like more

For me it's coney.

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If there's one good thing about Classic, is that wowfugees can leave this game for their own.

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>been levelling mch through roulettes
>finally touch a sb job quest at 66
>mfw suddenly my char is flipping shit and summoning phantom bullets and rocket pods

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Will Dancer/Gunbreaker have any weapons for any of the Primals/Raids in HW and SB? Gordian and Midas weapons are kino and I'll farm pages if Dancer/Gunbreaker will have weapons for them there.

they rehashed the promo from stormblood.

Attached: Papa Johns.jpg (634x489, 102K)

I wonder if you'l actually have Alphinaud and Alisaie at 73. I know it's a demo, so I'm gonna assume not.

If they made FFXVI work as close to this as possible, it would have the best single player gameplay in the series

>tfw torn between 3 different statics for shadowbringers
do i go for security and guaranteed clears as healer or do the riskier less competent but fun group or do i play dps and enjoy myself

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Chances are yes. They did for Sam and RDM, so unless they just pick an arbitrary cutoff point, there will be primal weapons for DNC and GNB
I dunno about that.

At the very least, AI would need a really big boost, because the Squadron AI is like herding cats, and even in previews, people are saying the Trust ai doesn't always do what it needs to

Elezen have single handily saved Eorzea several times over. How can other races even compete?

Fun group is always the right choice, especially if it seems stable


For a month until the glasses fall off and they realize WoW has always been shit.

the fun group is the least stable choice though which makes the decision annoying
>would be built from scratch
>can i trust these two truants to actually show up on time

Serious groups might seem like a good choice, but you don't want to suddenly be on the brink of getting kicked from the group just because a family situation came up and you had to be late or miss a night.

From what I can see in these threads and the rest of the internet:

>PLD is the only tank left
>NIN is the only melee DPS left
>RDM is the only ranged DPS left. SMN is a big maybe.
>All three healers are fucked

Am I right?

All of these talking points are actually retarded and if you believe any of them you should feel bad about yourself.


sam's big dick midare's gotta be worth something man

I dunno, give the serious guys a chance. I play with serious schedules but we still have a ton of fun at the end of the day. Keeping shit neat and organized =/= miserable time, unless you know them already?

>RDM is the only ranged DPS left.
Found the red cuck, no one is saying that at all, it's all about Dancer sucking off the group

The consensus is that SMN blows RDM out of the water if we're talking straight power.

Currently RDM is the big maybe.

>Alphinaud is a scholar
>Doesn't use a fairy
>Isn't involved in any way with Nym

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RDM is irrelevant-tier. Probably the single most dull job.

You shouldn't listen to people on the internet, they're mostly retarded.


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>Minfillia is a rogue
>Can only Trick Attack from Hide

If he could make the Scion gear unisex I'll fucking suck Yoshi's dick.

Then it might not be the best choice.
My priorities would be
Stable > Fun >> Fast clears

Why can none of the jobs give mana anymore? is it a dead mechanic?

ive been with all 3 groups before and enjoyed them all

im trying to weigh which one to come back to

If we don't get Yugiri in this Trust shit we riot

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>Seething MNKlet.

>reshashing what they did last time
what else is new?

its a business deal. besides, didn't that guy step down?

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Don't worry about it too much user, just wait to master it when ShB drops

>tfw this game is no longer made for you
>tanking removed
>stances removed
>pets removed
>class identity removed

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Stability is a big big deal imo. I've been in a variety of raid groups and the ones where I have the most fun (and not necessarily the coolest people) are ones where I know if I show up at the scheduled time everyone is gonna be there and we'll be playing a video game instead of shooting the shit while we find another person or hoping someone shows up.

based and cunnypilled

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>Yea Forums turning more casual and accepting it

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I don't play healer but I feel bad for them. Especially Scholar losing basically all its attacks. I only play this for the story nowadays. They are fucking the game up and don't add enough content in patches

>>tanking removed
>>stances removed
Tanking is literally the same as it's been forever, no one ever used tank stance if they could avoid it

what the fuck are you even typing you retarded frogposter
you haven't even played the fucking game yet just kill yourself before it comes out so you don't get a chance to

