*loses MT DPS slot to PLD*
*loses OT DPS slot to DRK*
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to stomach bulge a lala
The unga bunga is stronger than ever user
my man
Why must you try to start class wars? You dumb wojack poster.
They're always happening. Sometimes we're just reminded.
post the superior lalafell version
So why is DRK OT over GNB and WAR?
MNK is dead, press F to pay respects
It's all they know, evidently. This isn't a normal place, user. Yea Forums needs to cause shit with inflammatory phrases and imagery or the thread will die since no one will have been challenged to enter the thread.
>Has a hadoken and more greased lightning slots
I don't see how they are.
>slowing down PB
i'd be willing to give shoah away if they replaced the third eye package with the cool pvp counter
Post yfw some people are unironically excited to play new DRK.
>unlock Garuda Extreme
>check duty finder
>more than 30 mins
Guess I won't be playing that anytime soon, nor Coils for that matter
Is it really that much harder than Garuda Hard?
Lalafell are not for lewd activities
Because I can't do my autistic rotation that feels awful to play anymore.
The more I think about it, the more I see how fucked MNK is.
Anatman generates stacks, but only freezes the timer.
six sided star hits harder than tornado kick, and resets the GL timer to max, but has a 5sec gcd.
It's bullshit
MNKs are losing oGCDs and and such in change for better AoE, and AoE dont matter outside of ex roulette so i understand the upset
WAR will always be the best tank even if it's not meta.
>Anatman generates stacks, but only freezes the timer.
The timer resets if it DOES generate a stack I believe.
>Ascian, from the Greek term for "shadowless"
>In this expansion, we are the Shadowbringers
How does the madman keep doing it? Someone has to stop him.
>aoe that uses chakra and replace howling fist
Trash outside of dungeons
>0.1 faster GCDs
OH MY GOD BASED YOSHIDA THE CLASS IS SAVED GOTTA GO FAST :OOOOOOOOOO (but ignore that RoF still slows you down despite it being the number one complaint about MNK in SB)
>everyone loves MCH after the job action video
>everyone seems to love it after the embargo ends
>someone points out it might have the same ping problems as before
>everyone is now dropping it
will MCH ever get a fucking break? I think its too early to tell considering the media tour build isn't final, but the amount of doom and gloom over new MCH is giving MNK a run for its money
i want to pump so many babies inside her
Roulette is about to become an absolute nightmare. Every competent healer is gonna switch because of the changes and the only people left will be the shitters that think it’s too complicated to press their 1 dps button whenever there’s nothing to heal(90% of the time in all content)
>AoE don’t matter outside ex roulette
It's not that hard as long as everyone knows what they are doing, did it earlier today and it took three tries with four sprouts that hadn't done it before (and one of them was a tank)
>Tataru and Minfilia get captured by Garleans
>everyone lusts for the potato and ignore the latter
Are the devs all a bunch of lalafuckers?
>Trash outside of dungeons
So only 30% of the experience is bothered by this.
It's the easiest ex trial but any ex or raid that isn't from the current expac will be dead because of unsyncing.
Anatman freezes the GL timer before increasing it and then generating stacks. However, it only freezes your form stance and doesnt refresh it like it does for GL. SSS is an absolutely trash skill that is as useful as TK was in 3.0
>whiny healer tries, for the 1000th time, to sell the idea that everything will change and everyone will now suffer
Nothing will change and well know it. We weren't born yesterday.
I wouldn't say it's too hard, but someone not knowing what their doing will fuck it up for everyone else. I remember when I did it for the first time ~2 years ago and we had a BLM who, despite being told what to do, kept fucking up a mechanic at the beginning of the fight and took us far too many attempts
Roulette when?
At least they want to fuck adults and not SHOTA BUNNIES.
can't wait to kill ARR ex trials in one inner release
That 30% is the real content
is this supposed to showcase how bad riddle of fire feels?
Is the DRK revamp as bad as everyone says it is? Or is it just kneejerk reactions that may not turn out to be warranted? I want the class to be good, but SB DRK felt like there was so much wrong with it in a fundamental level, and I was hoping ShB was gonna fix it.
Nobody read the tooltips and just got excited over "woah big robot"
The edge!
that only makes me harder
I dunno, stormblood was a clusterfuck of no tanks or heaters at the beginning when they only added dps jobs
>PB before RoF
Pad players...
of course it's all kneejerk reactions. nobody has played the game yet and the people that already did played a months outdated beta build.
DRK looks great, stop listening to the dregs of the internet here.
If you’re 70 you can probably solo it with just about any job at this point
I remember the outrage when CS was made into a cooldown. The vocal minorities will complain and might switch to a different role, but things will be the same as always
Why wouldn't people be excited about playing a class they enjoy?
>gayfur the race
>Manlet lions
It's just the balance autists trying to falseflag and scare people away from their niche job. MCH will play great compared to how it is now.
They are literally suggesting removing the CDR from heated shot to make the wildfire rotation smoother. These 'people' are trying to take damage away from the class to make it play smoother.
It's like when people shout about how in certain games, X character is soooo much better because muh challenge quests, when 99% of the content in that game is farming where aoe and buffs for that aoe are king.
Fuck of yoshi I'm not playing your boring netflix healers anymore.
Everyone flipping out hasn't stopped to actually look at the fine print. Almost all of the lost abilities were actually assimilated into another move or changes to balance has been made to make up for it.
>actual anons
>"TK rotation was objective DPS but it was obviously not how monk should be played. Greased lightning should be a constant state and not a resource."
>literal faggots
Mentor Roulette already includes old EX Trials
Nobody cares what you do.
>tfw french fc next door is spamming holy outside my house again
based as FUCK
If you wanna go slow and build up "muh big dick attack" go play SAM you fag
>AoE doesn't matter
Dungeons, trials and raids all have packs of trash mobs. Some trials/raids don't, but it's not like it's a detriment if you don't use it in those scenarios. There's literally no reason to complain over an upgraded AoE that you aren't forced to use if the situation doesn't require it.
DRK entirely depends on how much damage bonus darkside gives. Their potencies are really low so darkside needs to give them 50% damage or something to keep up with other tanks.
I haven't played DRK since HW but it looks fine to me. Way better than SB's godawful iteration of it at least.
What if... just what if...
The new content is going to be getting DPS to start actually using their AoE more? Crazy idea I know
I've always preferred this Y'shtola lover over the brown one.
I thought that's what people wanted.
>go slow
>on SAM
If you don't maximize skill speed on SAM then you are a coward.
Cutest npc?
>Tanks worrying about damage output and not crowd control and survivability
I will never understand the mindset that DPS is all that matters. Especially when the person bitching isn't a DPS.
I think monks are overreacting just like in pre-4.0 when everybody thought SAM would replace MNK with a "spammable 1080 potency attack."
