What’s an ACTUALLY scary video game 2: Electric Boogaloo

What’s an ACTUALLY scary video game 2: Electric Boogaloo

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peanus weanus :)))

real life once you realize what the mindset of normalfags is

horror is 90% visual

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There are no good horror games. Since, if you die, and you can come back with little to no loss, there's no real tension to the experience.

Cry of fear

Just the fact that scary monsters are in a normal setting is horrifying.
Story is kind of edgy though

Cheap horror is 90% visual. Horror is done best when it's a mix of all senses, it's why people like Lovecraft styled writing; because it assaults all of your senses.

Afraid of Monsters was tense as hell. Took about a week for my cowardly ass to get past the hospital level

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He cute

Good taste, directors cut was great

Is that an frog?

Bloodborne can be pretty spooky.

Project Zero/FF 1 - 3
If 1 single dev would have the balls to give us tank controls again, the horror genre would instatnly revive

Use your imagination

what's that from?

I want a horror game where unbeknownst to the protaganist, the monster of the game is a female monster that loves him and just wants him to be happy.

Are you 8 years old?

Penumbra was pretty spooky, as far as I remember. Second one was also nice.

Any horror games with this feel?

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Is that the Giant Rat That Makes All Of The Rules?

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Horror is 90% tension. That pictures is funny, not scary.

Lovecraft is not scary. "Duuuudeee itslike I cant even fathom it brooo. Pass the joint."

Id play that

Would you fuck the thing in OP if it were a grill that was deeply in love with you?

I hate horror games where you have to hide. It's not scary, just tedious. When I was underaged Alien vs Predator(not the 2010 one, older one) human campaign was scary, then Dead Space was pretty scary at times

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so you haven't read a single HPL work in your life, and you spam meaningless contrarian nonsense for cool guy points? got it

Darkwood is pretty spooky at times

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The threat of horror is stronger than actual horror

Deadly Premonition's boring sandbox was tense as hell because it could literally go from GTA to Silent Hill at any second


Mr Hands

post the best greentexts. I don't want to sleep.

possibly, but I'd have to see all of it in proper lighting.
It also depends on its personality.

The 2010 is scary as fuck if you’re a human online. All the alien and predator have to do is come up behind you and press a button and you’re dead. Going up against good players was even more daunting.

Silent Hill Shattered Memories would be the closest thing to that.

Look at those DSLs

Stories Untold
Resident Evil 7

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You wouldn't.

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I haven't played it. Is single player good, anyone still playing online?

Hiding simulators like Amnesia are complete garbage and everyone who says these games are good or scary can instantly be labeled a pleb faggot.

>gIMme A gUn I wadDA SHOdy SHody BANg baNG

don't be childish

fuck off, reddit furries

I would.

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>Deadly Premonition's boring sandbox was tense as hell because it could literally go from GTA to Silent Hill at any second

No, it was only at midnight. You know exactly when it will happen every time and even worse, you can control it and go back to day whenever you want. Deadly Premonition is a good game but not because it's anything resembling a horror game.

Shadow of Chernobyl is still the scariest game I've played.

Yeah. The single player is 3 campaigns. Alien, Human, Predator. They’re solid. I don’t know if people still play online. I highly doubt it since I played it a few years ago and it was hard to find a match. Give it a shot though.

>spongebob instagram meme from 2018
consider the rope, faggot

3rd or 1st person Darkwood when?

I read his Dreamland stories and the one with the fish people is spoopy

cry of fear is laughably bad

he's right, tho. hiding sims literally can't be scary, because the game is designed around it. if an enemy spots you, you know there's a locker or some shit somewhere near you.
with games like RE or SH, where you have a way to defend, you have to think and plan if you want to attack an enemy or just run. this decision has consequences, because you might visit that room again and the enmy is still there or you fight him, but lose a healing item in the process, that you desperately need later.
That creates constant tension. Pair that with tank controls and static camera angles and you have absolute peak horror game.


