>video game has general
>general is unusable for gameplay discussion due to 100% waifu/lewd posting and circlejerking and posters will actively try to cover up game discussion with attention whoring
>/vg/ jannies are fine with this
>make thread for game on Yea Forums
>get banned for 3 days for not using the general
Video game has general
Other urls found in this thread:
Shadowniggers thread?
>Try to get into franchise
>check /vg/
>find the game general
>few interesting conversations
>man i want to fuck x
>yeah i wanna sniff ys gamer feet
Why cant we just find fucking discussion bros.
is it all the underage?
welcome to 4ch
/xivg/ was my specific example, when the last xpack came out jannies were going fucking nuts and deleting -one- semi-recurring thread on Yea Forums, that said most generals have this trash and jannies never do anything about it
No sympathy from me
the only good games on /vg/ are Team Fortress 2, Red Dead Redemption, STALKER, Elite Dangerous, Fallout (New Vegas), Touhou, and Soulsborne games
You can make threads on Yea Forums for ALL of these games
First thing i thought about. What did you want to talk about in xiv
Deleting and getting mods to ban people for posting them.* 40 waifu and lewd threads on Yea Forums at a time are fine but god forbid a video game thread
It's not about XIV, just shit ass mods letting boards in general get dominated by cancer, Yea Forums hasn't been that bad for it lately but a *certain* other board has invaded and killed many other boards because mods don't do shit about it
How do i even get into touhou?
Im kinda afraid to check the /vg/ due to waifu fags shitting up every post i see.
fucking Yea Forums, their conquest needs to be put to an end
Is it even possible to have a thread on Yea Forums that doesn't immediately turn into screeching about 'lefties' or (((them)))
Try, I dunno, just joining in on the circle jerking instead being a fucking square
Nah, Yea Forums is cancer if video game threads are being deleted. A thread about a game does not become a general if said game has more than one thread per day or per week or whatever. There's no rule that you can only talk about games that don't have threads on /vg/ or that you can only talk about a game a certain amount of times in any period of time. Generals have those opening posts, they have anchor posts, they have cancerous faggots treating it like a discord channel, etc.
And we all know that WoW threads, Dark Souls, Persona, RE2, Smash, and the ACTUAL DRAWTHREAD GENERAL don't get deleted. Janny just refuses to stop seething over XIV for over 4 years now.
because Yea Forums is a beacon for all retards and autistic manchildren
I meant as far as /pol/ shitting up boards goes mods actually deal with it on Yea Forums
Touhou threads on Yea Forums have been terrible and /2hug/ is just as bad. The only decent place to discuss it is in slow /jp/ gameplay thread.
That's what you get from series that attracts weebs who only care about waifu circlejerk and imagedump.
>buttmad that the entirety of blueboards aren't safespaces
t. /tvl/tard
>this shitpost again
You turned the entire site into your extremist political circlejerk then throw autistic tantrums when anyone wants to talk about something besides how le ebil jews/lefties are responsible for everything you don't like, not to mention you edgy faggots flooding in to Yea Forums to have a safespace in the first place
Create a containment board for waifufags called /vw/
Then we're stuck between /pol/tards and Redditors like you.
Been unironically saying this for years, 3 day ban minimum for infractions (yes an unrelated picture of a waifu alongside an otherwise video game related post is still waifu garbage)
>Be stupid lefty or braindead centrist
>wander into a board
>Hmm, this thread seems to be complainign about something I like
>Why don't the people like my based black men or hyper intelligent jew idols?
t. (You)
I find it hilarious that the only general on /vg/ that actually constantly creates content related to the game and discusses and shares things is for and hasn't devolved into attention-whoring tripfag/discord drama is Artificial Academy 2, an anime porn game.
>>Be stupid lefty or braindead centrist
>>wander into a board
>>Hmm, this thread seems to be complainign about something I like
>>Why don't the people like my based black men or hyper intelligent jew idols?
>t. (You)
Keep your demons on reddit, on second thought, why don't you go back there?
Probably because the mods themselves are fucking furries, weebs, and pedos. There's an awful lot of convenient exceptions they make.
How many foil pipes do I have to smoke out of until I become as mentally as
Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous. I still remember when patch 3.5 part 2 was coming out threads were getting pruned IMMEDIATELY. And HW threads were getting deleted when it launched. It's not uncommon to see three plus WoW threads up but a single XIV thread up is a problem. Imagine being this biased and have this much of a prejudice against a single fucking game.
>if you hate politics, you're a lefty or a centrist
Kill yourself. All politics should be rangebanned and banished to the containment board.
If you love a game, you think its general sucks and you think you're the kind that can engage in meaningful conversation, just go in there and do it. You can help fix the threads. Just giving up on it because of shitposters is stupid, and there's good reason you're supposed to go to /vg/ for these games, it's what it was made for. Would you rather see half of Yea Forums filled with Smash "he's in" threads again? Because that's when we lose not just meaningful conversation on one game, but ALL video game conversation on this entire site.
