Fire emblem 5 Project Exile release

Finally, a translation patch of Fire emblem Thracia 776 has been released. Get it here:

Attached: Fe5box.jpg (426x234, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread: - Super Nintendo Entertainment

friendly bump

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Somebody upload the patched rom for lazy faggots like me

i finished this game ages ago

A few things to note:
>The Pugi has been renamed to the Bhuj, as that is closer to the original name
>Kempf's IN AMERICA line isn't present
With that being said, the team has stated that the game is very blind.

Prepatched rom if you're lazy.

Holy shit, I actually discussed that with the translator. It shared its japanese name with the Bhuj from Castlevania.

Attached: DOS_Bhuj.gif (198x156, 54K)

Didn't they say that they altered a few lines to clearly explain stuff for blind players/retards

That is what I meant. But it's only things like making game mechanics clearer, like how Leif has to escape last or else the remaming player units on an escape map get captured.

They also directly mention the teleport traps in the one forest map and the endgame, I believe.

explanation on the name:

TL;DR: It was always Bhuj in native language, Pugi was just a rouge translation/corruption of the name

Thanks brah


Holy fuck really? I thought it was impossible or some shit?
That being said, I'll kinda miss the shitness of the original translation

Dunno if I'll bother with this but it's cool that it's finally done. Guess FE5 just dropped from a top tier masterpiece of game design to a shit tier clusterfuck of poorly implemented and terribly balanced game mechanics.

If I remember correctly the original clearly tells you what will happen when you『escape』.

How was it not shut down by Nintendo?

Translation patches aren't copyright infringement.

Why would Nintendo care about Thracia 776
Fan translations are only ever shut down if the company plans on releasing the game in the west
Example: Dragon Quest VII's 3DS fan translation being shut down because Squeenix planned on releasing it, and Great Ace Attorney's translation not being shut down because Capcom isn't releasing that

Pay your final respects

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Why would Nintendo care about a fanslation for a game release for the SNES that they already didn't care about during the time it was made?

Berwick and Vestaria saga are the only ones left right?

I don't want it to end

Is there a pre patched ROM for Genealogy somewhere? I wanna play that too before this

Not main series but yes neither has gotten very far in terms of full translation to my knowledge. FE3’s translation patch still leaves a bit to be desired but New Mystery exists at least (with another translation)

>yfw starts playing

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This is a Bhuj in the real world. It's sort of a weird Axe/Dagger hybrid that could be thrown, which kinda fits what the Pugi does. It's hard adapting to all these new names after years of using the other ones.

Attached: Bhuj.jpg (1400x933, 144K)

Someone make a version that is the same as everything from this patch except the “IN AMERICA” line is still there

Gonna miss seeing the game shit itself towards endgame

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The Book of Holsety version is out there, but unfortunately this is not /t/ or /r/

Also, I think recruiting Xavier now offers a hint as to which villagers should talk to which soldiers by having you match their names up.

how are casuals going to move the goalpost now?

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wait is FE4 not fully translated? I thought it was

Out of all the characters in this series, Oifey is the only one to make me reconsider my heterosexuality.

Forgot pic

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It is

A good completed genealogy patch has been around for a few years now but since i'm nice because this day has finally come i'll give you a prepatched rom I just made.

Wew, I have already played FE5 in moon, it's a fun game, not as good as Genealogy of Holy Incest but it's pretty good, fog of war is a bitch though. Enjoy it, anons

People don't seem to understand how copyright works, by law Nintendo can't take down emulators and fan patches, only roms

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Sara is cute!

Complete in that you can play the whole game, but it's still in open-beta and is still using the outdated Awakening names. Holsety speaks of updating but hasn't.

my nigga. thanks bro

Yeah the whole game is playable which is good enough for most. I don't think it's ever leaving beta sadly. At least it's better than the previous patch but I do miss my "power of pursuit"

well there was an update this may saying that it will hopefully be the last update he has to make implying a final version is coming but who knows

I miss this one from the prologue when Lex first shows up
Lex: “Hahahaa… Alright, let’s do this. Finally, a chance to kick some ass.”

isn't Vestaria getting an official english release?

>tfw loved genealogy but stopped at chapter 8 and don't know how to resume but also don't wanna delete my save and start over

>not as good as Genealogy
wow it must be really bad, thanks for the warning


>Use Thracia JP V.ROM
where do i get it

>4's translation still isn't finished

I should replay FE5 again. Probably going to go for a 0% growths warpless run with full recruitment next time.

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ok ive downloaded something like 5 different versions of the thracia 776 rom from google and none of them have the same md5 hash as the OP on serenes forest requests. i have no idea where to find the exactly right version of this rom. and the linked prepatched rom prior in the thread doesn't work on higan.

I posted a pre-patched rom earlier in this thread. However here's the rom the patch needs:

thanks. how did you find this?

Not him but hey kid - Super Nintendo Entertainment
It's a complete pack of every SNES rom and most romhackers use the versions from here as a base for their patches
Don't tell anyone I told you this

very cool. thanks for the hookup.

While I highly recommend doing your first playthrough blind if possible, feel free to ask if you get stuck or need advice or anything, or if you just want to talk about fe5.

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>finally Thracia
It's been too long.

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I played this already, with only the menu translation. It was much better than 4 but Kaga really needed to fuck off. Not letting you change the position your units during battle preparations might not seem like a big deal at first but becomes super frustrating in the later chapters when the game starts splitting your army into 2-3 separate groups.

I think one of the Exile staff is making a separate patch to allow for unit positioning.

It's not really kaga's fault, they just hadnt thought of it yet.
HOWEVER, you could change their placement by changing their deployment order, it's kinda shit but it exists.

capturing people is important right? Should I be doing that whenever possible?
Any secret events I should know about like in FE4?

Capturing units is important and is how you get most of your equipment in FE5. You also recruit a few units by capturing them and having the map end with them captured.

Capturing enemies and taking their gear will be your main source of weapons and money from selling weapons.

And there are events. Here's a freebie: in the first chapter, take Orsin to the house that's furthest south.

>finding an rom
>in 2019

thanks nintendo

Please scroll up user I've been handing out goodies left and right

new players, keep in mind that Marty will eventually become the best unit in the game, just feed him all the exp

>capturing people is important right? Should I be doing that whenever possible?
Not really, some people go overboard with the capturing and it can really bog down the gameplay. Actually, you will have plenty of resources even if you don't go out of your way so it's largely unnecessary. There are sometimes key targets you need to capture in order to recruit, to advance to a gaiden chapters, etc. and there are some bosses/spellcasters with valuable loot you might as well capture but as far as random enemies go I'd only bother with the ones carrying something cool.

>Any secret events I should know about like in FE4?
I'd say it's better to play FE4 blind as well and save the secret events for a second playthrough, but either way there's not really anything hidden like that in FE5. You can promote linoan at the church in chapter 21.