Fuck off with your shitty buzzwords


Are there any games that build tension like this:

half of it is the sound design I swear

I ain't clicking that shit NIGGA.

that was fucking boring and not scary at all

it's just a scene from Sinister that I always thought had a good tension buildup

worst scene in the movie
go play fnaf

Never :(


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>tfw absolutely love horror games but half the time too chicken to play them

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>i sure love walking simulators. games are sure scary when I die and just load from a checkpoint 20 seconds beforehand

Let me guess, the lawnmower

Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour almost killed me.

Honestly think good action horror games end up being more tense to me. When they got a good balance of overwhelming enemies and limited ammo so you have to be quick on your feet to figure out how you're not going to die.

That's just being tense, not scared.

Part of the same card.

Those pictures are legit scary. Any explanation as to why that is?

this is bad

>Any explanation as to why that is?
The section of your brain responsible for identifying threat works properly.

I can see a picture of and angry wolf and not feel disturbed at all. What is different with those pictures?

DayZ, before the devs screwed it, despite the jankiness.

Nothing compares to seeing another player on the horizon and wondering if they've seen you.

You don't recognise things on them, the proportions and facial features are unnatural

Unironically Outer Wilds. It's a mix of space comfy and horror, in equal measures.

Finally, an excuse to post this

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because they're spooky looking, dummy ;)

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Where's Michael?

That's not scary, that's tense.

Because, D U M M Y

whats the story behind this picture? is that arin hansons anorexic sister?

>is that arin hansons anorexic sister?
Fuck I see the resemblance now

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Re7 vr was so good, especially since that's how I first played it. The problem people always point out that dying and only having to replay the last 10 minutes removes all the tension still applies in vr though.

Looks like he could use a good toothbrush.

nothing has scared me more than drifting into the dark bramble without any idea what was in there

Uncanny valley.

The first bioshock was kinda spooky


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Because human brains recognize large eyes as unnatural.

Is that supposed to be a wojak?





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Saya no Uta is somewhat like that.

>Alien Isolation
I will admit that it causes more dread and panic rather than actual fear, but god damn did it ever make my heart race. First time I played it was in a well lit room with four friends and all of us kept panicking regradless of who was playing.

Because it is both recognizable, yet it looks 'off'. Your brain recognizes this as a threat and instills fear.
Things should look in place, when things start looking strange or start acting in ways they should not, that is when things truly start becoming scary.

>types like a nigger
color me surprised

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Post more unnerving images

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I got one

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>ideas can’t be scary
Post your iq.

>Lovecraft is not scary.
Cool. Why don't you return when you're older, feel free to fuck off back to /r/eddit in the meanwhile.

That character is from a horror game.

My ex gf actually started crying when I made her play this in the dark with headphones... She didn't even get passed the darkness with the camera at the very beginning

Those preying eyes remind me of that creature in Miasmata.

Love your taste man, no game scared me before DC, after I played it fucking everything was able to make me jump. I think that was 12 years ago, fuck it's been a long time.

Nightmare house 1&2
The witches house
Cry of fear
Subnautica (I'm scared of deep oceans)

That's my list I think

My man, i felt like i was the only one that played that game. It has a wierd mix of comfy and unnerving at the same time, fucking loved it.

Hugo's house of horrors

It's Epic Games Store exclusive which turns people off unfortunately.

I find dead space 1 and 2 scary on highest difficulty.

>tfw I bought this off the shelf via shareware
I'm old af

I dont get it

>turns trannies off

It really is a shame, id honestly recommend people to just play a pirated version if they cant stand epic. The premise and gameplay is really interesting, reminds me of space odyssey and event horizon

Any hype for Moons of Madness?

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>mickey mouse inflation fetish suit
Why is this frightening people

If the Filth is involved (and judging by the trailers, it very much is), it will probably be pretty good cosmic horror.

Other way around.

It was actually used correctly this time, though.


