Healer isnt healing

>healer isnt healing
>tell him he's shit
>"lol im not gonna heal u now"

YOU NEVER WERE IN THE FIRST PLACE RETARD!!!!! why are healers always the worst kind of people, Yea Forums?

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im not healing you because you are dead a better group member then alive

dumb frogposter BTFO


>DPS detected
Because you keep standing in the bad shit, fuck face.

>>"lol im not gonna heal u now"
this. this right here pisses me off. for the healers see healing as some sort of personal apperication of the healee and not just an action to further the game is fucking retarded.

>Yea Forums
Gtfo retard.

Good to know that doing that is an effective way to piss people off.

>making people angry on purpose
grow up

If you get hit by mechanics you should have been able to avoid, you got hit while fully aware and prepared that you would not be receiving heals to compensate for your lack of skill or lazyness, and deal with the consequences alone.
Don't like it? Feel free to get the fuck out of my group any time.

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tfw trying to keep everyone alive and someone dies anyway

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>be me
>healer main
>gotta ignore the shit player to focus on healer the good players
>mfw he tells me i'm shit

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>medic isn't healing me
>get autobalanced
>tear him apart

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This, stop fucking go so far into danger and maybe I'll heal you because it's worth it.

>telling other people to grow up
have sex

>player always manages to get themselves hurt at an absurd rate compared to everyone else
>they expect to have top healing priority

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>telling other people to have sex
get a job

>retards take avoidable damage
If I don't heal them they die and slow the group down, If I heal them they get accustomed to getting healed for doing dumb shit and never improve. This is why I don't play healer.

>too much of a lazy cuck to do his job properly
if you cant keep everyone alive you're just shit
do your job
do your FUCKING job

healers are legitimately terrible people. you are morally and ethically TERRIBLE people

imagine playing multiplayer games and having to rely on gamers of all people to have your back.

Why the fuck do you healfags act so entitled? Just shut up and heal, god damn.

Healsluts are too busy fawning over their chad tanks to care about morality

It's all around a terrible feel. It almost makes you want to actually talk in the game.

>DPS going full Leroy Jenkins
>Tank not aggroing
>other DPS fighting all different mobs
>everyone scattered across the dungeon
>everyone dies
>get kicked from the match for not healing
You'd quickly understand what healers have to go through if you'd try to endure other players as one first.

Or MAYBE just MAYBE you could actually try communicating with them to see if a solution might arise you passive aggressive little bitch

If anyone ever asks for a heal from me then I will specifically not heal that person. The more times they ask the less likely I am going to heal you and I will lose the raid before I become your servant.

"Fuck you this was never a problem before"

whatever, I'm not gonna heal u now

Stop standing in the fire


underage spotted

After you.

dis. OP, stop being an asshole or I will never heal you.

gtfo newfag

>tfw no one on your team ever asks for a heal, but you keep getting shafted and messing up and aren't sure if you're doing a good job or not

Oh I do communicate well in advance that they are not receiving heals for getting avoidable damage and acting like a dumbass, you don't need to worry about that.

Can't heal stupidity, sorry

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I doubt anyone enjoys playing with you.

Not my problem, besides I wouldn't have a static if that was the case.

just stop dealing damage or drop aggro and see what happens

>dead on ground for 5 minutes
>ask for rez
>"just run back"

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Try living without us faggot.

reread the OP

Only bad players care what other players do. Your focus should be fulfilling your own role to the best of your ability. If you're able to see problems in what other people are doing, then I guarantee that you are not playing at peak capacity yourself.
Mistakes are an inevitability. Poor play is an inevitability. Death is an inevitability. You cannot change people by screaming at them. You cannot improve other people. Make friends with someone competent and you won't have this problem, but if you're having this problem, you probably can't make friends.

Where's the problem then? Dying again? :^)

This 100%

Team loses when healer can't keep people alive, keeping people alive is healer role

If there are communication problems a healer needs to be the one leading the charge for coordination, because it's their job that can't be done if people aren't aware of eachother

Healers are the niggers of any game they play

I don't care about healers not healing. The true cancer is healers nit dpsing.

>that filename

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they just say
>lol just heal me dumbass

Battle medics get the bullet first

Yea Forums

Battle medics get the fucking medals first for double contribution and speeding up the dungeon

I'm gonna start my FF14 career now, downloaded the trial and created my healer. Question is, white mage or scholar at the beginning? Also, which server

I didn't revive people in Battlefield if they started to bitch about revives. It doesn't even count as another death for them or a ticket loss. It's worth a shot because 50% of the time, they could still survive even in the middle of a big battle if they weren't retarded and started running.

might as well go white mage, scholars are about to enter the cuck concentration camp

Are healer mains the most obnoxious and entitled type of player in existence?
>DPS: Flames everyone indiscriminately
>Tank: Flames the DPS whenever the team is losing
>Healer: Never flames but is a passive aggressive piece of shit, and believes themselves to be the team's savior. Enjoys throwing the game by getting back at their "ungrateful" team by not healing them

Because they are women

goddamn ESLs

>healer won't heal me for whatever reason
>unavoidable AoEs eventually deplete my HP
>keep dying
>I look like a complete shitter who can't stay alive
>calling the healer out on their bullshit would just make it look like I'm shifting blame
>shut up and lie still
>but with dignity

I hate MMOs

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NO. The fact that the role of healer exist doesnt mean that the one filling that role needs to babysit you or """cordinate""" you, good positioning, tactics, map awareness, other player positions ALL OF THOSE are esential skills that EVERY PLAYER in a multiplayer game NEEDS to learn you stupid retard.
Healer job its to heal teammates not following you into a 5 vs 2 scenario because your fuckign shit ass retard brain its oblibious to whats happening in the game outside your fucking FOV. Fuck you and every fucign brain dead moron like you that blames other people for their very own shit as mistakes. Cunt.