>MNK gets GL4, aoe chakra spender, four point fury aoe that refreshes twin snakes and a GL recharger. RoF no longer switches stances
>SAM gets refinement to its already intuitive rotation. Single target Gurren and 2x Midare/Tenka Gokens for burst windows. Hagakure gone, new Kenki build that lines up with buff windows
>DRG maintains and strengthens its preexisting rotation. Jumps are faster. Better aoe and new aoe jump for life of the dragon. Keeps Battle Litany and Dragon's Eye. BotD conveniences
>NIN still has Trick. Rotation made more intuitive. Clone that copies you for burst windows. New Kassatsu buffs for ninjutsu, multiple charges. Ninki now GCD based.
As far as I'm concerned all of the melee won.

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I'm convinced the people complaining about tank changes are the ones who sit in tank stance spamming 1 2 3 agro combos for the entire fight.

>all healers play the same
only difference now is the weapon they use

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Suiton was buffed as I remember too. It lasts 20 seconds. You can't setup TA more easy

Making stance swapping not cost a GCD for every tank would've solved everything.

You're not supposed to?

But those people get to do the same thing they've always done and have it actually work now

>tanking is the same after they removed threat from the game

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BASED and Halonepilled

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I remember in AUS they had a promotion with one of the pizza places which includes a copy of stormblood with the purchase

nobody tell him

People complaining about healer changes don't understand that you're literally spamming 1 button 90% of the time already, they just trimmed the extra 10%.
People complaining about the tank changes don't understand that there has been a drastic shift in switching from generating aggro to mitigating damage. Each tank has a very short (30s or less) mitigation tool. Be prepared to never see nu-tanks ever realize how to fucking use that button properly.
Doomsayers sure as bad but the fact that they are all frogposters makes it worse.

You have never played a tank in this game

Elezen women are built for Midlander cock.

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>MNK gets GL4
But loses the ability to get a GL stack from RoW
>aoe chakra spender
But lost HF
>GL recharger
That procs a 5sec gcd. Essentially it's a better TK except TK is still in the game.

To add, mnk lost internal release and steel peak as well.

WAR before used their tank stance for a total of 3 GCD including the start of their opening burst and afterwards never touched Tank stance or Emnity combos. They were useless and basically hotbar bloat.

>removes 3 huge game mechanisms to streamline the game
>gives healers 1 dot 1 nuke 1 aoe
>"this is fine"

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I love fucking Elezen!

Midlanders can't even pleasure their own women.

Highlander, sweaty.

>Estinien will never tap that while Alphinaud watches through the window and furiously masturbates

What could have been...

Shut up SAMnigger.

You obviously never raided on a tank.

>tank who gets a adlo after every melee combo and a self heal got every 30 seconds does the least amount of damage
It makes sense since you have the best survivability. You can't have that and best damage

Name a cuter FFXIV race.
You can't.

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any healer healing in my parties are getting the boot

You mean dragon cock

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Whose to say that didn't happen?

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>bring Alphinaud to a dungeon
>there's a swimming section

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Is the whole "the story is good!" sentiment around this game just a meme? I was told time and time again that things really pop up at Heavensward, but I'm about halfway through that storyline right now and the writing and plot still feel super stilted and dull. Do people just praise FFXIV's story because it's above-average by MMO standards?

except GNB also has the shittiest cooldowns

the only thing a mhigger is good for is licking the boots of their imperial masters

The shoha is coming to you six sided star

Stupid frog poster

MNKnigger actually, but if the MNK doesn't get better either before or soon after ShB launch then yeah, I'll be bailing to SAM.

>wants to remove tanking from the game instead of improving it

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Yeah, nothing has changed, god players who raided and relied on their whole party managing enmity optimally to stay in damage stance without trouble is totally the same as TURN ON TANK STANCE.

It's the best FF story since FF12.

Maybe actual dragons, certainly not you little lizard boys

It is really good. But realize most of us did the story in small chunks spaced three months out a chunk. If you do it all together it feels stretched out and filled with filler.

the only thing a midcuck is good for is slurping bull cum out of his wife's freshly pounted holes.

Yes, when they were raiding in a static and everyone was popping diversion while the offtank provoked and shirked to boost MT enmity.

Repeating something that's not true and posting Wojaks isn't going to make it so

GUN's perfectly fine mitigation-wise. Come the actual release they'll be fine DPS-wise too.