This. I was actually banned for 30 days from /vg/ once because I and a few others figured out a serial loli poster was a janny. 20,000+ loli posts in 7 years
>the Donald calling anyone reddit
The entire problem is Moot used to make sure mods did their job but Hiro can't read the site so mods just enforce their own biases
Don't try to reason with them, they think not wanting to talk about politics means you're a "triggered asshurt shitlib who needs a safespace"
>I'm ignorant, please don't talk about things I don't like or know about
I think tumblr's more your speed, friendo.
some of the generals are pretty funny
>/fgg/ is just defending SFV and not talking about any other game or even playing SFV
>/ssbg/ is the same 20 compfags having an endless dick waving contest while their fans cheer them on
>/smtg/ banned so many games from its general that its outnumbered by the generals that were exodus-ed
>/sc2/ looking even more brain dead than a twitch chat for a stream with 100k+ viewers
>the bot that overran /gw2/
this website would probably be better if everyone that ever posted on /vg/ was banned
>Video game general
>Actual discussion going on, threads are healthy
>Someone starts a discord and the general's quality instantly tanks
>Would you rather see half of Yea Forums filled with Smash "he's in" threads again?
We already see that shit.
The best part about the one /pol/ schizo in this thread is it's impossible to tell whether the posts are sincere or trolling at this point, that's how fucking stupid they look to anyone not from that safespace
why the fuck the mods are so shit on vg??
They make a lot of exceptions because they still think Yea Forums is an anime website, pic related happened to me here on Yea Forums
>the_donald criticizes jews
Yea Forums discords always fall apart.
/cv/ is a big example, it was good for about a year but then became a shitfest - it would be fine if the discords didnt go turbo autism.
there was a time period where more than half of Yea Forums was these threads so it was literally unusable. I'm assuming that's what led to the need to enforce as a rule
There's nobody making sure they're doing their jobs.
Tell me more about how jews are smarter and more successful than you but you're still totally the master race bro
Any vidya fandoms here that are plagued by waifufaggotry?
>even this thread was derailed by /pol/'s autistic screeching about jews/liberals
Is Hiro ever planning on selling Yea Forums to a semi competent admin
Yea Forums is an anime website
Why do you think it still has Yotsuba image all over the site? Not to mention it's literally run by nip who also run anime-culture website now.
Uh oh, he opened up his drumpf folder.
You say that like it's only a select few. The vast majority, if it has a feminine image, are ruined by braindead waifufags and literal discord trannies.
For me it's xcom, but here on V
Yeah i get it, snek is sexy, but i also want to talk about the game
I actually want to get more into xcom, i own both of the remakes
being rightwing is infinitely worse than being a libtard.
It's actually funny, rich conservatives are at least looking out for their own interests but poor ones are fucking themselves over just to spite the left
>please let me bring politic shitflinging that has nothing to do with the boards' topic
At this point I rather have console wars
I'm not rightwing, that's what's so funny when faggots screech about /pol/.
>want to discuss a specific fighter
>forced to use the "fighting game general"
>absolutely ENDLESS waifuposting
>not a single small conversation about the games themselves to be found besides "X bad"
reddit is the logical alternative in this case
When you get banned for talking about how somebody responsible for something terrible gaming related is also a cumsucking faggot who has retarded political beliefs Yea Forums brings it on itself.
>I'm not rightwing, that's what's so funny when faggots screech about /pol/.
I was hardcore liberal until I had to live through 8 years of obama. row up a little and maybe we can talk, champ.
Am I supposed to feel bad for you sad fuck or something? It seems pretty obvious that you just wandered into a community you don't belong to.
OP does raise a point that /vg/ is more of a containment board than a discussion board. Consistent threads start to foster identities which goes against the anonymity of Yea Forums. When you just see random threads about something you might still get waifu/lewdposters and all their idiocy but it's infrequent. When you get into a consistent thread you start to realize just how many people cannot function socially unless it's about waifu/lewdposting and just being a degenerate in general. Then that forms a clique of these like minded individuals and then you lose all platform for discussion because they just want to circlejerk about their waifus.
There are just some posters you don't want to meet consistently.
Good. It's a containment board.
>/pol/ is just a boogeyman
>they completely shit up this thread with politics and unironic racism
Big think hours
Most threads have namefags. That place needs to be nuked.
>video game has general
>no discord drama, no tripfags, waifu/husbandofagging is at an acceptable level
>make thread on Yea Forums
>stays comfy and has actual discussion (unless furfag degenerates come in and start spamming cropped porn)
get better taste.
>/pol/ can never shut up about identity politics while doing nothing but perpetuating identity politics.
Real big thinks.
I'm not a tranny who needs constant attention or a 12 year old that can't five seconds without blogging about what makes my peepee hard so maybe I don't belong anymore
Is GW2 general still being assaulted by bots?