Is Epic really a viable competitor to Steam?
Is Epic really a viable competitor to Steam?
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Are trannies really a viable competitor to women?
>PC gaming problems
That is one ugly dude.
Yeah. They buy out the competition
Who is that cute girl!?
not gonna lie bros, i'd report him for crimes against humanity
she cute op
give me a name
Just admit you're gay already.
No. Their voices are horrifying. Sue might be the exception to that.
>chubby round face
holy fuck user my dick
>Sue might be the exception to that.
why bring this garbage here when you have a whole board of stinking buttholes to connect with
Trannies have literally nothing to do with video games you fucking faggot. His YouTube videos are pretty good though
idk what the point of putting all that effort into transitioning is when the hands are always a dead giveaway and you can't do anything about them
That one is.
It's a guy, you faggot.
Sue Lightning
>June is tomorrow
this nigga actually kinda looks like a woman, i'm impressed, a shame he has a penis tho.
No, he isn't. You must be a sour grapes faggot who can't get any girls.
Honestly I like oral sex and this dude pass as decent female from the look so wouldn't mind getting sloppy blowjobs from him everyday.
thanks user
she looks fucking hot
What the fuck are you talking about, nigger?
Just you wait until hand implants become a thing.
guys give better blowjob
she uses a voice changer
You're attracted to a male, that's called being gay.
A hole is a hole, only women would disagree.
trap x woman is not fucking gay
this is straight as fuck
Female holes don't have a dick and a ballsack under them.
So is Sue pre-op or post-op?
and handjobs. It's still incredibly gay though.
No. It will be dead and gone next year, they haven't sold any games and are irrelevant cancer.
Now that Microsoft announced that it won't be honoring Epic's exclusivity clause, no.
It sounds like they'll be pushing everything to Steam.
Reminder that trannies will NEVER be cute girls.
Specially you James, you filthy abomination.
No. They can definitely carve out their own nice piece of the market, but not to the point where they start being especially threatening to Steam.
They have a lot of traction now because they are the new hot shot on the bloc. The interest will wane with time as all things does, and they can't continue basically pay money out of pocket for every developer who wants to sell their games on there for all eternity. At some point they are gonna have to stop and let the store itself bring the interested parties their way.
Disgusting please hurry and neck yourself
waifu rollan
feed nana
>seething steam trannies
>behaves even more obnoxiously than girls with daddy issues
>has probably gotten his ass fucked by more men than even the sluttiest whores
>will kill himself at 30
>she got to fuck Natalie Mars
lucky girl
Nop they will never be women .
Dick's there, friendo. How I wish I could unsee it.
She still has a pee pee
No. You never see Chad's dating trannies. The only people who like them are losers who can't get any girls. They aren't competing with women because a woman wouldn't to date a loser who likes trannies in the first place.
>Female holes don't have a dick and a ballsack under them.
I fuck women like god intended, so the dick and ballsack are over the hole.
Based and DRM-Freepilled
come on give me a cute jill gf
Either way it's gay.
37 GET
good lord
You take that back, asshole!
*You have been awarded 10 social credits for your loyal services*
Also does videogame reviews as The Spherehunter on youtube.
Careful, I've been banned for replying to these.
It's a guy, retard.
Is it correct to call someone that committed suicide a suicide victim when they're the ones that did it?
Is that really a dude? I'd fuck him senseless
Rolling for Mitsuru.