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lala posters WW@

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>everything will be fine at release, I'm sure
Reminder yoshi and team are so understaffed and pressed for time, the new races won't even be able to wear the full range of headgear.

>after tanking is removed, lets remove mana management too

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i feel like that actually makes it worse, you now may have to suiton 10-20 seconds before tricking so you can fit a raiton in the trick window, but if you have a kassatsu available for it then you're going to have to trick like 17-20 seconds before, to allow enough time / space to raiton, kassatsu and hyosho ranryu all in the trick. so you could have a much more narrow window of like 3 seconds to suiton for optimal damage. But i don't know how jutsus are going to line up so can't really say for sure.

i know you're supposed to play multiple classes
but man trying to decide one to 'master' for harder content is being so hard

>people still replying the retard that just spams wojack pictures
Think y’all would have wised up to it already

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GUN literally only needs number changes.

I don't care if you're a lizard. I'll always be jealous because I'll never have a cute elf gf
No point in living anymore

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Changing potency values is a lot easier than editing models to fit new races

ssshhhh don't tell them that situations in this game happen outside of static raiding with consistent players.

Stick to your horses, steppedweller.

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is it even a dps increase to suiton > meisui over just a raiton now? outside of the opener of course

unless you really need the ninki for bunshin then no it's better to raiton

sorry to tell you this but if you even can't comprehend why removing threat is bad, you are retarded

>it's just number tweaks. I'm sure it'll get done.

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Repeating things that are not true will not make them so

Put heart of stone on 20% and they are godlike strong on mitigation instead of deceptively weak. Change their potency numbers and the job will do good DPS and be fun to play. Unlike DRK on the last expansion. Where if bloodspiller did 2000 potency we would still complain about the job being shit to play.

She looks older but she's still shorter than the twins.

TCJ doesn't need ninki anymore

>BLM got all the stuff it needs to make it the most FUN job
>still no sign of BLM face
Maybe in 6.0.

Attached: vivisit.jpg (707x1000, 443K)

post the rest, coward

How will Alisaie react to seeing the WoL again?

The new stance system is essentially removing threat from the game. It's one button press away from simply making the boss ands enemies lock on to the main tank forever.

Their DoT is already more potent in the JP version.

I'm not sure you fuckers understand what "unfinished" means.

>>RDM is the only ranged DPS left. SMN is a big maybe.
literally no one is saying this you red mage cuck

I think it's only applicable every time you use TCJ because now TCJ is Ten -> Chi -> Jin and then you eat the suiton with Meisui.
OR people might use TCJ for TA window idk NIN has become this complicated spaghetti mess but it's really cool

every dps in pf uses diversion in my experience
and there's so many forced tankswap mechanics now so you don't even need someone to voke shirk you


brother, I'm right there with you
xeno and despair will make it hurt a little less

You generate so much agroo from a memeheval combo it's not even funny. Unless you're dog shit you can hold emnity the entire fight.

Who gives a shit about 24 mans and trap parties?
If Pierre doesn't want to use diversion, just shirk him, dying resets enmity.

Read the thread, you fucking mouthbreather.


Right here user

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i'm kinda terrified of new nin but, i also can't wait to get my hands on it and try it, it felt like they were dumbing down going from hw to sb so more complicated is gonna be great for me.

Literally the second image in this thread

Post you're xivfu

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>every dps in pf uses diversion in my experience

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I remember having issues with oGCD abilities in my macros in the past not triggering, but I cheap out and use macros at 2.5 delay for my DRK combos without any real issues and can manually weave oGCDs into the mix

The nsfw version

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It is literally exactly the same as it is now, except that shitters who needed to stay in tank stance aren't going to make the run take longer anymore

haha wow user that pepe sure disproved his experience

Miner's Guildmaster, whatever her name is.

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I haven't played this game since Heaven's Sward, what class should I level if I make the horrible mistake of coming back? I think I want to dps and avoid Monk and Ninja if they're still apm heavy.

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if by certain skills you mean ground AoEs or things like DRG tether or intervention, go on, but macros fuck with skill queueing.

