Decided to play 3 ultimate to experience the exclusive monsters in it that never got in to other games

Decided to play 3 ultimate to experience the exclusive monsters in it that never got in to other games.

Gobul Gigi and Tootpecko where all acualy realy enjoyable fights.
Hell id actually want gigi and toot back in world.
But man this fagot has to be the most boring fight in the series.

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Lao shan and shen gaoren are even worse

Looks cool, though

The fight isn't that good but it's pure kino.

I've played every mh to death and clearly remember having the most fun with 3u, even despite the swimming, which I hate.

yeah, fight is pretty bad like most siege monsters but it's probably the best one in terms of presentation, the ost, lighting, and environment help the fight a lot
sadly all that doesn't help when you have to farm goldbeard a million times

hot take: swimming isn't actually bad, it adds good variety

That's not really a hot take, a lot of people seem to like the idea but take issue with the implementation. I think if it returned with the kinks ironed out most people would be happy with it.

It was still kino

Giant elders always are

Placed my hours into this game more than 4U and world combined.

Fight abyssal lagi instead

3U is my favorite, most comfy hunting experience tied with portable 3rd.

why is 3U so comfy

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I have a big boner for underwater ruins so his arena makes up for it

>Tfw no Moga Village in MHGU

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is that a hot take nowadays?

i've seen nothing but hate for swimming in monster hunter but sure whatever you say

I hated the huge tortoise mountain from World way more.

>moga village night
>in mh3u

underwater battles and aquatic monsters are far too potent of an idea for them to only have done one time

I hope someday they bring that back while also implementing it better

Its a shorter fight and isn't underwater.
Both are a waste of time but the giant tortoise takes less time so its automatically better.

He's best looking in Tri on Dolphin. Absolutely ahead of his...hardware.

Attached: RMHE08-190.png (1656x932, 1.19M)

Did you have fun with my fight?

Attached: MH3U-Dire_Miralis_Custom_Render.png (886x750, 912K)

Attached: dem animations.webm (854x540, 2.97M)

You can play Ultimate version on Cemu now and its near Perfect emulation.

>this is the game that made the Zelda team realize they were slacking and had to put their ass into high gear

Game is dead online and i am playing on emulator because i sold my WIIu last year so the best i could do was solo it for a bit on a another persons save.
Maybe its fun but il never get to play it in MP.
Unless they bring it back in a future game.

true but ultimate fucked with the lighting of the wii version. Like caves arent dark anymore since they removed the torch system

Maybe so, but Tri literally has better lighting and animations than MH3U, which was a 3DS port.

MH3U Ceadeus looks cheap in comparison.

you can literally find a g rank lobby to hunt whatever with you any day of the week still though? I played it all this and last month

That fight isn't that bad online. Also any 3U rooms up?

>and this is what came out of it

Attached: 44242.png (609x295, 192K)

>enjoyable fight

Meant to say textures, animations are the same. It doesn't seem to have the same rim-lighting effect either.

why does mhxx look so much shittier than 3u

BRING BACK GOBUL. HIS sns set was magnificent

Link to the best Cemu version and the ISO of the game? Does it need any fixes or mods?

>most boring fight
>when shit like Lao, Shen, Zorah and even Xeno exist

3U for 3DS? That's actually a good question, considering its framerate is locket at 30 FPS. Assumedly because of the new huge anime effects when attacking.

>he doesn't main lance

Vaal is also trash.

At least Ceadeus looked good and had great music. Vaal and Xeno aren't even siege fights and suck ass.

Are any of those underwater?

you got me

it doesn't, Tri looks better than XX, but XX beats out 3U in the texture and particles, the only thing 3U does better is the HD version where it has a non-pixelated UI as opposed to XX's

Turn it into swiss cheese with a HBG. Normal shots are bugged underwater, so you can kill it in under 5 min using pierce/normal.

>But man this fagot has to be the most boring fight in the series.
By yourself, I agree. But it's a really fun fight to do with a group of friends

It's half assed.

Game has to be EU version.
Just use latest cemu no fixes required.
Depending on what kind of image you download you might have to use a WIIU game decripter or have a proper WUD key.

no the textures of 3u are way better than xx lol

Shen is repetitive, but it's somewhat engaging with the tripping mechanic and earthquakes.

they weren't, that's a fact, XX utilizes extra space and memory that the N3DS has to give you better textures like 4U did where 3U's is the same downscaled stuff from Tri

I'll take Ceadeus over Kulve any day of the millenium, because the former doesn't have an autistically designed grind tied to it. Also Ceadeus has cool gear and isn't scalefag's favourite wife.

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uh look up a video of zinogre in both games you’ll see the difference

>they keep bringing back khezu instead of gigginox

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>Depending on what kind of image you download you might have to use a WIIU game decripter or have a proper WUD key.
I have no idea what any of these words mean. So don't blueball me when at the end I actually have to do all that nerd lowlife shit.


Khezu is basically Ivory Lagiacrus, which is good.

Gigginox is pure trash.

that's blatantly false, Zingore has used the same texture since P3rd

Attached: Capture.jpg (2554x719, 266K)

Thats the price you pay for free games.
In essence if you find the Abstract scene groop torent for the EU verion and add B24DB5464BF5E4C01C99243F8F0767CF # Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
CA75CC4D78A0DC3747EA94BFA6763111 # Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
E99DB9BB9D3D7785F87268927E0CAF50 # Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate to the key.txt file in the emualtors folder the game will run.

>Gigginox is pure trash

Monster hunter started getting bad after Second Gen. Change my mind.

Tri is the worst game in the series, but once I accepted the change I still have loved every one of the games I've played. Some more some less.

I'm fully on board with that. Looking back at the timeline now that World is a thing I can see the exact point they started chasing the normie crowd.

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Not the user you're responding to but thanks for the info.

>Anyone got the image with instructions on how to play XX with GU players?

Not sure why I greentext that