There's a comic by a spanish artist I think where a kid is in a skyscraper looking through binoculars at other buildings and he sees this freaky monster woman through a window, and she makes direct eye contact and points at him and then she starts sprinting through the streets toward his building staring directly at him the whole time before opening the door to his room, I can never seem to find it but it taps into a very primal fear for me

>still no good yandere horror vidya

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Humanoid form, non-human features. It's the oldest trick in the book that makes our brains do a double take because something so familiar to us is also so alien at the same time.

Fuck your horror games, this one part in Banjo Kazooie scares me more than anything I've played in any video game. Clanker himself doesn't scare me at all, but this does.

What is this called?

I'm not afraid of drowning since I'm a great swimmer. Great Bay Temple also gives me a similar feeling.

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That horror game is from a character?

my nigga
play them with lights on, windowed mode. play cheerful music if it helps.


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what the FUCK is that game

>we just need to wait it out:)
Smug fucker.

What's this?

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Haven't been able to find anything worthwhile since Darkwood. Visage seemed okay for a hide-n-seek horror game but was kind of disappointing. Wish I could find something that captured the tension of STALKER and the atmosphere of Darkwood.

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Lost in Vivo was good

The game takes place in the Secret World universe, the main antagonist of which are these interdimensional entities collectively called the Filth. They are the dreams of eldritch god-like beings only referred to as the Dreamers intruding upon reality from whatever plane of existence these Dreamers inhabit. As such, they are mere abstractions and approximations of what the Dreamers think things in our reality look and act like.

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>I didn't even have time to eat fries
Every time

>that version of this where it gives people autism instead


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>he hears you take out your switch

>is racist
>complainig about IQ

Good one kys

The creature was designed by Trevor Henderson who was used for the game.

Features are a mix of recognizable as "okay" and things our vrains are hardwired to react negaively to (improperly sized facial features, large dark eyes, large mouth, pale or sickly skin, signs of disease, etc.).

Also, the juxtaposition of familiar settings (especially the bedroom, which is a very private, safe, and intimate place in our minds due to our vulnerability as we sleep) with the unsettling or unnatural.

that also dies

t. ~65iq abo

not him but I might have some interesting IQ statistics

>it's current year and people still can't accept the fact that there are many different feelings that all get lumped into the idea of being scared or horrified, or the fact that what triggers these feelings can completely vary from person to person
when will we learn and stop pretending there's one way to do horror

Yeah this is geniunely horrifying.

Wouldn't 500 decibels destroy the universe?

>juxtaposition of familiar settings
I really wish more horror would lean in to this. I'm so sick of "spooky" caves and forests and shit. It's so hard to get fully immersed in uncommon environments. Give me some good supernatural/body horror in a modern urban environment. That's why shit like The Mist was so fucking great.

There isn't just one way but it'd be nice if people would admit that gratuitous shock gore and jumpscares aren't really horror, they're just surprising

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>Be me
>Be indiano jones looking fucker
>Go to temple and steal golden idol from some temple
>Gorilla chases me out, I spend god knows how long running away through the temple.
>Never stops pursuing me, never even seems to get tired.
>Finally, I think I manage to escape
>I live the good life, off the riches I made off selling the gold idol
>retire to simple middle american home
>Get a pet guinea pig, call him chuckles.
>Lie down one evening in the sitting room and decide to start videoing my guinea pig
>Suddenly I hear a loud thundering down one of the corridor towards the living room
>right towards me
>fucker comes speeding towards me
>End of the line
>I get a game over screen
>But I beat my high score


Would have as pet

I mean it's true, with the absurdly wide range of phobias and triggers people can experience. That said there are a handful of things that basically all humans will find terrifying and for some reason they seem to get used least. And the problem with leaning in to specific phobias and niches in horror is that it'll only be really effective for a few people where everyone else wont even experience mild fear.


Uno Moralez is great, I wish he would produce more stuff. I like to use his images as inspiration for Delta Green tabletop stuff.

That's the one, but what's even scarier is that resolution



Game won't be horror but creeped me out.

