PlayStation Plus prices increasing across Europe and Japan

>cut games given in half
>increase prices

>Euro countries will only see a price increase for the 1 month subscription, non-Euro countries (like Switzerland or Sweden) will see a price increase in all three subscriptions.

>Ab dem 1. August 2019 werden sich die Preise für PlayStation Plus-Abonnements in Deutschland aufgrund der Marktsituation erhöhen.

>• Das regelmäßige, 12-monatige PlayStation >Plus-Abonnement bleibt bei 59,99 €.
>• Das regelmäßige, 3-monatige PlayStation Plus-Abonnement bleibt bei 24,99 €.
>• Das regelmäßige, 1-monatige PlayStation Plus-Abonnement erhöht sich auf 8,99 €.

>À partir du 1er août 2019, les tarifs des abonnements PlayStation Plus en France vont subir une hausse en raison des conditions du marché.

>• L'abonnement PlayStation Plus de 12 mois restera au prix de 59,99 €.
>.• L'abonnement PlayStation Plus de 3 mois restera au prix de 24,99 €.
>• L'abonnement mensuel PlayStation Plus augmentera à 8,99 €.

defend this.

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It's ok when SNOY does it.


Again? They already this once before. I guess their philosophy is that since they keep "winning", now is a great time to gouge the customers? Kind of a dick move.

Someone gotta pay those california rents and diversity managers

>consoletards have to pay monthly fees just to go online

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it is alright when Sony does it
Please don't misspell our masters name

who buys only 1 month though?
If you want to buy ps+ (which you shouldn't because it's a scam) juts buy a full year subscription during the big sales

damn it

Good, increase the prices. I've never paid for Plus and never will.

just but it from any key distribution site for 40% less

I had PS+ when it was optional and has actually good games
Of course I'm not a SNOY anymore now, but PS+ was ok at first during the PS3 era. Locking online play behind is what ruined it

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This is why I moved to pc

They clearly want people to buy the one-year sub apparently
Which can be found at -25% or better during Black Friday sales anyway

It's okay when Nintendo does it though, right, retard?

When did they imply anything about Nintendo?

No, fuck Nintendo. Fuck Steam, fuck Epic Store and fuck you.

This is europe getting that same one, and japan too.

They have no competition so they can fuck their consumers as much as they want

Oh and fuck Microsoft as well.

Only to play shit games, fortnite is free 100% online.

I never paid for a console game so I don't feel bad. But I feel bad fro buybros.

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it's the best bang for your buck out of any entertainment offer, across pretty much all mediums. You get free games, discounts, exclusive offers in pretty much all multiplat games etc etc
I pay it gladly.

You deserve what you’re getting. PC doesn’t have these problems or the movie games and censorship epidemic

lmao retard

*pirates for free*
heh nothing personal

fucking hell nintendo hurry up and get games already

You can literally get PS+ for free with the 14 day trial.And you can do it as many times as you want,and the best part?You get to use it on your main account too(playing online games that require it).



"1$ has been withdrawn from your account"

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