Persona Q2


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Other urls found in this thread:!hVEmBICR!OPczsoNjdWI-p5nc51QE9VQR_WjJhn25LSDcECmsKXo

femc a cute

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Reminder that dorr-kun gets orpheus telos

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How are you supposed to pick a party with so many available characters? Is it still limited to 5?

>mfw I die to the battle protecting dino Yosuke

wtf bros I'm playing on easy this wasn't suppose to happen this game is hard I lost like an hour's worth of progress.

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git gud
Youre using joker's crit buff, right?

Don't give up!

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Agreed. Best girl.

>tfw missed the special screening 16 and now i can't find it


We NEED a ticket guide I’m going through AIGIS right now and am getting paranoid that I’m missing some

thick, juicy, full-size canon

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What's her name? Is it Makoto Yuki?

>gets Messiah
its not fair bros...

fit me

>playing on easy

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did shinji get a powerup persona yet? it was really odd that he was the only one who didn't get to evolve his persona last game

>Atlus anything
>Not canon
Let me tell you something about the Amala Network

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her name is Best Girl

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Not Messiah?

Because she's best girl

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They're numbered you know.
Look at the number on the tickets. You'll know immediately if you missed one. Only ones out of order are the ones that require the MCs in your party. Those ones have numbers in the 40s.

because meatbags can't compete against superior Nippon Steel Robot

Koromaru didn't either.
And Akechi doesn't get an upgrade in this game because lolspoilers despite everyone playing the game probably knowing about Loki already.

Orgia mode + shura tensei + revolutionnary soul + matarukaja + buff extender + debilitate and panic on the ennemy + hassou tobi + gemini = Stupid damage

>Eats your rewards

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Gimme my hotdogs back you crazy blue woman

why is she so mean to theo? I liked her in p3, but that shit makes me lose all respect for her.

because theo sucks

He's a nice guy, he doesn't deserve all the abuse.

yes he does

She was pretty busted in the first Q game as tank so I'm not even surprised by your comment despite not playing the second one. But what I wanna know is Naoto still broken as fuck as well?

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so is there any girl that is safe from Joker's "dagger"?

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diffs actually seem fucked on this game. I couldn't notice a single difference between normal and hard

Naoto is average, Insta kill isn’t that hot but there is other thing to do.
I have found Akihiko most notably broken from where I am right now and probably up until the end.

Pretty much what said, she still has insane luck so she's great for status aliments and binds.

i can confirm aki is stupid and i love it

Whats with Akihiko? I haven't used him at all and I'm in the 4th venue

I think I'm underleveled for the 4th Dungeon. All the shadows are fast as fuck and hit like a truck.

Then do some sacrifice fusions

He has a slightly nerfed version of Junpei's bullshit "attacks hit twice" skill from the first game.
god tier song

I would if these fucking treasure spots gave me materials instead of accessories.

is line guard + zanshinken busted?

he's become like q1 junpei, he has his special ability (rush step which becomes sonic rush) that gives a high chance for his skills to launch twice.
He's got 98 strength 90 endurance and 82 agility.
Meaning, he hits REALLY hard, can take damage and he's fast

Damn son. Seems better than Yu

Rush stance is really good (attacks trigger twice), he has absurd speed and strength and endurance, great learn set complete with power charge. What I’ve been doing is having him rush stance into using an ailment causing physical move (this basically guarantees the enemy will get it since it hits twice), getting a boost off of it due to joker’s crit buff, and letting a huge fat Herculean strike off the next turn. I’m only on the third dungeon though but he’s great

FEMC gets instead

Chad ziodynecock is really good too, he has a great unique skill and he's got matarukaja

I wish Unison Skill triggers were explained a bit better. From what I've been seeing, they only activate if:
>Every enemy except one has been knocked down
>Someone hits one of those downed enemies with a crit or weakness
>You hit a boss or FOE's weakness more than twice in a single turn

I think it depeds on how many people end the turn in boost status similar to all-out-ataks in the first game

dont die on me!
*trows revival bead*

Ziocock is probably the worst of the four protags.
>Joker brings a god tier crit buff and eventually has the single best resistance spread in the game
>Door is good at ailments and has a 6 in one boost/amp skill
>Door-chan is the easiest to build linker in the game and can fill every role decently
Yu's just an above average physical attacker with decent resistances and a good passive.

does p3+p4 loki show up at least?

yu + aigis in the front row = almost unkillable team

here's a gif for you if you want to keep posting this

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So I'm guessing having all protags on the team is a good idea for later, like the first game right? Something unlocks once all protags are level 50 or whatever.

