Why are the best gamedesigners hated so much? Is it jealousy?

Why are the best gamedesigners hated so much? Is it jealousy?

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Maybe it's because hes a big racist

Good players like good games.
Bad players like bad games.

Notch needs to lose weight, what a fucking fatass

Notch and Phil Fish just have shitty personalities. Also that Gearbox guy. I always forget his name. Even though he's the one that's talked shit to here a lot.

has he done anything noteworthy with his wealth?

No. He should honestly just give it to me.

Notch is hated because leftycucks can't do shit to him. What do we call the kinds of people who are desperate to harm someone yet doubly mad when their usual tactics can't work for shit because that someone's life is set? SJWcucks, that's what.

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He's far better than the kind of people who hate him and attack him, pic related.

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>can't get him banned on twitter because he doesn't break the rules
>no employer to harass
>no yelp page to vandalize
>no business to boycott
It must really get under their skin.

He's too transparent, and anyone can nitpick what he says against him in the last few years of our lord.
But that also plays to his favor because of his fanbase
He just seems nice.

wouldn't that make him popular here then

This. Since they can't hurt him financially they try their hardest to smear and slander him. Leftists truly are petty vindictive losers.

>best game designer

I don't hate him, I'm sorry he's turned into a galaxy brain weirdo who parrots alt right and MRA bullshit

Just poke him on Twitter and he'll rant about white genocide lmao

Show me screencaps of it so i can laugh, at the mad replies that is.

If he actually did that would have been epic. Leftists fags usually cry Nazi at anything though so i'm not holding my breath.

This implies Notch isn't seething 100% of the time he's on twitter. They removed his name from a meme splash screen and he compared it to erasing history.

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Remember when /v unironically shilled for minecraft?

Why did we stop?

I asked you to do something and now you are talking some other random shit. Stop whining and just post the screencap.

He's clearly not part of the SJW hivemind and he's too rich to be actually taken down, so they just have to pretend like he's Hitler any time he comes up, up to and including spouting revisionist bullshit where he apparently had nothing to do with minecraft or its success and it was all a lie.

Meanwhile Randy Pitchford has child porn and animal snuff videos and it gets played off like a joke because he's down with the right politics.

I saw plenty of Minecraft threads just yesterday.

but he isn't hated

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because notch kept taking holidays

Minecraft was successful in spite of Notch.

Also Randy is a douchenozzle.

>Minecraft was successful in spite of Notch.
How can something becoming successful be a spite towards Notch, and how the fuck can it be successful if it didn't exist in the first place without the one who created it ground-up?

Good game designers aren't.

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notch has "fuck you" money.

Minecraft was successful in spite of being shit, you mean

notch you can't fool me

Answer the man faggot. You made a claim now back it up.

Notch isn't gonna fuck you for whiteknighitng on Yea Forums, user.

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That's like your opinion man

>without the one who created it ground-up
Oh, you mean the Infiniminer devs?

No, but he's gonna fuck with your mind for all eternity by the looks of you. Hating someone so passionately, i'll start thinking you are romantically attracted to him.

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Too bad they didn't create the Minecraft trademark :^)

why should he?

It's a terrible survival game, a terrible building game and is unrepentantly ugly.

what about that time he uploaded a photo of a steak dinner at a fancy restaurant and someone told him to give him some? he then started a big rant about people wanting his money, I think his steak got cold too

No, notch has "fuck everyone" money. Even if literally the whole world hated him he would be fine

Communists hate everyone, including themselves.

That's like your opinion man

Notch can afford to eat the healthiest food in the world every day and hire the best fitness trainers money can buy.to help him lose weight.
But he doesn't because hes happy being a fatass and doesnt want to change.
Not really.
Notch is an autistic dumbass who got btfo by a furry on Twitter so bad he stopped using the whole site.

Isn't infiniminer some sort of weird competitive arena digger that only shares basic mechanics?

Ranting about plebs while they cry about a steak going cold that he can replace instantly without a care in the world, is pretty patrician.

Imagine literally having more money than you know what to do with
but you don't do anything with it because you're too much of a loser recluse

Oh dude remember the time he punched a pregnant black woman in the gut and she had a miscarriage? This guy is such a Nazi.

Idk he was pretty salty about getting banned from Minecon by microsoft after after he said all that stupid shit on twitter.

I wouldn't call notch happy, by how much he talks shit on twitter

Whatever he said on Twitter, i'm sure isn't stupider than Microsoft's tendency to lose businesses to Linux of all things and randomly delete business documents from an auto-update across the world.

>Notch needs

Billionaires don't "need" to do anything.