You don't have to capture EVERY enemy you see but certain units can only be recruited if they're captured and kept alive until the next time.
My rule of them is when I see a weapon or item I want, I either steal it with my thieves or capture it. Usually my first main capture is during Chapter 10 with a Sword Armor who carries a Firesword

This but with my waifu

>Let's take a look at this.
>Hmmm, let me test this axe dude.
Huh, i must confess i'm impressed.

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I suspect marty is only popular because the fe5 fanbase is full of faggots, if you're going to baby a bad unit you might as well pick someone cute

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You haven't seen anything yet

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If you didn't notice them yet, look at your characters' skills. Wrath is very good.

Hey Marty might be underwhelming but he at least has a lot of build so he can capture some pretty bulky units

I did

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Yeah, Wrath in this game is bonkers. Orsin especially since his PCC is 3

Make sure you get the green haired shota. His prf tome is good for killing bosses.

She doesn't really need babying, the brave bow is enough to use her through the endgame even with 0% growths

It's amazing how important supports are in this game compared to other games in the series before they went all in on making the mechanic a defining feature of the series.
Instant +10 hit, avoid and critical per bond support is great and I love using it to setup guaranteed critical hits on follow-up strikes.

Except its literally the プージ in japanese, which is pronounced poo-ji. Pugi is much closer to the actual japanese than Bhuuj, which the puji looks nothing like

>Implying nips can even understand foreign languages

I dont care. They changed the japanese name in a fucking fan patch and then lied about why they changed it. Its not Bhuuj.

That's never actually useful in the game though, mounted units capture outdoors and dagda can capture basically anything indoors. Dagda does it better due to charge and doesn't require any babying.

It's "Orsin's Hatchet".

jeez user, its just a name

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Sounds like a typo to me. Stay mad. Next you'll complain that it's Naga instead of Narga.

I never understood why people get so worked up over "ackshually this is the correct pronunciation."
Translators apparently trolled the fanbase for a few minutes bc they joked about renaming Marty to Martin and they were fucking livid about it

Much appreciate

For me, it's the Trewd

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worst member of the best crew

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>never got into the emulator game, see link
>figure nows a good time to jump in, fuck in
>download zip
>on wifi
>.1/2.9 GB, 1 day left

now I'm committed

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I literally can't be bothered stealing shit cos I ain't roleplaying a nigga

Man the 2D animations were all so freaking good from Nes to GBA.
The 3D ones never recaptured that.

Attached: RetroArch 2019.05.31 - (512x404, 2.96M)

Echoes came closest, if nothing else.

the virgin fireball vs the Chad bandit shuffle

It's amazing how specific the animations are as well. Opening, continuation, follow-up, counter and finisher along with animations for whether each of the five are normal or critical hits.

Attached: 89-Ch12_435.gif (512x446, 1.01M)

Imagine being this much of an autist.

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1. Magi Squad
2. Dandelion Gang
3. Fianna Freeblades
4. Leonster Resistance Faction

The animations are cool and all but I play with map animations and would turn them off entirely if I could

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I love Rakuche!

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You're the man of the hour, user.

Pick my units Yea Forums
Leif + 15 units (give skills if you want)

That's a problem I always had with everything before Awakening. The transition and length of the battle animations is just so damn long. I keep them on for a few chapters to see what they're like, but after that it's just too slow.

Rather than sticking to a particular team just pick whatever units seem right for a given chapter. Maybe you could baby a couple units you like but generally base stats are more than enough and you'll want certain units in different situations.

I liked it when they added the L button toggle in (I think) FE11. Lets me decide whether or not I want to watch the whole fight without having to mess with settings.



You've never participated in a PMU before have you?

Obligatory Marty

Is that Nigger guy around? Yea Forums plays FE5 when?

Nope, just assumed you were playing the game for the first time. If you're doing a replay and want a specific team then I nominate Kein

At least im not autistic enough to change a name for an incorrect reason

There is nothing to indicate that. It looks nothing like a Bhuuj


Never, he hates Kaga
Besides he's terrible outside anything that isn't FE7

Please no.
Besides I think siggy or diet already played fe5.

Has he done a S ranked HHM run yet
You're doing that rn lol
Accept it, it's bhuj and not pugi, wont kill you lmao

Wasn't the game already translated tho?

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Not well.



Oifey is the best oifey-type, there is no contest.

It’s had a really old patch that has a lot of issues aside from poor translation, mainly random game crashes. Another slightly better patch came out but it was just to make menus not look awful. The translation was pretty bad too: for example the proluge chapter world map intro repeated the same sentence three times.

This is the best patch we’ve gotten yet and is a fully playable version of FE5 in English.

Its Puji with a p

is this better or equal to the gba Fire Emblem, Sacred Stones duo?

Gonna make you a favor:

"Oifey" shouldn't be an archetype considering Oifey is the worst jeigan in the series

It’s subjective and it plays a bit differently from GBA, however as FE5 was the last SNES FE before GBA it plays like the gba with more mechanics.

He's not bad at all. Horse, decent bases, minor Baldo, Pursuit AND Charge. He has a lot going for him.

How can he be the worst Jeigan when he has endgame viable averages? Jeigan sure as hell doesn't.
Do you mean "worst Jeigan" as in like, his use relative to the strength of your other units? That I can understand a bit better

This one doesn't mess with the RNG right? I remember last time there was a good looking translation patch they made changes to that without thinking how it would affect the game

None of these stupid archetypes should exist anyway
>FE fanbase: I hate how formulaic the characters in the series are
>Also FE fanbase: this unit is part of this archetype
He's bad in the sense that your horses end up outpacing him once they're growths kick in. He's not bad by any means though, horse is always useful in FE4. Worse jagen has to be either FE6 Marcus or FE12 Arran since they're the only two who actually end up dropping off on the hardest difficulties. I guess FE10 Sothe counts too?

You wouldn't even notice if he wasn't there, whereas other jeigans are vital for beating early chapters (and sometimes later). Sure he has okay stats but he won't be doing much when your holy weapon users are soloing armies singlehandedly. Oifey never really does anything at any point.

The 2rn patch was optional and advised as only if 1rn had you fed up. Pretty hilarious how hypocritical people were when that came out and everyone suddenly became a fan of 1-99 hit 1rn

No this patch doesn’t mess with the core game at all.

Worst Jagen is FE3 Arran, FE6 Marcus/FE12 Arran are essential on Hard Modes.

He only appears bad because he is overshadowed by everyone else. A paladin with decent growths and good skills would be a #1 pick in every other game but he is in the same game as ultra instinct Shanan who can solo maps as well as all the other kill-god jrpg protagonists your war party is made of.

Attached: 1556322274542.png (251x393, 62K)

Jeigan is one of the few archetypes that is worthwhile and should continue to exist. FE6 marcus is the best implementation of a jeigan in the series as he does just enough damage to weaken enemies for your low-level shitters to get exp and eventually falls off as he should. FE12 arran is similar to a lesser extent.

