I am forgotten

I am forgotten.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

Shut the fuck up

the "i am forgotten" is the worst forced meme in the history of this board

No way. I already want to replay it.

you were great but there's no fucking way I'm playing through you again, not in hell

We don't need RDR2 anymore in a post-Death Stranding world


It was a pretty spot on observation of Sam Hyde by the SJWs though.

>Now that the dust has settled
Fuck this board. I only use for entertainment. That's all it will ever be.

game of the decade

I played it this morning for a few hours, still good fun. Went fishing and sang songs with Dutch and Hosea. Comfy.

Nope, just got to Lakay and 20 minutes ago, partner.

its not a bad game. i just hate how the game is basically no fun allowed where bumping into someone on accident gets you a bounty or even someone bumping into your horse. been playing it on the ps4 pro and after i killed less than 10 guys in a town already the framerate was dropping like crazy. ive been playing on the latest update and it's buggy as hell too. ive come across so many ridiculous bugs its hard to take the game seriously anymore.

I prefer my entertainment to not be shit either

I don't even like him/MDE, but no it wasn't. They'd still say that about him even if his show was still on. They're permanently butthurt he even got a show to begin with

I got it for christmas and it was fine and really gorgoeus but I noticed it was dropped recently, is this just my imagination or is it the updates? why would they do this?

t. Kojimadrone shitting up the board

Literally replaying it right now. The online is still terrible though despite the improvements

Love this game.

they kept changing the ambient occlusion and whether you think its for better or worse is up to you. the game looks a lot muddier to me on the newest update. wonder if they fucked with the ssao

>we must talk about a single player everyday

That comment was after he got canned though. Nowadays he literally makes jake paul tier prank videos that you have to pay to even see.