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>if you aren't a virtue signalling woke progressive on Twitter you aren't happy
Have sex

He just does that shit for attention you fucking brainlet.
If he wasnt happy then he would actually do something about it, because hes comfortable with the way things are.

I would buy this website just so I could derail any thread merely by posting with the admin account

Conservtards are having more sex than Libincels though.

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You hate the fact that you can't refute a single word he ever said.

It was pretty fucking asanine dude.
Not sure why you are defending the guy when he got so embarrassed he actually stopped using Twitter.

He is triggered on Twitter 24/7 anyway

God you're a brainlet if that's how you interpreted that..

>he stopped using Twitter
>he is on Twitter 24/7

Make up your minds, God i hate confused trannies. It's not only their gender they are confused about, it's everything in existence.


>more sex
You mean more children because they're a bunch of low IQ rednecks that are on their 8th child.

He WAS on Twitter all the time until that incident you retard.
Is reading comprehension not taught in your country

Gotta expand that voting base.

How is he racist? And even if he is, who isn't?
Its stupid to hold famous people to higher standards just because they have money

Yea Forums isn't one person retard. Why are you needlessly pivoting to other talking points?

>low IQ rednecks
Nah. Low IQ is when you abort your voting power or don't create it, and the Rednecks start outvoting you. Guess Libcucks are too smart to continue exist.

>He was on Twitter until that incident
>he is still on Twitter despite that incident

God, Trannies are so retarded. Did you create them so the rest of society would have a standard of retardation to calculate from?

>ripped of Infiniminer (made a decent thing with it but still)
>didn't make anything else
>sits on billions of money and just makes twitter posts
Does this person have redeeming qualities as a developer? He already canned that 10xe3 or whatever because "work" was actually involved

Political orientation isn't hereditary just like higher birth rates doesn't necessarily mean higher amount of sex. Do you even hear yourself think?

So are you just gonna keep making up things no one has said and rant about trannies or are you going to actually make a coherent post

>game designer
so he was an ideas guy? he didn't program anything?

>he is still on Twitter despite that incident
I never said that he was still on twitter after the incident, but that he was bitter and seething 24/7 on twitter. Maybe he did stopped using it, both of our statements are not mutually exclusive like you are making it out to be.

Its east to dismiss things as bullshit when you just call someone names and don't even bother to make a counter argument to what they're saying

he also happens to have made minecraft, one of the most egregious examples of bad development

notch is just very stupid

Why don't you coherently continue whining at a rich guy who you can't affect with anything in a coherent state of mind?

It'd be good if he stopped using Twitter, only mental retards use that platform, while getting off it is a sign of losing your mental retardation.

opinions can be superior to others

>IQ is hereditary
Uh racist much? What's next you gonna tell me race and IQ are correlated?

>best gamedesigners
So what exactly has he been designing lately?
I only hate him for not buying 4chingoderos

>It'd be good if he stopped using Twitter, only mental retards use that platform, while getting off it is a sign of losing your mental retardation.
Non-sequitur to distract everyone from your failed attempt to play gotcha. People like you don't even attempt to communicate anything, just make snappy quips like some Marvel character. That you can't even do at all.

He said "It's okay to be white." When white people are jumping on the "FUCK WHITENESS" bandwagon, I think that's a pretty innocuously positive message.

I agree except my opinions are clearly superior to yours.

I never implied IQ was hereditary and you know it.

The more kids you have the more kids that might follow the parent's chain of thought when it comes to voting. It's a percentage game.

no, it's a white supremacist dog whistle that useful idiots are gleefuly amplifying for them

Why do people feel the need to make compound words out of any phrase containing "game"? There is no such word as "gamedesigners" so just spell it as "game designers" like a normal person.

>they're a bunch of low IQ rednecks that are on their 8th child

>low IQ whites having babies will result in low IQ kids
>low IQ blacks having babies doesn't result in low IQ kids
The capacity for leftist double-think astounds me every time.

>black pride is okay
>asian pride is okay
>white pride is not

I enjoy my Irish heritage. I think it's okay to be white. I like Celtic mythology and imagery. Does that make me a "nazi"?

I don't know why he's hated, but Minecraft is barely a game. He's a terrible game designer.

It seems you fell for the trap quite handily you irredeemably brainlet.

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So what is the "fuck white people" a dog whistle for?