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I got to the second dungeon, and kind of don't want to play it anymore. The fact that the game gives you a million party members, plus the fact that you need to level up/fuse personas regularly to not fall behind gives me choice paralysis. I never finished the first game either, despite finishing all the other Persona games and a few of the EO games. I just don't like the two franchises being fused together, I guess.
look at this power creep of messias and iznagi-no-okami not resiting psy/nuke
Which one is your favourite?

give him a persona with lineguard and have him spam it on the front lines.

the aki/ shinji / yusuke

more like Persona CUTE!

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Yeah that plus the map making every 5 steps sucks. The only thing keeping me going is the P3 party in the third movie. I finished the first game fine but the P4 replaythrough burnt me out.

>While Messiah is the ultimate Persona of the protagonist, he doesn't have any "special" skills, like Odin's Thunder Reign, Alice's Die For Me!, or Daisoujou's Samsara. To make up for this, Persona 3 Portable introduced a special skill unique to Messiah called "Magic Skill Up." This skill (unable to be inherited by other Personas) enhances all Spell-based attacks by 50%, making Messiah the strongest Spell-user in the game. It also makes his Megidolaon stronger than the standard Morning Star, though Morning Star may be fused onto Messiah for the strongest Almighty attack in the game (sans Armageddon). Additionally, with proper inheritance or through the use of skill cards, you can stack Boost + Amp + Magic Skill Up to have the ultimate single-target Elemental Spell.
Thats pretty rad

I thought femmc got messiah

Yu has literally everyone in that image claimed. Joker stands no chance.

Anyone got the PQ2 english CIA link?

Yu and Joker will never EVER get Aigis, cope cucks.

I'm sure the doujins will say otherwise.

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His only real standout thing is Swordbreaker. He's still good but I can think of a couple characters that can do his main roles (physical damage or tanking) better than he can. Generally a good pick though.

Fuck you game. I'm gonna make Kanji a linker whether you like it or not.


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Pick your favorites, discard the rest

doesn't always work.


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Didn't really matter, the skill changed.
The Persona didn't because of the timeframe the game is set in.

The only character that's truly forced is Joker and that's only if you're playing on Risky. You'll have to use the other wild cards for a quest or two but its nothing worth talking about to say that you need to drag them along for the rest of the game since they each have viable alternatives for their roles.

Its really hard to create a truly bad team in PQ2.

kamoshida is once again the best villain in the game. Something about that guy just makes him so fun to take down.

Shinji and Koromaru don't have power up personas in canon anyway.

Are there good interactions like in PQ1? or since it's so P5 centric you don't get all that sweet goodness

The best physical bruiser in the game along with Aigis, basically him and her are the S+ tier duo.

I liked the Junpei/Yukiko ghost stories quest.

So far it's been pretty standard fanfare, but comfy.

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man I fucking love the art for this it's so damn cute

>headcanon cucks
so this is the power...of nu-persona fans

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>set up commands to hit all enemy weaknesses
>little shit shadows in the fourth dungeon using All Guard.

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The only ones that I'd class as S+ (meaning is capable of doing excellently at physical damage without any subpersonas) are Akihiko and P3P MC. Aigis is great but she doesn't learn any of the real big dick physical moves.

Okay, maybe I was wrong that he doesn't really need links to be good. Guillotine Slice is pretty good at this point in the game at least.

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The only characters that have any business being linkers are P3P MC, Ken, Koromaru and Makoto.

Aigis is 100% S+ tier user, I wasn't just talking about who does the best phys damage.
P3P MC requires the party to build around her to efficiently link, and works better with specific members like Ken rather than being an all purpose splashable unit like Akihiko or Aigis.

Why is Yusuke so fucking terrible

I made him a linker last game, as his main persona had Dragon Cry (his speed is terrible without it) and Uprising. Just give him first star, Tarukaja, Heat Riser, Ailment Arts and he can dish out insane link damage.

Literally no endurance despite being on the front line. I'm sure there is some way to work with him, but I ditched him right away.

Aigis as a character is definitely S+ I don't doubt you with that. Its just that compared to say Akihiko, Mitsuru or P3P MC, her natural skillset is a little lacking for her role and is a bit more reliant on subpersonas than them.

With regards to links, Double/Triple Link are what you're going to be using for most of the game and those just need two/three other characters attacking on the same turn (which isn't very hard to do). Its not until Quad/Infinite when you'll want to have someone like Akihiko around to get off the extra hits and maybe a subpersona with Death Chaser on it.

The best link team in the game is going to be some combination of P3P MC/Akihiko/Aigis in the front anyway.

