This is the company you're supporting
This is the company you're supporting
I don't, fuck off
Sonyfags on damage control
Is PC the only pure one?
Oh boy another month of Yea Forums being triggered by fags
>"w-we hate trannies"
>"but we love talking about them at any given opportunity"
THIS IS Yea Forums
Imagine being proud of something you have no control over
pc is not in charge of one single company so this is only a console thing.
Oh no don't get me started
seethe xbox fag
>OUR Blacks
Company openly and blatantly supports men fucking other men and women fucking other women but they will stomp all over any game that possesses depictions of women in revealing clothing. I'm so sick of this hypocritical shit. You don't get to support one kind of sexuality while simultaneously trying to censor another kind of sexuality.
That's it. I'm fucking hanging myself tonight. Your so fucking stupid I can't stand to share the same plane if existence with you. The FUCKING lack of self awareness. 2020 was gonna suck anyway, later
Xbox LITERALLY powered by slaves!
>people still push sony being the black company
I was gonna say, at least Microsoft doesn't do shit like this.
I only support their controllers.
I don't care lmao
Glad I never bought any of their products
>been seeing this pic for months
>no one will say who the peach cosplayer is
You shitposters really know how to hurt a man.
I'm gaypilled and I hate trannies.
It's some ugly male, why do you care?
>playing video game
>remember i'm a tranny
>give myself a pat on the back
thanks xbox
What you SHOULD have said was
>imagine being proud of a degenerate fetish
Why should I tell you?
You must have missed the point because you're a retard. The argument faggots always use is that it's not a choice for them to be faggots. Only the spineless and unimportant will take pride in something they had no part in deciding. You don't see me taking credit for shit that happened before I was born. You don't see me acting like I deserve backpats for shit I had no control over. There is no such thing as justifiable gay pride if homosexuality isn't a choice.
Stop being gay, it's bad for you. Just fap to women.
imagine attacking others because of something you have no control over
that's a cute attempt, you'll be remembered for it when you kill yourself
Bring more than just hype, bringing the gays
>[thing] is bad for you
>just fap instead, that's good for you
I'm sorry that you're retarded, user. I hope you can grow up and see the truth one day.
I don't care
but people keep posting pictures of cute girls but then i figure out they have dicks
PC has tumblr
>supporting a company
>tranny discord central
not even close.
There's literally nothing wrong with homosexuality, user.
>announcing sage AND report
Better for your mental health than fapping to men.
There's nothing wrong with homosexuality unless you're in the closet.
i would get the blue one if ps4 releases a controller with those colors
Pretty sure it's trannies posting these threads.
Honestly if you're redpilled, you should just kill yourself already. Everything has the rainbow flag now and you'll just seethe at everything you look at.
My children, oh how far you have fallen...
Yet here you are...
>anime avatar
why do you faggot always project fear as an argument
>51 replied about pedes being scared of colors
>'project fear'
the main reason people dislike gays is not because of fear, is because nobody can stand their faggotry, is that simple.
It's funny how you think I'm going to fap to him. It's really not my fault that you are a loser that can only think about masturbation. Go back to seething about how trannies have better, albeit shorter lives than the average beta faggot that whines about them on 4channel.
>he fell for the 'born this way' propaganda
>colors = gay
lol, better tell everyone with a colored car or shit that they are gay now
>Reading the replies
Point out a mainstream company that has not done any kind of LGBT related propaganda.
You literally can't.
Chic fil A
Better than nintendo's furry niggers at least.
Hobby Lobby
who /eunuch/ itt? lmao
>why do you faggot
>is because
What's the matter, can't see your own phone keyboard through the tears?
Horse dick and anal vore mods
Yoshi and its fanbase
As a trans person, I think this is great, and we need more trans characters in video games
I don't get why transgenders had to make their own special flag.
The rainbow pride flag (LGBT) is supposed to represent *all* of them, is it not?
That OG rainbow flag is supposed to be a symbol that they are all united. Are lesbians, gay men, and bi people going to get their own flag now?
This just reinforces my suspicion that they just want to be more special than everyone else.
All companies are. They are inside of the industry. As well as women.
Do you really think companies care about faggots?
It's all a PR stunt
Easy good boy points
Twitter tannins on suicide watch
there are better ways to come out of the closet, user
You ever just stand back, and think why you even hate gay people? I don't mean the specific Twitter gays that are annoying as shit, I mean the genuine hatred of gayness?
Based Gachi poster looking for the good of gay people
I don't hate gays. I hate faggots. Faggots can't keep their shit together. I enjoy fucking dudes too but Im not going to scream about making everything a FUCKING RAINBOW
since when is yoshi gay? unofficial things don't count
I hate gay people because Yea Forums/pol/ told me to. I do everything Yea Forums/pol/ tells me to because it makes me feel like I'm fitting in.