No, it was initially released as translation+2rn and he didn't release a 1rn version until various people whined about it.

Tyrfing doesn't arrive till the end of CH10
Mystletainn doesn't arrive till halfway through CH7
Balmung is locked to an infantry unit
Gae Bolg doesn't arrive till midway through CH9
Ichival is a bow in one of the most enemy phase heavy games in the series
Forseti is always on an infantry unit and the one who gets a horse has to be fed a ton of kills that Seliph, Aless and Leif want more
Naga isn't until the end of endgame

Oifey's fine, brave weapons and magic ring + magic swords are better anyway

"Once their growths kick in" is the thing. All Jeigans fall off if you compare stats, thata because the purpose of a Jeigan is to aid you in the early game, and the better Jeigans are also usable later on. In the case of our dude Oifey he fits the bill perfectly, hes strong and a great help early on, and Later on he also gets the job done.

FE6 Marcus gets a pass because you really only have him, Alan, Lance, Dieck and Thany to battle until chapter 4, and Alan, Lance and Thany can't exactly battle on their own.

FE10 Sothe is amazing, specially if you leveled him in PoR or use fake save file like everyone else does

I think the only bad Jeigans are Arran, Jeigan in FE1/11 and maybe Gunther, but even then Gunther can pull sick support if you commit to marry FemCorrin to the guy.

Intsys only acknowledges the Jagen and Christmas cavs anyway. Dont know where people get stupid shit like the "Merric" or the "Lena"
FE3 has the stupid growth shards though so he's fine there. Those two are essential for their hard modes like everyone else but they're worse bc they actually do drop off unlike whatever stupid shit FE7 marcus, seth and FE9 titania were on

Horsety is better than Ares and Leif. Arthur should be promoted by the time you beat Ishtore anyway

Ok nice

1RN wasn't an option when I checked that patch.
Dunno why you'd call it hypocritical, it's pretty obvious that weighting the rng with 2RN would cause issues in a game that's not designed for it

Pic related.

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That's literally impossible. Even if you feed him every single enemy on the map of ch6. The reason it works for Seliph is bc he joins earlier, fights and kills more enemies and has paragon ring

Leif is better than Arthur. Rescue lets you do stupid shit later with Leg Ring dancer, resulting in a 4 cav squad moving 18 spaces per turn. Arthur promoted has amazing combat but its overkill mostly.

Fe11 Jeigan on hard 5 is basically FE6 hard Marcus for obvious reasons. He does get a little more use because he can be recessed to a Dracoknight once you reach chapter 4, but he’s pretty valuable for most of the early game and even helps later because good weapon ranks and weapon forges

Oh I know that, just found it funny how people went FUCK THRACIA AND ITS BAD HIT RATES NO I WONT USE SUPPORTS AND CHARISMA BC I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO FOR GOOD HITRATES to getting mad about having better odds like what they're use to in fe7

Jagen is good though. FE1 and FE3 B1 incarnation is endgame ready and can be boosted even more with the dumb +4/6 statboosters
FE11 version is good because dracoknight and effective forges being a thing. He has a high skill ceiling though so I can see why most noobs say he's bad

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>inb4 "high move is only good in LTC"

Also I forgot the #1 reason Oifey is good:

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Take based Alva

This happens no matter which version of Thracia I patch. What am I doing wrong?

Attached: bad checksum.png (527x123, 14K)

And my FE backlog grows bigger.

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Just download from here

...dead thread?

I'm not doing a playthrough at the moment but if you have any questions I can answer them

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>cleans up Seliph's scraps in ch6
>buys the elite ring with arena money in ch 7
>kills everything down across Yied to Darna to Melgen
Was that not enough? I could be wrong, if not by the end of 7 then the chapter 8 arena should definitely get him there if he has the elite ring. Which is still a fine investment, to call it overkill is retarded because nothing's better than 1-2 range and the best weapon type in the game.

SNES9X will always say bad checksum with the patch but it still works just fine.

This new translation makes me more excited than Three Houses

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Anyone know why a patched rom won't start up on mednafen?

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I never played fe4, but I read the story am I still fine jumping into fe5?

Do you have scans of these images?

Unfortunately I think the patch has varying compatiblity with other emulators than snes9x, it should work on mednafen but I don't know what tampering needs to be done. If I remember correctly, mednafen has it's own snes core? The patch download includes an .xml file to work with BSnes. Not sure if that'll help at all though with mednafen.



Yeah, FE5 just recaps what happens in the first half of FE4 and then does its own thing

FE5 takes place between chapters 6-8 of FE4, if you know the story you should be fine jumping in, it's basically a side story about what Leif was doing before he joined Seliph


Checked it's CRC and whatnot and it's the same - not the same after I patch it though compared to what is stated in the serene forest post
That's too bad - from what I remember the mednafen core is based off of snes9x

Stamina is a interisting mechanic because it forces you to use more than 9+ units

>People calling FE 6 Marcus anything other than S tier.
What the fuck. FE 6 and 7 Marcus are absolutely some of the best characters in the entirety of Fire Emblem History.

In theory. In practice it does nothing

is this game fucked as FE4?

Youre right since the couter critical makes combat a joke

Too bad it can be easily cheesed with buyable S Drinks in the ch9/ch14 vendors
Minimum deployment though...that's what prevents soloing
He's S tier definetly for his contributions but he legitimately drops off in HM once ch13 kicks in. Your units start promoting and enemies become too fast for him to double consistantly so the most he does is rescuebot duty or use horseslayers for ch13/15

Even without PCC, most of the enemy quality until endgame is a joke.

It's got a few busted mechanics but I honestly think FE4 is more broken with some of the holy blood combos and gen 2 kids. Don't get me wrong, FE5 has some broke shit but FE4 is without a doubt more busted

Falling off does not equate to becoming useless. He still has complete control over the weapon triangle and can still contribute either with chip damage or rescuebotting. FE 6 is such a hard game and one-rounding things isn't exactly common on Hard mode, either by the harsh accuracy of the game or how fucking beefy some of the enemies are. Marcus still pulls his weight even when he becomes outpaced in combat. He still sets up kills and has reliable chip damage if he isn't being support.

Looking at their offical documentation their normal snes core is bsnes based. Try seeing if that .xml that comes with the patch does anything.

Should I dump all the stat boosters on Leif?

Yes, it makes Manster arc a lof easier to deal with

I remember you get like 3 during the first 7 chapters or so, so yes at the very least those 3. He'll make the most use of them.


Any tips I should know going in? Broken strats?

Oh for fucks sake, this new patch isn't working with the rom I had already been using. Don't tell me I'm going to have to start fucking over.