GL4 babbies got GL4, TK weenies lost TK and MNK is the same thing since 2.0 but with more safety nets to preserve GL. It's not going to be a groundbreaking new job, but it's going to be fine.
this game leaves me hungry for something competitive. the pvp definitely isn't it, golden saucer stuff isn't it, and i don't care about parsing colors. maybe if feasts were more mechanically challenging. the queue times are also shit.
>preordered ShB for Squall's weapon
>haven't even tried playing a tank yet
I should really get some practice desu.
>it's another episode of PotD leveling
well that can happen, i personally hope that Eden isn't just TP to a circle arena
Trick question?
Just play a different game.
She's up!
The devs dont know how MNK should be played
>want FC to be primary God
>but remove inner release
>want to maintain stacks
>but punish you for trying to keep them up (RoE requires damage taken, SSS is a DPS loss, Anatman is a DPS loss and cancels autos
>TK is as useless as FoE, yet still exist
>oGCDs removed for no reason
Because the only thing that matter is a DPS. everyone will tank and survive just fine. it doesnt matter.
They all have the same mitigation now, so the only concern is damage. Every single encounter in the game is about killing it before it rages anyway, surviving isn't important, especially with healers getting even more healing this expack.
Monk AND ninja AND samurai all look FUN and I'm going to try out ALL of them and have FUN.
Is it bad that I want to do so many lewd things to her?
I don’t even havePotD unlocked yet.
true. I don't use TK rotation and I still top the chart. I may not be orange percentile but I don't care because I still beat the fight while dabbing on everyone else's damage.
Maining ninja or dragoon means that you're stuck with it for 3 months until you can start building bis for a second job. Meanwhile casters, healers and tanks have 4 or 3 jobs at bis at the same time.
Exactly the same here, you're not on Lich right?
SB DRK was fucked, but fine, now taking away all our aoe resource gain is just too fucking much
MNK was fine before with rockbreaker, howling fist, and elixer field. Replacing OIP and removing howling fist does nothing for the job
Did you literally just start
Cant wait for them to just remove its dropping-GL stacks shit in 6.0 and it going on a minute CD
just don't play a second job
More like /maofh/.
You're right, but it just kinda sucks to watch after playing the job since HW. I'm hardly concerned about the balance (and on those terms, it seems fine) so much as I am about fun factor. I'm willing to try it out, but it seems extremely lacking in that area. That aside, I'm probably just gonna play Gunbreaker or something.
>surviving isn't important
But I like playing multiple jobs at their highest level
Are you that one based user that posted about the skill speed build and rotation a few weeks ago?
If so, thanks man. This has been the first time I've really enjoyed playing a melee job in a long time.
no No NO NO NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
>play warrior in WoW in 2007
>they rape the class to oblivion
>play warrior in FF14
>they keep raping him one expansion after another
I'm fucking done with this game(s)
Stop riding your ugly ass car everywhere reeeeeeeeeeee
Is there any way to go completely barefoot?
>dancing in shitty sandals
>not barefoot with bangles around ankle
SSS and Anatman are not satisfying. It lost technical depth just so it can have more skills to maintain GL than it has impactful oGCDs
still best tank in the game
I'm not worried about how much dmg mnk is gonna do, or how it's gonna fit into the meta. I'm worried about how braindead it's gonna be to play because right now it's looking pretty braindead.
How did you not get one yourself?
Terrible taste, please refrain from posting
this certainly reads like a post by a WAR
Warrior is still the king. Paladin and DRK only wins out on dummies, the second downtime appears, warrior inches out ahead
Sounds like someone doesn’t have a car
Everyone will survive. If you dont kill the boss in 13 minutes you fail. if you kill in 11 minutes instead of 12 you take less damage, doenst matter how much more defensive you are. Unless you can AFK in the keyboard. In that case people may consider the tank for prog.
Nope Zodiark
>warriors in dragons dogma literally only gets to equip 3 skills to everyone's 6
>and also plays like a meme
Devs really hate Warriors
Just keep your mod on and glamour emperors new shoes on it.
Nope, I'm not that. But I'm glad you're having fun since that's all that matters in the end.
If only they consolidate gear. Just make it Aiming for dex jobs, Slaying, Fending, casting and healing.They'll probably do this next expansion
>I may not be orange
Then your opinion doesnt matter. Doing more damage than a brain damaged BLM isnt hard for MNK, especially with welfare gear
what race/gender do you bros play?
>and MNK is the same thing since 2.0
How the fuck is a class being thrown back THREE EXPANSIONS worth of complexity not worth complaining about?
>Downtime happens on fellcleaves window
Damn you Yoshi, i can see that shit happening.
beep beep
>Even fewer glamour options
>Bard and ninja sharing gear
I'm a female Lalafell who essentially behaves like Vegeta.
Literally, ironically the least changed class in Shad.
>b-but I'm tired of being told to use TK you dont pay my sub stop teaching me how to be better at my job
>they keep raping him one expansion after another
Explain how Shadowbringers WAR will be worse than SB. Already know you answer for HW: Bloodbath and Berserk
I still beat the savage tier and had fun so that's all that matters. fuck padders and speedrunning trannies.
>Eden raid turns go back to the T1 style of light exploration with a mini boss and end boss in a unique arena
>bosses have multiple adds for DPS to aoe, and for tanks to hold aggro and mitigate
>bosses and the arena are constantly putting out high damage, keeping healers on their toes
>later turns have bosses that have tankbusters with no cast bars and frequent high damaging, but not instakill, mechanics for everyone to do
Eden could have the potential to be the best raid series yet. If the raid designers actually try this time.
Fags are that salty about TK rotation. These people would cut off their nose to spite their face.
>Greenlets thinking their opinion matters
Your opinions on optimal or non-optimal builds is worth less than dirt unless you have the numbers to back them up. You could be a fucking ice mage and still dab on 90% of DF shitters, that doesn't suddenly make ice mage good.
Male Miqo'te, fuck the haters desu.
*gets a static anyways*
Genderqueer catperson (but actually xir's half miqote and half lalafell)
>remove 800-2400 potency per minute from the job
>because I might fumble 300
The absolute state of Balanceniggers
That user is baiting or retarded. It’s fine in shadowbringer.
>Lalafell acts like an evil megalomaniac
Sounds like the average lala to me
>literal faggot
I just want AD on a shorter cooldown. I understand with the removal of Dark arts, they had to fuck over AD in some way, but there's no reason it needs to be a minute long CD unless the self-heal is really good.
When will devs give us the option to lewd npcs
Mr happy beat the savage fights too as a mnk, in fact he beat both ultimates. Doesnt change the fact he doesn't know how to play his job, just like you
for what purpose are you still pushing this even after the embargo dropped revealing that WAR got even more stupid strong
>b-but muh atonement
>being a cuck
Ah, I see you know the truth. That's unfortunate.
The mount is so fucking ugly. It also "floats" when it moves which it fucking weird.