Yoshi turns people gay unironically
tranny discords, "enhanced" versions of old games with tranny characters added in, tumblr, resetera, etc.
splatoon, birdo, gerudo link, bowsette, etc.
Why do white "people" love sodomy so much?
>colors are gay
I fucking hate this shit so fucking much. Faggots stealing the rainbow is the reason electronics and cars are all white, black, gray, or sometimes red. I miss when consoles came in 5-6 different color choices and didn't take themselves super-seriously. They looked like they were made for FUN instead of being bland gray boxes that won't alert your normalfag friends that you are engaging in an "immature" hobby. Fuck faggots and fuck normalfags, I WANT MY COLORS BACK!!!
At the end of the day the only one suffering from such hatred is you. Think about it next time you willingly pop a vein at the mere sight of these so called "faggots."
>implying you wouldn't fuck that tankie boipussy
Custom colored controllers have been a thing for years.
Most feminist/tranny/gay people want to censor anime tits. If they didn't i wouldn't hate them. I'm always surprised when one isn't a lefty fascist.
Both are degenerate faggots
Because is fun
>xbox trying to market their custom controllers to fags
>commies don't like this
Kinda cute, too.
gaymin is serious biznizz for adults alright we can't have people thinking games are toys anymore. Color must be eliminated so we don't look like the kids we are.
>Faggots stealing the rainbow is the reason electronics and cars are all white, black, gray, or sometimes red.
i really doubt that. by your logic, with how corporations are all promoting lgbt these days, they'd all be bringing the old rainbow-colored electronics back instead of sticking with basic black and white.
Because the overwhelming majority of them are just mentally ill narcissists with daddy issues that go on to ruin things for others just to get attention and usually end up molesting little kids to "reproduce".
There's everything wrong with bisexuality, tho.
Showry's my queen.
Too bad she's fucking dead.
Proud to suck dicks and give money to Microsoft
>mentally ill narcissists with daddy issues that go on to ruin things for others just to get attention
Yeah, sounds like Yea Forums.
>that go on to ruin things for others just to get attention
For example...?
idk, the latest epic gaymurr trend is riced-out clear pc cases with colorful led lights.
The gays and their overzealous dickriders are just a demographic to pander to. If public opinion shifted to "Lynch the gays!" we would see very different advertising.
It's the opposite. Marketing has become segmented so that colors are used specifically to market towards lgbt, but the problem is that alienates everyone else, so everything is black/gray/white by default now.
why do I need a reason to hate fags?
I'd legit rather "play with pride" than support Sony.
Why do you care?
Why would I want to censor anime titties? Sexualize women all you want, just make sure to sexualize the men too.
You can still marry however you want, whenever you want, and wherever you want. What did they exactly take away from you?
>I don't need a reason to be dick to random people!
Nope. it all started on PC with gone homo and gamer gate shit and giving a platform to fucking retards shoving gay/politics shit into video games via BAD indie games.
Gays are literally responsible for your wife leaving you for a black guy with a bigger dick?
>just make sure to sexualize the men too
fuck you. People shouldn't have to appeal to gays too if they want to make sexy girls.
Me personally or in general?
Strawman, fuck off
>I don't need a reason to be dick to random people!
This is hilarious.
>Play with pride
You don't even have any games Microsoft
Can you actually buy a pastel pink XBOX controller?
Was this patched out or am I just not doing it right?
cute, would not fuck tho
Reminder that gay pride and tranny pride are complete opposites.
they are girl controllers
why are gays such fucking degenerates?
>be proud about being white
Majority of them are mentally ill from being molested as kids.
Because they visit Yea Forums.
>if you cater to one group, you have to cater to another
How about no and fuck off nigger. This isn't preschool, and I don't have to bring enough for everyone
>promoting scatplay
lmao, fucking degenerates
Why does EVERY normal guy completely miss the point?
I mean I already know why but I'm curious as to why they think they keep missing the point.
Having "White Pride" is like having "I have 2 working arms" Pride. You can have it but it's kind of a dickish thing to brag about when it's not a problem for your family.
As a proud bisexual, I am glad I support them.
It's literally an easy win to them and all the consoles do it. All you need is a tweet and a rainbow banner and the suits in corporate probably think they pocketed the entire degenerate community and their sales go up, which obviously isnt the case but whatever.
Of course it's just stupid pandering and it's just a dumb side effect of this retarded phase of 2010s culture that'll hopefully die out by 2025, or if ever the war starts.
cause it's fucking gay,
Honestly, pretty based. Never thought of it that way, but it does make sense
>uh we're proud because we were persecuted
okay, and you think the people persecuting you shouldn't be proud of being powerful enough to do so in the first place?
It's not random, though. It's specifically homos.