Why is Yea Forums suddenly defending these "games" now?

This franchise is unironically the worst thing to ever happen to gaming, it's what killed it. It caused the entire industry to go pander to NPC's with "CONSUME PRODUCT AND GET EXCITED FOR NEXT PRODUCT". These games are soulless, unforgivable garbage.

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because if you weren't such an underage loser who decided to show up late to the party you'd know COD used to be fun.

CoD was never fun, you are deluding yourself. It was made with the lowest effort possible to get quick and easy shekels off of good goys.

post a timestamped pic of your driver's license, otherwise you're confirmed for a parroting underage summerfag. shoo shoo, go get mommy to change your nappy. it seems to be making you cwanky

Eh, the first few were good. I agree with the statement in OP about how damaging the franchise has been, but it certainly didn't start off that way.

If it was super trash it would never gotten so big.

You first, zoomer cuck

Fucking Zoomer summerfags have taken over.

Capeshit is trash and people lap it up. Getting big is a matter of advertising and shilling.

What I find especially funny is that people are saying that anyone who dislikes CoD is a zoomer when it has literally never went away, and never changed.

Because it makes you seethe. Get fucked faggot.

It's payed shills. No one would unironically defend a company which, on top of being an absolute summum of scum in the industry, now defends the white helmets which are known and documented to be ISIS propaganda operatives and fighters.

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>things get popular because they're good
Things get popular because of marketing. Avatar is not a good film. It still made gangbusters.

They didn't lap it up back in 2003, a lot of things have changed since then. Plus, movies and games are two totally different animals that can't be directly compared. Every single normie (and femoid too) watches movies, so of course the mainstream is going to be hot garbage, but not everyone plays console shooters. The initial success of COD was a genuine reaction to good games, basically everyone acknowledges this except contrarians. Then, after a few sequels, the franchise devolved into pandering normie bait to stay relevant and the quality went down the shitter.

Because the posters from 10 years ago arent around anymore
Modern Warfare was never good

> Avatar is not a good film. It still made gangbusters.
Massive oversimplification. Avatar is not a unique or deep story, but it absolute was a "good film". It "made gangbusters" because it offered people something new, a visceral 3-d experience that was light years ahead of everything that came before it.

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I always liked CoD, they do muh movie games right and it feels like playing through a blockbuster movie.

This. It's just shills that are extremely obvious pushing CoD now. If someone can't pick up on such blatant shilling they must be pretty gullible.
The last CoD I enjoyed was CoD 2.

It shaped how modern arcade shooters needed to be since the first one, everyone copied it.
Now, you may not like it, I myself preferred to play ArmA, but it was objectively "good" because Respawn Studios made it with passion, not a gun on their head and an executive office yelling them to scratch more stuff from their checklist.

Man that game started my personal doctrine of always playing everything on hard, because I swoosh trough it so fast I hated myself.
Glad I could replay it with the extra violence, more npcs and more dialogue lines mods.

Because the first two, Modern Warfare, WaW and the Black Ops series (Bar 4) at least have a lot of effort put into it which shines through the campaigns and external game modes. The series has definitely had a sharp decline but to write off the entire series is silly.

Plus do you blame the game for shaping the industry or do you blame the industry for following the game?

CoD2 did fast paced low TTK shooting better. MW1 dumbed it down and replaced the skill with unlocks and kill streaks. Also had shitty maps and the mapping community wasn't as good as 2. Never played Promod so maybe that fixed things

>ITT newfags
Yea Forums has loved CoD since forever, especially MW1

Black ops 1 was the beginning of the downfall because they needed to rush it after Respawn demanded the money Activision owned them. MW2 was the last good one, and MW3 was literally insulting Respawn as "we can still do this without you". Guess they couldn't.
t. QA Analyst.

okay. make sure you don't block out your height.

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Which is a shame because you can tell that Treyarch has higher hopes for their CoD games. Fuck, they tried to do a transhuman plot for Black Ops 3 for god sakes.

I didnt

It wasn't always like that. CoD was super niche until CoD4/MW

Except the 3d was mindblowing and it's why everyone went to the theaters

It wasn't Super niche even back in the day of the original three games, but what did happen is that it was partially overshadowed by the Medal of Honour series.

>CoDposters are calling others underaged now
Fuck I've been here too long

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Reminder that being good at cod takes more gaming skill than being good at dark souls. That’s why Yea Forums hates it. Yea Forums hates, absolutely hates, games that actually take skill

>Loves CoD

>CoD was super niche
where you even cognizant back then? It might not have been the largest franchise of all time like it became but it was pretty damn big, there is a reason CoD3 got a release on nearly every console in existiting

Capitalism bitch

zoom zoom


Mexicans are short



fuck off boomer go raise your kids

Competitive Call of Duty is literally just prefiring once you know the maps.

in a game where you have to unlock the best guns by playing hours upon hours which doesn't make you more skilled but simply better equipped.

Did you even play cod pre modern warfare 2? You sound dumb

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Am I the only one who thought Infinite Warfare was actually decent


You werent even old enough to play the old cods

Comp CoD is pretty silly since they pretty much turn it into Counter Strike.

Because Yea Forums is now mostly populated by people who are nostalgic for the days when they played Modern Warfare on their 360s when they were 12

kys skilless cucks

the first game release in 2003.

>doomfags calling halo babies underaged
>halofags calling codbabies underage
>codfags calling fortnitebabies underaged
>Fortnitefags calling ???babies underaged
And so the cycle continues.