Attached: Ecbjeca1sU.webm (808x482, 2.87M)

Are you trying to patch the already patched rom? Don't worry, if you need an unpatched rom there's one here: And if you already started on one of the incomplete patches don't worry, your save files are untouched

Supports are instant and don't grow in this game. They give +10 hit, avoid, critical and critical avoid. Certain units have either mutual, to or from bonuses with other units. Leif gives support bonuses to a lot of units

Not really. If there's an enemy the game tells you to keep alive, you need to capture them, but releasing them is usually considered the same as killing them.

I have to say, this is probably one of the calmest FE threads Yea Forums has had in a while. Usually it's all about bashing Corrin and Three Houses.


>Are you trying to patch the already patched rom?
Yeah, that's what I was doing. I mean, it worked the first time.
And yeah, merely changing the save file's name to the name of the new rom file is enough for it to get it working. Thanks.

Now if only I could muster the energy to finish C19..

Isn't like one of the worst tho?

Oh shit, that did the trick! Thanks, user

That's just one of many broken things in fe5

What about him? He didn't make this patch.

I’ve learned from experience that the OP of the thread directly correlates with the discussion in that thread. Since the OP is explicitly about FE5, and uses the FE5 cover as its image, of course it’s gonna be about Kaga FE rather than Gatcha or FE16 complaints.
Similarly, most of our best FE threads have started with a pic of a unit from FEs 6 to 8 in battle - for example, Wil getting a shitty level of +1 Skill.

The mechanics are really unrefined and sometimes outright broken. That along with general bad game design. Makes Thracia one of the most unique FE games, it's pretty different. But nah, Gaiden/Echoes are the worst.

Yes he did. He also made the FE4 path and Gringe’s FE6 patch and is probably also making a remake of FE4 that inserts a shitty MU into it who steals Deirdre from both Sigurd and Alvis and gets away with it.

That was the consensus but a few people insisted fe5 was secretly amazing because they knew few people had played it so they were unlikely to get proven wrong Now that there's a more palatable translation patch the truth will be revealed.

I love Echoes's battle animations, but they really should have ditched the crit cut-ins. It worked much better for Awakening/Fates's artwork


>that horsekick counterattack

Attached: 1550467145914.gif (480x327, 767K)

Also because you can just buy like sixty Stamina Drinks in Chapter 9 and use those to keep the same party on 24/7.

So what’s the most bullshit level? Chapter 12x? Chapter 14? Chapter 18? Chapter 22? Or Chapter 24x? Do you have your own personal most bullshit level?

The lazy bum can't even get his own FE4 patch out of beta.

There is no such thing as “out of beta” when it comes to fangames or patches, dude. Cut him slack there.

Just so you know, the patch may get a couple more updates as they're working on a better menu font for it.

>releasing a super nintendo game in 1999

the fuck was nintendo thinking

Good video that shows what FE5 looked like on an FE4 map. Obvious spoilers about all the events that happen in FE5:

>Chapter 18
It isn't even bullshit, the contrived shit you have to do, is completetly ignorable with no downside.

>Chapter 24x
This one just because of how (gameplay-wise) pointless it is

Yes they're trying to make the font look nicer as that's the only real thing left to finish aside from some bug fixes. Patch is "95%" complete.

>Translation patch for Thracia gets releases right around the time I get to the final chapter of Genealogy
Neat. I'll move onto Thracia once I finish FE4.
How does my golden boy Finn perform in FE5?

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That even deep into the N64 era, the Super Famicom was still considered the king of consoles.

Hell, Thracia was a digital release when it first came out, as you downloaded it onto special flashcarts to play it on the console, and it still proved popular enough that Nintendo was willing to give it a full physical release.

He does wonders! He doesn't start promoted but he packs his brave lance from fe4. He is one of the most reliable units in the game.

Pretty badly 2bh, he gets fucked over hard by the dismounting indoors mechanic. Meaning he can't use his brave lance, so if you don't train him in swords, odds are he'll be kinda useless during the end game chapters (all indoors)

Olwen or Ilios?



Olwen for sure. She's a relevant story character with a nice little arc whereas eyrios is a complete nobody. Eyrios is a far better unit but who cares about that?

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It’s spelled “Eyrios”, you shitbasket.

Is anyone gonna start a playthrough of the new patch? I wish I could, but my apartment’s gotten range-banned

Didn't they rename him "troy" or something for shits and giggles?
Anyone get that far with the new patch yet?

>Did anyone get like 20 or so levels into a patch that’s only 12 hours old?

It's Ilios.
The unfinished version that was playable up until chapter 21x was around for a while.

Alright then.
Now somebody needs to kidnap the patcher and demand that he restore all the original names or else be tortured to death.

Does the file for the bsnes fix works on Higan too? Otherwise looks like this shit doesn't work on it

Good to hear he still viable. Even if he'll fall off in indoor chapters, I'll probably end up bringing him into endgame anyway. I can't leave behind the Clutch King who saved my ass again and again in FE4.

Attached: Finn_Cipher_art_3.jpg (596x811, 162K)

SNES was the Wii of its era and the N64 was the WiiU

Why not? I'm no speedrunner but I've beaten FE5 in a day before. Plus you can probably use your old saves.
Actually I wonder if I could record gameplay with snes9x on the old patch then play it back on the new patch when I record videos.

Hope you all still have the unpatched rom because a mini update just came out. It's been posted here if you need it.

>An update already? Why? What was changed?
It's just a little bug fix. Apparently if you let the intro play to long you would get glitched backgrounds, this simply fixes that.

Fucking faggot. Real men commit mass murder on millions of innocent civilians with automatic weapons. That’s why the Christchurch dude was such a total Chad.

Nothing wrong with just using iron axes, user.


I couldn't get it to work on higan but some user got it to work with mednafen here

I got tricked about Marty didn't I? Nigga starts with ZERO fucking spd and can't hit a single thing with his steel axe.

Yes, but you have to use him anyways because memes. Refuse, and I come to your house and rip your throat out.

Does anyone else here feel like murdering hundreds of unarmed bystanders with an automatic weapon?

Because of this i'll drop another prepatched rom of the version with the bug fix

Don't use him till you get the Odo and Sety scrolls

Give them to him and he'll wind up being one of the strongest in the game

But i played it translated in 2014! WTF?

It's not shit anymore.

PoR and Awakening's animations suck and are too generic and barebones.
RD and Fates had some good ones.
Echoes are all fantastic.

Attached: 1524204326655.gif (389x227, 1.19M)

That's retarded and he'll still be a subpar unit because he has no personal weapon and shit PCC. He doesn't even have the charge skill and has one less point of movement than dagda.