Fuck no. Rdm wants as much crit and int as possible and is allergic to sps, blm will sacrifice crit for a comfy sps, and smn can go either way, but prefers crit. It's a goddamn mess.
And they have every right to be; regardless of TKs intended use or not, MNKs complexity was objectively gutted beyond compare with this expansion and they gained NOTHING in return except an AoE chakra spender and "lol u go 5% faster ;)))". It would be like if Shadowbringers rolled around and Dragoon no longer had Blood, or BLM no longer had Enochian.
>Alphinaud and Alisaie are both giraffes, with a giraffe grandpa
>yet are cute and short
Are they part potato or something?
I wanna lewd Edda!
>get excited for new MCH and GUB just looking at tooltip
>not noticing MCH battery skills are on global
>GUB lowest dps tank
What do I do now? New MCH is a mess again and while GUB probably has decent gameplay, it's weak numberwise
Best mount in chocobo
How many times do we have to go over this. As long as you can use holmgang to cheese 4 tank busters a fight, you're not going to lose your spot.
Bros ima have my first edible and get immersed in this MMO. What's a safe dosage for a good experience?
They're children you dumbass
Play MCH for the fun factor. Their APM is over 50 if they go live with the test build.
They will get a massive growth spurt in 6.0 after the time skip, don't worry
so, about DRK, the point is to keep Darkside up as much as possible right? That might be fun, otherwise it does look kind of shitty
I cleared UCoB while only casting ice spells as a BLM, and I had fun doing it ;). See how words are worthless without proof? And that aside, it's not hard for garbage players to get carried through Savage.
They are in their (late) teens
>That time when YoshiP got pissed when someone asked this at a fanfest.
>Literally yelled "THEY ARE ELEZEN" in English
I meant people were salty about TK existing. Not TK users.
>That might be fun
you hit edge and get it for 30 seconds, can't drop it until you forget to hit the only skill that uses mana
Monks will rise again once the AST/SCH/DRG/DNC crit stacking comps start forming.
GNB is probably still being tuned. I doubt that they will do shit DPS.
I was about to say. Now get to be extra comfy in Shadowbringers; Equilibrium without the need for a stance, Thrill now has the 20% healing increased effect tank stance used to have, partner heal, big dick steel cyclone or inner beast off of Infuriate. It all seems rather nice.
>not Laurel Goobbue
Laughing Sylphs.jpg
GNB might be weak number-wise but the utility is really good so it'll even out. For prog having PLD/GNB might be the way to go unless fights are undertuned for healers.
>that entire post
Tooltips aren't final in description or potency. Yoshida already stated this a million times that the media tour build is a unfinished old beta build. This can be proven by Heavenswards and Stormbloods media tours that had the same thing happen. It's like you faggots just started playing this MMO.
I had absolutely horrible experience today.
Midgardsormr normal.
>I was targeted by Akh Morn
>AOE under me
>run out of AOE
>no one is here
>tank telling me to not run away
>we wiped later
>round 2
>someone was targeted by Akh Morn
>he runs away and dies with me because no one actually stacks
>"I never seen this marker in game before" he said
>another Akh Morn
>I stack with SAM and dies because everyone ignore stack marker, even tank
>this situation repeats later again
>everyone dies to mechanics
>everyone ignore stack marker
>healer-tard raise me without any healing for 15 seconds so I die due unavoidable damage
>finally we stacked all except healer-tard - 5 dead after Akh Morn (wtf)
>after all this shit tank tell people to read guide before using duty finder
>healer-tard calling me being bot for "dying too match"
And everyone was from Moogle. I hate frogs now
What's the job for me if i'm a massive lolicon
BRD isnt a must pick anymore now that DNC took their spot so they are false flagging MCH
Blood and Enochian are intended. Also, TK wasn't lost the skill still exists. What a shit ass comparison.
NIN is still meta, sorry mhigger. At least you have SAM to keep you warm for another two years.
Scholar or Dark Knight.
I'm cautiously optimistic. The combination of only having one combo and the only other DPS abilities requiring a ton of resources that take a long time to generate puts it at a 6/10 for me right now. Better than it was, still needs work. The other major problem I'm having is cooldowns. Any sub-70 content is going to be suffering as a DRK because you only get one cooldown that's worth anything half the time.
Numbers aside, comparing the play styles of DRK and GNB is no contest.
>4th tier combo
>3rd tier aoe combo
>6 part combo once every 30s
>also circle of scorn and overpowered spirits within for no reason
Okay 40% discord
>does nothing for the job
Except give us an AoE option for our chakra, which is great. Don't act like the removal of howling fist somehow destroys our single target potential. If you want to press more oGCDs, we get more frequent access to Forbidden Chakra now.
Fuck off. OIP was a trash skill that didn't see use 99% of the time.
>"I want everything to stay the exact same!"
Monk mains, everyone.
ye, sounds like plan, just slight disappointment with all battery and automaton queen being fire and forget thing
Either he's trying to hide something, or really hates race mixing
>fucking human women makes you a cuck
>GUB lowest dps tank
"Test Build all numbers are subject to change". I mean weren't planning on play GUN just for it's dps numbers, right? You're not that much of a shallow shitter, right user?
I do it just to trigger retards and break the immersion of roleplayers, I also try to stand on awkward places to make it look even more stupid
It is joke, but people like that do exist
Lalafell wrangler at Costa del Sol
>implying you get to fuck human women
Way to gloss over the post, TK being unintended has nothing to do with the fact that MNK is at literal ARR levels on complexity now.
>he's trying to hide something
He once molested a giraffe at Tokyo Zoo but Square quieted it down
>meta this
>cuckshed that
>parse this
>fflogs that
man you people must be insufferable to play with. no wonder you hop between statics or don't have decent friends to play with.
>He said, as he applauded Yoshi for removing the biggest evolution of MNKs playstyle and reverting them back to 2.0
It wasn't complex, it was just clunky and shittily designed. TK's use now was meme'd into what it is by egotripping fags out to prove SAM wasn't better by a mile.
No you imbecile, what I'm saying these changes do nothing to begin with. OIP could've been deleted and not replaced and MNK would still have some of the best AOE skills in the game
>only one combo
It was essentially the same through stormblood. It actively punished you for not using your aggro combo by restricting your mp regain and small regen, so the goal became to use it as little as possible.
Absolutely based user. You have found your inner peace as a MNK. You have attained the fourth noble truth, the Nirvana of vidya enjoyment, free of the pain of listening to meta trannies and the thirst for orange parses. Godspeed you fast bastard.
It's just a no name nigger trying to theorycraft. He's only one step above a literal who because he associates with Xeno.
>This can be proven by Heavenswards and Stormbloods media tours that had the same thing happen. It's like you faggots just started playing this MMO.
Uhh actually it's the complete opposite. Fags shouted about "MUH OLD BUILD!!!111" and then all the jobs ended up being exactly what we thought they were. Cope harder.