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Would fuck,

I dunno man some of those sequences with the black goo monsters look genuinely spooky

>When you catch the jews before they happen.

did they make another chapter yet?

Anyone have the skinwalker creepypasta about the black dude in alabama or whatever going camping with his 8 or 9 siblings and cousins? Skinwalker pastas are usually kind of corny but some of the descriptions in that one seriously creep me out, like when he talks about walking through the woods and seeing it twitching and jerking its way through the trees in the distance and hearing a low gibbering/muttering

Scary, or creepy?

The Moon Sliver is one of the creepiest games I ever played but it never out and out scared me.

>guy has a friend with him

that takes alot of tension out of this


reminds me of junji ito

It's decent horror writing at least. Set up a silly weird situation. A safe area. An innocent people naturally protect. Then innocent is corruption and failed to protect maybe dangerous now. Silly weird situation is no longer funny. It's all inside your body. What you thought was safe for the baby wasn't.
But most horror game devs probably just walk away with ooooh creepy doll, I will put creepy doll in my game making it just as scary.

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he fucc doggo

Current SCP 3127 is something I can't even.

I remember it being from some kind of music video

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Maybe this is scary in context but watching that clip I couldn't stop laughing. It was like some literal retard with ADHD screaming because mom took away his legos.

Who is this semen demon?

MInistry of field walks

Why is every European city filled with black and brown people?

What is this electric bogaloo thing I keep reading? Is it a common english expression or just a reference to something?

hes so cute tho :3

"Electric Boogaloo" is a phrase typically appended to the title of a sequel TV or film production to mock its poor quality. Originally featured in the title of the poorly received 1984 dance film Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo[3], the term refers to a type of dance move that arose out of funk and hip hop styles in the 1970s, popularized by the street dance team The Electric Boogaloos

took me 5 seconds googling it.

Because diversity is our strength which is why everyone needs to mix together into one global brownish race with no history or identity

its just a joke people make when something is a sequel. i think its a reference to a film sequel that had that subtitle

Summertime blues.

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>out in the woods in the middle of nowhere in pitch black at night alone
>dog is looking off camera at something

The implication is that the dog sees something you should be scared of. It's probably just squirrel or something though.

「 リッペン 」

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Horror games are just action games where you play as a weenie.

stuck in evil chuck e cheese with killer animatronics sounds like an awesome idea for a movie.

of course you faggots would ruin that as well

I had a fantastic idea for a horror game
It's advertised as having a bunch of physiological and monster stuff in it
So you walk around in a house at night waiting for spooky shit to happen
But no spooky shit ever happens and you're just walking around in a house

>underestimating the importance of sound design in horror

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I believe that's a key

Someone post the lion from Stalker

Because as Europeans we need to tolerate our replacement whilst being derided and imprisoned until an entirely foreign culture is the majority. It's great :3

What is Resident Evil.

Thread theme

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good games but not good horror.

They shouldn't have made it an epic exclusive if they wanted to sell it . ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As opposed to other mediums like movies where you have a real risk if dying? You retarded kid?

7 on Madhouse is pretty fucking tense, especially if you're going fast.

>with games like RE or SH, where you have a way to defend, you have to think and plan if you want to attack an enemy or just run. this decision has consequences, because you might visit that room again and the enmy is still there or you fight him, but lose a healing item in the process, that you desperately need later.
I adore RE and SH, but people really oversell the resource limitations. You're never going to be low on heals or ammo in Silent Hill and RE throws ammo at you left and right.

Second this, looks interesting.

Just looks like a guy and his weird dog having a bonding moment in the dark as a creepy jogger stares at them all rude like.

Alien Isolation got me pretty good in more than a few places. Fuck Working Joes.

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one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.
They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

I'm always impressed at how accurately it emulates an 8 year old's writing style, reminds me of the shit I'd write at that age

>dying and only having to replay the last 10 minutes removes all the tension
This gave me an interesting thought. Does anyone else not mind dying and being sent way back to your last save (assuming you save as little as possible like I do), but find getting knocked back a few minutes really tedious?
At least when I lose a chunk of progress I have incentive to approach things differently. Avoid damage here, save ammo there, stuff like that. But a slight knockback just results in you repeating the same motions to get back to where you were as fast as possible.