My own character, who I won't post here because I'm not an attention whore

>it's exactly the same, minus all the enmity management that has been removed because it is entirely unnecessary

It will be a level 99 ability in 7.0 that enhances your Leylines to give you instant casts and greatly reduces recast times.

>implying FFXIV will still be around to reach 99 level cap

My character, followed by the young version of the granny from HW hildy quests

Oh no, the button you pressed once a fight, truly the game is doomed now that it is gone



>complexity is bad if it becomes routine, we should just remove all class complexity because you're GONNA do it anyway

Hey so my eureka time is almost up but pazuzu is coming soon. Can I exit and get back into the same eureka? or am I fucked?

red mage

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Pressing a button once and then forgetting it exists is not complexity for anyone that has more than 2 brain cells to rub together

Depends how many instances are up and if yours is locked.

if its not full then yes

Ruby Sluts. Damn XIV has shit tons of porn plots with MSQ/side quest/job quests characters. If only XIV anime existed

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DRG is basically NIN but easier

But it is explicitly more complex than nobody ever needing to do anything. If next expansion they removed tank stance and just made bosses always aggro on tanks, it would STILL be complexity removal.

threat barely existed in the first place you dumb nigger
you'd use an aggro combo maybe once or twice per fight
it's like you've never played a tank before or something

>my own character

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What if we just played the classes we enjoy regardless of a meta that doesn't really matter?

>leveling in PotD
>stupid warrior pulling everything in sight and opening every chest

Every time

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someone on ultros come into my workshop to help advance a company project

>her jp voice

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Bruh, she's cute as fuck, way better than any of the NPC sluts in this game

Wow, so you're saying mechanics you used before have been removed from the video game, almost as if the game has become less complex?

Do you think pvp queues will go back to normal after the initial launch of ShB?

White Mage is still king of dungeons huh?
Still kept holy on AoE (somehow)
Assize still does damage
They have the new 900 potency aoe (with falloff)
Seems pretty fucking good like why bother taking SCH or AST to your expert runs when you can take WHM who just shits out damage and can stun everything. I guess AST has the 8% cards still (lol) and SCH can... uh, spam their AoE while the fairy heals (looooool)

All that's happened is useless buttons have been pruned

for prog maybe GNB as OT

Does anyone on Primal want to run dungeons/roulette/PotD? Leveling DRG, level 52 right now.

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Do you guys think I can get my 100 wins from Rival Wings for the mounts if I no life it before the expansion?

will be dead until they announce 4.1

But you used them. You just said you did.



you can't no life it though, rival wings is only active because of the discord, on saturdays at like 5pm post

You can just try rdm, it starts at 50. What you see at 50 is how it'll mostly play at 70 as well, add a few ogcds and another cast after your melee combo. Very simple job.

Who needs raid groups when you are king of dungeon runs that go 1 minute faster than the other healers


What should i play in shadowbringers: NIN, SAM, or DRG

they might be alive if they do pvp changes to actions, people will want to try them out

however, they might not do anything for it until 5.1

Using something once is not 'using' them, it's just pointless busywork

>healers literally have no dps buttons
>mobs can't target or even damage anything but the MT
>invuln moves like hollowed ground now last entire dungeons with a 1hour cooldown
>DRK is simply removed from the game
>still no new healer
>MNK is even shittier

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So new tank stance is pointless busywork and should be removed in favor of bosses that never target the healers or DPS, I got you.

>she isn't a narcissist

>Using something isn't using something

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go away tranny

Becoming Titania then dying.

>If you do have agro, congrats, you are successfuly tanking.

This isnt true in any game. I mean maybe if you consider a D in school a 'success.'

Zenos will take over Odin's mind and fight his body

this is fucking retarded
you don't know how direct hits and crits and direct crits will affect damage for each job
you don't know the damage formula at all since they changed it
fucking hell

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Stop being obsessed with trannies mate. It’s not healthy

If you can't understand what I meant, then I'm sorry you're retarded.

Oh hunty, oh sweaty

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Nah, you'll still suiton while you're running at the boss.
The difference is that you can get Ninki built up fairly high before Trick and fit in a TCJ, refresh Shadow Fang, and TWO Bhavacakras during Trick.