I only bitch on Yea Forums
no fucking way, I thought it would be similar to how DRK used to manage MP back in HW
It was objectively more complex than "hit 1-2-3 but now 5% faster".
>really hates race mixing
someone post his reaction to that mixed race question from NAfest
That's more than a slight overreaction. You should calm down and wait until you can play it for yourself before you jump to conclusions.
The fucking irony of this post as the biggest change to monk that lasted for three patches was entirely gutted and the class LITERALLY plays like it did two expansions agi
idk that might be okay but both of those invulns are way too long CD
DRK is just a bootleg warrior now. You spam 123 until you get bloodspillers or enough mana to use the edge move. Delirium is just inner release without the crit and BW doesn't give you haste and only affects GCDs
I love the First's chocobo equivalent. Doomchickencamels.
I know, it's something I wanted them to FIX.
Make power slash give me a defensive buff and chain off syphon strike
Is she seriously wiping to that roe boss from the MSQ?
that is something I'd actually like
nah, skills themselve look fun enough, I guess they'll fix it if there would be issues
Just make Abyssal Brain into Bloodbath Vol. 2
It doesn't matter how much you hate TK. Yoshi killed it and did nothing else. Do you understand? Monk is only losing depth and gaining nothing.
Alisaie is going to mature into a beautiful woman.
SSS, RoE, and Anatman are clunky and poorly designed considering the best way to maintain stacks is landing your coeurl form attack. Not attacking or being locked out of attacks is fucking stupid
The loreguy said that these are griffons
If only. Nah, it's gonna be piss easy. Play in your sleep tier job.
I'd hit it
>we can't have a fun class because 3rd world country players have ping issues
you mean alisaie will lose her appeal
>Riddle of wind before Demolish
>not preclicking IR and TK
>using PB at 1/4 GCd instead of 1/3
>double weaving TK and FoW when you can't do it without clipping
get a VPN and stop using a controller
G-gunbreaker is gonna be g-good ..right?
The rails are gone so it's Extreme and they're level synced. I didn't watch the video so I'm gonna assume they're in DF with a bunch of shit eaters.
Wait. There is supposed to be tons MNK posters in thread judging by TK discussion.. You do this for snap after second TK
>implying I won't
>implying implications
Yeah, and fun too. They'll buff it before the savage releases.
Yes, falseflagger, it is.
How many people are losing their minds and unsubbing right now because of this?
The first has Chocobo.
>best AOE skills in the game
This was never the case. Rockbreaker is good when PB is up, and that's it. AotD is dogshit. Elixer field and Howling fist were fne. Now we lost Howling Fist for more consistent AoE options. That isn't "nothing", you actual retard.
sex with hoodie on or off?
Neat, not a bad deal. Thanks user I'll order some Papa Johns and enjoy a night of Final Fantasy XIV with epic gamer fuel!!
I bought 2 pizzas instead now I'm just eating pizza and fishing
this isn't the first time something like this has happened. also who cares
Alphinaud will mature into a beautiful woman
>Deleted the only advancement MNK has made since 2.0
>Deleted the best GL tool MNK ever had (RoW)
>Removed more oGCDs than they gave us (seriously why the fuck did they delete Internal Release)
>Only thing we got in return are two useless skills that were already obsolete thanks to RoE and Wind Tackle
But at least you get to hit things 5% faster!!!!
Fuck yes Im mad and fuck no it's overreaction, Yoshi did nothing but strip what we had, add useless new skills, and then NERF OLD ONES THAT ALREADY DID THE JOB TO MAKE THE NEW ONES LOOK BETTER.
>monklet doesn't even recognize double TK opener
This is embarrassing
why would they?
it's just a promotion with a shitty pizza place
Nanamo, just ask Raubhan
The point is who cares about AOE changes when you're using AOE far less than you're using your single target rotation. I would rather have PB rockbreaker spam AOE (which is already the best melee AOE and the biggest AOE burst this side of BLM) and keep the TK rotation than have the job devolve to its HW rotation but with less oGCDs and a slower overall GCD.
Can't believe they took out Papa over nothing.
Kinda wish they went with dominos but I don't see why people would usub from it
I wish they did this more often. I love when my favorite games do promotions like this.
That's not really a deal since you can get that 30% off by making your own "deal"?
>fastest class in the game
>16 oGCDs/minute
>16s of supah fast dakkadakkadakka
>MCH "mains" are busy complaining about their logs
When will Yoshi-P start autobanning these cunts
>Not during the expansion
jobbers, the lot of them
With and then without it and finally cumming in her hood and make her wear it outside
You don't RoW before demolish, retard. You use wind tackle to get to the boss at most, you always use RoW after Demo because otherwise you're double weaving before the first GCD which negates any bonus from getting RoW up before Demo.
*loses ranged DPS slot to DNC*
Maybe if it were pizza hut I'd go for it
legitimately freakish looking with that chinless head of hers
like some kind of alien imitation of a humanoid
Only played ARR. Do I still need to level up other jobs if I want some of the required abilities?
Been playing WHM.
Because the founder of Papa Johns is apparently a massive bigot and a ton of people disowned the entire chain as a result even though the chain disassociated with him ages ago, but i'm sure plenty of trannies didn't get the memo and are LITERALLY SHAKING after hearing about it
Its not tons, its fags arguing circles because some tranny in the balance said shit was fucked; just like whats been going on with MCH too
I just wanna pkew pkew some monsters and build robots, user.
No, they took out that version of cross-class skills.
Which is precisely the reason that none of the job changes feel bad to me at all. I'm looking forward to leveling everything to 80 even more now then I was with how the jobs played in SB. Being a top percentile orange parser is literally irrelevant content.
Literally who cares?
No, they removed that in Stormblood. You get role abilities just by leveling up. You still have to assign them though
>remove all new skills for MNK
>remove GL4
>keep old RoW
>revert PB back to 60sec
>keep new FoF and FC traits
There I saved MNK
And in Eorzea gay couples are canonically fine.... but not racemixing. Gay faggots got thrown out for fucking another race (same gender) for instance. Also because Americans are obsessed about mutting everything. Fucking deminiggers.
t. Pleb
SSS is obviously for use in GL4, to spam your ogcds without trying to weave between the faster gcds. RoE acts like it always has, in damaging downtime to keep your stacks, like graven images in 8s. Anatman will be valuable in situations like delta attack with nothing to hit or have hit you. Perfect balance being on such a low cooldown was obviously not going to stay, there's a reason they made it a long cooldown in the first place. The only reason they lowered it is because people complained about TK in heavensward.
