Yea Forums will defend this
Say goodbye to all your stuff faggot
Other urls found in this thread:
There was a trope for this. Dragon Age 2 did this too.
Oh yeah, found the page:
Soma game > Alucard game
Metroid does the same shit.
>not using the glitch where you keep all your stuff
*uses an unintended mechanic to fly past the room quickly before the dialogue happens*
Nothing personnel, Death.
Giving you a taste of how strong you will be later in the game is good, especially so if you exceed that by the end game.
It was quite amazing to happen if you weren't expecting it.
If you kept all the best shit at the start you wouldn't have fun finding cool new shit to play around with while exploring.
It's a great trope. I love being shown what the endgame looks like at the start. It's great when the protagonist has a lot of power but loses a battle of skill. Then by the end the character has power and skill and finally wins (thanks to the player getting good)
Tell me that isn't a satisfying af narrative
No, Metroid gives no explanation. Aside from Prime 1 and Fusion. I very appreciate the fact that there is an actual, presented reason for Alucard losing his shit.
It's even better if the character reaches the level they were at the beginning and then by end game surpasses even that, like Jade from Tales of the Abyss.
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?
Its artificial difficulty bullshit. Your character should always have good weapons without having to grind for them
It's not grinding if there's no stat requirements. You just use shit you pick up. That's called being rewarded for exploring.
They control most of the internet and its discourse. Nobody else is willing to speak up against that. Only here you can do so without being silenced
She gets her ass kicked hard by Mother Brain or Ridley every game and then barely escapes the planet before everything explodes. Is it too much of a stretch to say her suit is probably fucked at the end of each game?
Someone shop Marie Kondo's face in this
So the manifestation of DEATH is taking orders from Dracula
What the fuck is he?
At the risk of spoilers, can you give me a little rundown on how this works? So Jade fights the main villain and gets their ass kicked back and presumably injured or something? Can you use combos and jump to dodge like you can in normal gameplay in said fight or is it just narrative? I love doing the unwinnable fights but with all the endgame moves.
Artificial narrative and if you weren't a total brainlet who just goes along with things you'd see how much acceptance of artifice and story convenience is needed for the player to just accept this is happening.
>It's great when the protagonist has a lot of power but loses a battle of skill.
It's bullshit since the player may already possess this skill, not everyone is on the same skill level, many players would probably be more than capable of taking on death right then and their which is why they don't even give you the opportunity, if death has this ability why doesn't he use it again later when you actually fight him as a boss? It just creates holes in what would have otherwise been a better game.
If you're going to make this a challenge give the player an opportunity to win, ala Vangaurd from demon's souls. Or make overcoming this obstacle part of the plot, you have to find a way to nullify Death's ability to steal your equipment by collecting some key items (The Holy Amulet of don't take my shit) or destroying the source of this power (The Dark Crystal of Yoink) before facing off with death.
>See all upgrades and powers you get in first minutes
>now know every power you'll get and will no longer be surprised
He essentially starts at level 30 with some really good spells but gets delevelled by one of the villains via a seal, and by end game he's way past 30 with more shit in his arsenal. He's not the main character though however you can play as him in battle.
There goes my sleep
>Dragon Age 2 did this too.
Not really, Hawke is only like the equivalent of level 4 when you do that part at the start.
Original VA and script > numale redub
>Stand down, Alucard.
>I will not.
I can think of a lot of problems with tvt but that isn't one of them.
>They control most of the internet and its discourse.
They really don't, they're just very loud and obnoxious.
falseflagging by chasers, mixed with teenage phoneposters jumping from one "I don't like thing" meme to another
He's actually a 400 year old Wizard who takes on a skeletal form and calls himself Death, not the personification of the idea of Death itself.
Please, Alucard's starting gear is downright vanilla.
what the fuck is happening
why is everyone here bringing up this gay site that was only popular about ten years ago
is it in such dire circumstances that they're trying to get hits from Yea Forums?
Actually, that's not fair. Let me explain beyond "Yes."
The things she experiences during her adventures never do enough damage to negate suit abilities. Even Mother Brain's hyper beam at the end of Super didn't strip her of anything. If ANYTHING was going to do it it would be that. So in-game we're shown that nothing can really effect the Power Suit. Now let's look at the two instances I mentioned originally. Prime 1 she gets knocked against a wall kinda hard by an explosion. That's it. That's literally it and THAT was enough to remove 90% of the upgrades she had. We'll choose to ignore this because if it's to be believed than literally ANYTHING should take her shit away, and now her ability to RETAIN things is nonsensical. So Fusion; X-Parasite infects her and the suit is surgically removed because it's melded to her nervous system. This is a very good explanation for her losing her shit. The fact that something that dramatic has to happen in order for the suit to be damaged is understandable. I don't think just Mother Brain or Ridley should be enough given all the evidence. At the end of the day it's just a gameplay contrivance and I'm glad that SoTN gave a reasonable explanation while Metroid never does. In fact, say what you will about Other M, the ONE THING I really liked about that game's writing was the self-imposed restrictions. Granted, asking to not fucking burn to death was retarded, no excusing HOW the restrictions were used, but the fact that she ACTUALLY DID have all her shit the whole time and was just electing not to use it was a VERY good way of her magically not having shit IMMEDIATELY proceeding Super Metroid.
There is better gear in the game but his set is still one of the best.
You'll regret those words!