>combos until 100 Ninki or suiton is sitting at 3s left
>Spinning Edge
>Shadow Fang

There's definitely a way better TA opener with less reliance on mudras, I feel like this is just wasting several seconds of Bunshin but hey whatever it's late and I'm tired

Stop driving your stupid car everywhere, dumb zoomers.

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rent free

>t. carlet

>these trannies think they are actual women

Attached: Girls.jpg (600x536, 81K)

>N-no, you don't understand, you aren't actually using something when you are using something, that'd disprove the point I was trying to make

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I want to sheathe my katana in a cute monkette's six sided star.

aw fuck I forgot about meisui, disregard this post, I suck cocks

This is one of the best lion roardads I have seen. Might even try it out instead of the chad tiger ones.

Estinien-dono will btfo Zenos-sama and Asiankek

You had a full month to get it. Even I got it and I suck at gambling.

>Realize there's a free login campaign going on
>Didn't know about the XV event
>Find out about it after I log in a day too late

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Are scholars still complaining or have things finally calmed down?

>he didnt get the car

Like I said, you're just not smart enough to understand what I was saying, that's ok.

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I can't imagine Eureka without car. And before nerfs. How bad it was?

PLEASE keep your weird fetish off of 4channel

Better be careful about pining for the removal of "things you only use once" because you perpetuate that attitude enough and you end up with modern WoW where every class plays like a moba hero.

not even UWU has 75% healer uptime. If they wont do it for the hardest content, theyre not doing it for shitter content.

Scholars have already left.

have sex and dilate tranny


>retard obsessed with trannies is back again

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Skill purge is common for MMOs. 50 skills bloat is not fun.

That reminds me at least during HW jobs had different heal/damage formulas, where for example if job A had 100 potency with 1,000 attack, it would do X damage, but job B with 100 potency and same 1,000 attack will do Y damage

Not a single healer is happy. Tanks are ambivalent. Many DPSes are angry.

>claim to hate trannies
>never shuts up about them
whats the word im lookin for here boys?

jp tooltips

>remove 1 useless skill
>add 5 new ones that are actually fun and useful
>retards on Yea Forums cry about how the game is turning into WoW


Attached: 1553450664513.png (700x700, 432K)

whms are happy they barely lost shit compared to sch or ast


The ultimate content specualtion going from "holy shit imagine the healing" to "oh its just more dps uptime that matters" was hilarious. Savage progs will be 5 dps and 1 healer

>It shall be my penance to bear a knight's arms until death grants me leave to retire
>When that day comes, no prince shall perish, but a hells-bound hunter of dragons

Attached: heavensward.jpg (2000x1362, 503K)

regardless, i didn't mean the opener, that's a whole other hell that i sat threw and theory crafted for, but later in the fight, if you could suiton 20-17 seconds before trick then you could fit a raiton, kassatsu and hyosho ranryu in and then you'd also have to dream within a dream and assassinate, maybe mug if it's up who knows. maybe i'll run the numbers when i have time / can be bothered because i'm a little curious how dps efficient it could be.

The simple fact that Yoshida said, during the live letter, that "Warrior will still be the job with the most damage output" should suffice to invalidate this bullshit. I'm not even mentioning the whole "do not take potencies at face value because we changed the way we calculate damage".

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Do the character models actually have rendered genitals?

>suggest that maybe the intensity is healing should be increased
>"noooooooo not in muh xiv!"

WHM are race traitors.

Not a single thing you just said is actually true

mnks are screeching so hard they've driven away whiney scholars for now

But user I have a wife and kids. So you saying that is kind of dumb.

>those basic bitch-ass rotations for drk and war
pld and gnb confirmed most fun tanks

Based allagan/mini-garleanbro.

I don't play healer but from my perspective all I see is...
>healers have to heal and do damage
>they remove some dps buttons to give more healing
Somebody explain this to me, what's so bad about pressing a button to heal instead of pressing a button to dps? Is this "outrage" caused by parseniggers?

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Just making sure I have this right.
Now that I have my Bard at 60 (Capped because waiting for Shadowbringers since it's going to include Stormblood anyways), leveling my other jobs will be easier, right?

but im a guy who has a dick why would i?

God this is terrible even by doujin standards, of which there aren't any.

All of what I just said is true. Name a single healer glad their class just got gutted. Name a tank that is excited for being even more braindead than they were. DPSes change on a DPS by DPS basis but some like MNK are fucking mad.