Lovecraft is unironically reddit though

Joseph Anderson is fucking retarded and so are you for repeating him.

Just because normie shit misuses gore and jumpscares doesn't mean they're not horror. It can be done right and wrong like everything else.

Outdated, overdone joke because "lol there's a movie called Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo, isn't that funny? lmao"

>are you winning son?

Surprised no one has recommended outcast + dlc and the sequel.

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When did you realize you were too old for Yea Forums?

For me it was reading this thread and not being scared by any of this lame as shit while people are saying how spooked they are.

>not being scared by any of this lame as shit
when you realize the real world is far more horrifying than any fantasy this stuffs has little effect

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not surprised /pol-tards would be scared of this. Biggest fucking pussies I've ever met are these people, they all talk shit online but they are fucking cringey in real life 99% of the time.

/x/ content hasnt been good since 2006. Frequent raiding and Reddit posts crashed the board and spread un-scary cancer to the Internet.
We couldnt hold back the tide.
I'm sorry.

Does anyone remember a HL2 mod with mannequins that would follow you around in the dark?

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Nightmare House 2?

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ayy lmao

God, owls are cute.

what was the pc game about a girl with a camera? Not fatal frame, but kind of similar. Played it a few years back and was pretty good.

Games should use this approach for horror. Something that shouldn't be scary, but is in this case. Almost shat myself. Thanks.

Nobody likes HP Lovecraft's actual writing. Because it's dogshit. They like his ideas.


Was it that indie game set in Thailand, or something similar?
Involved a lot of janky first person?

Nah, Dream-quest of Unknown Kaddath, The Shadow out of Time, and At the Mountains of Madness are good.
Cthulhu has its moments too, when Lovecraft stops jibbering about niggermen.

The cat? Or actual black people?

Who said I was scared? It's fun watching this nightmare play itself out.

I wonder if there will ever be a game that can be as psychologically terrifying as a movie? I think the fact that you have at least some sense of control in a game can lead to a disconnect between the player and intended elements of horror. In a movie, on the other hand, you have no control and are at the mercy of the film itself.

I saw pic related a few months ago and even still when I think about some of the scenes and the imagery in bed at night, it scares the absolute fuck out of me. If anyone can manage to make a game that will instill the same level of long-lasting horror into someone, then that'll be the new golden standard for horror games.

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Dreadout, yes, thank you. Gonna play that soon.

You recognize the features of the creatures from something non-threatening yet they are now being distorted into something that your brain can't put a label on. The unease stems from you finding this unknown factor from something you should be knowing.

Kinda like sometimes why a picture of a person with slightly off looking features unsettles you more than a picture of a spooky ghost with bloody sharp teeth or something.

The cannibals that always show up his stories. Niggerman the Cat is based.

Midsommar coming in June of this year, by this director.
Is your body ready?


It sounds like a hairdryer. Cute!

Oh fug

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What's up with blackout. Any good?

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Yeah no that's fine, I wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyway

Gonna wear a crown of ash leaves and flowers to the theaters.
Hope it involves aliens. Please, let it be aliens!

>they just have pyramidhead show up and just watch the couple fuck

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This is the first im hearing of it. Watching the trailer now.

Horror is 60% sound, just look at Silent Hill. Graphics are ass, but the fucking sound design is A+

kill yourself

Are horror games even possible on handhelds? I remember devs trying like Dementium on DS and Silent Hill origins on PSP, but it just seems pointless. Then again FNAF was on phones and tablets, so I guess theres a market for it.

>tfw bullies steal your clothes

Well, it looks like Konami and Bandai Namco are trying to make the game better for all of these handheld devices, including those in which Android and iOS don't really exist. This has led to rumors that the mobile version will include improved graphics in addition to a few DLCs. And why not. As long as you can enjoy them on all your devices you've got something to play. The main question on anyone's mind is what to expect from what looks like a completely new Metal Gear Solid game this time. It's going to be really cool to see it.