HA HA HA HA HA ha aha ha
Ok still sounds pretty good, I actually have Abyss on my shelf so I'm gonna play it finally - thanks and bye
It makes perfect sense.
It would be illogical for Alucard to waltz into the castle empty handed, but they can't let you have gear that strong from the get go. He's the son of Dracula, after all, so it only makes sense that his gear is top of the line.
People who grew up frequenting it are now able to post here.
Its fantastic design.
You get to start with nearly the best equipment, so there isn't an inevitable "why did this retard try to raid the castle with literally zero equipment?" question, and then it all gets taken away early on so you can still get the satisfying RPG experience of starting out weak as fuck with no equipment then slowly building up to be super powerful and decked out with all the best gear.
The only explanation I can think of is the people that used to frequent there now post here.
Fuck em for getting rid of the Sengoku Rance page
It's pretty gud for a Tales game. Word of advice though, be patient with Luke, he's got autism.
Why doesn't he just steal your shit again later on? Why did he go through the trouble of hiding your shit seemingly at random throughout the castle? He's kinda petty when you think about it.
To be fair the Alucard Sword is a very boring weapon to use.
Jade shows up for the first boss fight and instantly deletes it, then joins your party for a bit while he takes you on a ride on a bigass landship.
Said landship gets raided and one of the badguys uses a special locking device that cuts off Jade's ability to use magic at that strength, which syncs jade to your party's level.
As you progress though the game and level up, a skit will pop up where a party member starts to inquire about how jade is doing with that, and he's almost figured out how do undo the lock.
By the time you reach that actual level where he does undo it, you already have a way more solid grasp on the game mechanics and jade is far stronger due to equipment and various stat bonuses. You also get another skit from other party members congratulating jade on singlehandedly brute-forcing a device you would need several highly trained people to deal with.
>prologue with overpowered characters
Technically what happens is Jade isn't leveling up, he's unlocking the seal on his powers slowly and when he's level 30 he says the seal is gone.
Chaos Legion did this really well in that you start with an insanely powerful Legion that wrecks the first stage, then get a bunch of other Legions that give you abilities and powers you didn't have at the start, finally regain Thanatos but he's in an Egg state, have to build him back up to the state he was at the beginning and then can build him even further into a perfect murder machine.
It keeps a sense of progression in that you gain skills you didn't have at the start, gives you an identifiable "Can't wait to get that shit" type of goal then makes you work for that goal AND gives you the ability to surpass it.
What fucking reason do you need? Her suit gets damaged every time she escapes a planet or space station that gets fucked up. The whole point of having the gear at the start of the game is to show off what you will potentially have later in the game and you can start a new game to see what youre missing.
>start out with all powers/items before loosing them
>get everything back at the halfway point
>rest of the game is new shit
Find a flaw
Because I played the previous games. I earned those EXACT SAME ABILITIES like 5 times now. I would like to know WHY I'm not allowed to use them AGAIN.
Or you could read my other post, faggot.
V should have just been Sieg. Gameplay-wise I mean.
Cool you played all the Metroids, you should its a fucking part of the Series to start with mid tier gear, and lose it. If you dont like that go play Hollow Knight.
You are too olde to be here user
Time to move over to the life you have in the real world
No, it's not actually. I just had to think about all of the titles and Prime 1 is the ONLY one like that. Samus never starts the game with anything. With the exception of Prime 1, Fusion, and Other M Samus loses her shit OFF-CAMERA between games if she's going to lose it at all.
Hell, I'd take some of the aesthetic as well. Not Sieg's design but the Legions'. I don't know what the name is for "generally has overly complicated, gothic looking symbols on everything" but it's severely lacking in modern games but was popular with Capcom and Square during this era.
But yeah, I'd have much preferred something like Sieg, who has summons that fight for him and grow his own personal abilities when equipped. I get that they wanted him to truly stand out from the others but he's easily the hardest to go back to as you get more advanced with the others.
Konami too. If you put a giant cross on his back Sieg could easily be a Belmont.
I never got that moment where everything clicks with V. I always just end up autopiloting Griffon and then using Shadow, which works just fine, but DMC isn't about what works, it's about what looks good while working.
>does this
>Start with all the stuff from the previous game
>Don't lose it, they just made the game much harder to compensate
>Unlock even more stuff as you progress
Best feel ever, I also fucking hate games that have the dodge and block abilities locked out at the start
>say goodbye to all your cool stuff
No, that happened 2 minutes earlier when they took away hydro storming Richter and gave me that pale bitch instead.
>why can't I start with all items in the game?????
millenials and zoomers were a mistake
Except he has absolutely NOTHING on him, only his okay set, at the start of the game
What a shit post
By the time I recovered those items I had better shit
Possibly because by the time you meet him again, you have regained much more of your power than you did at the start when Alucard had just awoken from his sleep.
>Linking to that SJW-infested shithole
They give you Orlandu too early. It's crazy, Meliadoul has probably the best sword magic in the game for fighting human enemies, but because you don't get her until after Orlandu who has her skills and more, she feels redundant.
I just resort to not using him at all in my subsequent playthroughs. He just breaks the game in a bad way.
We will Yeet again
he is immortal for a reason
he made death his bitch
Why are you making up plot points for the game?
This thread makes me want to replay SotN.
Crimson Stone, bitch!
If alucard was actually wearing that stuff he'd look pretty silly.