Answer my question frog poster

>he plays Samurai

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Any news on BLU?

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imagine the smell he must experienced

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It's so silly. Monks have been asking for GL4 for over half a decade and you'd think they'd be happy that they finally got it. But no, they're throwing a tantrum on par with the classic WAR and SCH whining.

Because there's no way in hell the content will be worth all the heals and we'll be spending the same amount of time doing damage, we'll just be doing it in a much more boring way. Oh boy, they gave us better heals, that means I have even LESS healing uptime so I can cast MORE Broil 3 and Biolysis!

Hopefully it sees a silent death so I don't have to be reminded every few patches of what they did to my favorite FF job.

yes its one of the reasons why the erp scene is so big and good in the game

>MNK mhiggers now have to play their job as intended and can not have both damage AND utility
eat shit faggots

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replaying the main story on an alt, fuck when the story tries it's actually so fucking good
>That arc where they assassinate the sultana

Use PotD floor 1-10 repeatedly to level your alts to 30.

Like old tuna.

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user I’m starting to think you don’t want to talk about FF14 and just want to post memes and talk about trannies.

There's no way to see them ingame tho, how do you know they're there?

Because there are only two people in the world. Trannies and people who hate trannies at an obsessive level. At least, that's the meme.

>catgirl starts messaging me saying she likes my glamour
>I know in my heart that it's a tranny but I respond anyway

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Ok now I quite understand the point of SCH's meltdown, I still don't quite get the deal with AST and WHM, hell AST dps looks more boring than WHM since all they got is 1 DoT and 1 attack while they play solitaire in between

Hopefully they just scrap the Limited Job concept. All that time wasted making BLU could have been used to making it an actual job.

Oh no, the class with the most difficult rotation has both a lot of damage and some utility. SMN also has utility, who bitches about those?

i asked if i should play DRG, SAM, or NIN in shadowniggers but no one answered my question so im just gonna shitpost till that happens.

>Want to change to hrothgar for tank/phys classes
>All my glamors are for my current, female, character
>Don't like Hrothgar for mage characters
I can't decide.

>Name a single healer glad their class just got gutted
Sure, me, I'm happy with how both healers I play turned out
>Name a tank that is excited for being even more braindead than they were
Literally every tank I've talked to is happy with how they're looking

How exactly does the math work on stacking defensive CDs?

>People keep crying about how MCH is still unplayable
>"theorycrafters" that never played Shadowniggers MCH

diminishing returns. do the math with ACT

>Adding this set to the benchmark just to remind people they will never ever get it
Yoshida is a sick man

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SMN has been absolutely ruined, so everyone.

i remember being so hyped back then, a shame everything goes back to the way it was pretty much

huh? they added the erp tag a while back, if you toggle it on while inside of a player house you can. whens the last you played?

Their solitaire just got fucked in half in favor of them being a thoughtless buffbot with a spread balance every three minutes, instead of a genuinely engaging secondary mechanic. WHM have literally always been the brainless girlfriend class, they probably won't even notice the changes.

TK rotation wasn't intended
eat shit
SMN should have gotten kneecapped too (I think they did get nerfed, but I'm not hearing them as much as you mhiggers), they shouldn't deal as much damage as they do right now with their utility and mobility

Depends on what you like more. All of them are in a good spot from what they shown from the videos I watched.

>"Yoshida: For example, Y'shtola is a special version of BLM called the "Witch" job"

what did he mean by this?

In this new event should I focus on getting Pegasus or the Odin armor

you are the tranny for playing a female character

Limsa ERPers leave, this is a content focused thread.

It's just a couple of autists trying to scare people away from the job so they can keep being a special snowflake

DRG has the best glamour sets so probably dragoon.

SAM REALLY gets shafted when it comes to fashion

Get ready for teleportatino spell for SMN in 6.0

Play all 3? You can be every job on one character.

>make shitty changes so "meta" will not exclude or force any class
>trick attack still exists
These devs are fucking stupid.

NPCs don't follow PC jobs exactly. It's not really surprising or unexpected.

Jobs will get multiple specs like in WoW
Please look forward to it

odin armor is piss easy to get m8, get the mount

Reminder that in a month, you'll forget all about this and be having fun leveling and going through the story.

