Politics do not belong in games

I've always thought games these days are too political.
So to get away from this shit, I started playing old games only to discover they're also political. What the fuck?

I think people have rose tinted glasses when they talk about how it was better before. Its the same as always.

Is there any escape from this shit? I feel like I might have to go back to the pong era to get away from politics in my videogames.

Attached: s35timlcwol21.png (1920x1080, 1005K)

Deus Ex was using politics to warn players about how shitty real world authorities are. Modern woke games are just "reeeeeeeee"

That's terror

>he doesn't realize that pong subconsciously reinforces competitive viewpoints
try tetris friend, there's no political agenda there :^)

That’s not politics.

This is literaly RICH PEOPLE BAD and wanting to tax me or my family's big business because I'm not a poorfag

>a game made by the reds to promote everyone working together to achieve a singular goal, lest the world ends.
Fuck off, son.

Everything is politics. To say otherwise is naive or disingenuous.

Have you not played the game? Its literally wahh poor people oppressed

say what you want but it's all in the numbers

I'm tired of leftist narratives mainly. Deus Ex eventually makes you side with the libtards instead of UNATCO which is stupid, almost installed

But Deus EX is redpilled, so i don't give a fuck


cursed spellcheck

>Everything is politics.
Is my picture political?

Attached: 1559312468154.jpg (655x702, 187K)

>if you dont brown nose rich people youre a libtard
Stop watching Ben Shapiro

politics in games is fine in principle
politics in games is usually boring, low hanging fruit written by retards

Its pretty bluepiled actually. Only at the start you go from telling useless welfare leeches to get a job to actually helping their cause (you can't even stay with UNATCO)

Yes. The debate of whether lolis and college girls can date each other is very political.

>Deus Ex politics
>Presents several political debates revolving around the power of institutions and different opinions about it without villifying any point of view. Literally every person can relate to that
>Modern game politics
>Uhmm sweetie, the future is female and templars were black you fucking nazi

There's a difference about a game being about politics (like Deus Ex) and game being political (like inserting the tranny flag into Hat in Time)

Liberals want everything for free and expect the rich to pay for it

You can join the Niggaminati though

That's right my fellow BASED cuckservative! Lets go die for Israel!

It very clearly vilifies non socialists and sides you with the gibsmedats

>moving goalposts