>Make a class
>Give it a crit buff
>The best crit buff in the entire game actually
>Make it crit reliant for damage
>Then make it even more crit reliant for damage
>But also remove the crit buff at the same time
Literally what did Yoshi mean by this
That's exactly what lalas are
>doing mnk quest
>kinda of losing the hype since nothing as good as pug yet
>widargelt just revealed he's ala mhigan resistance dude and very passionate about it
unless I was asleep I don't remember this awkward speech pattern faggot anywhere in SB
flamethrower had wrong potency. earthly star said 900 potency and everyone was going crazy over it, but it turned out to be only 720 at launch. also never forget drk's old darkside animation.
I love these designs.
How is he a massive bigot?
I'm still going to play WAR.
more lalas
Just sprint, retard. Start in FoF and then weave to FoW after demolish
>but it's not like it's a detriment if you don't use it in those scenarios
It actually is, considering it replaced Howling Fist which COULD be used on single targets for free damage.
He's still around for the monk faggotry in SB, but he's more tolerable in that line.
looks like that puppet where he is forced to watch them pour milk on that girl
Hey I know you from fit
How about they just add new SSS, deal one million potency but remove your character from the game permanently. That way you stupid parse fags can still top the charts with your brain dead hit one oGCD skill TK and suck each others dicks about it and stop playing like you already do.
He isn't in the MSQ. He's the rightful heir to Ala Mhigo but would rather spend his time teaching people to punch rocks.
>remove GL4
Only one I can't agree with.
>I don't care about jobs being made simple because I was too dumb to play them to begin with
Why didn't you just open with that and save us all the time?
If you were forced to deliver a bag of riches, would you rather have to walk through the streets of Uldah or Ala Mhigo?
DRG is lookin pretty good bros. No more having to position heavy thrust, POT buffs all around, and some tweaking to the rotation. My only gripe is that I'll have to see how long it takes to push out the entire rotation in fights. Honestly, fuck being a support dps class.
Of all the stuff they could extort money out of me with in mogstation, why isn't this on it yet?
Quick, you have 30 seconds to justify removing Riddle of Wind and Internal Release. Hard mode: don't mention TK.
Hoary Boulder
Because it makes you seethe.
TK. Also the reason why perfect balance went back to 120 seconds
That already happens though
i am a rdm main
At least it killed the Youkai mounts
wtf i love papa john's now
Nice dude, RDM is cool and stylish.
How about they just design a good job instead?
Holy shit, it's not about TK rotation, you fucking obsessed faggot. Monk is going to be objectively worse. Losing IR, PB going back to 2min cd, and RoW no longer being quick easy stack of GL are huge detriments.
Intresting. Thanks.
I too would rather punch rocks than be forced to rule over mhiggers
How does that justify removing Internal Release though, especially now that MNK wants crits more than ever?
>GL4 is now a trait that doesn't require FoW
>PB down to 90 or 60s, either one who fucking cares
>Make Anatman grant 1 stack of GL on use automatically even with 0 stacks
>TK up to 360 potency
There, I fixed Shadowbringers monk
you bros ever lactate?
He said he was "massively hurt" by the "take a knee" protests during that football game meant to draw attention to police brutality, and the chain forced him to step down because of the backlash on social media (some of which was apparently egged on by /pol/ and alt-right figures praising him and saying he's "our guy" I guess?)
Anyway Papa John's has largely been reviled by the BIG YIKES HARD OOF THIS AIN'T IT CHIEF crowd of individuals ever since then.
That works in some fights but in fights where the boss aggros from further away it's more optimal to tackle into them. It also depends on whether you need to RoF early or not.
>only advancement
Pure opinion. You're mad, and you won't hear otherwise.
It's very clear that this was the same bandaid treatment they gave to AST in the latter days of heavensward, if you were even around for that. They had their cards and general potencies massively improved overall, only to have them rebalanced with stormblood.
>internal release
Crit effects have been reduced and removed across the board, if you hadn't noticed. It's likely they underestimated the widening numbers gap between high crit/dcrit parties and less synergistic ones when implementing dcrit.
>two useless skills
Unless you work for the development team or attended the media tour, you're pulling this all out of your ass.
>Calls TK rotation braindead
>Regular rotation is literally just 1-2-3 1-2-3 for the entire fight
h u h ?
imagine getting kicked in the balls by a lala mnk
>bearded highlander
you ended up positive user
They buffed chakra generation to 70%, which largely offsets the loss of IR in terms of Chakra consumption.
Stop listening to Limsa Lominsa AFK trannies, they're mentally insane.
Then run just before before the tank pulls? It's not that hard
>We're going to be putting in a charge system and more ways to get that GL back up so that double tackle is pointless now. Also you should be focusing on punching, not buffing lol Let your DNC buff you so your not hogging all that crit
You dont have to like it, but it is what it is
Not really since you no longer get guaranteed crits in a fight
>Riddle of wind before Demolish
What's the difference?
>using PB at 1/4 GCd instead of 1/3
Too risky.
>double weaving TK and FoW when you can't do it without clipping
Is this really that matters when you don't have GL3?
>get a VPN
>stop using a controller
Japs use gamepads. They have giant clear rates.
How does that make him a "massive bigot" though?
Allright, tell me what's the point of Dragon kick? Is it worth doing for the bootshine buff or do you just want to spam bootshine regardless?
New Minfillia is Frey. He's holding onto our light so that we can become the warriors of darkness without regret or fear.
>eating at your desk
lmaoing @ your life, degenerate.
Female hyur and don't think I will change anytime soon.
He also said nigger or something during a meeting.
>They buffed chakra generation to 70%
This in conjunction with adding another gaurenteed crit to our rotation should cover for the loss of IR
oh wait, they didn't do that. BS is still the only reliable way to generate chakra and even then it's still rng lol
Is that a euphemism for busting inside?
Stop sexualizing the NPC children.
Who on the discount weaboo server here? I'm lonely on tonberry, and I'm tired of doing the same instances alone
And you got all this from watching a video of the april build?
It's worth it
>To write a lemonfic of my FF14 character and Y'shtola developing a romantic relationship
Do I take the money or maintain my dignity?
In what context? Just calling someone that?
How does Thancred feel about his daughteru actually being that one guy's inner darkness
Yeah you hit 1-2-3 but were 20% slower and had one extra oGCD, however will you survive? It is way more complex in ShB compared to SB.
>he bought the 18 dollar mogstation glamour of the month
Spend the money, and then show it to us
Oh and he also said nigger I guess, probably in reference to the protests
Because that's an actual artist instead of someone with money for commissions.
are the nips racist to gaijins there?
Lalas aren't children
>ThE pOtEnCiEs MiGhT cHaNgE
Yoshi P personally designed MNK for 5.0 and he and the team are very proud of it, nothing about it will be changed for two years
>Take money
>Write fanfic
>Write another fanfic afterwards where you cuck him
>have the uldah innkeeper talk about comparing dicks you've taken if playing female
>take the same model underage girl but reference impreg in a different cutscene
what did yoshi mean by this?