Modern dsay white people should be ashamed for what btheir ancestors did to other ancestors

I can't type today sorry

yes from the perspective of someone who is upside down they clearly seem to be standing above their superiors

for real though
minecraft basically poses no challenge and sets no tangible goal. There are enemies sure, and you require some resources, but they are nowhere near aggressive enough nor can mess with your plan to make it about SURVIVAL. You die, then you respawn. Some mobs can remove a few blocks. That's about it. Survival score: ½ out of 10.
Everything is a 1x1 meter block. In terms of systems and not architectural fidelity, the game is so easy and goalless that their complexity is basically irrelevant. Building score: 5/10 for video games, 5/100 for software. Learn CAD or UE4 mapping if you want to build something.
it's literal programmer graphics come on

>ripped of Infiniminer

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Yes. You're proud of shit that you did nothing to accomplish

>the leaf can't be proud of the tree

Plants don't have feelings

>this is what vegans ACTUALLY believe

He wasn't an ideas guy either because Minecraft barely has any ideas in it, and the whole voxel thing was being done by another indie programmer before him.

you seem to be protesting a bit much. Are you feeling left out that you don't get a parade in the country where you are by far the majority of the population and are decidedly not suffering constant oppression and prejudice?

"it's just a joke bro, we trolled you"
these are the words of either a useful idiot or a white supremacist who is trying to avoid accountability

It's not a dog whistle. It seems fairly unambiguous. Not sure who's supposed to be saying it though.

>"it's not ripping off because he didn't directly lift infiniminer's source code"

not the original guy, don't even give a fuck about notch or minecraft, but you're retarded

>"real artists ship"

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>Bad development
>Grossed billions

That's more being good at marketing than coding

reality is racist

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The game was coded just fine. Hunger ruined it though

He could lose weight.

It ran like shit for years.

How? Mind explaining what makes him racist instead of name calling?

Is Yea Forums going to pretend to like notch now?
After EVERYTHING he did to us back in 2009-2011?

holy fuck everyone who likes notch needs to get out for being literally too new


pic related is apt. cringe amerilards tried to unperson based jackie chan because he's a proud shill for the chinese government and he just dabbed and yeeted on them epic style

>Non-sequitur to distract everyone from your failed attempt to play gotcha. People like you don't even attempt to communicate anything, just make snappy quips like some Marvel character. That you can't even do at all.
Why are you describing yourself when whining at Notch?

More like "real artists are businessmen" aka Steve Jobs wasn't an artist, but a businessman, and he was admitting to it while also pretending to be an artist.

The /pol/(reddit) invasion has been going on since 2016 now.
90% of this board are newfags now, theres nothing we can do since chinkmoot is too much of a kike to address the problem

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Java let it run on anything
Where "anything" = Win/Mac/Lin
Run? More like a moderate jog from a fat guy.


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Moot has nothing to do with Yea Forums anymore, this is a site owned by the same guy that allowed 2-channel to be a platform for far right nationalists in Japan

These are the people who tell you to "go back to resetera" after you call them out for being a newfag (as if that shithole is invading anything)

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Because ResetEra is where the liberal LGBTQBBQ friendly user base went after losing to gamergate

It's ok to be stupid.

Reality has a racist bias

does notch have a gf? who's he going to pass down his money to if he has no children

>such a big bitch he stole his game idea, then ran to reddit after Yea Forums told him his game sucked and he was a shitty dev, then reddit ran him out after he turned right
he deserves it


He's divorced

i know, im wondering if he found someone else by now or if he's just abandoned the family idea entirely

Based. Fuck whores.


You are a paranoid freak

hmmm hard riddles hmmm

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holy shit ptg "pedes" are so fucking cringe
I have it filtered by subject in \pol\

Listen yo you so desperately try to tell the narrative in such a way to come out on top. Maybe reassess your motives in doing so.


I won´t say they are


u know

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didn't she turn out to be crazy

Notch is a lazy fat vacation-taking autist. I don't fucking give a shit if he owns the libs on twitter or whatever, he pissed on the massive potential minecraft had because he was too fucking lazy to even attempt making an effort.

Yes I'm STILL fucking mad.

Man, kids these days are easy to bait

Do you really want me to answer that factually?

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yes, I'm paranoid about a widely known phenomenon with endless evidence
poor attempt at gaslighting buddy

Do dilation.

You wouldn't.

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How the fuck are those people not chased out immediately? I thought /pol/ wanted closed borders?

It's not bait if you believe it unironically

Kek, calm down freak

Yea Forums no place for u, go ride

hiro-shima won't build the wall

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Imagine being this mad.

>not a cult


Fuck off to Finn MacCool and the Morrigan or whatever

most of the fucking board is like that now desu
I haven't used it in a few months but last time I checked /sg/ was the only bearable part of the board and that was almost dead.
we need a fucking purge
they're a source of most of this sites ad revenue

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You redditards dont even try to hide it anymore.


