I need a game to get me out of this fucking depression
I need a game to get me out of this fucking depression
Gravity rush 2 niggro
Stop watching shit tier e-celebs and maybe your depression might go away.
Well, you could try the game thats actually about depression
But honestly, join a gym or start jogging outside everyday. It will unironically.change your life
Stop eating so much food and maybe your crippling obesity might go away, retard.
No, you need proper nutrition, exercise, positive social interaction, a goal and and ass that doesn't have your head inside it
This. It's strange but it works. You won't "need" a game then, and the ones you want will be far more enjoyable . Go lift and get sweaty
Sure thing, OP!
>Risk of Rain 1/2
Rouge-like sci-fi shitshows of fun and crazy item combinations. Can be challenging, but VERY fun!
>Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
A very cozy RPG from Bethesda. Typical Toddjank but is my personal favourite of their past 3 titles, and it is great for escapism
>Sacred 2: Gold
Diablo II but high-fantasy and a little silly. A great timesink.
>Divinity Original Sin (1 or 2)
Great series if you like "CRPGs". Great humour, great world, great story. You'll have fun.
>Far Cry 5
Surprisingly fun FPS game. No typical Ubisoft Tower Trope and honestly really fun, the story is meh though
>Outer Wilds
Neat little space-exploration game. Very unique. "Open World" but the world is very compact and very detailed. Immensely comfy in some parts, mysterious and spooky in others. Very good.
>Endless Legend
Cool fantasy 4X game. Kind of like Civilisation but a lot cooler imo
>EDF 4.1
Bug-killing third person shooter full of anime bullshit. Absolutely spiffing
Huge amount of content for your buck. Side-scrolling crafting game with more focus on combat than crafting. Metric DICKLOAD of content and great stuff to build.
>Stardew Valley
Hyper-mega-giga-cozy with added waifus as you build a little farm and live in a nice village.
>Tropico 3 onwards
City Builder but with humour and banana republics
I hope any of these take your fancy, user. Hang in there
I feel like gaming isn't the right choice to try and get out of depression, but I don't really know what I'm talking about.
>im sad wah i can only represent my emotions with images black people im sad wah
depression is a normal emotion stop being an attention whoring piece of shit
hope you kill yourself
stop enabling him retards
Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stones
No game will do that. In fact, excessive gaming will only lead you further into the pit. Take a break from gaming, go walk a few blocks and drink some water.
>Seething this hard over some anons post
imagine being this much of a jaded cunt.
t. zoomer that needs outside validation to be happy
kys too
Where the hell do you get his statement over him being a fatass? Stop watching your faggy let's player pretend friends.
Cure to depression is literally just proper sleep, healthy eating, and exercise, occasional self-reflection, and some kind of goal to work torwards (which can be any of the aforementioned). That's all you need but probably 90% of people don't get it.
You'll get out of your depression when you start leaving your house and doing other things with other people.
Have you played Mother 3? It's very emotional, but presented in such a gentle and characterful way. I've dealt with depression for a number of years and idk about you but I gravitate towards emotionally vibrant stuff when I'm particularly down. Sometimes I have to force myself to, but it can help. Regardless, yeah, the posts about changing your diet and exercising are totally right. Meds and therapy can also help, but definitely try the diet/exercise thing first.
>implying I don't actually know Woolie irl through the FGC.
Okay retard
What platforms do you have access to, OP?
You right now.
Nier Automata can cure depression, but only if you go all the way to the final ending. Stopping anywhere before that willjust make it worse.
user, are you okay? Do you really think people, on an anonymous image board, are suppose to assume you know the person? I'm sorry, he's not you're pretend friend, he's your acquaintance. Happy?
Super Robot Wars
Persona 3
free cities
Not our job to give you games to play. Listen to your intuition, it knows what it wants but you're hear trying to slave away with what everyone else likes.