>le epic ironic bazoinga meme XD
Or maybe just maybe you are shit at your role. Nah, annon having poor performance? thats imposible.

Call the healer a nigger anyway

Tfw no pocket healer/support to carry through games.

Why don't you fuck off back to your shithole? This isn't reddit this isn't Yea Forums so pick one and go get fucked in your place of choice

Bullshit. You waste a goddamn slot and your mana for doing the tank and dps’ jobs. Know your role, and shut your mouth

You are the ultimate spineless cuck

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esl or did you have a stroke?

seething retard

god healers are genuinely autistic. i would kill you with my bare hands

>healer isnt healing
>tell him he's shit
>"lol im not gonna heal u now"
>leave party or kick them
>im a tank so whatever i say goes

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Based tank.

why are frogposters so unfunny?

>playing team games with strangers instead of your real life bros

oh wait this is Yea Forums hahahaha

Why are tanks so stupid thinking they're everything? Work with me and we can control the team. By yourself, you're not going to survive.

why tell him hes shit
why not just say "heal me pls"

why are anti-frogposters so cringe?


get in line you fucking healslut
there's thousands of you and maybe 500 of me

You are the one crying like a faggot. Maybe you should git gud and stop using words you dont understand the meaning of, retard.

>Yea Forums

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>some players in raid are new to raid and perform badly
>focus healing them so they can learn the mechanics and improve because the people playing well are avoiding damage and need less healing

Anything else is pure nigger tier healing. You have a job you fucking faggots, not a volunteer position.

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Because tanks ARE everything faggot. Without us you’ll be stuck waiting for hours

i think you guys are forgetting that i, the dps, play the most important role

sure dps are a diamond dozen, but a proper dps who knows how to play well is worth a thousand tanks and healers

>diamond dozen
every time

99% of the time it's literally your fault for being a stupid cunt and of course people are going to be a cunt back when their first impression of you is you saying their shit. It amazes me that so many people don't understand the simple concept of first impressions.

Get the fuck out of here ricky, you're banned from this trailer park.

>Implying a Yea Forumsirgin like you has any friends or any leadership abilities.
The usual braindead CumRagTank.

healers are generally people who want to feel like they're helping. but also they get egotistical since the team 'relies' on them.

Yeah and their first impression of the healer is that he sucks shit and can’t do his job right. Two way street.

difference between being bad at a video game and just being a massive cunt

Healers like the one in the OP are usually both

Pretty much this you heal wen its needed and who needs it. The problem are shit players that think they NEED to be the focus of healers and instead of avoiding damage.

>playing healer
>notice brain-dead DPS keeps getting killed off on his own
>third time he dies, he decides to complain in chat
>"I thought we had a healer on our team? no?"
>don't repsond since I'm too busy healing all the teammates that aren't faffing about on their own
>he dies again, on his own, a minute later
>"why don't you heal??"
>tank tells him to STFU
>I type in chat, "what a whiner"
>everyone else in the group LOLs

Get laughed at, son.

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he probably was busy healing someone else more important or fucking COOLDOWNS you dumb retard

and then you sucked the tanks dick

>be decent but not amazing healer
>don't want to join guild because I'm afraid of commitment
>never improve because I can't get groups for endgame content and have no one to teach me

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Worst feeling. I love playing as healers and helping people but It feels so bad when someone dies, especially if they say stuff like "Don't worry, your doing good" or "It was my fault". Makes me feel like shit.

So I want to get that healslut itch scratched, what are some good MMOs to heal in? It does not have to be free.

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>playing HotS
>Cassia raging like a retard in aram because someone is playing Ana for the first time
>completely stops healing her
>starts to improve while she heals everyone but her
>Cassia keeps running in and dying when we are behind on a talent or outnumbered
>wow dude u suck lol
based Ana

>implying you actually need some shitty tank to run anything
Before aion had its first actual expansion assassins were the only ones who could tank the hardest boss

>everyone keeps praising my healing
>statistics say im well above average
>would rather dps and have no responsibilities instead of stressful gameplay

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games with cooldowns are shit

FFXIV, start white mage then get astrologian if you make it to heavensward

>he dies a millisecond before your cast finishes

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im using my skills i learned from wow to start running my first business

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This is why I liked archeage where you can kill your own faction. Some faggot not doing his job in pve right? Does something at ALL I don't like? Than I find him doing his gay farming shit out in the open world and camp his ass bevause hes a faggy healer or tank and cant pvp. and than disappear when he calls his guild to save him only to come back and camp him again after they leave

You sound like a real jerk

then someone does it to you and you cry on Yea Forums

I am that's why I liked archeage because they promoted scamming, PKing, piracy, griefing and every other cut throat practice outside of hacking. Even impersonating an admin was permissible. It was like the old EVE days except with good gameplay

Never happened, I was in like the top 1% of gear in the game.

Is there any game more satisfying to heal in than Guild Wars 1?

Monk in GW1 has a massive skill ceiling and is so rewarding if you git gud at it, you basically become an immortal god.

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I've been told ff11 is the better mmo, is there any truth to that or is it just nostalgiafags?

If he didn't already heal you then why do you care that he won't heal you again? Fucking small brain tank retard