No, I'm feeling annoyed by the excessive tribalization of society into groups that have no defined values or wants where disagreement can't occur without reducing the value of the opposing side to less than zero. I'm tired of demographic disenfranchisement.

>they're a source of most of this sites ad revenue
Because they're too fucking stupid to use adbloxers

Been here since 2005. Never used Reddit in my life.

Chapos are really a funny bunch.

/pol/acks are generally harder to spot

>what is immigrant influx?


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I'm an oldfag xoomer and I've got to say that newfag xoomers are the worst.

No, fuck off and kill yourself, you're a terrible fucking poster.

Goddamn, I remember Notch putting together that fucking meme studio and producing piss-all content, LARPing fucking scrum development. The fucking hunger update, completely ruining the gameplay. The stupid fucking progression. Atleast redstone was cool, but it was pretty much for autist only.


Why the fuck did you think anyone would believe you when you typed this.

Immigrants are based and hate fags, give them some time and they will vote right.

Why did the hunger update do to fuck the gameplay?

Because it's true. Look, I know 99% of the people here are circlejerking newfags, but believe it or not, Yea Forums used to be pretty left libertarian, and I have resisted the cancer of /pol/ every fucking step of the way



you're still lazy tho

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hole widen

Stopped reading at the revisionism, you're pathetic.

Holy shit this is so true.

Does the phrase "christfag" or "faux news" mean anything to you, newfag?

I'm not sure I understand this image.

/pol/ was literally cheering when Obama was elected

Because full hunger gives you infinite regeneration, so you can just jump around and do whatever and never die. Much of the survival was based on not taking damage from falling/skeletons, with creepers still being potentially oneshots. Giving you infinite regeneration basically means health was a non-issue, but at the same time greatly limited your exploring capabilities since you always needed to go back and get some fucking food. Just one of many attempts at Notch to create some "proper" gameplay and not understanding Minecraft at all.

/pol/ would try to recruit on reddit on a near constant basic during the election.
Now 99% of /pol/ are redditors/ex-redditors

It's hard to look in the mirror when you lack self awareness

An opportunity to
a] Throw fags and trannies off buildings if Muslim.
b] Spill lighter fluid over fags and trannies and light them up in flames if African black.
c] Hang trannies and faggots if Mexican or sell them into brothels as sex slaves so regular society doesn't see them in the streets and common spaces.
d] Combo of the above if Chinese.
Next question please.

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Anyone who disagrees with posts like this needs to go commit 40%.

No, Yea Forums was a place for apolitical jerkasses to reunite and own the normies.

It still are, and lefties are worse than nazis because lefties are just no fun, nazis are just retarded so they don´t ruin things very much.

>Throw fags and trannies off buildings if Muslim.
Bonus points if you can get the muzzies to throw the fags off first.



There's nothing to agree of disagree with, that's pretty much the cultural facts.
If I was the SJWs, i'd be protecting whites and showering them with praise instead of attacking them since it's only white cultures who give a single damn to make LGBT a protected class with actual enforcement of the protection as opposed to treating it like a document to wipe your ass with.

>zoomers don't even get jeopardy references
Why is this board literally retarded nowadays.

>anyone I dont like is a racist nazi, also fuck white people!

Imagine doing something a little self-sacrificing. What cucks.

>remember when Yea Forums used to shittalk Notch because Minecraft was just Infiniminer
>pandered to Yea Forums for a while
>Yea Forums started to suck him off then kicked him out
>started to pander to reddit and SJWs
>fucked off and started being overly political
>Yea Forumseddit now can't stop sucking him off because of his twitter rants

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They're all zoomers who only remember playing the half-assed game when they were 10 and now regards notch as their childhood hero.

Notch is basted vidya dev, dilate

this one gets me too. did he acknowledge the JQ or something? why do people love him all of a sudden?

Notch is hated by normalfags because he is a racist alt-righter, thats all. He is hated here though because he is a whiny faggot who would rather whine on twitter about how he cant find genuine relationships anymore because he's rich or whatever. He also gets his dick sucked on here because 1)the same reason normies hate him and 2) because he has literally accomplished the dream that 60% of this board has because they really think being a famous dev and making millions would make them happy, so they ignore the fact the guy clearly is not. Notch has other things he has to work out in his life if he wants to be happy because money doesn't just change who you are (at least not for the better).

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I thought the zoomers were the ones turning into trannies at 12 years old

I heard a good description of notch recently
He's a guy who completed life but is too scared to go for ng+

EPIC gamer talk