Obviously some balance top bilingual 1%er got their hands on the release build through the black market and has been warning us that shits all fucked
Introduce playable children and I will forget about the NPC ones.
Female highlander. I wanted muscles but without the dumb roe nose.
Very Merri says that Shadowbringers DRK is fun. I trust him since he actually played the game.
It's only a loss if you have zero ping and don't clip your GCD's. If you have above average ping and already clip why would you not use it? Are you just a shitter who only follows what you "think" is the meta? You wouldn't admit to being that dumb would you?
>When the Orbonne alliances are worse than on day 1.
Take the money and use it to commision NPC lewds from solid artists.
>large pulls in low level dungeons will now be viable, even if you die you can just sac pull
who ready for fast sastasha roulettes and butthurt chatlogs?
I don't think you understand the nature of this degenerate commission. He wanted me to write it with my own WoL, not his.
Merri is a good guy.
>Pure opinion
It's objectively not. MNK in HW played the same as MNK in ARR; you upkept TK, Demolish, and ToD (and fracture, if you were one of those people) while weaving in your damage filler skills - thats it. Asides from that you gained some oGCDs (one you barely used unless the fight had massive amounts of downtime), and move you used once or twice a fight. SB was more of the same, only they removed Fracture and ToD in exchange for more reliable chakra generation to make FC more core. Fundamentally, nothing had changed, you're core gameplay was still identical.
>It's very clear that this was the same bandaid treatment
It doesn't matter if RoW was a "bandaid", it was your most versatile and strongest GL tool. It allowed you to refresh GL instantly as long as a enemy was targettable, meaning it was more versatile than RoE AND Anatman (and wasn't a DPS loss like SSS).
>Crit effects have been reduced and removed across the board, if you hadn't noticed
Maybe you should notice that MNK benefits from crit more than ever now
>you're pulling this all out of your ass.
No, because I'm not brainded and can actually think of how skills can be used. Anatman is ONLY useful for a period of downtime longer than 20 seconds where you're forced to drop GL (something that already didn't matter since PB/RoW let you instantly regen your stacks), and SSS is only useful as a minor potency gain in situations where you're forced away from the boss for more than 2 GCDs.
Yes user, I'm sure you'd be a great addition to the job development team with your inspirational idea of "give monks more guaranteed crits". I'm sure the fact that they're the only job in the game that has a guaranteed crit effect on a weaponskill has no bearing on this wonderful suggestion.
Use the money to buy more dignity later.
That's basically half this thread talking meta like they're actually a part of it lol
Well then, I believe that has it about right.
That works in some fights but in fights where the boss aggros from further away it's more optimal to tackle into them. It also depends on whether you need to RoF early or not.
>What's the difference?
You're delaying Demolish by more than the amount you're shortening your first GCD by. You ideally want to go demolish -> tackle riddle double weave. If you can double weave a pot then you open in FoF, demo, FoW tackle, DK, RoW pot, etc.
>Too risky
No it's not, you just need to stop double weaving TK at the end of PB.
>Is this really that matters when you don't have GL3?
Your last GCD in PB still has the GL3 speed buff because it snapshot it before you weaved the TK. If your ping is high then you should go PB, snap demo DK TS TK Snap FoW Tackle bootshine RoW FoF. I have ~25 ping and I still avoid double weaving during PB.
>Japs use gamepads. They have giant clear rates.
Most jap raiders use keyboards especially on high APM jobs or healers. You at the very least need to rearrange your hotbars so you can be preclicking your oGCDs to compensate for ping. You should already be pressing IR the moment the GCD before it is ending.
The guy that has every job's ultimate tier weapon.
They mark their pfs with 'jponly', but other than that, no. There's enough of an english speaking community to push back against that kind of thing.
is BRD doodoo now? im a big noob idiot please explain
What ping problems is it gonna have? Wildfire only counts weapon skills and not OGCDs in it's potency stacking. I think you'd need absolutely atrocious ping before you'd run into issues with just popping rapid, wild and then plugging in 6 skills.
If you ping is that bad you're probably gonna be more concerned with your hitbox lagging behind in every single aoe than a couple hundred potency every minute.
>shipping someone else's WoL with their/that person's/random waifu
Oh, who gives a shit?
He doesn't know, it's not k own until the end. Thancred spends the whole game protecting her as the one bit of light that your darkness shouldn't consume, only for her to be revealed to have been the darkest part of you all along when she rejoins you to help you beat the final boss.
Stop trying to understand the mind of a cuckold.
No you stupid retard you dont fucking get it. You're delaying your GCDs. You would make up the damage provided by using SSS every 30 seconds with tackle and EF weaved in if you instead did your normal rotation without it. It's literally designed to be used during phase transitions and only that. It would need to be at least 600 potency to be considered unusable as part of the rotation
For this, rather
This entire Yotsuyu story line is upsetting.
Male Roegadyn.
I used to be a giant fanta whore changing race/gender almost every other week, but when I went with male Roe something clicked and I haven't changed since then (at least not for long).
this your lala? she's sexy
you should give a shit since he's one of the few people that actually played the shadowbringers beta build.
>(and wasn't a DPS loss like SSS)
It was though since it did less damage than Fire Tackle.
If this user is who I think it is, he has a richfag friend that trolls him with absurd fic commissions for absurd sums of money so that he can do dramatic readings of the embarrassing results to their friends.
You'll have to be more specific than that.
>Pure opinion.
It's not an opinon. Nothing drastically altered monk's playstyle for the game's entire lifespan from 2.0 until they added the stack generation to shoulder tackle. The only change HW made was moving the entire rotation forward 1 GCD with Form Shift.
>It's very clear that this was the same bandaid treatment they gave to AST in the latter days of heavensward, if you were even around for that. They had their cards and general potencies massively improved overall, only to have them rebalanced with stormblood.
And yet Anatman serves the exact same function as Riddle of Wind does, but is objectively worse at it.
>Crit effects have been reduced and removed across the board, if you hadn't noticed. It's likely they underestimated the widening numbers gap between high crit/dcrit parties and less synergistic ones when implementing dcrit.
You might have a point if Dancer didn't exist.
>Unless you work for the development team or attended the media tour, you're pulling this all out of your ass.
You don't have to work for anyone to be able to do the basic math that 400 is less than 170 + 150 from leaden fist + 170, which is the absolute minimum amount of damage the two GCDs you lost by using SSS would have been.
also fuck off, I've been playing MNK since like 2.2 which is why I know exactly why I'm not keen on going back to ARR rotations.
No, because your choice wasn't
>Wind Tackle or Fire Tackle
it was
>Wind Tackle and keep GL3 or Fire Tackle and drop GL3
Guess which one was is a DPS loss?
No it wasn't because it generated stacks and fire tackle did not
looks like esper-terra
You mean the beta build that has historically changed every time in the past media tours to release?