Lovecraft was a racist incel so it makes sense that nerds like him

Dementium was a decent attempt. Shame it went full pants on head retarded for the sequel.

Lovecraft is normie reddit tier, what the fuck are you talking about. Real chads read Robert W. Chambers.

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cry of fear, right?

I'm the same way user. That's why I just watch people do let's plays of horror games, it's nice when you find someone who isn't playing up being scared to the audience and points out nice gameplay and design elements during the playthrough. Maximum comfy

I'd let her fuck me

Correction, The Call of Cthulu is normalfag tier. I guarantee most people haven't even read the Music of Erich Zann or Pickman's Model.


Well, I'm back after watching the demo. Looks like a tossup between so bad-its-good and so bad-its-bad.

Theres some nice graphics, but everything else is too cheesy to take seriously.

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Gotta longplay right here, but im not sure I'm up to watching it all right now.

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This thinking is why 90% of horror isn't scary. Horror is only effective if it connects with an actual irl fear or anxiety.

Nope. You could certainly qualify them as his best. But his writing is beyond shit. His books aren't scary, and literally the only thing he's worth while for is having interesting concepts which you explore in those godawfully uninteresting books you just propped up.

Stephen King is a better horror writer than Lovecraft, and he is pure unadulterated schlock.

Lost in Vivo is pretty good horror shovelware.

sucked ass and wasn't scary at any point
>Stories Untold
had an ok first chapter than went to shit. you have bad taste.

>the main villain looks like the dude from that video about a killer with a spoon
2019 and gooks STILL can't into horror.

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>Nobody likes HP Lovecraft's actual writing. Because it's dogshit. They like his ideas.
Speak for yourself fag.

None of those are scary.

>Look at me I'm an epic contrarian
Fuck off.

Maybe you should play them lights off and with the volume above 5%, you stupid contrarian fuck?


Please explain the merits of his writing. I'm dying to hear how "I hear something in the dark. I'm too afraid to see what it is but I feel it is something really bad. Like a poorly described monster or something of the sort." Is literary craftsmanship.

Theyre short stories user. And half of them science-fiction.
I'd hardly call his stories or writing truly awful or even bad.

Not that guy, but you just described the basic premise of most horror. I dont think you fuck with ghosts at all.

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First thing that came to my mind was that goddawful NuN movie. Looks almost identical to the promo materials.

Wait which nun movie?

>I'm dying to hear how "I hear something in the dark. I'm too afraid to see what it is but I feel it is something really bad. Like a poorly described monster or something of the sort." Is literary craftsmanship
Because not all of his stories are like that. Read more Lovecraft instead of using generalizations of some of his more well known works. Lovecraft has his fair share of shit works {spoiler] and if I'm being honest I feel those take up a larger bulk of his work [/spoiler] but he also has plenty of stories that are legitimately good.

I did? RE7 is slightly scary but SOMA's monsters are just fucking annoying besides the anglerfish jump scare and that one part where you're out in the open, Observation is an absolute snorefest, and Stories Untold starts off strong but just completely shits itself later.

What the fuck mate.

Look behind you.

Contrarian fuck.

>finding the body of a child among the reeds.

Ah, an average night in Dubai, I see.

I think he means the one from that Conjuring spinoff. At least I think it was related to The Conjuring.

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THE Nun, user. The most famous nun.


Oooooh~ Mr. Pedantic! I don't give a shit what they're called. They're not very good. I never once thought "wow, that was truly terrifying." Reading about Innismouth or some fucking Antarctic slog where you spend half the story hearing about things people heard about.

I'm generally just a hardcase when it comes to what I'm reading.

You guys really think this creepy pasta shit is scary? lmao

Me on the upper left.

Oh fuck call the cat police

Oh, I'm sorry. Let me take a passage out of the Mountains of Madness for you.

