Pc gaming, everybody


Pc gaming, everybody.

Attached: 1558196933924.jpg (555x526, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>site error
Made me look. Good one, OP.

>having options and variety is a bad thing
Newsflash: There are people who like to play shitty porn games.

its real, retard


Pc gaming, everybody.

I found the game when I searched steam for it. Don't know why OP's link doesn't work.

so this... is the power... of PC gaming...

Attached: snep.jpg (1200x918, 111K)


OP's link gives me a "Site Error" page as well, but if you actually read that page then you'll see why: In order to view the game, you need to be logged in.

>durr a game exists
Good. Now the game's small niche audience can buy it and everyone else can ignore it. There's nothing to discuss.


Attached: 20170928-006.gif (320x180, 368K)

Fuck, I guess I should have censored those tiny thumbnails in my image. Yeah, apparently the game has dicks and titties, which is why you need to log in to see it.


Attached: 1557272643477.gif (600x500, 2.77M)

to think this shit have a steam page and not any of umemaro , dollhouse and wantan works , such disgrace i hope domeday buying the latest umemaro release here and not in dl site

never ever, consolecuckarino

>PC gives the option for these products
>Console does not

Aaaaaaand bought it

>this will never show up on psn
btfo lmao

The dicks in the screenshots are pixelated. I don't know if that's just to meet Steam's requirements for uploaded screenshots, if or the game actually has pixelated genitals for the authentic Japanese porn experience.

Attached: Untitled.png (957x789, 664K)


Attached: blacklatextransfur.gif (384x384, 106K)

>Leona is your cute and lewd maid
>Fully animated artwork brings Riona to life
Imagine going to all the effort to make this and then misspelling the protagonists name in the description

How is it?

>PC: have +1 choice to buy a game or not
>you: no choice

Get honey select/10

Shhhhhhhhhhhh........... dont give SJWs attention.......

Bros, search up "Give an Imp a Chance!" on Steam

Is this FULLY TRANSLATAED or half ass? like only the menu is translated and everything else is left alone.

>Similar to games you play:
>Dead or Alive 6

Attached: 1528569933408.gif (500x357, 358K)

This "game" is just a video player where you select which sex position you want to watch on a loop next. I've had this on my computer for years as a video file, because that's basically what it is.

Exactly, I have a friend who plays the shit out of these types of games, he's very autistic and basically illiterate, so he's basically the poster child for the sort of person who unironically enjoys this shit. But still, I don't judge him for it if that's the way he wants to bust nuts or if he gets unironic enjoyment out of them.

not for me

>can choose which cutscene to play, has maids in them
>can't choose which cutscene to play, have to watch super serious story #231