So besides collecting the two prepatches in this thread, what other FE games are good for picking up besides the obvious GBA titles?

the gang's still here

Attached: Fire Emblem Thracia 776 Exile003.png (256x224, 26K)

get the /feg/ cumpilation and then find the .cia files for 3ds, the wii roms for FE9+10

>oh boy finally a full 776 translatio-
>look at the script pdfs
>it's packed with long-winded wikia-level 'explanations' of shit that's not in the original script, references to other games, and other 'creative liberties'

Attached: boo.jpg (550x550, 27K)

Then use the patch that translates only the menus.

>references to other games
can i get a tl;dr?

They seem reasonable enough to me.

Attached: 69f7b45b860861c54cbcd12bb6672aa2.png (1695x179, 135K)

This other one called Unified Thracia looked better but I'm pretty sure it's dead now.

Attached: Unified Thracia Translation Project.jpg (1024x672, 297K)


Attached: treehousetranslation.png (1745x1331, 724K)

The worldbuilding in FE4/5 is pretty great. The difference in scale helps.

Did I stutter?

It's 2019, why the fuck are translators still doing this retarded shit? It's like they are still stuck in 2002.

>Thracia is bad because it has mechanics they never tell you about
>the Thracia translation is bad because it has dialogue explaining these mechanics
You just want to bitch about it both ways don't you

He should have just translated what was there, now he's just going against what the developers intended.

What a load of Schroff.

The developers never intended to release the game in English

That dialogue is not there in the Japanese version you moron

The purists don't care. Everything has to be transliterated to perfect 1:1 accuracy, in which case you might as well just play the Japanese version altogether.

First off it's Holsety and if you marry Levin to Tiltyu you can get a unit that can be promoted to a mage knight you fucking idiot.

There's no English dialogue in the Japanese version whatsoever. This is a fantranslation released in 2019 that is meant to allow new players to play the game, which means making changes to make it more accessible and less reliant on outside guides. Go be autistic somewhere else.

Holy shit are you actually retarded? It's not about 1:1 accuracy, he's adding dialogue that was not even in the original game ruining the original experience that the developers intended the player to have.

>completely ruin what's supposed to be a surprise
>also make up a lore reason for it out of nowhere
>also insult the players intelligence by explaining how to counteract it

Translations aren't meant to guide players toward game mechanics that wasn't explained in the original dialogue.

>It's not about 1:1 accuracy
Yes it is. Otherwise, you would have no complaint whatsoever as they would not have changed it at all.

I'll say this: it explains what they do way too thoroughly, and with a bit too much dialogue, so it does ruin part of the mechanic. However, an unpredictable trap hole mechanic designed to fuck you in the ass with no warning is godawful game design.

Attached: 10925_6NlCnrEU.png (600x600, 206K)

Tfw there's a video out there of every single critical animation for Thracia and I can't find it again :(

I'm not a fan of the changes but to be fair anyone with a brain has already played through fe5, the patch is for the people that need all the extra help they can get

Are people pissy that FE5 isn't there little secret game anymore and explains what happens to normal people?

>anyone with a brain has already played through fe5
Or maybe I just didn't want to play the game with a crappy translation and gibberish menus?

Personally, the forest map already explained in detail how the teleport traps work. All 24x really needed was a quick mention that there were more ahead.

I've had a translation patched version of the game for a couple of years now

Attached: Screenshot_20190531-213612.png (1312x2560, 187K)

why play thracia when you can play the better kaga game instead?

Attached: Tearringsaga_boxart.png (400x396, 385K)

>However, an unpredictable trap hole mechanic designed to fuck you in the ass with no warning is godawful game design.
Reddit mentality. It's an optional chapter at endgame level, why can't it have 'fuck you' design?

seems like it

If Treehouse added this shit you faggots would be whining all night about ruining the dev's intentions and casualization but since it's a fan it's alright. God you're all fake as fuck.

Attached: 1559332554393.png (358x342, 139K)

The dev behind that vision no longer even works on the franchise, why do you give a shit? The dev himself certainly wouldn't. You're just being a SJW but for a game director.

Translations can and often do make these changes. Every FE game has had balance changes during localization, for instance.

Isn't the forest map missable because it's on a route split? If you go the solar route and storm Lenster you don't hear anything about teleports until they happen.

No me

Attached: Berwick_Saga_boxart.png (215x309, 167K)

I love this game to death, I just wish the entire thing wasn't so slow. The game chugs every time you select anything at any point, saving takes forever, units move slowly, and the animations take forever, even if they're just on the map. It's really hard to convince someone to give it a chance, especially with all the wordswordswords near the beginning.

The saddest thing is people have put off playing FE5 for over a decade and got this.

Attached: Untitled.png (184x384, 28K)

Not an argument

well lads just came out from the other side, only took 3 hours and 20 minutes. Thanks for the link user

Attached: 1541288135512.png (179x237, 2K)

Not a fan of the liberties but this is nowhere near the level of shit Treehouse pulled

>That background

Are you me? I'm fond of using that mix of colors because it looks lovely.

>now that FE5 translation is done, we'll be waiting 10 years for Berwick's to finish

Enjoy the game

This. Reading through the scripts and notes, say what you want about taking liberties but the translator clearly has more respect for the original script than treehouse ever will and don't pretend otherwise.

If it was Shining Force, then it wouldn't be so bad. Fire Emblem is not made better by dick move design.

tearring is too inconsistent in map design and difficulty. It does have some great maps though.

Even if it is missable, you don't need much to explain "Watch your step, or you'll get warped away". The original dialogue for the forest was just some guy saying to not get lost, without actually explaining why.

It hurts, got invested in the characters side arcs and now I have to wait till chapters 9-15 are done

what are some other good translated FE clones ?

Attached: marie2.png (1280x400, 115K)

This is why I never play partial translations, just makes the wait hurt even more.

What's this?

Same but I got too eager to see how different it played from FE and it delivered. So many problems I had with typical FE design were changed up in this game

>people waiting years for this shit "translation"

Metajo on PC98

it's really good, if you can read nip I highly recommend it

Attached: 479864-667002.jpg (367x512, 53K)

"creative types" and their liberties I swear

Attached: 1441936433587.jpg (401x372, 24K)

How the fuck can someone get confused? You know from context that it is someone's name in the game.

>tfw just wanna chill and talk about fe5 mechanics
>just people shitposting about translators making things simple for blind players
There isn't even censorship for you fucks to bitch about, literally what is the issue?

It's not about if Treehouse did it worse, it's the principle of the thing, since the "principle" is the argument people used when Treehouse did it with Fates and others tried to say it wasn't that bad.

A few changes that look dumb because I said so.

This is fucking retarded. Is this guy trying to get a job at Nintendo Treehouse or something?He would fit right in.

That was bait and not real. The names were based on whatever is the most recent translations used in the heroes voting thing

>good translated FE clones
>if you can read nip I highly recommend it
The translation's no good?

I got into FE recently and wanted to ask
What exactly did this treehouse company do to make you guys so fucking livid at the drop of a hat?