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Proving his point. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about

>Why is Yea Forums suddenly defending these "games" now?
I will go up too or I have stopped at MW-MW2. I enjoyed my time. But now it is got very silly. And yeah i'm glad in the new one they are going back to MW2 style gameplay and onlline hopefullly. Oh and to be able to customize your own load out the simple way again. No stupid shit like BO style or Advanced or Ghost. Just MW2 shit. Used to love having the ninja loadout with pistol knife for quicker kills and dash as well running around the map zero fucks to give.

Attached: call of bunny.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

Both these people have a 1KD. Stick with shitty dark souls ai. It’s clear you can’t handle playing a game against a human

1v1 me Railyard see what happens

Because it's literally doing what other franchises do that have like 10 titles and are still getting praised. Make the same game over and over. Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Battlefield, Kingdom Hearts and FF do this. Even games with less than those do it.

prove me fucking wrong, show me any game of competitive call of duty that doesn't heavily focus on prefiring.

I like the new direction they're going with Zootopia 2.

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cod2 sniper comp

I've seen worse examples. If examples of killing the industry is what you want, I would single out devs that ride the tsunami of community worship, like Valve or Bethesda.

>the same game over and over
>the same Final Fantasy that has discussions split into numerous warring groups of factions over the wide variety of directions the series has taken
You can dislike the series all you want but this is just blatantly untrue.

Being good at cod is harder than trial and error artificial difficulty the game. Get over it 1KD scrub

>unable to refute my point


I guarantee you get stomped in public matches. Just stick with your computer enemies champ

What about pokemon? They even created a board for it, seems it really is okay when Nintendo does it.

At least we're almost done with the "we want the call of duty audience " era of games.

WA2000 Sniper Rifle was my best friend, lover and partner in MW2. Do or die.

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MW2 was one of the worst things that could happen to PC gaming.

It ended when CoD went "we want the battle royale audience". CoD is no longer the thing others want to be it's now following the next big thing. Same thing happened to Halo which fell and tried to copy CoD to try and stay relevant.

You mean before everyone hacked the living shit out of it for auto nukes or after everyone hacked the living shit out of it for auto nukes.

But the scope lens cover had a smiley. This image impies she's tsundere




I'm in my 30s. Cawadoody always sucks

MW was fun and still is, you can still play it on steam. That doesn't mean you have to defend the new MW especially with the extra monetization. MW was fun and it was 75.- bucks here. Now it's 99.- and they sell you cut content as "preorder bonus". Also In MW you get skins by doing stuff like headshot 150 guys with a weapon or unlocking all skins in one category for a golden skin. Now you just pay more money. It's just shit and you know it. And if you say, well I just want the offline solo experience then go and pirate it.

Nice caps.
Stay mad.

Don't you question my wife mother fucker. I will bust your ass.


did that ever work for any game btw?

have sex incel

you're just saying the same thing over and over instead of addressing the argument he's making, fag.

People just keep wanting the old CoD back but it's never going to happen because Activision are greedy cunts.
They've had so many opportunities to present what people want but fail every time.

It's unironically a shill campaign. If you've been on this site for more than at least a month you'd know that Yea Forums has historically never given a shit about COD and the few times it does mention the series it's in reference with something else like FIFA or Battlefield and never in a positive manner. This happens with every Ubishit game. This happens with every EA game. And every time there's at least a couple retards who genuinely buy into it and think that those respective companies are beloved Yea Forums icons who just get shit on by mean contrarians, even though Reddit and every other normalfag site will shit on them even more openly. Combine this with the fact the RetardEra is also shilling it here because they think it's going to be the anti Drumpf simulator they've been searching for years now

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People literally think they do, but they don't. Look at Apex Legends; fantastic game, but because there isn't a constant drip feed of unlockables and content people got bored within months and moved on.

Because the Yea Forums you read about in encyclopedia dramatica is gone and it's never coming back.


> Fantastic game

It's ok at best. You'd have been better off calling Titantfall 2 a fantastic game because that actually fucking is. Apex is just a half-assed game in the same engine. Don't get me wrong, it's still not bad, but it could have been a legitimate game and not just a hasty PuBwatch Royale. That's why it faded, it has nothing to do with a content drip

Okay fine, same deal with Titanfall 2.

Still got my prestige honorable through her. You probably hacked or got your friend to kill you over and over again for that prestige. Fucking noob.

Only one I liked was world at war due to the campaign. I dont like online gaming so I only would buy them if the campaigns were as good as that

Only the Russian Campaign was good


That wouldve made you 6, too young to play it baby

>post a timestamped pic of your driver's license
why would anyone do that

Activision is known to shill on here. Just look at the Crash and Spyro remake threads.

>zoomers are literally too stupid to do basic arithmetic
common core at work

Whats with this historical revisionism about Yea Forums loving CoD? It's always been shit on here. The only positive threads on here i remember were from CoD2.

fuck i remember those in people in FFA.


kys zoomer, call of duty was kino until they started milking them after the retarded success of modern warfare


he would've been 11 you complete retard


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It's called shilling.
And it will end the very same day the game comes out and is shown to be the exact same crap COD has been since MW2.

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Doesnt change the fact youd be too young brainlet fuck off I'm not a mathematician

I actually really enjoyed the singleplayer campaigns of MW 1 and 2, and the challenge mode of 2

I don't play mutliplayer of anything, though

absolutely based
the majority of Yea Forums sucks dick at pretty much every multiplayer shooter and pretends that the games are shit so that they don't have to blame themselves for how hard they get fucked whenever they try one

Call of duty was always shit for braindead casual faggots

Also dudebros.

I kind of miss the times when Yea Forums took the piss out of Call of Duty.


MW2 was legit gold and the peak of the series.

CoD 1 2 and 3 were legit, and had really fun Story Modes. Everything after that is copy pasted trash and they come out too fast. Literally paying $60 a year for the next CoD DLC.
