What was the most retarded video game theory?

What was the most retarded video game theory?

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This FF is home of the dumbest theories.

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>Kojima removed Chico from Phantom Pain. He was supposed to survive to helicopter crash and turn into a cool red-hooded, masked badass
I'll never forgive the Japanese

I guarantee this theory only exists because pedos on Yea Forums are obsessed with turning young boys into trannies.

I love how none of the images in that theory have literally nothing to do with the actual theory.

MGSV isn’t finished yet

>"You haven't lost your touch-"
>*Train sounds intensifies*

But Rinoa being the witch has become canon as of late. I don't remember what it was, but they released a trailer where they both do the same gesture. You can't be more on the nose than that.

And it never will be, just like Final Fantasy XV.

That's pretty hot

The Rinoa-Ultimecia Theory wasn't about Rinoa being a Sorceress (everyone who finished the game already knows that). The theory was about Ultimecia being the future version of Rinoa, which is highly improbable.

>which is highly improbable
At the end of tha game Rinoa is the only still-living sorceress around, so for Ultimacia to exist in the future she either needs to be Rinoa, or she needs to inherit Rinoas powers just like Rinoa inherited hers. Ultimacia having obvious ties to Squall (through Griefer) just makes it more likely.

I don't think Ultimacia actually is Rinoa since her behaviour doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless they cut out some very important parts of the story, but it's not hard to see why people would make the connection.

This is pretty funny

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where's the sausage picture?


How will Zeal ever recover?

>Ultimacia having obvious ties to Squall (through Griefer) just makes it more likely
Griever is just a symbol of power that represents for Squall how the ultimate Guardian Force should be. Ultimecia just brought it into existence by drawing it from Squall's mind.

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This pain is ours, user, and no one else's.

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Dont summon caramel

Or KH3.

>they axed Koji and released a Zombie game with the game assets
It's beyond dead now, it's literally Zombie-fied

Mario is Shantae in disguise.

The dumbest, most asinine, retarded theory I've ever heard is that MGSV will ever be finished.

man trannies have been trying their hardest to ruin everything since forever

For some reason people here thought the White Mamba wasn't Liquid

See: Caramel, entire post history of

He promised to live stream his transition when proven wrong but predictably hasn't delivered. Still shits up threads though.