Literally impossible

Literally impossible

Attached: stBug5k.jpg (600x315, 26K)

hes the last boss so obviously hes going to be hard faggot

stop dodging so much. Everyone who has trouble with this boss gets scared and overthinks it.


Clearing his dudes every time is really fucking annoying, but once you've killed them he isn't too hard. Especially with the helper guy.

you mean stop dodging at all. The only thing you should dodge is the grab. Jump the sweep. Everything else should be easy parries

Literally the easiest boss in the game.
Stay at range, dodge, Nightjar Slash and gtfo out.
Repeat till he's dead.

This boss made me terribly desperate. I am with the snake now.

>using skills
sorry kid, this thread is for professionals.

>easiest boss
uh no that's the horse guy

Invite him for a 1-1 in the pond.
Then promptly ask that one dude for help whem he's down a Deathstroke.

Artificial difficulty: the boss

If you can even sort of parry the boss after this is honestly easier.

Literally just keep running

If you are not trolling then once you beat the game you will back on this thread and chuckle. The Drunkard is very easy, just clear the mob around him first, running away if necessary. As for the drunkard himself, just bait his attacks and stay out of reach. Dude is slow as fuck.

>spam parry
>then spam attack

for you

Outclassing your enemy by implementing unique game mechanics fluidly is what pros do. Spamming L1 is for amateurs.

you mean impossibru

sorry kid, the REAL pros just spam firecracker and press r1

Took me 2 tries, kek learn to play the game, it's fucking easy

He killed millions.

>games even gives you an NPC summon
>still struggling
come on

he does so much posture damage that you'll be fucked if you miss one parry. I just run away when he starts doing his big swooping combo and hit him while he's drinking or doing other, easier to dodge moves

not gonna lie this was the hardest challenge I faced since it was my first boss, from there onward it was a cakewalk

sneak/run around and kill all the cronies
run away
backstab him
ask guy in pond for help
pond guy dies after knocking out about half of his last bar

get good for 1/4 of his bar. cant dodge or parry? hit once or twice then run away, repeat. use items if you must.

basically just dont be a retarded bitch.

I backstabbed him once while he was walking back from chasing me after I killed all his adds, and then used the NPC guy to split his attention and just wailed on him without getting hit. I didn't really learn shit from fighting him like that and so Lady Butterfly was my first real challenge