Never played PQ, but I heard it was meh. How is PQ2 ?

Orgia tends to make up for that, but what I was more meaning was simply that you can put them on any team and they will not only benefit the rest of the team but also work just as well as they would on a team that plays more to their strengths. If you elect not to use a Link team for whatever reason (maybe their favorites aren't good for linking I guess, idk) then you can slap Aigis and Akihiko on like a bandaid and they'll work wonders even if the rest of the team is focused on magic damage for whatever reason. Also, on the only difficulty that requires bringing a set unit, they both benefit IMMENSELY from that required unit, meaning that no matter what, they'll guaranteed have good synergy with at least one party member anyway.

I thought koromaru’s was already his ultimate persona?

Friendly warning if you like Nightstalkers from EO: the final form of the final boss will avoid all binds and ailments. It's still really easy, but it'll take longer instead of just melting them in a single fully buffed boosted Shura phys skill.

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1 is better

I've been reading some of the stuff people have posted because I'm curious, and it's mixed. The main writing is a little iffy and fuck reintroducing me to characters I already fucking know, but there's some cool bits. Ribbon is very entertaining.

better than 1

How easy is to farm Wild Cards at the end of the game?

Incredibly easy. The final two FOEs drop them at a decent rate, and both of them are a joke because they both get fully bound in a single turn, and one of them can also get inflicted with ailments. So yeah I wouldn't worry too much about burning through wild cards, use what you want.

>Still no official art of Satanael, they just slapped a posed render in instead

I also assume that Growth Incenses aren't too hard to get later on either? I've only been using P3/P4 MCs since I didn't want to waste them.

Soejima is a very busy man user.

I actually forgot where growth incenses came from but I did have several of them at the end of the game.

Is Haru good

>Marie is nowhere in sight...

I hate that character so fucking much

>Gomen ne
>Bye Bye

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But accessories are bank. Those 1k identify ones sell for 2.5k+ once you do.

which emulator i download to play this?

She cannonballs into All-Out-Attacks but otherwise no.

Why play this game when you can just play P3, P4, or P5?

>P4 mc's ultimate armor is a popped collar

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Based. Nice team user. Lot less elemental coverage than I expected though


I've already played them

>already played them
can't say that about most people, though
why should the average person play this game over the main games?

Feels like late game FOE/bossing comes down to just melting the boss with physical attacks that do way more damage than even buffed magic attacks targeting weak points. I ended up just giving up most magic in favor of support/debuff skills. Elemental coverage only seems to be necessary when you're first trying to get rare drops from random encounters.

somebody post the english cia please

Did you try using Boost/Amp behind those weakness targeting spells? Also Mitsuru's unique skill gives her even more damage while hitting a weakness so its worth considering that as well.

They shouldn't. This is a celebration of the series with lots of references

Makes sense honestly. I don't blame you one bit. As long as the bosses for 4th and 5th don't require the fucking elemental shuffle like the 3rd one I won't feel bad about doing the same. I'm halfway through the 4th

>STR cap
nigga wyd

Literally everything in the dungeon after you get her is weak to psy

Read the thread

He doesn't even use it, I just left it there for whatever reason.

Would be nice to see if someone finds a way to get magic hitting for over 10k situational damage, I was too lazy to try to do it myself.

Because I have zero interest in those. I play PQ because it's like a very light version of Etrian Odyssey and I love making maps

I can't use Shinji, Naoto, Haru or Crow for the whole game in P3, P4 or P5

I did, p4/5 fucking sucks

how do i make citra run better it keeps dipping speed and fps

So is this better than Q1? I dropped it in the first stratum. I've never played Persona 5 either because i'm a switchlet and my ps3 crashes when trying to play it.

buy a better computer

>I dropped it in the first stratum
Oh nonono
look at this dude

what's the problem?

buy a better brain

>Rangda shows up with an easily passable debilitate
What where they thinking?

Probably that they intended for P3MC to be a magical attacker instead of a Debilitate bot in PQ so they gave it to everyone instead.

Probably. Debilitate being so easily accessible is a good thing since you can just dump it on someone who otherwise has no real use for their SP and let them cast it every once in a while.

Yeah, a lot of them tend to just rely on HP. Sort of like the Raging Healer Makoto build in DeSu2.

P3P MC is like the obvious example since she has a lot of it and nothing to do with it.

I ain't complaining. The earlier I can start passing that around like a bad disease the better. Just wait until you see how early you can get Salome's Kiss

I know you can get Salome's from Vivian at 34. Don't tell me that you can freely pass around that thing around the 50s?