DNF 2001

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DNF 2011

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fuck you, you fucking worthless piece of shitsnit

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sign the fucking pisstition!

whatsa mattuh you don' like turrent sections?

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youtu.be/XxcsY0MBVW8 Prey


Attached: DNF2.webm (720x480, 1.17M)

Looked cool

You know what? I liked DNF. It didn't live up to the hype. It was dead on arrival and it felt stale as fuck. But I still had fun.

Does that stand for "did not finish?"

fuckin ' right it looked cool, now if only that nigger randy would release it

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>DNF could have been a hit 18 years ago
>could have eclipsed and surpassed the doom games and franchise forever with sequels after DNF
>instead this was delayed to oblivion due to tech autism

also THAT. someone be a doll and leak it. PLEASE.

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Holy fuck, why don't they release this? Was it ever playable or is it a case like Anthem that was just some vertical slice?


You guys should look into Duke Nukem Alien Armageddon, it's the closest thing to DNF we'll probably ever get.

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How many posts did you wait to shill that? Are you the OP even? At least you didn't piss and moan about Ion Maiden this time I guess.

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Dude get your and your autism out of here, NOBODY is going to play this stupid fucking bullshit; stop making those shitty threads, and stop promoting this crap; noone gives 2 fucks.

So have you played it or are you just gonna shit talk? Do you guys even play Duke Nukem 3D mods or just sit and complain on Yea Forums?

Jesus, it looks even worse than what i remember

it WAS playable btw, it was 90% completed, 12 levels with hubs, 12 - 14 hours of gameplay, eatch map acted as zones like z_1l2 n ' shit

I don't trust Randy to give us the real thing. Not now, not ever.

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I remember reading that 3d realms often just threw shit together for a trailer rather than it being the actual game

i knowwww D: ... but that fucking failed david blaine snake in the grass piece of shit is our only hope for this cancer...

the current owner of 3D Realms had DNF 2001 and gave it to randy cause randy told him to pound sand when frederick was trying to make his fucking garbage ass Duke Nukem 3D Reloaded remake that failed massively, now he's being sued by a shitty band cause they think his newer ion maiden game is cancer. DNF 2001 is a fully functioning game, not a tech demo.

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Go shill your shitty futa fanfics.

Let’s remember that.

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it SAT on the shelf cause the lead dev at the time was also sittin his FAT lazy ass on his chair and couldn't bare the balls to release the goddamn thing in it's hayday

You can't criticize Gearbox for how shit 3D realms was run

We should have 3 Duke games by the time DNF was released

Let this be a lesson to you I guess. Yea Forums doesn't take kindly to people shilling so shamelessly.

You could have been honest from the start and said "He Yea Forums, I made this mod, play it and let me know what you think, would you?" I probably would have even checked it out. But no, you did this disingenuous "HEY GUYS I DISCOVERED THE TRUE SEQUEL TO DUKE, FUCK THAT OTHER STUFF ON THE MARKET" smokescreen bullshit.

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WE FUCKING SHOULD HAVE FOR FUCKS ' SAKE. literally everything involved with duke nukem is destined to failure, i swear duke himself has a fucking curse on him, the only game that made him who he was was Duke 3D, everything else beyond then hasn't made him a star or even RELEVANT anymore, it's nutsack.

Attached: Prey OS - 3D Realms! 3DR boot screen of the Prey 1998 version..webm (1280x720, 1.84M)

>i swear duke himself has a fucking curse on him
Prey is worse.

nobody steals our chicks and lives[spoilers]

hey actually if anyone DOES have dnf 2001 someone post some gameplay of that fucking thing, i've been waiting FOREVER to see that shit

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So just say you hadn't played it

>9 downloads today

Stay mad

tfw no build engine prey gf

>all that time just to stare at a menu screen
>doesn't make any selections
Oh yeah, I'm sure that's legit.

>tfw no build engine prey gf

someone post some new leaks pLEASEEEE

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>hey actually if anyone DOES have dnf 2001 someone post some gameplay of that fucking thing, i've been waiting FOREVER to see that shit
This please

Attached: PREY E3 1998 Infinite MHz Interview.webm (640x358, 2.17M)


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imagine getting this IP and releasing this garbage


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fuck is that??

You just know it had to be Randy himself at the keyboard.

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>fuck is that??
Prey original storyline

pray 1 (formerly prey)

pretty interesting, but i want D O O K.

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DNF2001 was a mock up. They made the casino, they had a handful of enemies, the rest was said to basically just be maps no bigger than what you saw in the trailer made entirely just for the trailer.

Since 3D Realms is looking toward the future with its Portal Engine, the baseline system requirement for this 3D-only game is a 266MHz Pentium II. Prey will have its own 3D audio format using MMX protocols and will support A3D and DirectSound. 3D Realms says the game should be ready in spring 1999. oh boy cnn.com/TECH/computing/9808/21/gameengines.idg/index.html

The only good fps are the ones using sprites as enemies.


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Did any of that shit make it into the final version?

>tfw the dlc maps were a doom, quake and 2fort map.

it sure did!

As if Doom 3 wasn't already bad enough, it incidentally prevented us from getting this game because they had to try and compete with its shiny grafix

Yup youtube.com/watch?v=AnZf-kk4hbU

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Except HL2 was ugly as sin and didn't try to compete with Doom 3 and it's still remembered

>Except HL2 was ugly as sin

Your standards are astronomical if you honestly think so

>HL2 was ugly as sin

Spotted the zoomzoom who didn't ever played hl2 at release and waited for the orange box or something.

Ugly+small areas with lots of load time+terrible weapon set+generic rebel story

fuck that's ugly, 2001 looked much better

Only thing that holds up is some of the facial model animations

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sure did ' bucko!

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friendly reminder to SIGN THE ASSTITION

it's a good mod and unironically better than ion maiden

if you say so

I remember some guy playing the og dnf behind closed doors at 3d realms. They got a few snippets of gameplay and it looked drastically different to what gearbox did. Why was that project even scrapped?

hmm.. are you referring to Jace Hall by any chance? or someone else?

Yeah, he isn't saying that HL2 is still good looking, he is saying that it was good looking back in 2004.

>tfw dnf can be seen being worked on in this vid

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Thats the one.


huh wow... catchy song, but random; i can't really see any DNF though

as suspected, yup, fuck that nigger Lol

At the end with the fucking notKlingons

yea, CANCER.

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