He doesn't use the CYL Voting names unless they're actually used in Heroes. He considers them "rush-jobs".

No it's real. I don't even think it's that awful but it's very fucking real and don't pretend otherwise.

some of these posts are probably flaseflagging though and I hope you realize that

Not necessarily, characters like Sleuf didn't retain their CYL name for whatever reason

They butchered the localization of Fates

>all these people bitching about the game being easier on blind players
Seethe harder :) Shitty game is no longer an "underrated secret" and will be exposed for how crappy it is


Fates is the one with the albino dragon person from smash right? What they do?

It WAS a nice FE topic.

Fire Emblem "fans" don't even play FE I find. Just bitching about it.

This is just the shining tip of the iceberg.

Attached: fates.png (748x1284, 678K)

That's what happens when waifufags spread like wildfire.

t. Ciro/Serenesfags. I hope Unified Thracia isn't dead and blows your shit translation the fuck out.

I will be mad forever! AAAAAHHHHHH FUCK TREEHOUSE!

Even without the waifufags to scapegoat they'll find a way to bitch about something they've already bitched about the previous day/week which begs the question of why even stay in the fanbase then?

Man, the more translations the better. I'm not bitching about this one or promoting it.

>Thinking Unified Thracia won't take just as many liberties with the script

Its dead user, let it go

>oh no stop complaining about retarded "translation" decisions

Not really. I just enjoyed not having to read the usual Corrin- or Three Houses-bashing for once.

bastardize a lot of chracters

This is probably the peak of fe5's popularity, is there any sort of co-op experience we could do to take advantage of that? Like all try the same challenge run, or do one of those "drafts" where you can only use certain characters or something.

Attached: 1499286650534.jpg (900x900, 239K)

Cute husband and wife.

Fuck yes. Man of the hour. Thank you.

People do "draft" picks where you one-by-one choose the units you and your friend will use for their run. Google it

Play Thracia and take breaks to play Cipher with me. :)

Attached: B10-012N_SAMPLE.png (308x431, 295K)

I hate to be that faggot but does this run on the SNES classic using the native emulator?

The vanilla rom does but none of the other translation patches do.

Holy fuck. It only took 20 years. Even though Fates (A game that was already officially translated) had like 2 or 3 fan-made translations a week after release. ThIs is the best game in the series by a fucking mile and it's a shame that it took this long.

Hell no! You'll need to run another emulator through it. I got Genealogy to run on the most current SNES9x core, but I haven't tested Thracia yet.

Gay. Why are the FE translation patches literally the ONLY FUCKING ONES that don't work on this thing? Every other translated ROM works fine, but none of the FE ones do.

Only if you post my wife.

cipher seems like too much work to learn, sorry user you're on your own

The base emulator won't run anything over 4MB, and the translation patches put FE games well over that limit.

One Linoan coming up!


Attached: B15-093R_SAMPLE.png (308x431, 293K)

>the weak should fear the strong.png

Multiple people have stated that they needed one of the snes9x cores to work on the snes classic, and after that it runs fine.

Also as for anyone trying to run this on an actual snes? SD2snes is the best bet, however since that fucking thing costs an arm and a leg, the everdrive also seems to work with it as well.

>chapter 23X teleport bazingas

So it's because they're incompetent and can't keep the filesize down then.

Look at this entitled manchild and laugh. Baby can't run a game he never would've played otherwise on his $200 plastic toy? How tragic. Eat shit and die.

It was $80, this isn't 2017.

>implying I like some dumb thot

Seriously. What did you expect? Translation is a field where the first thing to learn is that you will never, ever please everybody with your job.

>every other translation patch manages to work and not expand the rom
>you entitled fuck, how dare you imply that we should be competent

Learn jp filthy eop

I only want to run it on the classic because the start button on my SNES controller is broken so I can't run it on my SD2SNES unless I wanted to play with a SGB Commander.

i think the file size increase was part of fixing the menus, as those were the bane of everyone's existence for the last 15 years of hacking

Mareeta then.

Attached: B10-033R_SAMPLE.png (308x431, 296K)

hang on, will I be able to play the new translation on a ps vita or 3ds?

Surely there's places where you can get the non-SAMPLE'd, full artwork

Attached: 1533197171467.jpg (596x811, 136K)

Didn't they complete cut out S Rank supports for some characters because they were "too young"?

Yes but you should probably use an emulator that is SNES9x or uses a snes9x core.


Dragon Quest III translation is also 6MB
English is less dense than Japanese, sometimes you just can't keep the size down. Use SNES9x retrad

I'm more ashamed of the fact that, despite the liberties, it's a great piece work that ultimately is being shat on because of said liberties (and there's nothing censored, to boot). Fuck 1:1 elitists. They're just like SJWs.

>can't even spell retard
>has the nerve to call others retards

Hello Ciro

So I remember hearing about a menu patch a while back. Is there a way to edit the names in that version or am I stuck with whatever they chose to use?

>1:1 elitists.
They're just retards. What they really want is to read the native language but they're too lazy to learn it. 1:1 translations are impossible and not something you get in any medium in any context, ever, and you're a genuine idiot if you think otherwise.

you really are a retrad huh

Too much effort. Why bother when I have all of the card images since I need them to play online anyways?

>still can't spell or capitalize properly
tsk tsk tsk...

>he still can't bne smart

Editing Thracia is a bitch and a half, why do you think it took so long for another translation to come out?

hey assholes it does work on the SNES classic without retroarch you can all stop arguing now

Hey Ciro, if you're so butthurt that not everyone is happy with your translation, maybe you should have done something smart and had polls on Serenes on whether you should make these changes or not rather than forcing your headcanon names and dialogue on everybody

I don't think so user. It starts up normally but once you get into the gameplay it freezes up with "cccccccccccccccccccccc" across the screen

he did

This theme hit right in the feels in Chapter20

Attached: 8313935.png (571x725, 533K)

Who the fuck is Ciro?

Especially in languages where the cores sentencing differs from one language to the other. This is especially seen in interpretation, in which in the case of Japanese, you HAVE to wait until the end of a sentence because the verb is the thing that makes the sentences understandable. (I've tried interpretation, but only EN ES, and it's hard for me... now imagine the poor souls that do it in JP or DE).

Even if it's not interpretation, JP is notorious for expressing ideas with less words (or even a simple sound) that other languages, making it virtually impossible to keep it 1:1.

double gay

>Who the fuck is Ciro?
The guy who headed up the translation.

Ah, no wonder. I was lazy and just skimmed the thread for the pre-patch. Poor guy, getting stoned for stupid reasons. Then again, I knew what I was signing up for when I decided to take translation as a career. Still, what can one expect from Yea Forums, the hole of senseless anger that it is.

He had people in his Discord criticizing him on some of his more masturbatory tangents (like the torture chamber bit in 24x) and suggested he cut back on them.

