is it an autistic meme or is it worth playing?
Victoria 2
Victoria 2 is unironically the easiest paradox game, just tax the poor and bash uncivs
I dont know how to make money in this game
tried it three times, as northwest italy country, brazil and kingdom of two sicilies and I just keep loosing dosh
cant learn how to play it and I hate this, especialy because I love XIX century history
Raise taxes, decrease military spending and research commerce technologies. Increase tariffs as a last resort, if you get sphered then you get no money from tariffs.
Vanilla Vic2 is extremely overrated and there is no reason to play it.
90% of the time when someone talks about Vic2 it is HPM
Acquire pops.
Tax said pops.
Indigenous unciv peoples are good pops to conquer and tax. Those of the Chinese variety are ideal.
Crusader Kings 2 is also a good ezy game.
absolutely disgusting
isn't that literally a nation in Divergences of Darkness
I wouldn't know, i've never tried DoD
the nations of not!North America:
>Chinese California
>The United Belgian States of America
>We Wuz Vikangz N Shiet
>some irrelevant Injun nation that gets annexed pretty much all the time
>portuguese not!Texas if Gran Colombia explodes
shit, how could I forget
Yeah I've heard of it but couldn't be bothered to play it. HPM, alternative flag pack and modern day mod are the two mods I really enjoy
It’s actually really good but I haven’t played it in ages
If you have to ask you're not smart enough
I think it's the best Paradox title. More strategy games need to utilize the Victorian setting
Slash your military stockpile funding in peacetime, raise tariffs, and don't be afraid to tax your pops up to their eyeballs in the early game. The budget screen's profit estimation is wildly inaccurate most of the time, by the way
>More strategy games need to utilize the Victorian setting
I prefer the cold war. You excited for East vs. West? ;_;
A-at least we have mods
It's the grand strat game I like the most because it's not as blobbing centric as the others (CK2 isn't very blobbing centric either I guess but I'm not always in the mood for its more RPG like elements). For me it was the hardest Grand Strat game to fully understand but that being said all the grand strats are pretty easy to understand, most of the complaints come from retards who can't understand having to click more than one menu.
> is it worth playing
Yes, but not for full price, the DLCs are pretty much mandatory for the game to be playable and after a few vanilla runs you'll pretty much have to switch over to one of the many mods available to have a decent experience
I fucking wish
Spotted the lefty.
>British Algeria
Positively revolting
Mods that haven't seen updates in years. Why did paradox shit out some shitty roman game when they could have had a cold war game to complement HOI?
No, i just hate poland with a passion
to polskie kurwa głupie społeczeńśtwo to banda kurwa imbecyli, to jest jakieś kurwa nieporozumienie jeśli tyle dla was znaczy ludzie takie zaangażowanie to was powinno się jebać kurwa tak się powinno was jebać jak tylko moze jebać pis kurwa
Because Johan needed a reason to wear his Roman cosplay
>5 kurwas
He must really mean what he said, huh?
Shut up nerd, DoD is actually awesome. Easily the best alt-history mod there is.
That's believable.
Because they realized there's no way to blob around with reckless abandon in that era, and they don't know how to design gameplay that isn't entirely focused around warfare anymore.
I'm getting worried about Paradox's future at this rate. The CK2 team is still doing great and I've heard that Stellaris has improved significantly, but Imperator is a very bad omen. I guess we'll have to see what they do with it and what their new title is
I just wanted a cold war victoria 2 with enhanced politics and espionage fuuuck
DoD update WHEN?
Is it still tied to that god awful economy overhaul? I was interested in the alt history setting but all of the boot factory nonsense bloated the game way too much.
Hopefully the pushback against Imperator knocks some sense back into their fucking heads. Maybe it's a good thing that game came out before Vicky 3, and they actually take the mana criticisms to heart.
The dev ditched PDM and switched to HPM recently, it's pretty good.
meanwhile CA has figured out how to make diplomacy compelling. What the fuck is this timeline.
>pushback against Imperator
they only listen to their forums, and just sort of brand the reddit as a bunch of "crybabies", to say nothing of /twg/. Johan:
>"Imperator, which launched about a fortnight ago, is "performing better than expected" as far as Paradox projected. The developer are happy with the critical reception, but the user reviews have been a stark contrast—Andersson said most people were estimating that the user reviews would be around "the low 70s".
>"People complain about our DLC policy, all those things, so maybe we'll get 70s ... because we thought it was a kick-arse game, we liked it, we were super proud, we got everything we wanted in the game," Andersson said.
>Andersson noted that focus group tests before Imperator's release were positive, so it's been a bit of a shock to so far. But when asked if he'd prefer the critical reception to be swapped with the user reception, the developer said he'd rather the current situation. "I think like, the critics ... they're professionals," he explained.
>"Usually ... I would rather have high critical score than a high user score, because critical score is usually based from a lot of factors. A user can go, 'This game does not run at 60fps, I want all games to run at 60fps, so it's a downvote.' And on Steam you have either 0 percent or 100 percent, and you get the average from that."
>but dont click it
Just use archive, my friend
desu i dont care that much, just sourcing my shit. Johan is lost, and asking for Victoria 3 is like asking for disappointment spit in your mouth
This game sucks, always do the same thing, clerks, bureacrats, etc
Yeah but Congo and Egypt colonialism is always fun, as is the South America conquest game
>Maybe it's a good thing that game came out before Vicky 3, and they actually take the mana criticisms to heart.
We can hope, and god forbid that they try to implement a "simplified" POP system like Imperator's when they finally get around to Vicky 3. It's like they can't remember what makes POP systems compelling in the first place
Stellaris, HoI4 and Imperator are all signs of what's to come: barely playable basegames that merely serve as a platform to sell overpriced dlc that might or might not fix the game
I know. I was just taking the piss.
Further proof that jewhan deserves nothing but a rope around his neck
HoI 4 had a battle system that would have been great in a more focused WW1 sim, but that didnt work well in europe in ww2, and forget fun little wars in south america. also the idea system put the game on rails, i didnt like that either.
Stellaris has flashes of genius but mostly suffers from shitty AI.
>also the idea system put the game on rails, i didnt like that either.
You mean unlike great sandbox games like Darkest Hour or HoI3?
what mod? Going over the infamy limit cripples you hard in HPM
im a big fan of left right sliders
It's vanilla