NPCs are their own jobs, they've done this shit for eons.
Unless you're talking about lore in which case I still think the Matoya route is real

>TK should have been literally pointless like the devs intended!
>tech is banned, complexity is banned, everyone needs to respect the content and push their one damage button while healers push their one heal button, like WoW!

non meme answer: they aren't
the game have ROLE PLAYING models, not EROTIC ROLE PLAYING models

"should I play X" questions are dumb and you need to understand people can't answer them with more context on your side
what kind of playstyle do you like
what are you playing currently
what aesthetics are you attracted to
do you like utility, or do you not give a shit
are you a raid tranny

>He doesn't have hellhound

That's because there doesn't exist a game of that name.

All their cool sets are locked behind the most difficult content so the majority of SAMs look like shit.

>SMN ruined
It wasn't ruined it was just more of the same. Now we still have 2 minute long openers. oh joy

>sub jobs
>limited versions of each job as side minigame shit

>catgirl whispers you calling your character cute
>block it because there's a 90% chance that it's a tranny

Attached: 1558884120663.jpg (720x724, 29K)

Trick Attack is still in for NIN's job identity.

In a month, I won't be playing unless several changes are reverted. I wanted to raid this tier but got in too late, and next tier doesn't look like any of the complexity I was looking forward to will survive.

It's cute how you can't believe that anyone who actually plays the game could possibly disagree with you.

It means Thancred has Sukuchi, Urianger has Ethereal Manipulation, etc.

They neutered MCH's WF
I don't see why they can't neuter TA

>what kind of playstyle do you like
i wanna do the biggest dick dps i can
>what are you playing currently
i have all 3 in the 60s but i cant tell which is more fun
>what aesthetics are you attracted to
dragoon has the better aesthetics, followed by ninja then sam
>do you like utility, or do you not give a shit
doesnt matter either way
>are you a raid tranny

I want wowtrannies to leave


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Yeah, I figured as much. People keep talking about how good the "theorycrafters" are, but the crux of the matter is that they're just looking at numbers. None of them were invited to play Shadowbringers, and even if they were it'd still be an outdated build by several months. If the job happens to be shit, I'll still play it. Can't get as bad as Stormblood MCH.

Attached: akarishrug.jpg (255x256, 11K)

yall gonna wear a black glamour while you go thru shadowniggers MSQ?

Attached: cot.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)

What are you excited about, exactly? Why is having a greatly simplified, slower rotation good news to you? The only people who aren't upset don't play their classes, because every healer just became as uninteresting as WHM.

deal with it, nerd
you and the balance niggers aren't designing the game, SE does. TK rotation meant you were getting more than you should have gotten, it was not balanced, but they couldn't fix it mid expansion because it would have fucked over too many raiders
that oversight has been fixed, now what are you going to do about it?
that's right, nothing at all
If you want ""complexity"", go play another job.

It's not fair!

Attached: yotsuyu steppies.jpg (1200x1226, 488K)

>these people will in the same thread bitch about having no friends when they have blocked everyone lady luck handed them because of a boogeyman stigma

>[user],you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
>Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
>If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
This is what I'm getting when I try to reply to threads on the official FFXIV forums. Was I banned for some reason?

>That guitar
It sounds so cheesy and almost out of place. I fucking love it.

Metallic Yellow.

>you were getting more than you should have gotten
MNK still had to fight for 4th dps slot, what are you talking about? It was totally balanced. MNK wasn't NIN, DRG, or BRD levels of obligate.

>been playing with the same group of people since XI
>never had to interact with anyone in this cancerous dilating community
another tranny added to the list

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You were probably banned for not being cordial enough when telling people they are retarded.

Attached: LalafellF.png (240x240, 66K)


Counting both of the healer jobs I play, I lost exactly one DoT, so I think I'll live

>i wanna do the biggest dick dps i can
>i have all 3 in the 60s but i cant tell which is more fun
all three are fun, I like SAM myself but this is really subjective.
>dragoon has the better aesthetics, followed by ninja then sam
then go for DRG
it's too early to tell what the meme meta will be, but probably DRG or NIN

I think you should go for DRG.

nvm I was looking at the wrong forums I guess? it seems there were some old forums I went to somehow that are no longer in use

>I speak for literally everyone

>Single-handedly ruins your game

Attached: 1559344639507.png (48x48, 6K)

sam seems like it does shit dps right now. im 67 and even with my full combos and level appropriate gear i have trouble killing shit. am i just retarded?