Why is Treehouse allowed to be flayed but this guy gets a free pass for something as stupid as "I changed a character's name because of some building outside my house"?

Because unlike the guy who follows a common rule (and dilemma) of name translation, Treehouse does sins like these:

anyone doing challenge runs n stuff?

Attached: 1502501621670.png (546x609, 48K)

>unlike the guy who follows a common rule (and dilemma) of name translation
What rule is that? Assume the player is retarded and can't comprehend a name, so change it? Kinda like Treehouse did with simplifying Japanese sounding names.

Emuparadise still works brainlet.

What ride am I in for?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-31-22-35-50.png (2880x1440, 1.45M)

A wacky ride

leif to no life

Just something I saw during the career. Name changes are a thing used to avoid certain connotations or using something more tolerable because the original uses something that is bad in another language (see Chichi -> Milk in the Dragon Ball ES LatAm dub). Besides that, there's the fact that some names have a naturalized version in other languages, such as Elijah to Elias, Frederick to Federico, and the ever-ubiquitous George, which leads to the dilemma of using a more natural form of the name or keeping it so it stays current with the setting of the source material. I personally think mixing up some names is the way to go. Finally, full rewrites of names are not to be encouraged, which sadly some cultures, like the French and Spainard, don't follow due to their pride and such.

For the record, I'm not fond of the change and Safiya sounds dumb. If anything, naming her "Zafy" or even "Sapphire" would've been much better than the end result if the guy was so worried about that. Still, it's not like there'll be an FE loving member in that organization which will eventually cause a lawsuit... but you never know. I think I'll chalk it up to over-carefulness on his part.

Pardon the long post.

Uh guys

Attached: FE Thracia.png (500x437, 298K)

giant insertion into anus

rip cameo from the lake lady

>Callback to FE4 when Lex got a Brave Axe in the same way
Your point?

This thread makes me want to continue Shadow Dragon. Should I? Last I remember I just finished the mission where you recruit Navarre.

>i have intelligence stating
just let it be a surprise. this """localization"" sucks

Definitely. It is pretty much the purest FE game you can get and has very few flaws

if the cut-in didnt freeze animations for so long and had the awakening style art cut(only the eyes) it wouldve been perfect

yes finish it so you can go play it's sequel which is better in every way

What? It's a wonky twist on FE1, I enjoyed it but I don't know what you mean by "pure".

On the other hand I didn't like the changes in FE12 so maybe I'm just crazy

BS fire emblem is not tharcia

>wonky twist on FE1
Nigga now I know you haven't played that bizarro world game

How much of a badass should you be to do a 776 challenge run?

Really, Thracia was a digital game first. You bought the flashcart and downloaded it from a kiosk, then played it in the console from that.

I love it but its also tied with FE6 and FE9 for me. I love the kidnap mechanic and it can be really fucking hard. Especially if you dont abuse the scroll shit. But even then I still had a bad time on the final map.

thanks user

Attached: 1557614843586.jpg (649x1200, 63K)

Not at all, fe5's "difficulty" is mostly a meme. Due to the incredibly low enemy stats and the various overpowered weapons/staves/characters you get, 0% growths is a cinch even when playing ironman. From there you can aim for a low turncount or add other restrictions to create some challenge, but that's pretty far removed from the base game.

Attached: 1502499868794.png (546x609, 65K)

This game fucking rules. Best looking maps in any Fire Emblem game.

Attached: map09.gif (512x512, 88K)

How much is the jump from pic related to snes fire emblems?

Attached: 1235 - Fire Emblem (U)(Venom)-190413-094039.png (1620x1080, 1.49M)

Makes sense considering the game came out on SNES in fucking 1999.

FE3 only really adds dismounting and some other small stuff, but doesn't have the support or picking up other units mechanics. FE4 adds marriage and children, and a different version of supports from the GBA games (supports are map specific), FE5 is the closest to the GBA ones since it was the first to have the picking up other units system.

>knowing good game design is a Reddit mentality
Literally what the fuck

Is there a lord that has ever fucked up more then lief?

>Unlike other lords when he goes and follows his heart to save his town, it kills one of his mentors and half his army gets caught up and possibly captured
>He then gets holed up and has to defend his last castle until his cousin Seliph saves the day
I love those maps. And this game. Fuck I am glad other people can enjoy it. Its not perfect and its challenge can easily be reversed by abusing kidnapping but its so fun.

Does anyone has a snes with a flashcart here?
I'm interested in if it work on actual hardware

I believe a streamer right now is using one and it is working perfectly.

>they changed her name
Fucking why? Out of all the changes this offends me the most.

Shit opinions coming through. TRS was not on the tier list maker sadly but I would put it right next to if not above FE4 desu.

Attached: my-image (4).png (1280x1100, 619K)

Can't understand the love for PoR as a stand-alone title.

I played a little bit of TRS I was not a fan of how it controlled tho. Maybe it was my controller but it felt way too stiff sometimes on the map grid.

It was my second FE game right after awakening, maybe am a bit biased but I have replied it a few times before and I think it holds up. I like how if characters die it changes the dialouge of others and wish that was more in games. I liked the maps and characters as well. Ike is't the most interesting lord but he is good enough here. Music is good and other little stuff like Canto, forging, how supports work as in the units don't need to be right next to each other to get points but deployed on the map.

It's basically a middle ground between everything good the GBA games did and everything good (but not broken) that Thracia did. The only flaw is that it's too easy even on Maniac.

That's why he's a good lord. Unlike all the other lords Leif actually messes up, and we get to see him pay for it.

He also learns from this mistake and develops into a better leader.

Literally all the other lords do not make mistakes like Leif does, which makes them come off Sue-ish and too perfect.

How can it be that Marth and Roy are most boring character in all of FE?

I agree 100% I knew nothing and when that happend I was surprised and fell more in love. Epharium or however you spell it in, FE8 does something even dumber then what Leif did and he fucking got away with it. Am sure other lords have done dumber things and have gotten rewarded by it or it did not matter.

The best think about leaf is his role as a unit. He's pretty underwhelming in the opening chapters but mans up and contributes immensely in the manster escape. As the game goes on he doesn't see as much combat directly but he's helpful in providing support bonuses to various units. Once he promotes you can power him up and have him use the blaggi sword at the end.


Too bad the casuals aren't gonna experience the game like it's meant to be played with all these added hints and shit

Attached: ferankings (2).png (1216x1221, 1.82M)

What is wrong with SD user?

fuck off retard

Attached: it's above 50 now.jpg (775x306, 65K)

t. hasn't actually played any of his games or played the shitty remake of FE3 that made Kris steal all of his accomplishments
The Marth and Jeigan dynamic in FE3 book 2 is fucking great.

You're right about Roy though.

Attached: fe jagen2.png (800x587, 388K)

Ephraim gets jailed in 5x but someone releases him between that chapter and 8 user. He also tries to play a big dumb hero and as a result gets one of the plot devices destroyed later on too. He did not get away with everything at all.