Her death wasn't as gruesome as I was hoping, I wanted her to be completely insane even after we beat her, and we have to put her out of her misery. Kind of lessened the sympathy knowing she was completely herself as she died.
Also that bitch killed asahi before we had the chance. Spectre doesn't count.
Is bard kill?
Your elezen and highlander were very pretty
Full time jobs go a long way, user.
>but fire tackle has the bigger number
>Wipe at TG because all the retards are in the same alliance
Who I'm laughing at, I still choke at grand cross
She had dibs
What's the hairdryer doing there?
Female midlander foreverlander.
>Very merri as a name
>came to love stormblood drk
I want him to get gangraped by a pack of mhiggers to be honest.
And how does that make him a massive bigot? It's just a word, is he not hiring people based on their skin? Is he actively firing people based on their skin? Is he killing people based on their skin? No so he is not a bigot in any way, people are just to eager to destroy others using whatever power they have, the SJW's are no different.
>No, because your choice wasn't
>>Wind Tackle or Fire Tackle
>it was
>>Wind Tackle and keep GL3 or Fire Tackle and drop GL3
>Guess which one was is a DPS loss?
There's absolutely no fucking choice to have user. Form Shifting to coeurl for an instant GL reset is always a better option than using Wind Tackle to reset GL.
You're not meant to mourn Yotsuyu, but Tsuyu and Gosetsu's bond. Yotsuyu couldn't be saved, but Gosetsu gave her a brief period of respite where she could be the innocent girl her upbringing prevented her from ever being. And Yotsuyu's death illustrates that however brief that time was, it wasn't wasted or any kind of trick.
>~25 ping
And I thought my ping is low.
>Most jap raiders use keyboards especially on high APM jobs or healers.
I see tons of pad players NIN/MNKs on youtube. You're right about hotbars. It is not so comfortable. I can say not intuitive at all. I have no idea how to arrange them and japs use weird mapping for MNKs. No such problem with NIN tho. You probably can imagine why
Now try Mustard Dio taking 10 minutes and wiping on Agrias.
Hey thanks, user.
If I ever bothered to level an alt I would probably bring one of them back.
I have a full time job too, and still wouldn't buy an 18 dollar glamour off the mogstation. Especially one as low effort as that.
I mean if you liked being the party's bitch then yeah it is kill. Now if you hated having to stop to cast a song or two then this is BRD is an improvement.
Delete this sir, Yea Forums deliberately avoids understanding the plot of Final Fantasy games.
why do people hate stormblood dark arts? I don't have much issue with it. is it awkward keybind placement or they suck with controller?
>It's another "tanks are all scared to MT for no goddamn reason" episode
This week has been the worst I've had just trying to get coins for dyable shit in a while
>Tank keeps spining mustadio
>I'm a BL Mage
No, you just have to deal with earning your spot in raids now.
Good thing that all the ShB jobs are better designed than they were before without exception and the only people complaining are "raiders" who have never touched any content in their life's and only theory craft.
>"tanks are all scared to MT for no goddamn reason" episode
I'd rather that happen than having 2 tanks constantly spinning the boss by fighting for aggro.
I'm surprised nobody did the joke before
This. I was upset when Asahi killed here. The scene was absolutely bullshit. WoL just standing still without any reaction. Knowing WoL he would have stop Asahi.
There are situations where you can't hit the boss before GL3 falls off, in those cases you instantly regain your stacks with Demo/SP->tackle/RoW. Learn how to play before you start mouthing off.
I have less than 25 ping because I use a VPN with a spoofing feature that effectively lets me input as though I had 0 ping. However I did have high ping before I started using a VPN, so I know how it feels trying to do the TK rotation with high ping.
>I see tons of pad players NIN/MNKs on youtube.
It's not impossible, you just need to make sure it's setup so that you can hit your oGCDs simultaneously with your GCD. As long as you're comfortable with that and practice it it should work fine, although it's pointless now since it's all going away in 5.0.
The same Merri guy has been the only one vocally preaching that DRK is amazing in ShB.
Do you guys trust him or do you think he's delusional?
Inner release is just a worthless CD right now just meld crit if you are that obsessed with a dead skill. PB being 2 mins how is that even a big deal? That only matters because the only thing this board wants is to suck "raider" dick with TK rotation, the only reason.
bl mage
What changed?
>still memeing about ping issues when it was brought up by a dude that didn't even get to play MCH
That's the charm of it at least for me. Simple and clean not to say looks good on my character. Also like you said it is the glam for the month for rich kiddos. Once they pop out a new one they will just move to that. Same thing happened with the angel outfits.
Please, don't. I don't want to fap to Lalas again while I'm still sore
Nothing will ever top /pizza
She was already dying. The WoL let Asahi do his thing because he knew he would get rekt.
It's annoying and you're a tank so it literally gets in the way if you need to do something else. Dark arts constantly gets in the way. Shadowbringers went the other extreme and made it braindead instead. Lose/Lose. It's not fun to use an ability over and over with everything you do.
If you can upkeep GL3 through Form Shift Coeurl > Snap, then you weren't going to be using Wind Tackle anyways you dingus. The point is that Wind Tackle exists for any situation where that ISN'T possible, or in the case where you have no GL stacks thanks to them expiring (slow tank in dungeon, burned PB for add phase DPS before a phase transition, fucked up your form shift timing, TKd something for clutch burst damage) you can just use both of them.
Now this is funny
You must be joking, not only does the SkS penalty for RoF still exist, MNK lost more tools than it gained. That's not good design
>Inner release is just a worthless CD
goddamn you're stupid
You don't have to play the game to know that weaving in a 1.5s GCD is impossible with more than 150 ping.
>BL Mage
>Naruto frog
Fucking hell user
>Knowing WoL he would have stop asahi.
And you base this assumption on how many instances of WoL stopping someone from doing something immensly stupid?
I don't trust any of the content creators of XIV.
>There are situations where you can't hit the boss before GL3 falls off, in those cases you instantly regain your stacks with Demo/SP->tackle/RoW. Learn how to play before you start mouthing off.
Nice goalpost user. We were talking about refreshing GL, not adding stacks.
>It allowed you to refresh GL instantly as long as a enemy was targettable
Well he's the only one who actually played the game instead of watching a video or reading what someone else said.
he couldn't because doing is attacking an emissary of garlemald and thus result in war with garlemald
Sure and what if you want an alternative to weaving and just want to dump all you oGCD's at one time every time they are up and use SSS for that? Why does it matter if it's not optimal when it barely loses out on damage that you wern't going to be doing anyways? Not every skill needs to be used by "raiders" like RoE does any top percentile parse even touch that button?
Then don't play a job that needs more than 150 ping. I have very shit internet and live in the Midwest and still manage 80ms to the XIV datacenters.
This has been a staple for me the entire expansion. Especially seeing how hard they dropped the ball when it comes to including actual asian themed sets into the game.
Can the crystal braves fuck up ever be topped?