>I got a telegram from the Northern Camp today. A bunch of angry ass broccoli or some shit killed those dogs that were angry at the fossils or some shit. I sure hope those guys are ok because I sure as shit am not anywhere remotely close to the action of this story.

Truly deep.


Had to really turn up the brightness for this one.

>How did mcdonalds end up like this

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Here I'll throw you a bone.

At the very least SOMA's writing is topnotch but it was the correct move that the devs added a walking simulator mode for it.
Observation had an interesting setting and mystery but the brainless busy work they make you do to progress takes away from the epilepsy-inducing lightshows that sometimes happen.
Stories Untold's take on text adventures was genuinely great and the last part where you're forced to do the drunk driving scene would have been neat if it weren't for the fact that they fell for the psychological memeshit.

And well RE7 is an RE game so the more guns you get the weaker the horror is. Doesn't even pull any FEAR shenanigans.

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>where you spend half the story hearing about things people heard about.

A lot of horror stories involve copious secondary information or have epistolary formatting.
You dont fuck with ghosts.
And I'm not sure why you bother, either.
Go read the Castle of Otranto or Arthur Machen, if it pleases you.
Horror has literally never been a serious genre even at its literary best.

>the howling wind dies down for but a moment
>"B U Y M Y G A M E"

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Did those games have an option for tank controls?

SOMA sucked and is generally regarded as not remotely tense even by people who enjoyed the predictable, done to death sci-fi aspect. Untold Stories is a nothing indie game so it's impossible to be contrary about it. You're thin skin both in horror games and getting defensive on Yea Forums

Now you are being disingenuous for no reason. How much of Lovecraft have you actually read?

actually kinda cute, would fug and stare into her eyes while im doing it. i fucking love crazy chicks.

It was a Radiohead promo for A Moon Shaped Pool


This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen user

>Horror has literally never been a serious genre even at its literary best.

Then why are you defending it so earnestly? All I really am saying is books aren't really that scary. Especially Lovecraft's. And no, telling me something that was told to you that was told by someone else to them isn't "scary." It's so far removed from urgency that it would be like trying to tell me that a guy you met on a Subway had a sister in law who committed suicide in the tracks.

How the fuck am I remotely invested in that?

I once fell off a cliff just like this in the middle of the night. it's real scary irl.

SOMA wasn't really scary, only depressing because it brought up uncomfortable questions about existentialism.

Like, a monster screaming at you is tense, but the bit where I had to coerce what was tantamount to an Alzheimers patient to give me a security cipher had me up at night.

Enough to accurately make fun of Mountains of Madness, at the least.

are these aliens from outer space?


>one photo was missing from the camera

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Because Outlast is hide and go seek bullshit

These obviously altered pics just don't bother me man. I don't know how you all are scared by this. At least try to make it look like it could belong in our reality for fuck sake.

Yeah okay. Nice talking to you faggot.

Good luck with those """horror""" games.


What an utterly useless statement. I feel none of your statements have been made in good faith. Read more Lovecraft. Music of Erich Zann is my personal favorite, but Dagon, Pickmans Model, What The Moon Brings are all good. The Picture in the House is decent if you can get past the dialect used also.

Haha you're so fucking mad rn

And...? Thats fucking scary desu

And it's fucking boring.

Gets me every fucking time

Is this the Darkwood shill thread #136?
Then darkwood I guess. I didn't buy it and don't plan to, but yeah let's just say darkwood a million times and say anything else just isn't scary in comparison to it because I'm being paid to say so

Sounds like Love, Death, and Robots

I lost to that part once and haven't turned the game back on since. I wasn't scared though, it just sounds like such a pain in the ass.

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Is this the fabled reverse-shilling I've only heard stories about?

Now that's kino.

How is Layers of Fear 2? The setting sounds very cool.

unironically watch more horror if you think Hereditary is remotely scary at all, and horror games and movies are so vastly different it's unfair to compare them. they ARE scary because you're in control

No I am actually being paid to say the name darkwood