Is there a name for images like this?

Use Olwen! She's cute!

Attached: a97913ab27bded701bbe0308552bf40f.png (800x760, 268K)

You know, if he were to post that list one time and no one responded to him, he'd probably stop. But nah, we've gotta "own" him, right?

This was the:
>Let's go to enemy capital with 3 guys, it sure will go great
plan? If so, I agree with you. So many people shitting on Eirika and ignoring Ephriam mental retardation.

I was pretty sure he made it out just fine in 5x though? He gets surrounded and then escapes somehow? Last time I played FE8 was a year ago.


He gets sold out by one of his own men and captured.

Wasn't fe3 book 1 a butchered retelling of FE1?

I guess to spend so much free time translating japanese for free you need to be in the spectrum.

He makes a big show and tries to escape but gets caught and betrayed.

Book 1 is FE1 without a few stages and characters. Such as Wrys who got replaced by a vulnerary.

The only one I can even remember is 22, so I'd go with that

>Such as Wrys who got replaced by a vulnerary.
An improvement.

It just cut out some filler chapters. I think dismounting complemented the maps well, overall it's a very vanilla fire emblem experience I don't have any complaints about.

Ephraim doesn't get caught, eirika thinks he does but he actually escaped just fine and shows up to help her.

>literally all other lords do not make mistakes
Marth gets forced into killing some of his friends because he couldn't unite the continent and sees all of the destruction that the war he fought in FE1 caused. Sure he doesn't do any mistakes on par with Leif but he obviously fucked up by trusting Hardin to be a good leader. It shows that Marth isn't really cut out to be a politician or leader until the end of FE3 where Jeigan helps him grow and develop as a character from freeing other countries and seeing their problems and plights.

Not "butchered" in terms of story, it just cut some chapters and characters because of cartridge space because they had to fit Book 2 on there. The story is the same, FE1's story wasn't much more than "Marth goes around just trying to survive but ends up saving the world from the evil dragon". Book 2 is where the story gets really interesting, and it's honestly one of my favorite FE stories.

Attached: marth seriously.png (164x152, 4K)

>filler chapters
>the only chapter that takes place in Orleans
>the chapter that introduces manaketes as a concept
>the chapter that introduces Camus's Black Knights
>filler chapters

Olwen is the best mage knight in any FE game.
Tana turns into a dancer if you use her to talk with the leader of this bandit camp
Finn ofc
Perne for 10/0 theif
Salem for first playable dark mage and he looks like kakyoin so thats a plus
Karin for pegyponyslut
Ced for he is Leweens son so ofc you have to use him
Fargass since he might also be Beowulfs son

What are the downsides of the ds remakes besides the horrible spritework?

The Gaiden chapters require you to intentionally kill units to enter them, but the game gives you faceless replacements whenever you dip too low anyway and so it's an exercise in near-futility.

Other then introudcing class change and gaiden chapters needed you to play bad and rewarding you when you kill of benchwarmers nothihg really. The latter is 100% optinal and easy to avoid while the former led to some bad design choices later on and I just do not like it

The beginning of MU and its at its worst when it comes to jacking (you) off. Also removes weapon weight. SD is alot better then Mystery in terms of remakes.

Ephraim still didn't succeed at what he intended to do at Renvall in the first place even if he did manage to somehow escape Valter's forces. The game doesn't make it sound like he got very far either.

>Marth fucked up by trusting Hardin
I don't think anyone would have been able to predict what happened to Hardin between FE1/3 or that Nyna was still lusting after Camus even after his apparent "death".

Its not really a big deal if you don't go to the gaidens anyway. Most of the replacement units suck and you can trick 24x since you can just give Falchion to the special death unit and revive her with the Aum staff for a two in one deal.

That's for Shadow Dragon, I mean. New Mystery introduces an avatar who pretty much nullifies all of Marth's achievements by saying "Oh, s/he did all the work but was so humble that they let Marth take all the credit".

Shadow dragon is a good game, it adds much needed difficulty settings and you can quickly check enemy attack ranges which is a godsend. Some of the new mechanics e.g. weapon triangle don't really fit in the game, stuff like weapon rank bonuses are unintuitive for mental calculations, reclassing is a bit strange from both story and gameplay perspectives, forging is seriously overpowered, etc. But that's also what makes it a fun game to play when you're already familiar with FE1/FE3; abuse forged effective weapons and ballistae to their fullest and you get an interesting experience. For anyone who has played FE11 and is looking for a replay, I recommend H5 0% growths.
>gaiden chapters
These are low quality but if you just pretend they don't exist and you'll never see them. Not an issue.

I'll let someone else talk about FE12, I don't like it.

>I'll let someone else talk about FE12, I don't like it.
If I wasn't about to go to bed, I'd be ranting about Kris being the plague that wrecked Fire Emblem by introducing avatars who exist only to be fellated by every other character.

Which bosses do I need to capture and hold unto before I seize a map? or was that only Shiva to unlock him latter?

You don't need to do anything to Shiva, but Lifis is one you need to capture

- Lifis (ch2x)
- chapter 8 boss
- Salem (ch12)
- Misha (chapter 17a, not a boss. Talk to her with karen first)
Think that's all. Sometimes you get an extra line or two of dialogue when you capture bosses though

I thought if I killed Shiva I would't be able to recruit him later. So you are forced to capture him. Also who gets the speed/life rings? Lief to make him not suck as much or Finn? Then again saving atleast the life ring for Karin (the pegknight) sounds good as well

Shiva stands on a fort in chapter 2x, it's difficult to capture him and you can just ignore him and complete the chapter.

Leaf benefits from the early rings but it's not a big deal if you prefer to save them for units you like.
Karin doesn't really need any boosts since she's quite helpful as a flying taxi but if you really want her to be a combat unit you can do that. In fact, you can make just about anyone into a strong unit with enough favoritism.

Correct me if am wrong but she is your only flying unit for a LONG time right?

See It's the way the japanese writes Bhuj.

I cannot wait for these characters with changed names to get into Heroes so this faggot gets blown the fuck out

For like 10 chapters yeah (some indoors though). Just know that even if you train her she won't be as good as the next flier you get.

>Ephraim doesn't get caught, eirika thinks he does but he actually escaped just fine and shows up to help her.
Actually, he's trapped in the general area around Renvall and is only able to slip out thanks to Eirika arriving and drawing their attention.

2 fliers is better then 1 flier. Ill give the speed ring to Finn as most peg nights dont need help to double but fin might if he wants to capture enemies and not waste up his brave lance uses

You only need to capture and hold Shiva if you want to steal his Killing Edge


>7 different characters have leveled up
>not a single one of them have gotten Str
Why Kaga why?

Any ideas on how to beat chapter 24 quickly without using warp?

just use warp