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Maybe, SAM does a lot of raw damage so you shouldn't have much trouble with anything.

>destroys tank balance

Attached: cleave.png (40x40, 3K)

how did trick attack survive bros?

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you're one (1) level away from getting hagakure which is absolutely a must have.
It lets you convert sen into kenki for shinten spam. Also gear matters a lot. Current max ilevel is around 400.

>two trannies rubbing their gaping wound together
>even the NPC is disgusted by the sight

Oh no. Whatever will I do, a straight male with a penis ever do now that some subhuman on Yea Forums has blocked me?!

Is "tranny" the new misused word for those who don't agree with you or call you out?

Yes but you aren't supposed to point it out


Sure is, ya fuckin' tranny

i thought it was gross too

who /WE FALL/ here

Literally no different than autist, cuck, etc on Yea Forums.

It's on the level of incel, have sex, cuck, and s-bean.

Replacement for "cuck" and equivalent to incel.

>Aero 3 axed
Speak for yourself.

dilate you abomination

As you can see the answer is yes.

Have they shown all the new areas in Shadowbringers?

It's like I'm back on Mira.

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you're new here aren't you

only trannies or pro-tranny people hate it
it's no worse than faggot, cuck, or nigger, but because it hits close to home with this particular playerbase it's "obsession" instead of another passing insult


Attached: DILATE.jpg (509x672, 44K)

WHM barely had shit to lose, lol
they still won't be meta either

god the music from shadowbringers is so shit

if that happens, they will just rework it to be the same playstyle with lesser potencies

Compared to SCH at least you got to keep Assize unlike Shadowflare, and Afflatus Misery is nice if there is downtime to build it up.

what the actual fuck is that

>an AST that is satisfied having all of his cards be a half balance
>a WHM that is satisfied despite essentially be as worthless as before
Like I said, you mustn't play the game,

If you varied your insults every now and then people wouldn't be thinking you have an unhealthy fixation on trannies

Still holding onto the day they actually make into a proper class.
Its fun to use in the overworld in fates.


As you can see the answer continues to be yes.

its me

I speak for everyone worth speaking for, the casual community that these changes are tailored for deserves expulsion, and unless stopped now the game is going down a path that I cannot support.

Bought the $19.99 steam edition yesterday. Want to be a black mage. Did I fuck up?

Attached: thaum.png (1920x1080, 2.3M)

>I LITERALLY speak for everyone

Yes, Steam version is cancer

Attached: goldroad2.png (1920x1079, 1.9M)

It's not like I wanted anything other than Balance anyway, except to give a BLM Arrow every now and then

What's the difference

I do, I speak for a community that keeps the game alive and interesting, you speak for the death of all media.

How so?

Spoken like a true greyparser. Good groups use their aggro management skills constantly.

found the crystal tranny

A parsenigger can't see beyond his nose. Go neck yourself if you believe a job is shit if it can't get you 99/100 parses in pugs.

yes, uninstall the game

So does this game have an Ivalice expansion? How do I play in Ivalice.

make sure you get the first expac for free user, if you order the new expac you don't get access to the other two for free until early access


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You basically have to buy every expansion on Steam from now on.

>Why do you keep calling me Bill

>Mhigger god

>Face tattoo
Just stop.

This level of narcissism is unhealthy.

Based on this you only speak of "the balance", the community that keeps this game alive is way bigger, like this post said you can't see beyond your nose or bubble.
If you guys seriously care about performance then you will be shocked to see JPs don't give a flipping fuck about NA metas and always bring those alleged "dead" jobs, and you know what's the best part? They clear. If they want to get a golden parse they just look for a group of like-minded individuals and not try to ruin it for randoms on PF.

go dilate tranny you're getting cranky

It has an Ivalice raid series and you can play as Viera. That's as far as it goes.

>saving pictures of trannies
literally obsessed

Why are you guys so fucking mean.

not like it matters
he just needs to buy shadowniggas and he gets the first two

Wildwoods are cute