I would normally agree but taking 5 minutes to silently play chicken with each other before someone face pulls and is forced to tank now is infuriating.
I cant tell if its more annoying than taking the MT spot after 5 seconds and then some nigger in the other alliance suddenly goes "Oh I'll MT but I didn't open lol" and making shit stupid for a few seconds.
I use to have a lalafell named "BL Mage"
>2 tanks constantly spinning the boss by fighting for aggro.
Had that during my MSQ Ravana, so fun.
>Go to Hydaelynhub
>Gonna look some hot anal.
>Video doesn't include tag for Lalafel.
How is this allowed?
And if shit goes south and the boss becomes targetable while you have only a few seconds left and aren't in coeurl form, RoW is still better than Anatman for saving your stacks
>Fantasia whore
>Every character looks at least decent
>filters out all the casual scum
Thank me later
tp removal and being able to teleport to boss room as long as someone is inside
It was consumed by too many things, namely syphon strike. If you wanted dark arts carve & spit , you needed to use DA after souleater and C&S after hard slash, otherwise you had to double weave a lot.
It's a strict DPS loss because the number one thing you should be doing no matter what is keep your GCD rolling. Intentionally stopping your GCD for about two rolls every 30 seconds will put you behind in longer fights.
>stop expecting these poor indie devs to fix their game or their servers, just don't play it!
You know what, that's good advice.
> I have very shit internet and live in the Midwest and still manage 80ms to the XIV datacenters.
If you're on the east coast you will never get sub 100ms and 80ms is still garbage for a AAA game. There's no excuse for this shit and it's been proven that XIV's servers have batshit retarded routing that leads to people getting twice as much ping as they should based on distance alone. Just using a routing service to fix this causes you to get reasonable ping but you shouldn't have to pay a third party for the game you already pay for to function properly.
>then don't play
Stopped reading.
I don't trust him or any media tour shill, but while I don't agree with some changes, I still think that ShB DRK can be fun (or at least more fun than SB's version).
>culls healers dps kits
>doesn't remove Rescue
Thanks Yoshi, really gonna love dying in that part because of some epic memer.
>And if shit goes south and the boss becomes targetable while you have only a few seconds left and aren't in coeurl form
Why would this ever happen if you're not a bumbling retard who started playing the job yesterday?
Abilities aren't designed around the player being a fucking idiot.
Also to answer your question it depends on the fight, the big fists in O11S are a good use for RoE
Do you get more rested exp from loging out in an Inn bed compared to in a sanctuary?
Oh god JP twitter.
>We were talking about refreshing GL, not adding stacks.
No, we were talking about situations where you'd use Wind Tackle over Fire Tackle, ie a situation where you NEED it to refresh your GL. If you can refresh GL normally, you wouldn't be using fucking Wind Tackle. Point being that RoW was flexible to the point where it sealed nearly every hole in MNKs GL management, so gutting it in favor of a shitter, far more situational version (literally only useful for phase transitions) is retarded.
Are you fucking retarded? WAR is literally the best fucking job in the game. If you guys get nerfed it's only for like 5 seconds
ROE is used in every fight where it can be used to keep stacks actually. Check any chaos parse and they likely use it after the orb.
>Not every skill needs to be used by "raiders'
Yeah but if your job is to do damage and you're intentionally choosing to do less damage due to being lazy, you're being a faggot, regardless of whether you're raiding or an expert roulette hero.
Just because it increases dps does not mean it's a good skill. It is a very generic x% dps increase that is not engaging or thoughtful to use in any way. It being gone is literally not even worth mentioning.
WoL defend journalist cat girl from bullet in Ridorana Lighthouse. He didn't even know her. WoL has bigger bonds with Gosetsu. Hel lwe even see Gosetsu's "spirit" in the middle of fight. How can WoL ignore this?
Asahi screams about failed negotiation before this scene. WoL don't need to attack him but to disarm. Even for own safety.
JP lalafells are so cute
Since it's impossible to ask /xivg/ anything but dilation advice I'll ask here, if the most "advanced" content I've done in SB was sus ex is it worth resubbing for a bit? I need shit to play
translate it weebs
>Abilities aren't designed around the player being a fucking idiot.
Then why did they buff FoF when it's a DPS loss now? Then why did they add SSS which is useless except when the boss goes untargetable or you're forced out of melee range or you're a fucking idiot who needs a 5s GCD to weave your skills?
my nigger
My point was that I do not care if it was a 100% dps loss across the entire fight, my point was if a person was not going to use any oGCDs during the entire fight then using them during the free five seconds from SSS is a dps gain no matter what.
Honestly if c@bois had better proportions and weren't manlets I would probably stick with the one I made on the bottom-left. I really liked how he turned out.
Oh well.
If you got nothing better to do go for it. Most of the Shb primals are fun and you can finish omegascape
>yeah sure the job is less fun to play but it doesn't matter because I"m a mad limsa tranny who is OBSESSED with raiders
have you beat the msq? have you caught up on gear? it's worth resubbing for those if not for gathering gil or friends to prepare for next expansion in a month.
If you think that SE is going to fix their servers at all for this game, you're delusional. By now you should know that there is always going to be weird fucking jank and shit design choices, It's not acceptable, but you still obviously accept it if you give them money even for a month.
Yet it doesn't increase dps does it? So where is it's optimal placement in your opener? Where do you switch from RoF to RoE to gain dps?
It's a good time to get ready for Shadowbringers, if you are planning to play it.
Keeping your stacks is a huge DPS increase actually.
>I have less than 25 ping because I use a VPN with a spoofing feature that effectively lets me input as though I had 0 ping.
So visually in game you have 0 ping but in realty everything just being adjusted automatically later?
Koreans are mad because they're making imperialism outfits with the new hats/glamour.
So WoL interveened to save an innocent person but didn't do anything while a little shit that set us up decided to finish our job for us and ended up dying for it. Sounds about right to me.
Yes and no
Alright I'll give it a shot for a month. Used to play on a controller and am switching to kbm so this is going to be a bitch
I wanna lewd these potatoes.
>shitty Miqo'te and Au'ra shoehorning themselves into the image, completely ruining it
Why are c@ and lizard players always the worst?
Just solo it. Not that hard.
But you can just not use SSS and weave your ogcds normally
>>Abilities aren't designed around the player being a fucking idiot.
>He said, as an entire class gets gutted to pre-expansion levels because people were too stupid to figure out the new rotation
>inb4 "b-but tornado kick rotation was unintended!"
Literally not an excuse, and doubly not an excuse when they could've taken this as an opportunity to smoothly integrate it into the actual rotation instead of the jury-rigged "LOW PING ONRY" version we have.
>vote kick
Looks a little bit like mine, minus the eye scar.
I ended up using the Scion's Rogue Bandana since I can't stand that ridiculous knotted forehead on that face, but it's also the only male Miqote face I like